A Destiny Revealed

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A Destiny Revealed Page 6

by Andersen, Dria

  Sounded a lot like denial to him. He was making progress. Hiding a smile, he moved to sit in the lone chair in the room.

  “Dawn is coming soon, and we should talk before you rest for the day.” He kept his voice calm to dispel the tension. He frowned as a thought occurred to him. “What happens to you at dawn?”

  Dalia shook her head and stomped over to her bed. “None of your business. Do you think I’m going to help you kill me in my sleep?” She sat on the edge of the bed her shoulders stiff, her eyes wary.

  Bron sighed again.

  Two steps back.

  He knew she didn't trust him; he just did not know why that hurt his feelings. Tension showed in the tight set of her shoulders and he could see the exhaustion in her eyes. He ached to comfort her but he could well imagine the tongue-lashing she would give him. His body tightened and lust clenched his stomach at the thought of her tongue touching any part of him. He shifted in the chair.

  He leaned forward staring at her, trying to figure out why this woman held him so enthralled. She was prickly and smart-assed but he couldn't remember the last time he had enjoyed someone’s company so much. Of course, it didn't hurt that her skirt was short and gave him an enticing view of her smooth, long legs. His beast moved through his body, very much interested in this churlish woman.

  “Quit staring at me. It makes me nervous.” She stood and started pacing putting action to her words.

  Bron barely contained his smile at her mutinous expression. Her nose was scrunched in displeasure.

  “What would you have me do, Dalia? You've yet to answer a question without a sarcastic remark,” he said amused, “I have no other recourse but to sit here and stare at you.”

  Dalia rolled her eyes. “This'll go faster if you just tell me what you think I need to know. I have to take a shower before dawn so I don’t have time to sit here and shoot the breeze with you.” She feigned nonchalance, but her curiosity was obvious in the furtive glances she cast his way.

  “By all means, take your shower. I can wait here while you do.” His voice deepened. Visions of her wet, stole his breath. His skin prickled as his animal perked up, swiping at Bron's control. “Please, don’t mind me.”

  “I'm not getting naked in front of a crazy stalker,” she snapped.

  Goddess, she was sexy in her anger. Her hands on her hips pushed her breasts forward and Bron swore he would swallow his tongue.

  “Fine then Dalia, have it your way,” he sighed dramatically. “Are you going to pace for the entire conversation?” He hoped not, otherwise she would see the growing erection he tried to hide.

  Dalia glared at him, making no move to sit.

  Bron stared at her with amusement.

  “Just talk,” she demanded.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to take a shower first?”

  Dalia's gaze drifted down to the bulge in his pants and shook her head.

  Yeah, she noticed. His lips lifted in a smug smile he couldn't hide.

  She sat on the edge of the table, her eyes defiant, and motioned for him to start talking.

  “My brothers and I are warriors of the African goddess Oya,” he started.

  “You are from Africa?”

  “Yes, I live there, in Oya’s temple.”

  “What do her warriors do?” She looked past him, her face thoughtful.

  “Ajo, like you, have been stealing powers from her temple beyond the veil. Our job is to get those powers back.” He answered.

  Her heart rate picked up, thumping noticeably at the hollow of her throat. “Do they kill the vampires to get the power back?” Her energy spiked, she sent a quick nervous glance to the door.

  “Calm down, Dalia.” He rubbed his chest. His animal prowled his body restlessly. Magic danced along his skin. “You keep referring to yourself as a vampire, but we don't see you as such. Vampires don't hold the power the Ajo do. We know some of the Ajo are being turned involuntarily. Our goddess gave us a way to extract the powers without harming the individual.” He hoped he sounded reassuring; he briefly wished for his brother’s gift to calm with his voice.

  “What’s the difference? I was converted by a vampire.”

  Her chin lifted, it was a gesture he began to associate with her stubbornness. "Individuals who are descended from the Aje tribe are different than other humans, so the conversion is different. The results, if the conversion works is a different breed altogether."

  "How do you tell us apart?"

  “The powers stolen are corrupt and the evil taint in the magic eventually drives the host crazy. By the time we find them they are more than happy to rid themselves of the power.”

  Hope lit her eyes. “Does it make them human again?"

  Bron shook head. “It will only release the corrupted magic from their bodies.” Compassion for her softened his voice.

  Dalia stood and paced her small room. “Is there any other way besides the tattoos that help you differentiate the Ajo from other vampires?” she asked without looking at him.

  Bron inclined his head in thought. “The Ajo are crazy with power and enjoy hurting people. I don't know much about vampires, but I’m to understand that they can feed without killing humans. Not so for the Ajo, they thrive on the adrenaline rush from the killing.”

  Bron watched her pace and wished he could do something to help her with all the nervous energy. He smiled to himself; he had a few ideas about how to redirect all that energy.

  He sobered, he shouldn’t think of her that way, she was Ajo after all, but he couldn't help but get excited by the sensual way she moved. He rubbed his chest to calm his beast. He was having a hard time focusing on anything other than her. His animal stood poised, right on the edge of his subconscious as though waiting for something.

  “Do you want me to take your corrupted powers?” Bron asked after growing tired of watching her pace. The look she gave him was leery, her eyes promising retribution if he came near her.

  She paused in front of him curiosity replacing the doubt. “Will it hurt?”

  She licked her lips in nervousness and Bron had to clutch the sides of the chair to keep from going to her. His heart pounded in his chest, the small hint of vulnerability from her calling out to him. He winced as he felt his jeans biting into his erection. This woman would be the death of him.

  “What am I thinking?” she muttered. “I don’t want to do anything that would make me weaker.” She worked her bottom lip with her teeth in testament to her jumbled thoughts.

  Bron held his breath. He selfishly wanted her to say yes. Without the Ajo powers he would have less objection from the Ijoye when he brought her to the safe house. If he were being honest with himself, taking the corrupted powers from her would make it easier for him to claim her.

  Bron stiffened as the thought crossed his mind. He had no business trying to fit her into his life, but his heart stuttered as he thought of her not in his life. His beast circled through him anxious, Bron barely controlled the rise of power. He closed his eyes and sighed, he'd figured out what his beast waited for. The trick was figuring out how to make it work.

  Chapter 8

  HE MADE A SHOW of checking his watch. “It’s your decision.” He needed to think and being this close to her was fogging his mind. “I'll leave so you can prepare for dawn. Call me tomorrow night and we can talk further.” He stood and walked from the room without waiting for her answer. Bron waited at the door intending to call Zahra, but Dalia's shy touch in his mind stopped him.

  'How am I supposed to call you?'

  'The same way you are talking with me now.'

  'Fine', she snapped and Bron smiled at her sullen tone. 'How is it we are able to talk this way?'

  'You are a part of our tribe, Dalia. We are all connected through the oracle.' Bron told her patiently. 'We can talk about it tomorrow.'

  She withdrew from his mind and he turned his thoughts to the oracle.

  'Yes Bron?' Zahra's voice was drowsy.

  'I am sorry to
wake you, but I need to speak with you.'

  He blinked; his body jerked and was instantly in his bedroom at the safe house. He checked the small bed next to his king-sized one and made sure Little Lord slept peacefully. He took his time heading downstairs, knowing that it would take Zahra a few minutes to wake and make it to the kitchen.

  The smell of coffee greeted him as soon as he stepped into the kitchen. The Ijoye sat at the small table with two of their newest trainees. Bron couldn't remember their names, but then he was not allowed to train the new warriors, so it was moot. If only he could dismiss the bitterness that plagued him over it.

  “It’s a little early.” His voice made it a question. He grabbed the biggest mug he could find from the cabinet and filled it.

  The Ijoye tilted his head in curiosity. 'What are you doing here?'

  'I wanted to talk to Zahra.'

  Zahra chose that moment to walk into the kitchen. Bakari and the two young warriors stood as she entered the room. She absently motioned for them to sit. Her steps were groggy as she made a beeline for the coffee pot. Bron raised his eyebrow as she grabbed his cup and sipped. She moaned and took another sip.

  “You’re welcome,” he teased as he filled another cup for himself.

  She moved to sit between Bakari and one of the trainees. “Sorry, it is just too darn early.” She complained with a smile on her face. “What are you guys doing up at this ungodly hour. You should be resting. You know Fynn won’t make your training any easier just because you are tired.”

  Bron watched the way Zahra interacted with the trainees and relaxed. The oracle usually had that effect on the warriors and for once Bron was happy for it. Sparring with Dalia made him tenser than he realized.

  “They dreamed of the goddess last night.” Bakari slapped the warriors' back in approval.

  “How exciting,” Zahra beamed at the trainees. “I would like to talk to you after training then.” At their nod she turned her attention to Bron.

  'We can meet in the living room if you want privacy.' She used a private channel to speak with him telepathically. Bron nodded and followed her from the room.

  Zahra settled on the sofa, tucking her legs underneath her body and sipped from her stolen mug, waiting on Bron to start. He paced the room unsure of where to start.

  “Did you know Dalia was my mate when you sent me for her?”

  Zahra’s eyes widened as she choked. That was answer enough for him. "Really? Have you bonded with her?”

  Bron ran his hands over his hair; noting his need for a haircut. “No, but I can barely control my beast around her. It’s a battle to keep from releasing the mating bond. I don’t understand. I've barely known her more than a day and already my beast is trying to claim her.” He was tired. The stress of the night finally caught up to him. Bron shuddered and sat next to Zahra on the sofa, even talking about it brought his power to the surface.

  Zahra rubbed his back in a motion that calmed both Bron and his beast.

  “But you've been connected to her for over six months now. It would've been near impossible for you not to feel some intimacy with her.”

  He thought of the six months he'd worked with Zahra in an effort to get Dalia to meet with them. Zahra thought it would be better to talk with Dalia telepathically than to just show up at her door. After meeting Dalia, Bron knew they'd made the right decision. Dalia seemed the type to shoot first and ask questions after.

  “It's not as though we've had deep discussions, Zahra.”

  “Yes, but in order to speak with her telepathically you had to connect on some level. It'll be fine, Bron. You know as well as I you can’t control that part of your nature. It's the only concession you have to make to your animal for the power it offers you in return.”

  The warning had been passed to the warriors from their goddess when they were given the power and spirit of the lion. Their beast allowed the animal’s natural instinct to take over in situations where their human natures would balk— they found out quickly mating was one of those times.

  “Yes, but I don’t think I like being a slave to my nature.” Bron grumbled.

  Zahra laughed and pulled him to her for a hug. “Your beast has chosen a mate and there's nothing to be done about it. Your time will be better spent getting to know her and making sure she doesn't leave you to your own misery.”

  “It doesn't seem fair the female is spared the turmoil.” Need tightened his chest, sending his beast in a frenzy. He shuddered to think how bad the need would get once he physically mated with Dalia.

  “If you think we're spared, then you're not as smart as I thought you were. The bond between mates is total. When my mate hurts, so do I. Everything he feels, I feel. Trust me, it's no walk in the park for the female.” Zahra told him.

  Once their beast picked a mate, it was for life. If they are separated from their mates the restlessness, the yearning could make life hard for the warrior.

  “I’m sorry. I guess I never thought of it from the female perspective.”

  “It'll work itself out, Bron. Just get her here. The rest will fall into place." She sipped at her coffee dismissing his worries.

  Kissing her cheek, Bron stood and walked from the room. Bakari stopped him on his way out. Bron saw his expression and dreaded the conversation he knew was coming.

  “I need to speak with you.” Bakari pulled him from earshot of the oracle.

  “Yes, Ijoye?” Caution kept his tone respectful. His heart stopped when Bakari opened his fist and revealed a diamond nestled in his palm. It was cut into a square and filled the Ijoye’s palm.

  “As long as she is Ajo she poses a risk to the Oracle. Zahra must be protected at all costs, Bron. You know that.” The Ijoye placed the diamond in Bron’s palm and wrapped his fingers around it. “All you have to do is place this over her heart until it turns red. Her tattoos should fade if it’s done correctly.”

  “I know how it's done, I was once allowed to hunt.” Fury was an acrid taste in his mouth.

  The Ijoye stiffened, his eyes hardened. Bron ignored the look, feeling the stone like a heavy weight on his heart. He knew what had to be done. It irritated him, that this woman he knew nothing about could make him dread his duty to the tribe.

  “And for the record I would never do anything to endanger Zahra.” Bron sidestepped around the Ijoye, angry at the doubt he saw in his leader’s eyes. Bakari stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. Bron shook off his leader’s hand. He didn’t want to hear anymore.

  Regardless of what the Ijoye said, part of Bron’s magic was seeing past the words and guile, and deep down he could sense the distrust Bakari felt. He not only distrusted Dalia, but Bron himself, and that just pissed him off. He'd done his duty for the tribe and suffered his punishment for five hundred years. He didn't deserve distrust from his leader.

  Some part of him whispered that his attraction to Dalia could be seen as a betrayal to the tribe, but he pushed that thought aside. As the oracle said, he couldn't do anything about the person his beast chose to mate with.

  Changing his mind about going back to his room, he rushed down the hallway and out the back door calling his power to the surface. His body changed the moment the early morning air hit him. Fur rippled along his arms, his muscles and bone contorted as his animal pushed forward gladly. In his lion form he raced through the woods surrounding the safe house. He gave himself over to his beast and with a loud roar he ran off his frustration. An hour or so later, sides heaving he sat down and changed back into his human form.

  “I’ve always admired how easy you made that look.” Fynn leaned casually against a tree, watching him.

  “Leave me, Fynn.”

  Ignoring him, Fynn moved to sit next to him, tossing Bron a water bottle. “Don't let the Ijoye get to you Bron, it’s his job to worry.”

  Bron was silent a moment as he thought over the Ijoye’s words. “I would never do anything to harm your mate.”

  “To be honest with you baba, I don't want the Ajo
anywhere near my mate.” Fynn held up his hand to stop Bron from interrupting. “But, I trust you with my life and that of my mate.” He eyed the man he considered his father with a frown on his face.

  “I didn't expect this to be so complicated. I feel like my loyalty is being tested.”

  “The fact that you are so torn about it lets me know Dalia is more to you than just a task." His voice invited Bron to open up.

  “She's my mate.” The words fell between them, their impact sinking into Bron.

  Fynn stiffened in alarm. “Well, that certainly complicates things. I'll work on the Ijoye. You work on making it safe for your mate to come here.” Fynn stood, brushing the leaves from his pants. He left Bron in peace.

  Bron sat for a moment longer going over his dilemma. He breathed deep pulling in the morning air, allowing the peaceful morning to calm him. Everything circled back to him taking the Ajo powers from Dalia. What would he do if she refused?

  Chapter 9

  DALIA STARTED HER EVENING with her body feeling better than it had for a while. It was as though the injuries from the night before did not exist. She grudgingly gave Bron some credit for that. His blood was more powerful than anything she'd ever consumed. She tentatively reached out for him.

  'Yes, rewà?' Bron answered her call and his voice moved through her body in a warm tide.

  'You keep calling me that, what does it mean?'


  She quickly squashed the pleasure the small compliment gave her.

  'Did you want something?' His voice was husky, a sure sign, he knew what he did to her.

  'Nothing, I only wanted to know what time we could get together and talk tonight.' She wanted more answers from him, it didn’t hurt that she also got to spend time with him.

  'Since you're up, we can meet now.' He gave her no more warning than that before he knocked on the door.

  She rolled her eyes, she should make him stew out there. Shaking her head, she opened the door and stepped aside to allow him to enter. The corner of her mouth turned up at the smile he gave her as he walked into the room. There was something sexy about this man and she was finding it hard to resist him.


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