The man nodded and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Dalia stood to leave also but Zahra waved her back in her spot.
“Dalia, it's nice to meet you.” Ajani's voice was deep, his accent not at all what Dalia expected. The coolness of his tone, though, she'd expected that.
“Thank you, you too,” she mumbled.
“Ajani, how did you get here?”
His eyebrows lowered in confusion. “You teleported me here.”
Dalia looked between the two of them.
“I didn’t teleport you.” Zahra scrambled from the bed and stood. “How did you know what room I was in?”
Ajani shrugged. “I felt your pull.”
Bakari teleported into the room a moment later, panic written across his face.
“What has happened?” Bakari's gaze went straight to Dalia.
She shrugged her shoulders. Jeez.
“Ajani teleported into the room, but I didn't bring him here.” Zahra explained. “The pull you felt, is it the same as other times I have teleported you?”
“I can't say. My only thought was to get back here and rest.” Ajani said.
“How is that possible?” Bakari crossed his arms over his chest. Now that he could see no danger for the oracle, his stance relaxed.
“I don’t know.” Zahra said absently.
“Well, now there is officially a party in here,” Dalia muttered when Fynn teleported into the room.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he immediately went to his wife.
“How did you get here?” Zahra threw her hands in the air.
“You brought me here,” Fynn said frowning. “I felt your distress.”
Zahra shook her head, her short bob moved around her face. "Try to teleport into the kitchen.”
“Zahra, you know that-”
“Just try,” Zahra said.
Fynn frowned and shrugged his shoulder. He disappeared from the room and then reappeared less than a minute later.
“How is this possible?” he asked when he popped back into the room.
“I don’t know, but I need to speak with the goddess.” Zahra moved to the door.
Silence descended on the room when she left. The warriors all turned to her, their looks ranging from disbelief all the way to suspicion.
“Well, while this has been fun, if you guys don’t mind.” Dalia inclined her head to the door.
Everyone but Bakari left the room. Dalia prepared for his scorn but was surprised when he merely stared curiously at her.
“How is it that you are up during the day time?”
Dalia looked at the alarm clock next to her bed and noticed that it was only late afternoon. She shrugged. “It's been this way since I began feeding from Bron.”
Bakari watched her silently. “I will have shutters installed on the windows so you're free to move around during the day.” He turned to leave.
“Why the change of heart?”
“I feel you in the tribe’s link.” He shrugged. “You’re connected.” He closed the door before Dalia could respond. Family, that’s what Zahra called it, maybe they would welcome her after all.
Chapter 23
BRON PLAYED CARDS with Fynn in the living room— at least that’s what he was trying to do. His eyes kept darting to the entranceway hoping to catch sight of Dalia. It was well after sundown and he'd expected her to drift downstairs. His heart stuttered when she walked in an hour later. His beast roared in satisfaction when Bron noticed her wearing one of his t-shirts and the jeans she'd worn to the house yesterday. He, along with Fynn stood as she neared them. She waved them back into their seats.
“No need for that.” She sat next to Bron on the sofa.
His hands tightened on the playing cards. The smell his soap on her skin had him fighting himself to keep from leaning over into her lap.
“How are you this evening?” He kept his eyes focused on his cards. He knew if he looked at her he would be lost. As it was, his body was attuning to hers, feeling every shuffle, every sigh as though it were his own. His skin felt tight. Absently he rubbed his chest hoping to calm his beast.
“I’m fine, Bron.”
Her answer was polite, so he considered that progress. Bakari entered the room and Bron pulled Dalia close to his side, before he thought about it. Dalia tensed, but quickly relaxed. His beast moved through him and he knew she was able to feel it.
“What game are you playing?” Her voice was strained and Bron felt a small amount of satisfaction that she was having a hard time, same as him.
“I'm kicking his ass in gin,” Fynn answered. “Seems he is distracted.”
“Well, a beautiful woman wearing my shirt and smelling of me is a suitable distraction in my mind,” Bron's eyes never left his cards. Fynn’s laugh was cut off as his wife came into the room.
“You have spoken with the goddess?” Bakari asked.
Zahra nodded, a smile splitting her face. “She tells me that the warriors are all able to teleport on their own. It is her gift to the tribe from Dalia.” All eyes turned to Dalia. She started to say something but was interrupted by Aren teleporting into the room.
“Hot damn, we can teleport.” He announced. He high fived Zahra, but his face sobered quickly.
“What have you found out?” Bakari asked him gruffly.
“It is as Dalia said, her family is being watched. It seems to be humans during the day from what I can tell.” Aren reported.
Fury rose within Bron as he thought about the danger Dalia’s family was in. He glanced at her and saw the fear in her eyes. She cleared her throat.
“What else?” she asked and her voice was clear, strong. For that, Bron was thankful.
“The humans watching them are under heavy compulsion, it would take a very powerful vampire to keep them that way during the day time.” Aren commented. “On the bright side though, we only have to worry about three family members.” He said smiling.
Dalia’s lips tilted into a small smile, “Let me guess, my niece has gotten rid of her tail.”
“And then some,” Aren commented.
“Who would be strong enough to pull this off and what do they want?” Bakari paced the room.
Dalia could tell his mind was spinning. She looked at Zahra and the other woman raised her eyebrow.
“A vampire named Nala has asked that I lead her to the oracle and you,” she told the Ijoye. He stopped pacing, his eyes wide, eyebrows lifted in surprise.
“Me? She called me by name?” he asked.
Dalia nodded. “To me it seemed that she was not so concerned with the oracle, but more so the amulet and you, Bakari.”
“I know of no one named Nala,” Bakari said more to himself than to the group of them. His gaze pierced Dalia. “How were you to deliver us?” Dalia shrugged and Bakari resumed his pacing. The room was tense, the silence a strained one.
“How were you supposed to contact her?” Fynn asked her.
“She gave me a phone and told me to call her from here. I assumed she would be able to trace the call,” Dalia answered.
Fynn inhaled sharply. “You have this phone with you, in this house?”
Dalia could see his worry, hell she could feel it, wrapping itself around her and for a moment she started to panic. Bron touched her lightly and she pulled back.
“I left it at home. I decided to ask the oracle for help. Despite what you think about me, I would never intentionally harm someone who had done me no wrong.” Dalia didn’t bother getting offended, these people didn’t know her; she wouldn’t take it personally. “I can go back to my place to get the phone if you want me to contact her.”
“No, absolutely not,” Bron interjected. “She probably has someone watching your apartment, waiting on you.” He shuddered at the thought of someone attacking her in her home.
“It may be the only way, Bron,” Bakari said.
“I will not risk my mate,” Bron said stubbornly.
Dalia shot him a look before standing. �
�You don’t control me.”
Bron swallowed his terse reply. He would not argue with her in front of the tribe. “We can think of a better way.”
“This is the best way.” She stood with her feet apart, her eyes fiery waiting for a fight.
He would give her the fight that she wanted, but on his terms. He stood from the sofa and grabbed her arm. Before she could speak he teleported them from the room.
“Where have you taken me?”
“We are in my room at the temple.” He said simply, “if you want to fight, we can have it out here, where no one can pry.” Her anger was palpable and his fingers itched with the need to touch her. He felt the power enter the room only seconds before he was able to push her body behind his. Saleem stood at the door of his room, his face a blank mask.
“Need I ask?” Saleem’s eyes took them both in.
“No,” Bron growled. Saleem gave a Gallic shrug and walked away.
“I’m leaving,” Dalia announced.
Bron grabbed her arm quickly. “No, you are not. We're going to talk.”
“What could you possibly have to say that would excuse what you did, Bron?” Dalia crossed her arms over her chest and cocked her eyebrow.
“I was being pressured, Dalia. I didn’t know what to do. All I knew is that I wanted you with me, and the only way for that to happen was to do as I was asked. I never meant to betray you.”
“But you did. You were supposed to be different, Bron. I trusted you as I’ve trusted no one else.” Her soft voice was as effective as a scream.
Guilt swamped him. “I will pay for that mistake for a thousand lifetimes, rewà.” His chest rose and fell with his heavy breathing. “What will it take to earn your forgiveness?”
“Why won’t you leave me be?”
“Because I can’t, Dalia. I love you until I ache with it.”
Such a simple statement, but it had the power to destroy her.
“What do you want from me?” her voice betrayed her and the question came out a hoarse whisper.
“Only that you give me another chance.” Bron stepped closer to her until nothing but a breath separated them.
“I don’t give second chances.” Unshed tears made her eyes luminous and Bron couldn’t look away. His heart stopped as a niggling of doubt worked its way into him. He pushed it aside; he could not lose her again.
“Then why haven’t you left, Dalia? You have the power to leave, and yet you are still here, with me.” He taunted. “You cannot give up your mate any more than I can.”
“Do you want me to tell you I need you?” She poked her finger into his chest. “Well, I hate the fact that I need you, that I can’t breathe past wanting you. I can’t afford to love you, Bron. There is no room in my life for it.”
“It’s too late, mi ôkàn. Whether you allow yourself to love me or not, I will still love you.” He closed the space between them, his lips crushing hers in a kiss that poured out his feelings to her. She moaned and wrapped her arms around his neck and Bron mentally jumped for joy. He broke the kiss when he felt her tears against his cheeks.
“You tears are killing me, sweetheart.” He kissed her cheeks and used the pad of his thumb to wipe away her tears.
“I won’t go through this again,” she whispered.
“I will not betray you again,” he promised.
Dalia fit her mouth to his and kissed him. He lifted her in his arms and laid her gently on his bed. He made love to her slowly, each kiss making up for every hour they spent apart. She screamed his name as she reached her peak, the explosion wiping her mind. Bron followed her over the edge and she reveled in his roar as he came, his body pounding into hers. Dalia closed her eyes, and finally rested in a way she could not when they were separated.
Chapter 24
BRON WATCHED HER AS SHE SLEPT, his hands slowly stroking her hair. Her mouth was lush in sleep, her brow smooth without her normal scowl. He traced his finger across her bottom lip, couldn’t resist dipping down to steal a kiss. He growled softly as he tasted her. He moved his hands along her body reveling in her soft skin. Kissing his way further south, he delighted in the blush blooming across her skin as she came awake. He reached the center of her body, his finger dipped there briefly, moaning when he found her wet, ready for him even as her body slept. He lowered his head and took her into his mouth, his senses exploding at the taste of her.
Dalia awoke slowly, the most sensuous feelings running through her body. She tensed as she felt him at her center, her body bowing when his tongue touched her there. His name was a prayer whispered as he took her up and over the edge. He cuddled her afterwards, and they lay quiet. Dalia looked around the room and marveled at the beauty. The walls were painted a beautiful teal color that made the room feel like a haven. Unlike his room in their safe house, she could tell he lived in this one. There was a large plasma screen television on the dresser at the foot of his massive bed. There was a large playing area for his monkey that spanned the room, and his sleeping area was the size of a small sitting room.
“You love your monkey,” she said conversationally. She felt his smile against her chest.
“I do spoil Little Lord,” he admitted.
“His name is Little Lord,” she asked smiling.
“Yes, Little Lord Fauntleroy,”
“Like the children’s book?’ her surprise bark of laughter filled the room.
“What? It was a good book,” he said.
“Yeah, like two hundred years ago,” she laughed again when she remembered how old he was. “Never mind, I forgot you were around then. Why do you spoil Little Lord?”
“He has been my friend for many years. The warriors passed through here sporadically through the years never long enough for even a conversation. When I was caring for Fynn it was not so bad, but when he left I started keeping pets to keep me company. Monkeys in particular are very sacred to twins in our culture. Some believed that twins came from the Colobus monkey.”
“I'm sorry about your brother,” Dalia told him, stroking his head. His remark about twins reminded her of it.
“Thank you.” Bron moved from her lap and stood. He held out his hand to her. “I'm starving, let’s take a bath and I will fix something for you.” Dalia grabbed his hand and allowed him to pull her up. She followed him into the bathroom, where she just had to gawk. His bathroom was decked out like a roman bathhouse.
“Here’s something you don’t see in an African temple,” she said dryly. Bron laughed,
“I had a lot of time on my hand.” His grin was lascivious. They enjoyed a bath together, playing in the water. Bron helped Dalia out of the water an hour later. He wrapped her in an oversize towel.
She went back in his bedroom to scrounge for clothing. A small statue caught her attention. It was a small beautiful wooden statue, with shells adorning its neck and waist.
“It’s my brother,” he said, hugging her from behind.
“That’s nice,” she said running her finger along its head.
“When Nuru died, our mother commissioned this ibeji. Traditionally it is bathed, fed and taken care of as if he were still alive.”
“Every family does it?” Bron appreciated the genuine interest he heard in her voice.
“Every family with twins. Twins must balance each other so if one dies the ibeji is created so you do not lose that balance.” Bron turned her head and kissed her. “Time for food.” He held up a cotton dress, Dalia rolled her eyes. She didn't bother asking where he got the dress; it fit her perfectly, falling to the floor with only tiny straps holding over her shoulders.
Bron took her quickly through the temple, their bare feet silent against the marble. Pointing out different areas and its history, they tour ended in the massive kitchen Saleem lounged againt a marble island in the middle.
"I made dinner." Saleem offered as a peace offering.
Bron nodded and sat Dalia at the heavy wooden table.
“I did not know the Ajo ate,” Saleem said conversati
She rolled her eyes. “I'm able to eat.”
“Dalia takes offense to vampire myths.” Bron kissed her forehead and went to fix a plate for them both. Saleem sat with his plate and watched her silently. Bron growled from the other end of the kitchen.
"Stop", Dalia chided. "You can’t go around growling at people."
"I can if they are staring at my mate", he grumbled.
“Barbarians, the whole lot of you,” Dalia muttered. “Ask your question,” she ordered Saleem. He looked at her, surprise showing in his bedroom eyes. Hell, Dalia was just as surprised as he, she didn't know this man, but she felt close to him and was able to literally feel his curiosity.
“Your tattoos are different,” he remarked.
“Yeah, this is actually new to me too, they were black before.” she avoided Bron’s eyes. “Seems as though my powers have been unlocked,”
“Really,” Saleem set down his fork. Bron and Dalia filled him in on the things they had learned earlier in the day.
“How long are you planning to be here?” Saleem asked after their explanation. Bron shrugged. “Can you watch the mine for a day or so?”
Bron nodded and Saleem left the room. Bron wiggled his eyebrows at her now that they were alone. Dalia smiled and shook her head.
“I have you to myself, chula.” He said huskily, coming up behind her chair. He leaned down and nipped at her ear.
“Oh my, what ever will I do,” Dalia said in a false sotto voice. Bron laughed and scooped her out of her chair into his arms. Her squeal pleased him and he took off at a run through the temple. They were both breathless with laughter as he set her on her feet in his den. Dalia gasped as she saw the huge television.
“Jeez, Bron, are you sure that T.V. is big enough?” she teased. He bowed and smiled.
“Little Lord and I spend a lot of our time in here.” He grabbed her hand and showed her around. He had every gaming console and tons of games to go with it. There was a pool table on the other side of the room and a huge leather coach where he had spent many restless nights.
"How long will you need, Bron?" Zahra’s voice interrupted his thoughts.
A Destiny Revealed Page 18