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A Destiny Revealed

Page 19

by Andersen, Dria

  "A couple of days, can you protect her family that long?" Bron used his link to Fynn to include him in the conversation.

  "We will keep them safe, Bron. Tend to your mate." Fynn told him. Bron thanked them both.

  “All done?” Dalia asked with a smile lurking. She was laid back on his favorite sofa crooking her finger at him. Bron tossed his shirt aside and joined her.

  "YOU CALLED?” Lev’s voice was strained, hate simmered in his eyes but Nala waved it off. She didn’t have time for his hurt feelings.

  “Dalia has not called, are you still watching her family?” Her voice was brusque. Frustration made her edgy, brittle. She needed pull it together or she would break. She waged the battle with madness daily, it was one of the reasons she enjoyed her retraining sessions so much; it allowed her an outlet. This was the first time in centuries she'd have the chance for revenge, and she would take it, she just needed to hold on.

  She would never forgive the humiliation she suffered at the hands of the Aje tribe. A ship captain passing through their port raped her mother. Nala's resulting birth outcast her family. She set her eyes on the Ijoye and the status being his mate would bring her. Her cheeks still burned with embarrassment when she thought of the many times he'd ignored her outright. A baker's daughter was beneath his notice, but Nala would change that. Powerful, no longer the silly girl she'd been, he should be honored to have her at his side.

  Meeting Maksim had been the best day of her life, and a little part of her regretted killing him. After all, he converted her and taught her to use her powers. But she could not abide a weak man, and in the end, Maksim failed. Of course with him gone, she could go after Bakari so everything worked out, as it should have.

  Lev raised his voice and shook her from her musings.

  “What did you say?” Nala snapped.

  “How much longer should we wait on Dalia?” he repeated.

  “No longer, I will step the game up. If she will not call, then I will bring her to me.” A plan stirred. She would take a page out of her lover's book. It was time to hit the family.

  Chapter 25

  DALIA WANDERED THE HALLS of the temple in awe. The place was beautiful, lavish and fit for a king. She traced the drawings along the walls. Warriors in their lion form battled in various scenes, the enemy drawn in gruesome and crude detail. One panel caught her eye and stalled her breath. Ajo vampires were depicted with their faces frozen in terror. The artist managed to capture the madness in the eyes. Their teeth were drawn as sharp daggers, blood dripping from the ends.

  She shuddered and moved on. The goddess assured her she didn't have corrupted magic. A sound drew her attention and she stopped, cocking her head to listen. It was faint, but she could hear voices. She crept down the hallway slowly, pausing when she came to an ornate wooden door.

  She leaned closer.

  Was it her name they whispered? She traced the inscriptions on the door. She couldn't read them, but the importance of the words settled into her soul.

  Your gateway.

  The voices? No, she didn't think so. Those words came from her. A feeling she had. Looking around to make sure there was no one else in the hallway she opened the door. The whispers quieted and the weight of the silence pressed into her. Dalia stepped into the room. The room was pitch dark, she felt along the wall for a light switch. Her heart sped up in alarm as she turned in a circle. The dark completely encompassed her, until she couldn't tell where the door leading out had been.

  "Bron," Dalia called out in panic. There was no answer.

  Her necklace warmed against her chest, filling the room with a low hum. She grabbed it and winced when the metal bit into her hand. She took a couple of steps forward and frowned. Ahead of her a dim light flickered. Dalia walked toward it quickly, the light brightened and she sighed in relief.

  A short-lived relief. A ghostly touch brushed her neck, another her ankles. Her breath hitched and Dalia barely contained her scream.

  "Keep your eye on the light." The voice was eerie, but she would recognize her grandmother's voice anywhere.

  "Oh God," Dalia whispered into the darkness. Panic was full blown as she realized what she'd done.

  She was crossing the veil.

  She held on to the charm Zahra gave her and focused her attention on the light, praying her eyes didn't so much as blink. She quickened her steps, running for the light. Soft touches along her back and legs and insidious whispers called for her attention as she ran. Fear like she'd never known clutched her heart.

  She could make out dim figures in the light until finally she was engulfed in brightness. Dalia blinked at the abrupt change. She was in Oya's temple.

  "What are you doing here?" Oya called out sharply. "You're not ready."

  Dalia took a deep breath fighting nausea.

  "Calm down." Zahra touched her back.

  Dalia flinched, remembering the ghostly fingers touching her.

  "Sit, and calm yourself." Oya escorted her onto a bench and the two women stared at her until she got her breathing back under control.

  "Sorry." Dalia wiped her hands across her face.

  "It takes a moment to get used to. I can't believe you are able to travel so soon." Zahra smiled.

  "Her corporeal form is here, Zahra." Oya grabbed Dalia's chain. "I protected this so her spirit would not drift."

  "Oh,God." Zahra whispered. "How is that possible?"

  "You were at the temple." It wasn't a question. The goddess looked at Dalia worry and shock chasing each other across her face.

  Dalia nodded. "I was looking around while Bron slept."

  The goddess gasped, and her eyes sharpened. "Bron does not know you traveled across the veil?"

  "I didn't mean to, I was only checking the place out." Dalia crossed her arms over her chest.

  "What does that mean?" Zahra eyes darted between them.

  "If her anchor does not know she's here, then he's unable to call her back. The longer your body stays here, the harder it's going to be for you to will it back to Earth. How could this have happened?" Oya hissed. The wind picked up, and blew through their hair as the goddess struggled to reign in her temper and worry. "I cannot lose you so soon."

  Zahra's eyes widened. "I can go to Bron, now and wake him."

  Oya wrung her hands. "Time passes differently here. It may be minutes for you here, but hours, days even there."

  Dalia blanched. "That would have been handy to know earlier."

  "Watch your tone, girl. I didn't think it necessary to tell you earlier. You were not supposed to be traipsing around my temple without me knowing." Oya snapped.

  Zahra stepped between the two. "What should we do now?"

  Oya took a deep breath and ran her hands down the front of gown fighting the cold hand of panic "Zahra you must get to the temple quickly. Tell Bron that Dalia has found the gateway. He will know what that means. Only he is to enter, Zahra. Do not enter after him. Tell him to go no further than the doorway. Have him use his link to Dalia to call to her, over and over until she appears before him. Understood?" Zahra nodded and disappeared.

  Oya turned her gaze to Dalia.

  Peace enveloped her, and she found it hard to be as worried as the goddess appeared.

  "Don't Dalia," Oya warned. "Do not get comfortable."

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause all this trouble."

  "You never do anything the easy way." The goddess watched her closely.

  Dalia's body felt leaden, and she blinked slowly. "It really is beautiful here."

  "You cannot stay here. Your body will start to break down, your soul will fight to free itself, and then the body will die. There is no coming back from that."

  "That wouldn't be such a bad thing, Goddess. There is only so much pain a person can take." Dalia's voice was slow, dreamy. She should be worried, but couldn't make the effort for the emotion.

  BRON SHOOK HIS HEAD and cursed. Someone called his name again. He frowned at Zahra standing at the foot of his
bed, fear and anxiety coming off her in waves.

  "What has happened?" He reached for Dalia and sat up quickly when he noticed the bed next to him empty. "Where's Dalia?"

  "She found the gateway." Zahra disappeared through his door.

  Rolling from the bed and willing on clothes, Bron ran after her. He finally caught up with her at the stairs leading deeper into the temple. His heart stopped when they reached a wooden door he spent his life protecting and guarding. Panic gripped him, fear lodged firmly into his chest. His beast prowled and Bron felt the hair on his arms lift as magic saturated the air. He shook his head.

  "She wouldn't Zahra, she didn't know this door existed."

  "She did, and you need to call to her." Zahra ordered. "Open the door, but don't go in, go only as far as the door way."

  Bron's heart thudded in alarm. "And do what?"

  "Find your link to Dalia and call her to you."

  It sounded so easy when she said it, but Bron roared in frustration when moments later he couldn't find the link to his mate. His beast moved through him in grief and Bron dropped to his knees, as he fought to keep his body from changing. The animal clawed at his insides, and pressure tightened on his chest until he swore he couldn't breathe. He flexed his hands as they tightened and ached.

  "Concentrate, Bron, please." Zahra's voice whipped through his grief.

  Bron channeled the energy of his lion and searched again. He found a small spark he knew was Dalia and grabbed tight, pulling that spark of magic into his soul. He closed his eyes, his breathing labored as he fought to call Dalia to him.

  "Come to me, rewa," he whispered. He filled his mind with his love for her, with his faith in her. A second touch entered his mind, making his hold stronger. Her family. Both her mother and her brother's voice joined his and together they pulled her spirit. Her presence grew stronger in his mind. Dalia's magic flared and moved closer.

  Zahra gasped and Bron opened his eyes. Dalia stood before him, her eyes filled with tears. She released a breath as he jerked her tightly into his arms.

  "Bron, I can't breathe."

  "Dalia, you…" Bron slammed his lips down on her mouth. Fear, grief and relief were poured into the kiss. His tongue plundered her mouth, tasting her, reassuring himself she was in one piece. He broke from the kiss scraping his teeth down her neck. Dalia arched into him, her sob ripping his beast out of his control. Bron dragged her from the doorway pushing her into the nearest wall.

  "Don't ever scare me like that again." His voice a deep rumble, the words jumbled as his animal jumped for control. His jaw was tight as he clenched his teeth. He and animal fought. The man fought to control, needing to reassure his mate. Rage and fear drove the animal, the need to mark her, reassert its claim prevalent. Bron rubbed his face against her neck, marking her with his scent. His lion growled in frustration, it was not enough. His mouth ached as his teeth elongated, he bit down on her shoulder, his teeth piercing her skin. The bite punishment for the danger she put herself in.

  Dalia cried out, her arms circling his neck. She moaned. "I'm okay, papi."

  There was no fear of him. She was accepting of his animal. Her body stroked along his, and her hands moved in soothing motions down his back. It quieted the animal and a low purr rumbled his chest. He licked over her shoulder soothing the bite, man and beast both under control.

  "I'm sorry, rewa." He kissed her shoulder.

  "Thank you for bringing me back." She buried her face into his neck and slumped in his arms.

  "Dalia," Bron pulled her into his arms.

  No response.

  Her head lolled forward, her hair trailing his arm. Bron sucked in a breath.

  "Dalia." He shook her, but still she didn't wake.

  He met Zahra's panic stricken gaze.

  "I'll find a healer." Zahra disappeared.

  Bron roared in anguish and ran to his room, the hallways blurring. He laid his mate gently onto his bed, his heart thundering in his ears.

  "Dalia, rewa, wake up for me."


  She lay on his bed, her face peaceful, her breaths shallow. Bron laid his head on her chest to check her pulse. It was there– barely.

  "Wake up, baby." He slapped her face softly, calling her name. His body tightened, flexed and his beast clawed at him for control. His claws exploded from his fingers and his teeth crowded his mouth. His lion pushed forward making a mockery of Bron's control. He stepped from the bed, battling the grief ripping his insides. His rough breaths were the only sound in the room as he forced his magic down and climbed into bed with Dalia. Pulling her into his arms, he closed his eyes and focused on their connection. He would not lose this woman.

  "Bron. This is Lady and Miss Hattie."

  He lifted his head as Zahra rushed into the room, two women trailing behind her. He didn't know how much time had passed. The first was young but the intelligence and wisdom that lit her eyes belied her youth. Her dark brown eyes dismissed him quickly going to Dalia. This was Lady, he'd heard talk of her. Miss Hattie, behind her moved slower, but Bron sensed her power sweeping his mate's sleeping form.

  "You are holding her to you?" Lady did not take her eyes from Dalia.


  "Good. If you'll just step back a little, warrior, we'll take care of your mate." A smooth southern drawl, Hattie's voice soothed him. Strength and confidence surrounded both women and his beast relaxed, trusting these women.

  Zahra touched his shoulder and he grabbed her hand. The women worked in tandem. They pulled candles from their bag and Lady placed them around the room, lighting them. Their movements were unrushed.

  Bron clenched his hands. They should move faster.

  "There is no rush, warrior. So long as you hold your mate, we have time." Hattie's reprimand was gentle, but no less effective.

  Instantly contrite, Bron lowered his head. "I apologize."

  Hattie smiled.

  Lady's chiding look was less understanding. She held his gaze with narrowed eyes before huffing in impatience and returning to her task.

  "How long was she across the veil, Oracle?" Lady placed her hand across Dalia's chest.

  "Not long, but Oya says time moves differently there."

  Lady pursed her lips in concentration. "Miss Hattie?"

  Hattie moved to the other side of the bed. Her hands hovered at Dalia's stomach, moved to her chest and stopped at her temples. The two women began a low chant. They took turns sweeping their arms across Dalia's body.

  Not once did his mate move, or acknowledge their presence. Bron watched, mesmerized by their movements. Lavender and a stringent smell drifted from the candles filling the room. His eyes blurred and time slowed. Instinct swayed his body in a long forgotten rhythm, as their chants grew louder. Beside him Zahra joined her voice to theirs. Dalia's body lifted from the bed, pulsing with every sweep of Lady's hands. Miss Hattie's loud clap reverberated through the room and just like that the chanting stopped.

  Time stopped.

  The two women's heads dropped and silence descended.

  "She's in between." Hattie announced.

  Bron swallowed to moisten his dry mouth. "What does that mean?"

  "Her spirit is confused. Her body has crossed the veil but parts of her spirit still linger there." Lady laid a small kiss to Dalia's forehead.

  "It's the danger of traveling." Ms. Hattie leaned down to kiss her cheek. "It's the reason an anchor is needed."

  Guilt raked him. "I didn't know."

  "It's not your fault, Bron. She didn't know either." Zahra touched his forehead with hers.

  "Rub this on her body, twice a day. Keep calling to her and reminding her of reasons to stay here, in this world." Lady handed him a small jar. "Gather her family around. It will help."

  Bron sniffed it. "What is it?"

  "None of your business. Do like I asked." She turned her back to him and starting packing up.

  Miss Hattie smiled. "It's a mixture of Neroli and other herbs. It will keep her
body energized."

  Zahra laughed at his frown. "Just do it, Bron. I'll go get her family." She turned to Miss Hattie. “Thank you again for coming all this way. I know you’re dealing with so much right now.

  Hattie waved her off. “Amina will get through this, you needed me here.”

  Zahra nodded. “Please let me know if there is anything I can do for her.”

  “I will.” Miss Hattie gave Bron one last nod and left the room.


  Hours later, Bron traced his fingers down her cheek and watched her sleep. Goddess she was beautiful. He wished it were only sleep. He tested their link and called to her. Still no response. A fissure of power disturbed the room. He slipped from the bed quietly. Fynn met him at the door.

  "Zahra is working on getting the family here. But with the vampires surrounding them, we’re trying to do it in a way that won’t lead them here."

  Bron nodded. "I need to-"

  "Go, I'll sit with her." They touched foreheads.

  Bron sighed with relief. He didn't have to explain the restlessness. Fynn had gone through the same thing when Zahra was kidnapped last year.

  He wandered the halls he'd spent centuries pacing. Inevitably he stood at the door of the gateway. He'd nearly lost his mate. Emotion choked him, slumped his shoulders. With a mind of their own, his feet carried him down another hall. Another wooden door loomed in front of him.

  The door to his nightmares.

  He pushed open the door. He expected dust and neglect to greet him but the room was clean, spotless even. His eyes darted to the corner where he'd held his brother. Nuru's bloody image flashed before him and he staggered back.

  "No," he whispered. Bron kneeled. His eyes caught the bed where Layla had taken her last breaths. If he lost Dalia, she would be his second failure to the tribe.

  "Don't, Bron."

  The touch of his goddess warmed him and he lowered his body prostrate before her. "Forgive me, Goddess."

  Oya kneeled next to him. "For what, warrior?"

  Bron refused to lift his eyes. "Whatever offense I've caused you. Just please don't take your gift from me. Whatever I've done, I will atone for, but I cannot live without her." He lifted his head at her silence. His animal stepped forward ready to shield the man. He knew his eyes would be that of his cat.


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