Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4) Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  Thoughts of the royal family and her mom built urgency about getting out of that cell. “I thought I was going to die in those cages. I had given up hope of ever escaping and seeing my family again. I may be out of their clutches, but I’m not free. Let me go, Gerrick,” she pleaded, hoping to play on his emotions. Looking at his stoic face, she told herself she may have made a mistake. Rumors may be true about him not having a sentimental bone in his body.

  Still, she persisted, “I need to return to my family. My poor parents don’t need to believe I’m dead any longer,” she whispered, making sure to look as pitiful as possible. It wasn’t too difficult, she was battered and bruised and was certain she looked pathetic. Getting angry and demanding to be released hadn’t worked. Perhaps, this approach would do the trick.

  His stuffed his hands into the front pockets of his leather pants and didn’t appear to be moved by her plea. “Nice try, but not gonna happen. Can you guarantee me that you won’t turn on one of your family members? Do you really want to take that chance?” He pushed off the wall and approached the bars.

  She stood up and scowled at him, clenching her fists. He may be sexy, but he was infuriating. Having been strong for so many months, she wanted to bury her head in the sand and pretend everything was normal again. She wanted to feel safe, secure and loved. Home had always provided that for her. There was no way the demons were taking that from her, too. Pain in her hand made her look down to see that she had crushed the spoon in her hand. Shit.

  “I’ve done unspeakable things…I never want to hurt another living soul, especially my family. But, I can’t be behind these bars a moment longer,” she screamed at him, not able to control the rage.

  The walls were closing in on her and she struggled to breathe. She dropped the spoon and grabbed the tray and threw it at the bars. Unfortunately, it didn’t hit the male like she wanted. Chest heaving, claws extended from the ends of her fingers, she turned the bed over, shredding the sheets in the process. When there was nothing left to destroy, she stood there glaring at the impossibly gorgeous male.

  “Done?” he asked with his implacable calm. Afraid of what she’d say she nodded, looking into his eyes. Without warning, she crashed hard and fast, tears blurring her vision. This male woke something in her that she didn’t understand and she didn’t know if she wanted to. She was too raw and for once since Gerrick had entered the dungeon, she kept her mouth shut.

  Gerrick reached through the slats and gripped her hands. “I won’t rest until we get you home to your family. If it takes me becoming a scientist, I will.”

  The sincerity in his gaze was undeniable and warmed her cold heart. She had no doubt the male would do exactly as he said. She wrapped her fingers around his and squeezed. The heat burned all the way up her arm, breathing new life in its wake.


  It seemed as if the tension in the house had been at level red since Zander met Elsie, Gerrick thought a couple hours later. As one of the Dark Warriors, Gerrick was accustomed to a certain amount of stress and chaos, but lately, it had been worse than ever. And, it didn’t help that he couldn’t get Shae off his mind. Something had happened when he’d taken her dinner. He had felt a rush of power and recognition the moment their skin touched. Then she had gone somewhere in her head and despite her denial, he had the feeling that whatever had happened was important, but given everything she had been through, he was ignoring it…for now.

  Continuing down the hall, he entered the media room. He’d tried sleeping, but gave up and was searching for something to do. What he really wanted to do was head back to the dungeon. He’d started that way numerous times only to stop in his tracks. There was no reason for him to go to the dungeon and he hadn’t been able to manufacture a reason.

  “Are we really going to have the Winter Solstice this year?” Gerrick heard Rhys ask. He entered the room and saw it was filled with Rhys and the females of the house.

  “Aye, we are really going to have the celebration,” Breslin informed him. “This family has been through enough this year and we need to reconnect.” Gerrick couldn’t deny she was right, but wasn’t sure he was up for a celebration.

  “You’re just looking for an excuse to buy a new dress,” Mack teased the vampire princess.

  “I doona need an excuse to buy a new dress, but when else am I going to get to dress you up?” Breslin threw a smile over her shoulder as she typed into her laptop. Gerrick had heard Mack rebuff the princess many times and deny her attempts to change her style. It had become a comical sight in the house.

  “What exactly is the purpose of this celebration anyway?” Jessie asked.

  “It has evolved over the centuries. The original purpose was to link with our ancestors, but the Tarakeshes have always used it as a way to bond with one another and strengthen ties. In recent years, we have expanded the celebration to invite select others to join us,” Breslin answered.

  “This is a first for me, too. What happens during one of these parties? And, what do I need to know as the Vampire Queen? I’m sure there is something important I’m supposed to do.” Elsie inquired.

  She wasn’t your typical queen with her long, curly, brown hair pulled into a ponytail and most days she had on jeans and a sweatshirt. Not that it diminished her inherent power. The small female was ferocious, strong and commanding and took to her leadership role naturally. She cooked for them, set them straight when needed, and could take on any enemy in battle. Elsie might not look like your average queen, but she more than filled the shoes.

  Breslin rolled her eyes at Elsie. “We hold a candlelight circle and then you will stand with Zander to give the offering to the Goddess. Aside from that, puithar, we eat, dance and drink.”

  “A candlelight circle doesn’t sound so bad, but what kind of offering do we provide the Goddess? We aren’t talking sacrificial or anything, are we? I’ve had enough of those to last a lifetime,” Mack interjected, narrowing her whiskey eyes.

  Rhys laughed with Breslin. These females may be fully immersed in the supernatural world, but they still thought like humans, Gerrick thought. “Nay, we doona have to sacrifice anything. We leave wine and gemstones for the Goddess.”

  “Yeah, we like to get her drunk and leave her bling,” Rhys joked.

  “Fucking Rhys,” Breslin chided with the familiar sentiment.

  “What are you going to wear, Jessie?” Rhys asked with a purr. “A barely there dress, I hope.”

  “I’m thinking a sexy, red number. How big is this thing anyway?”

  “Och, last year we had a couple hundred. Though, I imagine Zander will cut that number doon this year. Things have been verra unpredictable lately. Besides, we doona know what will happen with the females in the dungeons.”

  They wouldn’t be locked up if Gerrick had anything to say about it. He couldn’t stomach Shae remaining locked up until solstice. Her need to be free plucked his every nerve until he felt raw. She was rapidly becoming his obsession and it was nearly impossible for him to stay away from her. Maybe she would go to the party with him. Cursing himself, he liked that idea more than was good for him. Of course, if she was out of the dungeon she would want to go home to her family. That thought opened another can of worms. He didn’t know what he’d do when she left the compound.

  “Hopefully they will be out of here by then. We know they’re ready to get back and join their families. What do their leaders think of them being here?” Mack asked, popping a handful of nuts into her mouth.

  “Their leaders agreed with Zander and the council about keeping them here until the scientists have had a chance to gather the information they need,” Elsie answered, curling her leg under her body.

  Cringing at the thought of what happened the last time they tested an antidote, Gerrick wondered how they were ever going to get the answers they needed. Neither Jace nor the scientists would be too keen on taking the chance again. Shae tried to volunteer before and she’d try again. That protective instinct reared its head
with that thought and Gerrick vowed to do everything in his power to stop her. His chest constricted at the idea of her being injured, or worse, killed.

  “I, for one, would like to see the dungeons with fewer occupants,” Gerrick added. “I assume Zander used this as an opportunity to open talks with the Harpies. How did that go? Are they willing to come to the table with the alliance?”

  “Och, they are being bluidy stubborn. Even with me there, the females refused to join our forces,” Breslin added. “Regardless, if they become alliance members, we will have the Harpies loyalty after this which is a win. I have to believe these females will be oot of the dungeons by the time of solstice. I canna fathom keeping them much longer. On another note, we need to get the final details to Nate for the layout. He needs to familiarize himself with how the ballroom is going to be designed because this is his first celebration since becoming the majordomo. How big should we make the dance floor?” Breslin asked the room at large.

  “Ugh, please tell me I don’t have to dance at this thing. I don’t dance for a reason. It’s not pretty,” Mack complained, throwing her body dramatically into her chair.

  Rhys smiled. “Just wait until you have some of my hey juice. It’s guaranteed to make you think you can dance.”

  “I thought you said it was guaranteed to make women rub on you and say hey baby, while begging to experience your…magnificence,” Elsie teased.

  Rhys walked over to Elsie and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “That’s how most females will react, but Mack is mated. It’s a shame that you had to go and get mated before you got to try me, but I promise my juice will help you shake your thang. That’s what the super-secret blend is designed to do.”

  Gerrick narrowed his eyes at the playboy warrior. The lecherous comments couldn’t hide the longing Gerrick could see within his friend. The male was far more caring than he let on and was deeply connected to everyone in the house. He may tease and carry on as was expected of a cambion, but he would never disrespect any of the females in the compound. Hell, Gerrick had spent enough time around the warrior to see that he respected all females.

  “Getting mated was the best decision I ever made. And, like I said, I don’t dance. So, are you going with Thane?” Mack asked, turning to Jessie and trying to act casual.

  “I like him and I’m sure we will dance, but we aren’t going together,” Jessie admitted, shrugging her shoulder.

  Mack leaned back against the cushion and crossed her legs. “I’m surprised he didn’t ask you.”

  The Tehrex Realm had different rules and expectations and their expectations had undergone a major change after the mating curse had been lifted. These females didn’t really understand the depth of what that meant. “He’s a Dark Warrior. Honor is our middle name. He won’t get too close because he doesn’t want to give you the pretense of a relationship. One day, he will find his Fated Mate and you will be left on the sidelines. When he finds his female, nothing and no one else will matter.” Gerrick knew all too well what that felt like and his loss was still a knife in his gut. That he was drawn to Shae in a way he had only felt with Evanna was salt in the wound.

  Jessie sighed. “I wish I knew if I was going to get a mate. There is still so much we don’t know about my kind. Do you think the females downstairs, the ones that are supernaturals, still carry their Fated Mate’s soul?”

  Jessie’s question made Gerrick’s blood ice over as he considered her words. The Goddess Morrigan created most of the beings in the Tehrex Realm and had designed them to be part of a pair with each of them born carrying a portion of their Fated Mate’s soul. It was theirs to guard and protect and no one was truly complete until they found their other half. To lose the soul you carried was tantamount to experiencing a death. He should know, he’d felt exactly that when Evanna had been killed. It had been devastating.

  “Aye, the Goddess protects her creations as much as she can. Lucifer is the only one who can steal a soul and he is too weak where he is trapped in hell. No matter what his lackeys do, they canna take that from them,” Breslin answered. Gerrick knew that everything Breslin said was true and was relieved that Shae’s soul was safe.

  “That’s good news. Zander is taking that female’s death hard enough. It’s bad enough that he feels responsible because he ordered the testing and development of the antidote.” Elsie rubbed her stomach and grimaced, looking a little green around the gills.

  “You feeling alright, sweetcakes?” Rhys asked her.

  “I’m just a little under the weather. I’ll be fine.”

  “Ah, I hate to tell you this El, but you’re a vampire now and shouldn’t feel sick,” Rhys stated the obvious.

  “That’s true, but I’m not exactly your average vampire,” Elsie countered, raising one of her eyebrows in the same way Zander always did.

  “Elsie’s right. She’s anything but average. Besides, she’s an immortal vampire now. She’s not dying, but I might,” Nate complained, walking into the media room and joining the conversation. “What do I have to do for this damn party? And, why can’t Angus do everything before he leaves.”

  “If you had lived for a thousand years without the female you had chosen for your mate and just found out she was alive, you’d be leaving, too. Suck it up and deal. It’s a party, not an army you have to battle,” Gerrick countered, happy to see Angus going. He understood what it cost Angus to keep his promise to help rescue the females. Gerrick had always thought himself an honorable male, but he doubted he would’ve been able to wait and fulfill a commitment before seeking Evanna out, had it been him.

  “I’d rather fight. I’m a Máahes on Khoth, not a party planner or babysitter,” Nate complained.

  Gerrick understood where the male was coming from, but also knew that was exactly why Angus wanted him to stay. He wouldn’t want to leave his family without a dragon for extra protection. And, Gerrick didn’t doubt that Angus saw every one of them as family. “You’re a dragon shifter and as soon as we find Kadir’s new lair, we will be putting you to use. That bastard will pay for what he has done.”

  Jessie grimaced and sat forward. “I’d like to see them both become dragon barbeque. I can feel Azazel trying to control those females.”

  Gerrick stood straight. The thought of those bastards trying to manipulate Shae had him clenching his fists. “What do you mean,” he barked.

  “It’s not like he can influence me or anything. More like I feel a buzz in my blood and find myself getting worked up for no reason,” Jessie relayed.

  “This buzz, do you think you can follow it to the demons?” he asked, hoping they could end both demons once and for all. Not that it would stop the war, but Gerrick wanted these archdemons gone, now.

  Jessie closed her eyes and the room was silent for a couple seconds before they popped open. “No, it’s too weak. Sorry.”

  “Well, it was worth a shot. No matter, we need to go back and see if the skirm left anything behind,” Gerrick suggested, needing to be doing something.

  Gerrick stood up and turned to drag Rhys with him when he noticed Elsie. Her eyes had gone vacant and she sat perfectly still, not moving a muscle. He glanced around noting that everyone waited with the same bated breath he did to see what she would say this time. Gerrick was coming to despise her particular gift. Each time she had a premonition it meant more trouble for them. “Take Mack with you,” she said, coming out of it.

  “Kyran isn’t going to like that” Mack interjected. “Can you tell me anything more before I go toe to toe with my mate?”

  Elsie met the female’s gaze. “All I know is that you need to be there. I couldn’t get much more than that, sorry. It’s like there is static or something interfering with the images.”

  “Your gift couldn’t have crapped out at a worse time. Let’s grab Kyran and head out. It’s almost dark,” Gerrick muttered, cutting off any further discussion.


  Kyran pulled into the same parking lot they’d parked in the night bef
ore and Gerrick marveled at the difference. It was just past sunset and they had to circle the full lot a couple times before they found an empty spot. Humans milled about huddled in their winter jackets under umbrellas. It astounded Gerrick how oblivious humans were to everything. He agreed that the realm needed to be kept secret, but he doubted humans would notice if Orlando stood in the middle of Pike Place Market and shifted into his leopard. Sure, the animal would be talked about, but the fact of the transformation from male to cat would be overlooked or explained as new-age technology at play.

  Gerrick climbed out of the car and shivered in the cold air, wishing it would stop raining at least for a little while. But, in Seattle, that was like wishing the sun didn’t rise each day. Mack got out and walked around the car to Kyran’s side. “I doona like this. When Elsie has her visions, they always involve death. I doona care what she said, you’re staying with the car. I willna lose you,” he promised.

  Mack stood on her tiptoes and kissed her mate on the mouth. Kyran readily melted into her embrace, making Gerrick glance away from the easy display of affection. He never would have guessed that there was a perfect fit for Kyran or the change finding her would have on the male. “Thanks to you, I’m not that easy to kill, bloodsucker. I can see that you’re afraid. Stay behind me and I’ll protect you,” Mack quipped.

  “Och, this isna the place for foreplay, Mate. But, later I plan to show you what I think of your statement,” Kyran husked. Gerrick had pegged Kyran for a more submissive female and had to laugh at the Goddess’ choice, but damn if Mack didn’t make Kyran smile.


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