Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4) Page 23

by Brenda Trim

  She suddenly reconsidered going through with this. Everything Gerrick had said was true, but the fact still remained that she needed to try. “Okay,” she responded, sitting down and holding her arm out to Zander who had come to her side, as well.

  Jace placed his warm palms over her head and she felt a tingling sensation as he entered her mind. She knew when he grabbed hold of her consciousness because it jolted her. She closed her eyes and felt the sting of a needle. At first she felt nothing, but Jace and distantly Gerrick. He was trying to fuse their souls together by chanting a spell, aware that they were going forward with the plan. He would never let her go, even if she never earned his love, she had his loyalty.

  Pain suddenly scalded her from the inside out. It was ten times worse than when the archdemon bit her. Unable to hold back, she cried out in pain, worried she’d made the biggest mistake of her life.

  Her back arched and she went into convulsions. Her connection to Jace snapped and she heard snarling next to her ear. If that was Kadir or Azazel, they had a firm hold on her now.

  “You aren’t leaving me, Red. You hear me? Fight this.” It was Gerrick’s husky voice and she wanted to open her eyes and reassure him, but she felt the battle for possession of her mind. She clung to the bright, gold beacon that linked her to Gerrick.

  “Jace, heal her, you bastard,” Gerrick cursed.

  She couldn’t tell if Jace responded, but after what felt like an eternity, the wracking pain ended and her shaking stopped. Her muscles relaxed and she felt Gerrick’s strength at her back. He’d come back for her and was the only reason she wasn’t lost to the demons at that very moment.

  “Gerrick,” she croaked, opening her eyes.

  “I’m here, Shae. I’m here.” He was holding her and they were on the floor several feet from where she’d been sitting. Relief swamped his features and he brushed the hair from her eyes. “You will never volunteer for another shot. I know you want your freedom from those bastards, but you’re stronger than them.”

  “The mating bond is,” she explained.

  “What?” he asked, placing a tender kiss to her lips.

  “I felt you, even before you came back. Jace was there, holding me and Kadir threw him out, but he couldn’t touch our connection. It was because of you that I didn’t lose my mind to him completely.”

  The loving way Gerrick cupped her cheek belied the ferocious expression on his face. “I told you before that you belong to me. No one will ever take you.”

  “Yes, I’m yours. But this bond is a two way street, Gerrick. You belong to me, too. Heart and soul,” she hedged, needing him to share that part with her. She was fragile and felt as if she’d break if he rejected her.

  He pressed his forehead against hers. “You’ve carried part of my soul for centuries, Shae. Of course, I’m yours.” She didn’t miss the way he danced around the issue.

  “Did the serum work at all?” Zander asked, interrupting the moment.

  “If you count giving Kadir open access to my mind working, then yeah it worked like a charm.”

  “That shouldn’t have happened,” Jace muttered, pacing around the room.

  “There is so much we doona understand aboot Dark magic and archdemon abilities. We canna continue this research. ‘Tis too unpredictable,” Zander proclaimed, standing from his crouching position next to them.

  Gerrick ran his fingers over the scarred side of her neck, making her shiver. She sat up suddenly and reached up to feel the area. It was still marred with thick, ruined flesh, but the new wounds were completely healed. “The new bite is gone.”

  “What?” Zander was next to her in a flash and Gerrick was lifting her hand. “Goddess. She’s right. ‘Tis no’ there anymore.”

  “We weren’t trying to heal the wound. We were trying to eliminate the venom in her blood stream.” Jace crossed to the bar and poured a glass full with amber liquid.

  “That’s good though, right? Have you ever been able to heal wounds from venom before?” she asked.

  Gerrick kissed the top of her head and ran his hands down her arms. “No we haven’t. They have been working on that one for centuries, but have never been successful.”

  “At least you know the work you’ve done is good for something. I just wish it had cut my tie to them.”

  “We will find a way to live with this, Red,” Gerrick promised. Shae nodded her agreement, but deep down inside she didn’t think she could live without having her freedom.

  Everything that had been good in her life had been stolen from her and now her future was being taken, too.


  Shae’s strength never ceased to amaze Gerrick. He’d been so pissed at her for putting herself at risk that he’d taken off. He couldn’t stand by and watch her die even if leaving had felt like a fist had been punched through his chest. As he stood on the porch, struggling to breathe he felt the demon sink its claws into her mind. He’d taken off and ran like Lucifer had been chasing him to get back to her side, cursing the entire way. When he’d seen her writhing on the floor with Jace struggling to keep hold of her, panic had set in. It had been the power of the mate-bond that had saved her life and he’d said a silent prayer of thanks to the Goddess for bringing them together.

  And now, scant minutes later, she insisted they join the others in the library for their search. Elsie and the rest of the Dark Warriors were combing through their shelves for any information they could find about archdemons and the sharing of Dark magic. They’d rebuilt the protections around Zeum, but if Angelica had gotten through once, she could do it again.

  “Don’t give me the cold shoulder, Gerrick. I had to try.” She’d leaned into him to whisper the words, but all he felt were her breasts pressing into his shoulder. His distraction worsened when he realized that the action turned her on, as well. Her nipples hardened beneath her thin top, brushed against his arm, adding to the erotic torture.

  “Let’s go to our room instead,” he husked. She kissed him lightly, ignoring his cajoling and tugged him to a table at the side of the room.

  He groaned when he saw the piles of books laid across its surface. Glancing around, he saw that the desk in the corner was just as laden as the table. Their library was two stories high with countless shelves lining the walls, all filled with books. There was everything from the history of the Valkyrie, to books of witchcraft spells and incantations, to ledgers documenting various demons encountered during the course of the war. This task was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  Gerrick searched for a comfortable chair for Shae. She’d just been through an ordeal and if she insisted on helping, then he was going to make sure she was as comfortable as possible. Aside from the leather chair in front of the desk, there were several groupings of leather couches set in different places throughout the room. Some of the new trainees were at the desk, which left the sofas near the fire.

  Elsie sat in front of the fireplace with her head bent over a book, eating a sandwich. As they approached, she lifted her head and smiled. “Hey, you two, grab a book and have a seat. I assume Jace and Zander explained what we’re doing,” she murmured around a mouthful of food.

  Shae screwed up her face in distaste and shook her head. “What exactly are you eating?”

  Elsie covered her mouth, laughing. “It’s pastrami and peanut butter with bananas.”

  Zander knelt in front of Elsie and ran a finger across her cheek. “Are you in need of more blood from me, a ghra?”

  Elsie leaned into his touch and closed her eyes. “Hmmm. I think I am. I can’t seem to get enough.” Zander grabbed her up in a bear hug, making her squeal.

  “If this isn’t a mandatory task then we’re leaving, too.” Gerrick went to turn around, but Shae stayed rooted in place.

  “Are you pregnant?” Shae asked the Vampire Queen. Gerrick gaped at his mate’s bold question. Glancing back at Elsie, he realized Shae might be onto something. Elsie had been different lately.

  Jace was n
ext to them in the next second. “How much extra blood have you needed?”

  Elsie went pale as she clutched Zander’s neck. “Um, I’m not sure. It’s like all my appetites are on super-drive. And, I do mean all of them.” Zander smiled at her and Gerrick didn’t miss the insinuation there.

  “Could it be? I didna expect it to happen this soon.” Zander glanced down at his mate’s stomach, shock clear on his face. “Supernaturals are no’ as fertile as humans. Most are lucky to have two bairns in a lifetime.”

  “After everything I went through, I just assumed I couldn’t get pregnant. How do we find out? Do I do pee on a stick?” She wiggled in Zander’s arms and he carefully set her down. The petite female bounced on her feet in front of Jace, clearly eager to find out.

  Jace laughed, “No, but I will need to take a blood sample.”

  Cailyn grabbed Elsie’s hand, beaming from ear to ear. “This is so exciting. Can you imagine a baby running around here?”

  Breslin jumped into the conversation. “Aye, and we’d get to decorate a nursery. Maybe you’ll have twins. It runs in our family, after all.”

  Elsie threw up her free hand. “Okay, slow down, one step at a time. We don’t even know if I’m pregnant yet.”

  Gerrick glanced at Shae and saw the unfiltered joy on her face. She wanted children, he thought, and as her mate, he could give them to her. He had never once contemplated having children. He’d given up on that dream after Evanna died. Sorcerers could only ejaculate with their Fated Mates so it was impossible for them to get anyone else pregnant.

  He imagined Shae round with his child and smiled. He liked that idea. He maneuvered himself behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, settling his palms over his stomach. She looked up at him and stood on tiptoe, placing a kiss to his lips.

  “Come down with me to the lab and we will have the results within minutes,” Jace told Elsie and Zander, making Shae turn in his arms.

  His mate’s eyes were bright with hope and enthusiasm and the sight was contagious. “How exciting will that be if she is pregnant?”

  “Who?” Mack asked from the doorway, Kyran standing behind her.

  “The Queen. She’s been having symptoms and they’ve gone to do a test,” Shae gushed.

  “Uh-oh, let the baby proofing begin. If you thought Zander was protective of Elsie, can you imagine him with fang junior?” Mack quipped, making Kyran laugh. Kyran’s mate had a unique way with words that could rub some the wrong way, but Gerrick thought her dry sarcasm rounded out the household perfectly.

  “I have news of my own. Look what I can do.” Mack vanished and reappeared at the top of the ladder, laughing and then was back at their side a second later.

  Gerrick glanced at Shae and saw the question there. “Kyran can sift, and, as you know, mates share their abilities with one another. Mack hadn’t yet developed that skill. There’s no stopping her now, Kyran.”

  “Shite. Doona I know it. She’s been sifting around the room stabbing our furniture yelling booyah motherfucker. I need to get her pregnant so she has to stay home.” Kyran heaved a huge sigh, but had a huge smile on his face and his eyes were dancing as he watched his mate.

  Gerrick chuckled and stepped back, pulling Shae with him, right before Kyran went flying. He landed hard on the floor and before he could jump to his feet, Mack had sifted to crouch over him. “You’ll be the one staying home with the baby, bloodsucker.” She offered a hand and helped him up.

  Breslin chuckled. “You asked for that one, brathair.”

  “He’s a protective ass most days, but he’s all mine. It helps that he buys me kickass shirts like this.” Mack lifted the corners of her black t-shirt, displaying it for everyone to read. This one said, Why drive when you can sift?

  All of a sudden Gerrick heard squeals down the hallway, no doubt broadcasting what the results of the test were. In the next second, Elsie came tearing into the room, vibrating with delight. Gerrick couldn’t help but smile with her, she was beyond happy.

  “We’re pregnant!” she shouted. Zander had Elsie in his arms in the next instant with his head buried in her neck.

  Bhric, Rhys, Orlando and Santiago followed Cailyn and Jace into the room. Nate and Rhett pulled up the rear carrying a tray of champagne glasses. Gerrick glanced around at his friends and silently thanked the Goddess for all she had given them. This is what they fought to protect, their friends and family. This was what life was really all about.

  Breslin lifted her glass to the air. “A stripling is a blessing, a gift from the Goddess above, a precious little angel to cherish and to love.”

  “Here’s to our little Irish blessing.” Zander clinked his glass to Elsie’s and everyone cheered, taking a sip of the crisp, cool, bubbly liquid.

  Orlando wrapped Elsie in a huge hug, lifting her off the ground. “Pregnancy looks good on you, El. You’re glowing. I can’t wait to meet the little bundle.”

  “Can I bless the baby in the way of Khoth?” Nate asked. The male may not have been Angus, certainly wasn’t efficient at running the house, but he fit in and had worked his way firmly into the family.

  “Aye, all blessings are accepted. I have a feeling our little bairn is going to need them.” Zander said and Gerrick didn’t miss the lines of worry that were already showing.

  Nate lifted his head, inhaling and exhaling in a slow rhythm until dragon smoke swirled above his head. Partially shifting to his dragon, he scribed a rune into the smoke and Gerrick saw the flash of blue light when the spell snapped into place.

  “What does that do?” Elsie inquired, admiring the beautiful creation.

  “It’s a blessing of health. It offers protection for the mother and child during the pregnancy.”

  Elsie put down her champagne glass and threw her arms around Nate’s neck. “Thank you so much, Nate. This little one has the best protectors on the planet and I’m grateful for each and every one of you,” she choked out through overwhelming emotion and went to pick up her glass of bubbly. Seconds later she seemed to deflate. “I guess this means I can’t have any more Monsteritas or energy drinks for a while. By the way, how long will this pregnancy last?”

  “Supernaturals’ gestation is much faster than humans, about half to be exact. We need to assume that you will follow our timeline, but we really don’t know,” Jace explained.

  Elsie laid a hand over her lower stomach. “That’s so fast. I could already be over a third of the way there. There’s so much to do and so little time. And, Breslin, yes, I would love your help with the nursery.”

  “Do you have everything you need to monitor the pregnancy?” Zander asked Jace, picking up the sandwich Elsie had set down earlier and took a bite. He grimaced and set it back down.

  “No. I’m going to need to order an ultrasound machine unless you want her coming to the hospital for check-ups.”

  “Nay, she willna be leaving Zeum. ‘Tis too dangerous.”

  “You can’t keep me locked up here, Mr. Bossy Pants,” Elsie taunted, finishing the sandwich that only seemed to suit her pregnant taste buds.

  “Watch me. Kadir has done unspeakable things and I willna allow you, or our stripling, to be placed in danger. Jace, Gerrick, I want you checking and resetting the protections every hour.” Gerrick wasn’t shocked by Zander’s orders. He would do the same thing with Shae and protect her and their child in every way he could.

  Shae shifted from foot to foot and clutched her glass to her chest. “Won’t that weaken them? It won’t help any of us if Gerrick isn’t at the top of his game.”

  Gerrick kissed her temple, loving that she wanted to protect him. No one ever had. “It’s ok. I don’t mind. This stripling must be protected at all costs. He or she will be next in line for the throne and the target of too many. Besides, Elsie is right. She’s well into the pregnancy and it will be over before we know it.”

  “We also need to station Jax and Thane or Cade and Caelle here permanently. With so many distractions and several of us mated now,
I want more Dark Warriors on hand here,” Zander explained, taking a seat on one of the couches by the fireplace and picking up the book Elsie had abandoned earlier, his smile never wavering, despite the serious conversation. Gerrick understood his happiness and didn’t think there was a more deserving male. Zander had devoted his entire life to not just vampires, but the entire Tehrex Realm and even the Goddess herself.

  Kyran replaced his champagne with a finger of scotch and took a sip. “I’ll call Nikko and tell him to rearrange assignments and transfer Cade and Caelle.”

  “Perfect. In the meantime, we need to finish this research. There has to be something in one of these books that will give us a clue,” Zander instructed, getting everyone back to work.

  Gerrick sat at the desk with Shae in his lap while the others milled about the library. Suddenly, Breslin gathered an armful of books off the table. “I’ll take these to my room and look through them tomorrow. I have to get ready for a date.” Gerrick had to grit his teeth. Now was not the time to play and he was surprised because Breslin was normally the first one to help with whatever needed to be done.

  Rhett leaned across the table and narrowed his eyes at Breslin. “What do you mean you’re going on a date?” He seemed irritated and Gerrick wondered what was up with the easy-going fire demon.

  “Och, I knew you were dense. A date, you know, when a male and female spend some time together. Surely, you’ve been on dates.”

  “I know the concept. This male must be something special for you to leave when your family is in the middle of a crisis.”

  “Newsflash, demon, my family is always in a crisis. I would never leave if I thought it was dire. I’ll be home later, and I promise you, I’ll get twice as much information as you within an hour.” With that, Breslin turned on her heel and walked out the door before Rhett could say anything more. Zander and his brothers laughed while a stunned Rhett watched her retreating backside.

  “Doona bother trying to understand that one. She will be here when we need her. Besides, she needs to let off some steam. ‘Tis easy for me to forget now that I’ve found Elsie that the others need time for their physical demands. Why doona you all take the night off and we can resume in the afternoon?”


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