THE HITMAN'S CHILD: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance

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THE HITMAN'S CHILD: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance Page 28

by Nicole Fox

  But with King … King was brutal, hard, an animal. He had naturally catered to every need I had and some I didn’t know I had. I’d never climaxed as many times either. King could’ve had me do anything, and I would’ve agreed to it and loved every bit.

  “Well, you’re wilder than you look,” I commented, still slightly out of breath.

  “I pegged you ‘bout right,” he replied, with the quiet cockiness I was beginning to associate with him. King lifted himself off me, our combined juices dripping off my thighs.

  “Don’t worry, every room comes with an emergency kit.”

  I wandered over to a small table in the corner and opened the top drawer. Inside were a couple toys and a bit of rope, but also things to clean up with.

  “Jade went a little crazy a while ago. Said every room needed to be stocked to her needs, or she wouldn’t be happy.”

  “So, does this happen a lot then?”

  “With Jade, yeah. Not all of us, though. Unless there’s someone in particular I can’t resist.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  We cleaned ourselves up quickly, and I redressed, noticing for the first time that King hadn’t even taken off anything.

  “Well, this was fun. Welcome to Diamond Castle,” I said quickly. I was way in over my head, and this was about the time I needed to retreat. Yes, King was sexy as hell, but I had no intention of being distracted by him.

  “Right,” he half laughed. I had a feeling he knew exactly what I was doing. “Let’s get outta here, then. Before Rossi comes looking for us.”

  I nodded in agreement, and we both left the room.

  “Well, I better get back to–”

  I was cut off by King’s lips on mine, just as hard and insistent as before. I automatically moaned and lifted my hands up to his face before I could tell myself otherwise. A moment later he pulled back, leaving me slightly stunned and disorientated, though I tried to cover it up.

  He stalked off back to his post without a word, and I returned to mine, acting as casual and unaffected as I could. Those girls could smell sex a mile off, so I had to play it cool.

  God, King was so–

  Stop thinking about him!

  Right. Eye on the prize. I had life plans that I couldn’t have King distract me from. I’d skimped and saved every penny to open my own club, an elegant, high-class club, where the dancers were treated fairly and could work for themselves. I’d had a lifetime of bad luck already, and I couldn’t risk it this time. Even if the sex was great. Mind-blowing even.

  “Christy, where’ve you been?” Jasmine asked when I reached the girls backstage.

  “Client,” I explained.

  “We were talking about the bouncer again. Felicity said he was a marine before.”

  “Felicity’s talking out her ass. I was there the whole time she talked to him, and he didn’t say a word,” Sienna laughed.

  “What do you think he did, then?”

  “Does it matter,” I interrupted. “Poor guy just wants to be left alone.”

  “So how was the sex?” Jade said suddenly.

  “What?” I blanched.

  “You said you were with a client, and now you’re grumpier than I am without breakfast. What, did he have a small dick?”

  I blinked rapidly at Jade.

  Keep cool, she doesn’t know.

  “I don’t want to kiss and tell …” I said vaguely.

  Jade and Sienna raised an eyebrow in unison, and I slumped my shoulders, pretending to give in. “It was tiny.”

  “Thought so.”

  The girls all patted my arm reassuringly, and I tried to look sullen.

  I wasn’t sure why I wasn’t telling the girls, but I was glad I didn’t. King sure wouldn’t appreciate it, and there were some things better left alone.

  “Come on, last set. We’re all up.”

  We filed onto stage a moment later, and I tried to keep King firmly at the back of my mind.

  I almost laughed to myself. Easier said than done.

  Chapter Four


  I shouldn’t have done it.

  Giving in to Christy’s seduction had basically confirmed to her that she could break me. The sex was still on my terms, though—carnal and dominating like I’d intended. Christy took it like I knew she would, reaching orgasm several times. The way she’d screamed out that she was my slut over and over again was more satisfying than expected. Just thinking about it got me horny.

  But she’d clammed up soon afterwards. Not because of embarrassment or humiliation, but more because she knew, as I did, that any relationship between us was sure to end badly. Christy still wanted me, though. I could tell by the way she moaned into my mouth during our parting kiss.

  Fuck, I wanted to get between her legs again. Or inside her talented mouth. As many partners as I’d ever had, not a single one had responded to me the way that she did, or had been as turned on by a blowjob as I was. Even as she gagged on my cock, her moans told me she was getting wetter in between her thighs. It was the kind of thing that fantasies were made of, but nobody expected them to be true, especially with someone like Christy, who was undoubtedly the entire package.

  I stopped my train of thought then and there. What was I doing? I didn’t need anything complicated in my life now, or ever. My life was too complicated to involve anyone else in it, especially someone like Christy. One look at her and she immediately gave off the vibe that she was carefree on the outside and high maintenance on the inside. I knew, just knew, that nothing would ever be simple with her. Even if Christy was the most carefree woman in the world, she was still a woman. I knew enough from experience that there was no such thing as ‘uncomplicated’ when it came to the opposite sex.

  No, it was better to steer clear of Christy, like I knew she was going to do to me. She’d had the right idea straight after sex, backing away from what she’d done and retreating into safer waters. It seemed to be working for her, so maybe I needed to give it a shot.

  # # #

  A week of working at Diamond Castle had taught me many things, some of which were entirely expected and others that threw me for a complete loop.

  First, drunk men and beautiful women were a bad combination. This was one that didn’t surprise me, though the extent to which it was true was highly alarming. The number of times I’d had to stop a guy from going after any of the girls or just starting a brawl with another guy for no reason was maddening. It was probably made worse by the fact that the type of customer to frequent Diamond Castle was not the kind of customer to take instructions well.

  Secondly, every single girl that worked in the club had a complete lack of sense when it came to anything even remotely dangerous. Before working at the club, I didn’t know a danger radar was something that some girls came built without. It was a bizarre sight to see so many females making flimsy excuses in clearly dangerous situations. Not even ten minutes earlier, one of the girls had admitted that there was a man who’d snuck backstage to hide behind a curtain and watch the girls. She’d gotten rid of him when she’d found him, thankfully, but managed to end up describing the incident as just a man being perhaps a little too ‘eager.’

  Third, and perhaps the most surprising of all, Christy had been impossible to get out of my mind.

  “King, have you seen Christy?” Jasmine asked.

  Wow, even when I tried not to think of her, a stray thought or a mention of her name, and I was back to my fantasies.

  I shook my head without looking at Jasmine. Somehow, she took that as a sign to continue.

  “She’s meant to be on in five minutes, but I can’t find her in any of the back rooms, and, as far as I know, nobody’s booked her.”

  “Rossi?” I asked. Her face cleared of its worry, and she let out a bright smile. Jasmine was one of the only ones I ever bothered to communicate with at work, besides Christy and my boss. It was partly because she had never tried hitting on me and partly because she accepted my one-word answers without hesi

  “Good idea. I’ll check with Jarren. Thanks, King.”

  Jasmine walked off, and I was left with Christy on my mind again. What was it about her?

  She was definitely sexy and magnetic, but I admired her, too. She was always motivated and focused, more than the other dancers were, anyway. It was clear that most of the girls used the job as a means to an end, taking advantage of their body and looks. Christy was different. She actually liked the job and liked entertaining others.

  Yep, I spent way too much time watching her.

  “Christy! There you are. You’re on in two!” Jasmine was dragging Christy behind her by the wrist, while Christy struggled to keep up with the other girl’s long legs. It was almost comical the way she staggered behind her.

  A moment later, the club music changed into something a little jazzier, as Christy appeared on stage with no dancers to accompany her today.

  She was electric, and I wasn’t the only one who noticed the difference from her usual routines.

  “She’s on fire tonight, isn’t she?” Rossi said from beside me, ogling her with lustful eyes.

  I had a sudden urge to bring my fist into his face.

  “Too bad the bitch doesn’t know her place the rest of the time, right?”

  Luckily for my job, he left before I had the chance to do or say anything that would get me in trouble.

  When Christy finally finished her set, she came down to work the floor, like she usually did. I caught her arm as she walked by and pulled her over into my corner. It had been days since we’d spoken, and I knew she was slightly wary and confused.

  “What were you doing with Rossi earlier?”

  “What, why?” she asked.

  “Was he giving you a hard time?”

  “No, Jesus. It’s just Rossi. He’s harmless.”

  I shook my head at her. How could she be blind to the looks of contempt he gave her?

  “Maybe a little sleazy, but still harmless,” she continued.

  So, she noticed him eyeing her up like a piece of meat, but not the hateful glances? Christy was going to kill me.

  “I think you should stay away from him.”

  “And why would I do that?” she said indignantly.

  “Because I said so. I don’t want you near him.”

  “He’s my boss. How do you suppose I manage that?”

  I almost growled at her. “I don’t know. Find a way.”

  “All right, big boy,” she patted me mockingly on my bicep. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

  And then she walked away, not a care in the world, ass swaying like it always did.

  Chapter Five


  “Yo, Christy!” Jade shouted from right beside me.

  “I’m right here, Jade. What do you want?”

  “Girl, that boy is staring at you again. Why is he always staring at you?”

  Only Jade would call a fully-grown, hulk of a man like King, a ‘boy.’

  “Jade, it’s two in the morning. I want to go home. I don’t have time for your hallucinations.”

  “We all want to go home, bitch. You can wait five minutes, like the rest of us. Now turn around, look at the bouncer, and tell me again how I’m crazy.”

  I whipped my head around to King in a flash, just to prove my point to Jade, and found his eyes burning straight into mine. My breath hitched audibly, and Jade let out a cackle.

  “I told you so. Listen to your girl, Jade. She always knows what’s up.”

  “Thanks, Jade, I’ll remember that,” I said sarcastically.

  Damn it. What was King looking at me like that for? Just because he gave me some ridiculous advice that I ignored, didn’t mean he could look at me like that.

  “So, why’s he fucking you with his eyes?” Jade voiced my thoughts exactly, but I still managed to place a look of shocked outrage on my face.

  “Jade!” I whispered. “Would you keep your voice down! I don’t want anyone getting the wrong–”

  “Who’s fucking King?” Sienna questioned, appearing from thin air.

  “Idea,” I finished glumly. “See what you’ve done?” I glared at Jade.

  “Christy’s fucking the bouncer,” Jade said, with no remorse at all.

  “Stop that. I’m not fucking him.”

  “I dunno,” Jasmine suddenly joined us. “If anything, he’s fucking her.”

  “Jasmine! You're meant to be the reasonable one,” I grumbled.

  Topsy arrived as well, and the four girls huddled around me, their peering eyes almost enough to make me break.

  “Are you lying to us, Christy?” Topsy asked, her lower lip trembling and her eyes as wide as the sun.

  “Jesus,” I said in exasperation. “Fine, yes, but it was only once!”

  “I knew it!” Jade screamed, drawing the attention of several people around us.

  “How was it?”

  “Is he big?”

  “What position?”

  “Are you doing it again?”

  I felt like a deer in the headlights as they bombarded me with all their questions.

  “I’m not answering any of your questions,” I said firmly.

  “Well, you’re no fun,” Jade said glumly.

  “Oh, leave her alone,” Jasmine chastised. “She’s probably struggling to walk after the night she had.”

  The girls all laughed, and I felt like smacking them.

  “It was a week ago, you bitch,” I grumbled.

  They gasped in unison. “And you’re only telling us now?”

  “Sorry, girls,” I said unapologetically. I was beginning to back away from the huddle, hoping they wouldn’t notice.

  “Hold up, girl, you aren’t going anywhere.”

  I held Jade’s gaze and then flicked my eyes over to the others.

  It was now or never, I supposed.

  Without giving it a second thought, I bolted from the group, ignoring their calls behind me and sprinting out the nearest door, right into the alley behind Diamond Castle.

  The cool night air hit me hard, and I shivered violently. Maybe I should have changed out of my lingerie before I left the building. The door swung open behind me, and I whirled around, ready to shout at whichever one of the girls had decided to follow me.

  To my surprise, it was King who had come out behind me.

  “What do you want, King? Is this about Rossi again?”

  “Maybe. It’s not really a good idea to run out into a back alley at two in the morning, all alone and practically naked. Maybe I just wanted to play knight.”

  “I find that hard to believe. You’ve been staring daggers into me all night. The girls are starting to notice.”

  King began stalking toward me slowly, his eyes never leaving mine.

  “Did you want to keep me as your dirty little secret?”

  I scoffed. He wouldn’t turn this around on me. Not if I could help it.

  “Hardly. We both know it’s better if there’s nobody around to hassle us. That’s why you barely ever open your mouth to the others.”

  “I open my mouth to you.”

  “I’m aware. Maybe you shouldn’t.”

  “Why? Scared I’ll seduce you again?”

  “You?” I said indignantly. “You seduced me? Please!”

  If anyone seduced anyone, it was me. King had been his usual stoic self, trying not to fall for my charms. I had known he couldn’t resist though, and I had been right. He’d fucked me like an animal, completely caveman style.

  “It’s true. You were begging for it by the end.” He was right in front of me now, forcing me to look up to meet his gaze.

  I clenched my eyes shut in anger and to avoid doing something stupid, like hitting him or kissing him.

  “You couldn’t resist me if you tried,” he leaned in and whispered it into my ear, biting my ear lobe with the last word and exhaling hot breath onto my neck.

  “That’s not how it happened.” I was trying to keep from panting, but it was taki
ng all my efforts.

  “You want me, admit it.”

  The tip of his tongue stroked the side of my neck in one luscious motion, leaving behind a wet trail that felt colder in the night air.


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