THE HITMAN'S CHILD: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance

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THE HITMAN'S CHILD: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance Page 34

by Nicole Fox

  Fuck, why did I even care? I’d slept with more girls than I could count. Maybe it was the fact that it was Rossi that really got me. Yeah, that was probably it. Why she would stoop so low would remain a mystery.

  It had gone a beat loo long without me replying, but what could I really say to that anyway?

  “Still, that slut wasn’t worth all her trouble. Did you hear what she accused me of? Who does she think she is? As if I would need to steal her whoring money.”

  Don’t hit him. Don’t hit him.

  My teeth were grinding as I clenched my jaw and fisted my hands. I wouldn’t attack him here, but I would sure fantasize about it.

  “If she were here right now I’d be sure to teach her a lesson. Tie her down, and maybe invite some buddies. She’d love it. Maybe I’d let her come back and work here if she asked nicely.”

  I was going to kill him. There was nothing else for it.

  “You had your own little fun with her, didn’t you?” he asked suddenly.

  “What do you mean?” I said. I hoped to God that he wasn’t about to turn it around.

  “I saw the way she was coming on to you. Probably fucked her a few times, too. I get it; the slut gets around. She was good though, right?”


  “Did you know what she was planning to do? Her crazy ass idea of opening her own joint?”

  “We never really talked much, if you get me,” I said, suppressing my disgust when he cackled like a lunatic and clapped his hands together.

  “I get you, King. I wish I knew where she was now, though. Maybe I could pay her a visit and get some things sorted out. You wouldn’t know where I could find her, would you?”

  “Afraid not,” I said firmly.

  If Rossi was fishing for information so sloppily, it was a wonder he knew anything about anyone. In fact, more and more of his behavior seemed to cement in my mind that there was another, higher power doling out the orders, and that Rossi was a pawn in their plans.

  “She’ll come by, eventually,” he said. “She’s too hotheaded to leave it alone. Probably thinks I’ll admit to something I didn’t even do. I’ll be ready though, and show her who’s boss. I have a buddy who loves them when they’re not moving.”

  His laugh was going to be the death of me. Scratch that, it was going to be the death of him, if he didn’t shut his trap soon.

  “Anyway, I gotta get going. If you see Christy, tell her that I’d like to see her and catch up like we used to.”

  He slapped me once on the arm, as I forced a half smirk to my lips. The man was going to die after all this nonsense was sorted out. There was no way he would get to keep breathing after the shit he’d said, and that was a promise.

  What I really needed to do know was warn Christy about what he’d said. Rossi was right about one thing, and that was the fact that Christy was hotheaded and quick to charge into things she had no business getting involved in. She was a smart girl, no doubt about it, but combining her temper and her bad luck was a sure-fire way to get herself into deeper trouble than she could ever dig her way out of.

  “Hey, asshole!”

  I held in my deep sigh of irritation as Jade waltzed over to me, one hair flip away from blinding the clientele.

  “We never really talked much’?” she accused me angrily. “What the fuck, King? You sure are a piece of work, screwing over Christy and teaming up with the whack job while you’re at it!”

  “How’d you–”

  “There are eyes and ears everywhere here. You should remember that. Now, Christy may not be working here anymore, but she will never stop being our girl. I don’t know what game you’re playing at, but you better not let Christy get fucked over any worse than she already is.”

  “You don’t know the whole story,” I began, holding up a hand in placation.

  “I know there’s more going on. I’m not stupid,” she interrupted. Jade was practically spitting fire, this one. “I had a feeling about you from the start, and I hope to God that I wasn’t wrong. Protect my girl, all right?”

  Her eyes were burning holes into me, and I could do nothing but nod in agreement. After all, she was just trying to protect her friend, and she was right. Christy was getting fucked over, and I wanted to protect her. No, I needed to protect her.

  Christy, Rossi, the mobster, and I were all connected in some way, and I hard to sort it out, and soon, before anything else happened that would affect Christy and me.

  Work that night seemed to drag on. The entire time, I had to keep a close watch on Rossi, while still doing my job. At the end of the night, however, I still came up empty. What did I expect, though? To just overhear a conversation implicating him in something that would give me enough evidence to do something about it? It was a ridiculous thought, but as sloppy as Rossi was, it was still likely to happen.

  Finally, the shift ended, and I was able to leave. My destination was definitely going to be Christy’s house, but I had to plan out what I was going to say to her. The last time I tried to warn her about something, she didn’t believe me and went out of her way to prove me wrong.

  Not this time.

  I’d make sure she would listen to me. I had no other choice. If Christy got hurt, then it would all be on me, no matter what she thought.

  It would be because I wasn’t smart enough, or quick enough, or resourceful enough to solve the mysterious situation and get her out of harm’s way. Christy could bitch and moan all she wanted about how she could take care of herself, but there was no way I would risk it with someone as unstable as Rossi. One moment he was as sane as I was, and the next minute he was a raving psychopath.

  No, I had to keep Christy safe and away. If it was anyone else, I might make an effort to tell them only a little, so that I could protect them. With Christy, I had to tell her enough so she wouldn’t go fighting battles that she had no place fighting.

  Driving to her place, I was strangely paranoid, checking the rear-view mirror every second to make sure I wasn’t being followed and taking a few detours, as well. I wouldn’t put it past Rossi to have me followed, especially since he seemed so curious about Christy’s whereabouts earlier. If he didn’t already know where Christy lived, then there was no chance that I would lead him straight to her.

  When I arrived at her house at last, it was ridiculously late, or early. Unlike last time, all the lights were off and there was complete silence except for the sound of my engine as I pulled into her driveway.

  I didn’t know what to expect when she opened the door. I could get happy Christy, tired Christy, angry Christy or horny Christy. Maybe even a combination. All I knew was that I had to get her to understand the danger she could be in. She couldn’t pretend this was just Rossi being a petty asshole. No, there were bigger powers at play, and she had to watch out before she got dragged in further. If scaring her was what it took, then I would do it with no hesitation, just to keep her impulsive tendencies in check.

  The door swung open and standing there was Christy Just Christy. It was at that point that a strange thought occurred to me; she could be feeling any range of emotions, and she would still be just Christy.

  “King?” she said groggily. “Missed me already?”

  I ignored her teasing, and she must have noticed the stern look on my face, because her smile lessened considerably.

  “What’s wrong? Did you find something out?”

  Christy turned and motioned for me to come in, leading me to her couch.

  “I’ve been talking to Rossi. You need to keep your head down Christy. I mean it.”

  “Why, what’s he said?”

  “Just tried to get me to talk about you, and said a few threatening things.” I wasn’t about to bring up everything that he’d said, especially if it meant that she might confirm that she had gotten together with Rossi once. I didn’t care how long ago it was. I never wanted to know if it was true.

  “Oh, is that all?” Christy’s entire demeanor changed to one of disinterest.
Hadn’t she learned from before that it wasn’t a good idea to underestimate him?

  “No, that isn’t all! Rossi isn’t a petty criminal. He’s up to something, and you're in danger. You need to lay low and put your plans for your own club on hold.”

  “What?” she shouted. “What gives you the right to say that? I need to get back my money and–”

  “Stop! Listen!” I strode forward and grabbed her by the shoulders, almost shaking her. She had to listen, and she had to understand. My eyes bore into hers, and I could sense her anxiety increase, along with mine.

  “I’m not talking about money here. I’m talking about your life. You can’t do what you did the other day and go barging into a poorly thought-out plan. You have to be calm, and wait for me to sort things out.”

  As much as it threw me, I was worried about her safety, and I wouldn’t risk something happening to her, when it could be avoided if she wasn’t so reckless. She was too important to me, now, for me to ever let that happen, and I wanted her—no, I needed her to stay safe.

  The intensity of my speech might have been what caused her to stop wriggling and think through what I was saying. A moment passed, one that felt infinitely longer than what it was, and she finally answered.


  Chapter Fifteen


  “Okay,” I said, a shiver going down my spine at his forcefulness.

  I wouldn’t lie and say that I wasn’t the slightest bit afraid at his intensity, because I was. The way his eyes were burning into mine, like they had hold of them and wouldn’t let go, was disconcerting, to say the least. How could I say no to him when he was like that?

  As quickly as any fear came into my body, it quickly fled when his gaze changed into a different kind of passion. He tilted his head down and kissed me, an entire conversation occurring between our parted lips as we struggled to find the right way to express what we were thinking. When he pulled back, for the first time that night, I managed to relax.

  King turning up at my door wasn’t that much of a surprise. I had almost expected him to come over again, though I would’ve preferred if it weren’t in the middle of the night. His heavy stare when I opened the door had me on edge immediately. I just knew Rossi must have said something to him, because he was worked up as hell, charging into my home like a caged bull.

  I’d agreed to keep my head down, but that was more for his reassurance than anything. I wasn’t completely certain what I was going to do, but I knew that King wouldn’t be able to talk me out of anything. It didn’t really matter how much I’d grown to care for him. I needed to get my life back in order, and he couldn’t interfere with that. Besides, I knew he didn’t tell me everything he knew anyway, so I didn’t have to tell him everything either.

  “What did he say to you?” I asked finally, hoping he’d at least come clean about why he was so agitated.

  “I already told you,” he grunted, letting go of me and taking a few steps backward. “He told me to tell you he wanted to see you.”

  “That’s not everything, though.” King wasn’t meeting my eyes completely, and I could tell there was pent up frustration rolling off of him in waves.

  “He was very… colorful with his thoughts on you and when you two used to… sleep together.”

  My lips twitched, and I couldn’t quite hide the small snicker than came out and the subsequent giggle.

  “You think I’d ever have sex with him? What do you take me for?”

  Things were starting to make a little more sense. He was jealous, plain and simple. As flattering as it was, I couldn’t let it distract me. King was a very controlling man in every part of his life and, while I could take it in the bedroom, I didn’t appreciate his dominance out of it.

  A small smile finally graced King’s lips as he turned back to me.

  “I wasn’t lying when I said he was threatening you. You have to be careful.” Of course, I did. But King could go out and do whatever the hell he wanted to do, and it was okay. The double standard was really getting a little old by now. So, he was allowed to spend all his time cozying up to the enemy, while I had to just sit at home, twiddling my thumbs and waiting for King to bring back good news.

  That wasn’t happening.

  “I am being careful,” I said slowly. “I’ve been gathering proof to use against Rossi. Isn’t that what you’ve been trying to get me to do from the beginning? Be calm, have a plan, and get some evidence. That’s what you keep telling me.”

  “What proof? Are you crazy? This is the perfect way to get their attention!”

  “I told you I was being careful,” I said annoyed. “Why can’t you just believe me?”

  “I do believe you,” he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Proof about what?”

  That brought a smile to my lips. Maybe he would be on board.

  “I’m getting proof that Rossi is the one that set up the robbery at Diamond Castle. Look, I know it sounds crazy that he’d do that to his own club, but– “

  The suddenly hard look on his face made me pause momentarily.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You need to leave the robbery and Rossi alone,” he said cryptically.

  Jesus, was he serious? This just about confirmed my suspicions that King was planning to go after the robbers alone and just wanted me out of the way. They’d attacked him. I got it. But he couldn’t do everything by himself. He couldn’t push me out of everything and expect to figure everything out on his own.

  “No. I can get information that you can’t. I can do things you can’t. Don’t try and stop me. You won’t be able to.”

  “Fuck, Christy.”

  He strode forward once more and pulled me into his arms.

  “Why can’t you just listen?” he growled.

  The mood had shifted now, and I looked up at him with a softened expression.

  “Have you met me?” I smiled lightly, and he returned it, albeit less enthusiastically.

  He placed his lips on mine again, this time more of a gentle caress. It was the softest kiss that we’d ever shared and it ignited a different kind of passion within me. My hands reached up and landed lightly on his shoulders, while his hands moved to cup my face in, dare I say it, an almost loving way.

  I pulled back, but seemed to only be able to go so far as to rest my forehead against his.

  “King,” I breathed.

  “Christy.” I was being pulled tighter against him, and I didn’t have the willpower to keep out of his warm embrace. I recognized the look in his eyes. It may not be the crazed look he usually had, but it was just as wanting and just as lustful.

  “Are we really going to do this again?” I asked tiredly.

  Even as I spoke those words, I felt his wandering hands slide up to the bare skin of my stomach and work their way up under my tank. King began to place brief and light kisses on the side of my face, moving around to my earlobe, which earned itself a little nibble, and then down my neck.

  My hands slipped from his shoulders to behind his head as I held him to me, but it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough with King.

  “I don’t know,” he finally replied, continuing his assault of chaste kisses. “Are we?”

  I hated it when he turned it around like that. As if I would ever be able to resist him.

  With a small nudge for his head to leave my neck, I latched my lips onto his again, in response.

  Before I could deepen it any further, he moved away and, in one quick move, lifted me up into his arms, a hand under my knees and another around my back. For stability, I locked my arms behind his neck again and lay comfortably in his arms as he led us to the bedroom. I had somehow learned to completely trust the man, and that was something that still shocked me from time to time.

  King sat me down on the edge of the bed and knelt down before me so we were the same height. Things were going to be different this time; I could feel it in the air.

  He quickly slipped my tank top over m
y head, leaving my chest bared to him. King started licking and biting and kissing me straight away. My nipples had risen to attention, but he was ignoring them for now, cupping and kneading my big mounds of flesh. With a long, wet lick to the underside of my breast, I’d had enough.

  I shimmied back on the bed, until my back had hit the headboard and waited for King to follow. It didn’t take him more than a moment to plant a knee in the bed and make his way over to me. He always spent so much time exploring my body that I ached to return the favor. My hands reached for the hem of his shirt, and he didn’t stop me as I pulled it over his head.


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