Captured By A Royal Thug

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Captured By A Royal Thug Page 7

by Heiress

  I wanted to feel offended, but I couldn’t. He was basically trying to say he cared about my wellbeing. I mean, we did talk a lot. He said that he felt comfortable discussing things with me because he knew I couldn’t share our conversation with another. I posed no threat to him.

  “Oh…wow. I didn’t know that. I guess I should say thank you for not trying to have sex with me.” I snickered.

  “You welcome though it’s hard as shit.”

  “What? Trying not to have sex with me?”

  “Nah, my dick. Every time I’m around you he gets hard as fuck,” he confessed as if it was nothing. “I’ll release my stress elsewhere but let’s get back to the point. There may be an opening for you to be an all-day servant. Which means, you get to live in the palace with the Royals. A woman may be pregnant, and she will need a live-in servant. That way you ain’t got to deal with any punishment.”

  I knew he was talking about Bella. I wanted to tell him I already had that position filled but I didn’t want to ruin his good deed. “But, Prince I still have no food for a week. How am I going to-?”

  “I got that. Don’t worry. I feel guilty and shit, so I’m gone fix this.”

  I stared at him for a moment before speaking again. “Not that I’m not grateful but why are you helping me? I mean I know we talk whenever I serve you, but I’m just a servant.”

  “To be honest, I don’t know why I’m helping you. I usually could care less. I tried to leave it alone, but shit kept bothering me. Maybe it’s because you all cute and shit. I don’t know.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well, thank you. I appreciate you doing this for me,” I offered up.

  “No problem but I need a favor in return.”

  “See, I knew it. Men never want to do anything for free. It’s always about sex.” I exhaled, shaking my heads.

  “You done?” He quizzed uninterested in my accusations. “I was gone ask you to try and get to know some of the princesses for me. Like, scope them out. Find some good intel on them. They not gone show they true colors around me and you’re just a servant, so they don’t have shit to prove to you. Call us even after this.” He extended his hand to me to seal the deal.

  “Fine.” I shook on it. “But I don’t know how you expect me to get them to talk. Like you said, I’m just a servant.”

  “I’m sure you’re somewhat smart. Figure it out.” He shrugged his shoulders before he walked to his door. “You first. I don’t need anyone getting suspicious.”

  Smiling faintly, I walked out. I made my way back to the party. I had no idea how I was going to get the Royal Princess to talk to me, but I had to figure out something. This was not going to be easy.


  An ill feeling stirred in my stomach as I slept. It was almost as if someone had swirled my tummy around in circles for hours and I was just now feeling the after effects. My mouth watered, and my lips began to tremble. Jumping to my feet, I ran as fast as I could to the grand bathroom. Bursting through the door, I kneeled in front of the nearest toilet and threw up my entire stomach. Well, at least that’s what it felt like.

  “Madaaaaaame!” I cried her name in between me puking. Tears streamed my eyes because I could barely breath. Liquid just kept pouring out. “Madame!” I yelled again.

  Seconds later, I heard someone rushing into the bathroom. “Bella! Bella darling are you okay? What’s wrong dear?” she panicked, kneeling beside me. She brushed my hair out of my face for me as I continued to empty my stomach. I couldn’t talk. I just had to wait until the torture was over.

  “Ehhhhh,” I whined, backing away from the toilet. “Do you think I got food poisoning from last night’s dinner? I told you that new cook looked suspicious.” Madame only gazed at me with a wide smile. “What?”

  “I think you might be pregnant, Bella. This could be it. This could have worked,” she assumed cheerfully. Standing to her feet, she ran a cloth under the water and then handed it to me. “I’ll call for, Luis. We need to get you to the royal doctor at once.”

  She hopped up so fast and left the bathroom. I sat there thinking of what she said. I honestly didn’t think it was going to work. I wasn’t even hopeful. Now that it was hitting me that I could definitely be pregnant, I was scared. Scared as hell. I didn’t have a fear of being a good mother since I knew I would not be mothering the baby. Being pregnant and giving birth is frightening enough.

  “Alright, Bella let’s get you up. I’ll lie you down in my bed, so we won’t wake my ladies. The royal doctor is on his way along with King Zuse. He needs to confirm your pregnancy,” she let me know as she helped me up.

  “What happens if I am pregnant?” I quizzed.

  “Then you move in the royal palace tonight. All of your things will stay here. You will be given new garments.”

  “No. You gave me those gowns. I want to keep them,” I begged. I could tell she was flattered by her smile.

  “I will see if the King will accommodate your request. Now let’s get you in the bed.” We walked to her room, and she got me comfortable in her bed. She left out the room to get me some water and ten minutes later she returned with King Zuse and a doctor.

  “Lady Bella this is the royal doctor, Doctor Ebu. He’s going to do an examination on you, and then test to see if you’re with child. Don’t worry, I won’t be far. King and I will be just outside this door.”

  “Okay,” I replied in a shaky voice. I was so nervous I could barely breath. Once the door was shut, the doctor began his examination. It was so uncomfortable. He was down in between my legs with his head and his fingers all up in my uterus. Once he was done, he told me to go pee in a cup. After that was done, Madame and King Zuse returned back into the room.

  “I feel violated, Madame,” I whispered when she came to sit next to me.

  “That was the easy part. You’ll feel more violated once the months go by.” She laughed, but I couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. “No matter the test results reveal, I will never abandon you. I will always be here, Bella. I promise.”

  “Thank you, Madame.” We shared a brief moment before the doctor cleared his throat.

  “The test results are clear. Lady Bella is with child,” Doctor Ebu confirmed.

  If I wasn’t already laying down, I would have fainted. I was pregnant. Pregnant with a whole baby. This was beyond me.

  “Yes! This is splendid news. Luis will gather your belongings. You will now retire into the palace. Did you appoint your servant and guard?” he asked.

  “Yes, your grace. My guard’s name is Twan, and my servant’s name is Leah,” I answered.

  “I will send for them at once.” He turned his back and walked away. Doctor Ebu congratulated me and then made his exit. I didn’t have time to say goodbye to the ladies, not that I cared about any of them, but I low-key wanted to rub it in their faces. Madame was not able to come with me to the palace, but she promised to come in the morning to see how I settled in. Luis escorted me back to the palace and then Iman escorted me to my new suite.

  “Welcome to your new home, Lady Bella,” Iman said as he opened the double doors. My mouth had dropped to the floor. The room was out of this world. It was so gorgeous that I wanted to cry, but that could have been the early hormones kicking in. I walked further in and got even more amazed. I had my own bathroom, a mini kitchen, a lounge area, and a fireplace. The bed had to be bigger than a California King the way it took up almost the entire room. The colors gold and purple were everywhere.

  “Your guard and servant will be here to introduce themselves momentarily. Have a good night, Lady Bella.” He said as he shut the door. Being the big kid, I was, I ran and jumped on the bed. I sunk right into the mattress.

  “Oh, this feels amaaaaazing,” I sang. I couldn’t enjoy the peace long enough because a knock came at my door. “Uh, come in.”

  The door opened, and it was Twan and Leah. “Shit comfortable as hell ain’t it?” Twan quizzed before he pounced in the bed with me. “Oh, damn. I’m in
fucking heaven. Leah you gotta feel this shit.”

  Leah, then came and got in the bed next to me. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head. “It’s like laying on clouds,” she sang.

  “You two are such retards. How long can you stay with me?” I sat up in the bed with each of them beside me.

  “Well, unfortunately, I can’t guard you twenty-four seven. You have to have two guards. One in the morning and one at night. I optioned to be the night guard, so I can be in here chilling most of the time. We used to be night owls back home.” Twan reminisced.

  “And I’m your live-in servant so, I will actually be staying here with you. There’s an extra bed under here. It’s just like old times.” Leah smiled.

  “Yea. The only difference is that I’m pregnant,” I spat.

  “What’s good with you, Bella? You worried about being pregnant?”

  “Yes, Twan! I’ am! I know this is supposed to be our way out and I’m happy I can be the one who helps us, but…it’s still scary.” I pouted.

  “Hey, you listen here. We have been together for almost half our lives. We’ve been in orphanages together. We’ve stolen food from the gas station and ran from the police together. We got caught together. Now we’ve been kidnapped together and taken out of the country for three years and look at us. We’re still together. We were meant to be friends. We are all we have so just know that we both will be right by your side every step of the way.”

  “Yea, literally. Leah gone be in here, and I’m gone be outside the door. We gone be here for you. No doubt.”

  Tears fell from my eyes as I heard my best friends speak. Who can say that they’ve been through what we’ve been through, and survived. Together. We had a crazy story, but it was our story. I was blessed to have these two in my life.

  “Thank you, guys. I love you both so much.” I sniffed back my tears.

  “Yea. Yea. Yea. We love you too now let’s talk about this plan,” Twan began. We stayed up all night trying to come up with slick ways to get the map to Droga. It was simple. I either had to get King Adonis to give them to me or I had to steal them. Easier said than done.

  Next Morning…

  Today was a little bit strange. I was being catered to left and right, and I didn’t know how to feel about it. Almost all my life I had been independent. Even when my father was alive, I would take care of myself because he would be at work all day and night. Having people wait on me hand and foot was all new to me, and I wasn’t sure if I liked it.

  “Okay girl so I’m here for you whenever you need me. You’re not showing yet, so we can go and explore the palace. I heard they have a lot of secret passages. I say we go have some fun,” Leah suggested as she helped me into my new gown. It was gorgeous that I almost felt like royalty for a split second. It was a navy-blue shade with gold sparkles and African like designs.

  “If I had access to a cell phone I would be taking hella selfies for Instagram right now,” I said, admiring myself in the ceiling to floor mirror.

  “Girl if I had a cell phone right now, we wouldn’t be here no more,” Leah kidded, laughing. As she finished helping me get dressed, a knock came at the door. “Yes,” Leah sang.

  The door peaked open and my morning guard, Kenta stuck his head in. “Announcing King Adonis.” For some reason, my heart dropped when I heard his name. Through the mirror, I could see him entering my room with all his sexy glory. It was like my pussy was trained to want him now. Just seeing his face made her excited.

  “I would like to have a word with, Lady Bella alone.” He directed his words to Leah.

  “Yes, your highness.” She bowed. “Girl if y’all do it, please give me all the dirty details,” she whispered in my ear as she scurried out the door. King Adonis shut it behind her.

  “I see you like the dress I selected for you.” His presence grew closer as he spoke.

  “You picked this out for me?” I seemed shocked.

  “Don’t be so surprised. I do happen to have good taste in clothing.” His body lingered behind me. “And women.” With his fingers, he swept my hair all to one side, exposing my neck. The little thin hairs stood at attention on my neck and arms. I could see the goosebumps forming on my skin.

  “I must confess something to you, Lady Bella,” he started.

  “What is it?” I was too anxious to know.

  He hesitated for a moment as his eyes undressed me in the mirror. “I feel foolish admitting this, but I can’t seem to get you off my mind. I’ve tried, but it’s been difficult. I haven’t seen you in over a month, and I had to fight my flesh to keep from visiting my Aunt Madame’s house.” He smirked as he continued to stare at me intensely.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, but I can’t seem to shake the feeling of us. Of the night we shared together. And that morning. I have bed my wife multiple times since you, and it is not the same,” he confessed.

  “That pussy ain’t as tight as yours.” One hand went up my dress and crept into my panties. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning. “She doesn’t hold me like you do.” His free arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me so close to him that I could feel him poking at my back. “Her pussy doesn’t taste as good as yours.” He licked my neck and then began sucking on it hard. I couldn’t hold in my moan. It escaped.

  “She doesn’t moan as soft and sexy as you do. Her pussy doesn’t get wet for me like yours do. As soon as I touch you, you start to drip. That pussy curves to my fucking dick and I love that shit,” he whispered in my ear. I got so turned on when he went all thuggish on me. It was like he had two sides of him. The proper well controlled King and then the speak his mind rough thug. I didn’t know which one I liked better, but they both had an effect on me.

  “That is why this will be the last time I visit your room,” he blurted, backing away from me.

  My head came out of the clouds real quick. I turned on my heells and looked him in his face as if he had lost his mind. He had got me all hot and horny and then just throws cold water on me. “I’m sorry what? Why?”

  “Because, Lady Bella I’ am a married man. A married King. I’m faithful to my wife, and I don’t want to hurt her. I only agreed to bed you because I lost hope in producing an heir with my wife. Now that you are pregnant, my deed is done. Our relationship is done. It was only for that one night.”

  “So, you did all that extra stuff for what? To get a rise out of me? Though your pussy is better than my wife’s and I can’t stop thinking about you, we can’t see each other no more,” I mocked him. “You could have saved the speech and got right to the point,” I sassed, placing one hand on my hip.

  “Lady, Bella I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just being-,”

  “Honest. Yes, I know you were. That’s who you are. This honest, faithful super attractive King with good dick. A dick that I want to pounce on right now, but I can’t because you want to be all faithful.” I fanned myself. This conversation was only making me hornier for some reason.

  “Am I supposed to feel bad for wanting to be fucking faithful to my wife?” he barked.

  “No! You should feel bad for making me feel like I had a chance. That we could have had sex right here and now, but instead you just rejected me,” I spat.

  “Do you think this is easy? I have never in my life felt so strongly about a woman before. I don’t even feel this way about my wife. Hell, I don’t even know you like that. My dick is hard as hell, and it’s taking everything in me not to bend your ass over and fuck the shit out of you on this table,” he snapped, eyeing me intensely.

  “But I can’t, and I won’t. I’m still a King and though its acceptable for me to bed as many women as I want, I won’t do it. I won’t be like my father.”

  A part of me wanted to slap the shit out of him. Another part of me wanted to give him a hug and commend him on being faithful. Then the other half of me wanted to just beg him for the dick. My emotions and hormones were all over the place.

  “Fine. If that’s what you want then-,�

  “It’s not what I want, Bella but it’s what-,”

  “What you have to do. Yea, I get it. Do you mind leaving so I can finish getting ready?” I asked, but I was more so telling him to get out. I could tell he didn’t want to leave from him just standing there, staring at me. He took one step forward, and we were body to body. So close that I’m sure he could feel my heart beat on his chest. His hand slipped around the back of my neck, and he bent down to my height.

  His lips grazed mine, but he didn’t kiss me. “I want you so fucking bad,” he whispered.

  Seeing that he wasn’t going to make the first step, I decided to be bold. Lifting on my toes, I pressed my lips against his. I was surprised when he didn’t pull away. Instead, he invited my tongue inside his mouth. The kiss was so passionate that it was almost equivalent to having sex with him. My hands wrapped around his waist and his grabbed my ass.

  “Damn, that ass fat,” he mumbled in my mouth. There he goes with that thuggish rough talk. I was starting to think that this African thing was all a front.

  “It’s yours. Every part of my body is yours,” I confessed. I didn’t even know why I said that. I barely knew him but, yet I was willing to give him my body. Hell, I was already having his baby. In the midst of us making out, a knock came at the door and then it opened. I had never been pushed away from a man so hard in my life.

  “Oh, my apologies King Adonis,” Iman offered up. I knew he had witnessed us kissing.

  “Next time fucking wait to be let in, Iman!” Adonis barked.

  “I’m sorry, King but there is an emergency that you must tend to. The soldiers are ready. I wouldn’t have barged in if it wasn’t urgent,” He explained.

  Sighing loudly, he rubbed his temples before returning his attention to me. “That shouldn’t have happened. The moment was right, but that will never happen again. I’m sorry, Lady Bella.” He said nothing else. He just walked away and left me standing there. I don’t know why I wanted to cry. I don’t why I felt like my heart was breaking in two. I don’t know if it was the baby or the fact that I was indeed falling in love with the King of Droga.


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