Empowered Academy 1985

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Empowered Academy 1985 Page 10

by Dawn Jansen

  “Yes,” I said, finally looking up to meet his intimidating gaze.

  Without any warning, Ramsey pounced on me like a wolf. I fell back against my big bed with Ramsey over me. He was straddling me on the bed, leaning over me with our noses just touching. Having Ramsey on top of me made me feel safe, with his impressive bulk covering me completely, but also trapped; he was so much bigger than me, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to squirm out of his grasp unless he wanted me to. These contradicting sensations, of being at once protected and controlled, turned me on in a way I’d never experienced before. Combined with the fact that I’d been thinking about Ramsey so often the past few days, finally being able to give in and surrender myself to him was a great relief, and I melted at his touch.

  His body was hot, and I realized he must have been burning up just like I had been. His taught chest rubbed against my nipples between our shirts, sending currents of pleasure up and down my spine. Ramsey’s rock-hard shaft was parked on top of my mound, the tip of it reaching up to my bellybutton. I could feel it struggling to break free against his restrictive pants, and as it pressed against me anxiously, I imagined it breaking into me, the thought of which caused a new flood of wetness to seep out of me.

  He just stayed like that, both of us panting, our breaths mingling with each other’s, his bulge rubbing slowly against my clit, and I started to become frustrated. I pined for his kiss. I demanded to feel his lips again, but each time I lifted my head up to meet his lips, he moved his head back. He was teasing me, stoking the flames of my lust with greater and greater intensity, and it was driving me wild.

  “Kiss me!” I finally whimpered, and before I could even shut my mouth, Ramsey had sealed it with his own. He had been waiting for me to say something; he had wanted to hear me beg him for this kiss, but I didn’t care. I would beg him if that’s what it took to get what I’d waited so long for.

  This kiss was different than the first time. The first time had been unexpected, confused, and angry; this kiss was all passion and desperation. I moaned and he growled at the same time, our primal calls fusing as our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. One of his rough hands began to roam my barely clothed body, causing me to shake and quiver as it greedily groped my stomach, ribs, breast, and hips. I responded in turn, once again clawing at Ramsey’s clothes. I wanted to tear them off and feel his skin against mine.

  This time, my energetic reaction was much more intense than before. The emotions flowing between us overcharged my power. It leaped from my core, dancing in the veritable sea of energy that Ramsey and I were generating.

  Just as I was starting to think I might explode from the multi-sensory pleasure overload, Ramsey suddenly broke away from our long, impassioned kiss and got up on his knees. I felt dizzy and wanting for his lips, but I didn’t have any time to think as he deftly maneuvered himself between my legs in one swift movement. He positioned my legs apart and I almost felt embarrassed at first; I was so wet down there, and I could smell the heady aroma of my own sex radiating out of me. When I saw how Ramsey was looking at me, however—greedily, wildly, like a parched traveler who had found an oasis—any embarrassment I felt was replaced entirely by erotic desire. There was no longer any doubt in my mind that I wanted to go all the way with him.

  But I would still have to wait for that because Ramsey apparently hadn’t had his fill of exploring me with his tongue yet.

  “I want to taste you,” he said in a low, sexy voice; a voice that was strained and aching with desire.

  The pajama shorts I was wearing were very loose, and Ramsey forcefully yanked one of the short legs to the side, easily revealing the entirety of my glistening pussy. I whimpered as he studied my dripping sex, taking in the vista of my womanhood with hungry eyes, and a second later his big tongue had slobbered one great lick upon my eager pussy. I rocked back as he worked with his tongue. I had helplessly lost control, but Ramsey was in command; he gripped at my thighs, his muscular hands contrasted against the supple skin of my legs, and held me in place, held my rocking hips down as he massaged my pussy with his tongue.

  Overcome with pleasure, I grabbed a fistful of Ramsey’s unruly hair as he continued to lap away at me. He was now working in a rhythm, taking in mouthfuls of the wetness that flowed out of me continuously, and with each consistent stroke of his tongue, I felt the pressure in my core building. Of course, I couldn’t turn off my power either, so I was absorbing more of Ramsey’s energy through my pussy, sucking it directly into my body where it fused with my own and became even more powerful. The sensation of this assimilation seemed to only hasten my approaching orgasm, adding pressure and power to it. As Ramsey’s lips sucked on mine and his stubble tickled my tender inner thighs, my legs squeezed powerfully against his head as, without warning, the dam broke and all of that building pressure in my core was suddenly let out.

  He continued licking and lapping, coaxing my orgasm out of me in waves that washed over my body. I twisted and rolled around on the bed as currents of pleasure spread over me, making me lightheaded and dizzy and breathless. I had never heard myself make the sound I made then; a deep, throaty moan, shuddering and prolonged. Ramsey was groaning too, and I couldn’t believe how greedy he seemed to taste all of me, to drink in all of the sweet juices that poured out of me.

  I didn’t know how long it took, but eventually my contractions became weaker and weaker, and finally I collapsed into a state of post-orgasmic bliss. My whole body was still tingling, but I felt more relaxed now than I ever had in my life. A look of contentment spread over my face as I sunk down into my bed.

  Ramsey came up beside me on the bed. “How did that feel?” he asked, stroking my hair that was in complete disarray. “Better than the first kiss?”

  He pecked me on the lips, giving me a subtle taste of my own sweet juices, and then, without warning, there came an urgent banging on my door.

  I went from the heights of bliss to the depths of panic in about half a second. I knew it was Edgar, and this was not how I wanted him to find out about me and Ramsey. I wanted to tell him myself and explain things so that he understood.

  Ramsey and I both shot up immediately. I adjusted my clothes as best I could and hopped off my bed, when suddenly a voice came from behind the door: “Ms. Stride. Open up.”

  It wasn’t Edgar. It was the commanding voice of some man I didn’t recognize. Now I was more confused than anything, but I smoothed out my hair and opened the door.

  There were two Academy guards on the other side. Guards at the Academy were basically these hard-assed military police that enforced the campus rules.

  “You’ve been chosen for a field mission. Report to the Test Chamber Alpha briefing room ASAP,” the one on the left said in a cold, professional tone.

  “Again?” I asked. “We just went on one last week.”

  “Architect’s orders,” he said unemotionally. Then, noticing Ramsey on my bed, he added, “Mr. Wakefield?”

  “Yeah,” Ramsey said. “Lemme guess: I’ve been chosen too?”

  “Correct,” the guard said. “Hurry up. Time-sensitive mission.”

  After the guards left, I closed the door and turned back to Ramsey. My heart was pounding in my chest, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the shock of those guards showing up at my door or from the pleasuring Ramsey had given me.

  We both looked at each other somewhat speechlessly. Everything had happened so fast, it almost felt like it had been a dream or taken place in an alternate dimension.

  “Well,” I said, “we better get ready.”

  Chapter 13


  I had never expected to be called on a field mission after only two weeks of being at the Academy, but I guessed my results in each of my classes had been strong enough to make me a candidate after all. It also made sense that they put me with Emily since—as the teachers made sure to tell us every chance they got—the Academy formed squads based on interpersonal relationships, making teams out of the students that wer
e emotionally closest to each other. That’s also why Lizzy’s presence came as no surprise, either; she was Emily’s best friend.

  The only other person that did stand out was Ramsey, who some students called “the Hulk,” in part for his formidable physique and in part for the simplicity of his power, which basically made him an expert at bashing things up. I didn’t deny that it was a useful power, but it was relatively straightforward. While I knew Ramsey from around the Academy, I certainly didn’t know him well enough to be included in a squad with him. That meant either Lizzy or Emily had some kind of connection with him, and I hoped it was the former. Of course, Emily and I weren’t official, and I knew it was the norm for female EMPs to have several lovers, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to share Emily with somebody else. Still, I knew deep down inside that if push came to shove, I’d be able to accept any arrangement as long as it meant I got to stay with Emily. She had changed me too much, turned me into an entirely new person really, and I knew I had to have her in my life.

  Ramsey and Emily were sitting across from me and Lizzy in the black van we were traveling in, and I didn’t know if it was just my overactive imagination, but I couldn’t help but feel that there really was something going on between them. I had to wipe those thoughts from my mind, though, because this was my first field mission, and it sounded pretty dangerous from the way Mr. Diaz was describing. He was sitting in the center seat closest to the front of the van looking at a clipboard which, I assumed, had notes about the mission on it.

  “Old Field Psychiatric Center; that ring a bell for any of you?” Mr. Diaz asked, looking up from his clipboard at us. All of us either shrugged or shook our heads. “Guess none of you are local then. It’s a derelict insane asylum. Shut down in the 60s, but the building has been there ever since. Intelligence reports that a group of rogue empowered are there—”

  “Rogue empowered?” Lizzy asked in shock, cutting Mr. Diaz off. “Those exist?”

  “Yes, Ms. Price. Any empowered individuals that are not a part of the EMP program are designated as rogue EMPs. That’s not all, though; reports state that they are likely part of a Soviet cell. Our orders are to verify the intelligence claims and, if they’re true, capture or eliminate the rogue empowered.”

  The four of us looked around at each other, somewhat in awe at the severity of the mission they were sending us on. Lizzy has been sent to arrest car thieves and Emily had run a sting operation on some drug smugglers, but this seemed more like a real mission that they would send actual EMP on. I guessed that was why they had Mr. Diaz accompany us for this mission; with his ability to wield deadly psi-blades, he was one of the most competent EMPs at the Academy.

  “We don’t know where they are in the building, and it’s quite a large complex,” Mr. Diaz continued, reading from the clipboard. “Lizzy is going to accompany me. Ramsey is the most senior student, so he’ll lead a secondary squad with Emily and Edgar. Understood?”

  We all nodded. Mr. Diaz handed a radio to Ramsey and they dialed into the same frequency.

  “Remember all your training and watch each other’s backs. Call in backup if you need it. The Bureau wants us to capture as many as possible, but if capture is impossible, you are authorized to use lethal force.”

  I really felt like I’d been thrown into the deep end, but I was confident too. Ever since bonding with Emily, my powers had grown significantly—I could use them more decisively and for longer periods of time without fatiguing—and I assumed the Academy knew this if they’d included me on this mission.

  There were no windows in the back of the van where we all sat, so none of us saw the landscape as we passed by. The van’s interior was filled with all sorts of military equipment, from communication devices to extra gear and ammunition. It all clunked around noisily as the van sped westward across Long Island toward the small town of Old Field. We were all absorbed in studying the blueprints of the psych center that Mr. Diaz had given us, but I couldn’t help myself from looking up at Emily from time to time. She was sexier than ever with her brunette hair tied back in a ponytail and her dark-gray uniform hugging her toned body in all the right places. She looked up occasionally too and would flash a reassuring smile at me, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with her.

  In order to help myself focus on the mission, I told myself it must have just been her nerves; these missions meant a lot to all of us, but especially for Emily since her dad basically ran the EMP bureau. We’d been getting to know each other more intimately over the past few days, and she confided in me about how demanding and uncaring her father could be, so it was only natural that she’d feel stressed before such an important mission.

  Our van must have been completely oblivious to speed limits because we arrived at the psych center quicker than any of us expected. It was only nine o’clock at night when we all stepped out of the van, but the quietude and darkness that engulfed the abandoned insane asylum made it seem much later.

  The psych center actually reminded me of the Academy a bit; it was situated on several acres of forest and field close to the shore and the main building seemed to have been built a long time ago. Unlike the Academy, however, it was rundown and dilapidated. Knowing it had once housed the insane gave it an aura of dread, which was probably why none of the local kids even dared come here to write graffiti or smoke joints. Were there really rogue empowered here? And Soviet ones at that? On some level, it made sense; it was close enough to the Academy that they’d be able to keep tabs on us, and the remoteness of the location would allow them to operate in secret for who knows how long.

  Our van was parked outside the asylum’s main gate, and there would be about a half-mile walk to the building itself. We all did last-minute checks of our gear before we started plodding across the huge lawn, overgrown with weeds and tall grass, toward the asylum. The moonless night sky cloaked our approach, and aside from the soft sound of our cautious steps through the grass, I heard nothing—not even a chirping cricket or lonely frog.

  As we came closer to the tall asylum building, I could make out a large sign over its front door: Old Field Psychiatric Center, with one or two of the letters missing. It looked dead inside, but the main door was ever so slightly ajar, and I wondered if that was an invitation or a subtle warning to get lost. As we had agreed upon in the van, Mr. Diaz and Lizzy wrapped around the back, where they would enter through a secondary entrance that led directly to the multi-level basement, leaving me, Ramsey, and Emily to take the front entrance and the upper floors.

  Steadying my nerves, I took one last look at the outside of the building before taking a deep breath and crossing through the threshold.

  Chapter 14


  I had been through some pretty creepy haunted houses back in Maine, but this abandoned insane asylum took the cake—and I didn’t even have to pay to get in.

  There was broken glass everywhere; turned-over medical carts; piles of syringes; discarded straight jackets; bizarre devices with buckles and clamps that none of us could make sense of; wind howling through the shattered windows—each room offered a new nightmare landscape that cataloged the struggle between medicine and insanity, reason and chaos.

  We were trying to stay as quiet as possible because we’d seen evidence that people had been here recently. There were empty tuna cans that still had food inside them, new-looking candy wrappers that weren’t caked in dust and grime like everything else in here, and other signs that hinted at fresh habitation. Of course, they could have all just belonged to some homeless people, but it could just as easily have been the Soviet empowered that intelligence warned of. It had been my dream to strike back against the Ruskies ever since I could remember, so I wasn’t about to let my guard down.

  Inside, however, my mind was still reeling from my encounter with Ramsey, who was presently leading us through each floor of the asylum. To think that just a few short hours ago we had been on my bed, exploring each other’s bodies, sharing our pa
ssion—and now here we were skulking through a place that would make Michael Myers pee his pants. Life could be strange sometimes. I was upset that our time together had once again been cut short. The first time, on Gardner’s Island, it had been Caitlin calling to us down the beach that snapped us out of our impromptu kiss. This time, it had been the guards calling us to this mission that prevented us from going any further.

  And then, to my other side, was Edgar; my first kiss, the first friend I had ever really made at the Academy, and the boy who had stolen my heart. The fact that he had been chosen for such a dangerous mission after having been at the Academy for such a short period of time proved how skilled he was, which made me admire and appreciate him even more. I was conflicted, to say the least, and I wondered if Edgar could sense how trepidatious I was acting around him and Ramsey.

  No matter what, however, I had to keep these thoughts out of my head and focus on the mission. The Soviet agents could be waiting in any room, and if I was thinking about my boy troubles at a time like this, we might all get picked off like fish in a barrel.

  We had cleared three floors in a row and not run into any other people. I wondered how Mr. Diaz and Lizzy were faring down in the basement, which, according to the blueprint, used to contain the asylum’s waste processing, storage, and other facilities. Presently, we arrived at the stairwell that would take us up to the fourth floor.

  “Emily, see if you can climb up there,” Ramsey whispered. He wanted me to use Lizzy’s power to scale the sheer wall that encompassed the stairwell. It made sense, because it would offer me an advantageous angle if anybody was waiting for us at the top of the stairs, but it broke protocol from the way we’d been taught to clear rooms.


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