Empowered Academy 1985

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Empowered Academy 1985 Page 12

by Dawn Jansen

  Am I dreaming? Did dad just tell me that I ‘did well’?

  I couldn’t believe my ears. This was the first time in years that my dad had complimented me. I had been critical of my own performance last night, but hearing my dad praise me produced a special kind of joy inside that lit up my whole world.

  “Th—thank you, sir,” I stammered.

  “I just want to confirm with you some details of the mission,” my dad continued, shuffling some papers on his desk. “The rogue empowered that escaped—what did he look like? The description in your report is vague.”

  “He, um... he was tall, about six feet. Dirty blond hair, long, down to his chin. Tan skin, square jaw... About my age.”

  “And his power? You mentioned he could stretch, does that include any part of his body?” my dad asked, peering at me intently.

  In fact, I knew all about his power because it stayed with me for hours after that one kiss and I messed around with it in my room before I went to bed last night. I was able to stretch my body parts out, even my fingers and neck, but I couldn’t stretch them as far or as agilely as Hugo could because I hadn’t practiced with it yet.

  “I—I’m not sure,” I lied. “I only saw him extend his arms and legs.”

  “Did he say anything to you?” my dad asked immediately.

  I was starting to get nervous. Did my dad know? Why all the questions about this one empowered?

  “No,” I answered, trying my best to make sure my voice didn’t tremble. “He didn’t say anything.”

  My dad was silent. He looked over the papers on his desk, which I assumed were our reports from last night.

  “It was very unfortunate you let him go. I expected more out of you,” my dad finally said.

  Ah, yes, there it is. There’s the disapproval you’ve been waiting to dish out.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” I squeaked out.

  I wondered how many times I had said those words—I’m sorry, sir—it seemed like I was always apologizing to my dad. It happened so much that sometimes I felt like I was apologizing for my entire existence.

  My dad sighed and looked over his papers again before saying, “That’s all then. Try to do better next time.”

  “What about the girl?” I blurted out.

  I shouldn’t have asked—it was not my place to take the initiative in asking my dad questions—but it just came out. I had been thinking about her ever since I saw the guards take her away when we arrived back at the Academy last night.

  “What about her?”

  “She... didn’t say anything to us in the van, or the whole time really. What was wrong with her?”

  “That’s confidential,” my dad said coolly. “And it’s no matter; we have ways of getting her to talk.”

  That sentence made my blood run cold. It sounded so... evil. There was a bit of Hugo’s power still inside me and it seemed to churn with agitation when my dad said those words, as if in resistance to everything they implied.

  “Now get going,” my father added.

  “Yes sir,” I replied, getting up out of the chair and leaving his office.

  As the doors closed behind me and I made my way back to the main part of the mansion, I wondered if I really was one of the “good ones” like Hugo had said.

  ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━

  Later that evening, I was in Lizzy’s room. We had started out painting each other’s nails, but eventually we had become so involved in our conversation that we just lay on her bed talking now.

  “Where do you think he lives?” Lizzy asked. We were talking about Hugo.

  “I have no idea... He just plodded off into the forest like freaking Big Foot or something,” I replied.

  “I’m telling you, there’s something weird about all of this,” Lizzy said. “There’s no way it was just the few of them in that one place. They have to have another base somewhere with even more rogue empowered...”

  “You’re starting to concoct another one of your conspiracy theories again, aren’t you?”

  “But why wouldn’t they join the Empowered Bureau?” Lizzy said, continuing to think out loud. “They’d have access to nearly unlimited resources if they did...”

  “Maybe they’re afraid,” I said, drawn into her speculation.

  Lizzy perked up, apparently surprised that I’d join in with her conjecturing. “Afraid? Of the Bureau?”

  “Maybe,” I shrugged. “Don’t you think some of the things the Academy does are pretty intimidating sometimes? I mean, we have an entire area of the Academy sectioned off for testing ‘Unstable’ EMPs.”

  “Wow, Emily. I never thought I’d hear you talk smack about the Academy.”

  “I’m not talking smack,” I said defensively. “I just mean, that’s how it might look from the outside. The Bureau is a black budget program after all.”

  “And that’s what makes it even weirder that they even know about the Academy. There must be some defectors in their ranks.”

  “I’ve never heard of ‘defectors’ from the Academy,” I said.

  “Neither have I, but it would make sense,” Lizzy said, and then she paused for a moment before crying out again. “Oh my god, Em!”


  “I know how we can figure this out. You need to sneak into Epsilon!” Lizzy said, grabbing me by the shoulders excitedly as though she’d just thought of the greatest idea ever.

  Epsilon was the part of the Academy underneath the mansion where my dad’s office was. It was also where they ran tests, kept the Unstable empowered, and did other top-secret research.

  “Why are you always trying to get other people to sneak around the Academy for you?” I asked.

  “Because you’re the only one who’s been inside Epsilon before, and you can use Edgar’s power to bypass security—”

  “Lizzy, there’s no way I’m going to sneak into Epsilon. Are you forgetting that I’m the one who felt guilty about us watching Back to the Future in Matt’s room? And you want me to commit a felony?”

  That seemed to take the wind out of Lizzy’s sails. “Yeah, you’re right... I dunno, it just seemed like you were turning to the dark side there for a minute.”

  We both laughed, but I felt it too. I felt that my faith in the Academy was shaking, and for the first time in my life I found myself questioning the foundations that made up my reality.

  Chapter 16


  A week later, Edgar and I were back in my dorm room after we had been exploring the woods on the Academy grounds with Lizzy, Blink, and Wesley.

  Things had been weird ever since that night with Ramsey—I was unwilling to progress further with either Ramsey or Edgar because of how complicated everything was—so I decided to finally take advantage of this opportunity and tell Edgar what was going on. After all, he had seen how happy and harmonious Lizzy, Blink, and Wesley were together, so I figured he’d be more understanding; almost anybody would be jealous of what the three of them shared with each other. I was nervous, but Lizzy was the one who had told me to “speak with my heart” and she had way more experience with this kind of stuff than me, so I figured I should take her advice.

  After we came back to my room, I took a shower so that I could clear my mind and figure out what I was going to say to Edgar. When I put on my bathrobe and came out, Edgar was sitting in the big leather reading chair near the fireplace—the same one Ramsey had sat in when he came to my room that night—so I walked over and sat on his lap. He cradled me, making me feel even smaller than I was in his long, strong arms.

  The whole time in the shower I had been thinking of what I would say, but now that I was face to face with Edgar, I didn’t know where to start. How would I tell him that I couldn’t choose between him and Ramsey? I was so afraid of hurting him.

  “Emily,” Edgar eventually said before I had a chance to open my mouth, “you mean a lot to me.”

  That seemed kind of out-of-the-blue, but it warmed my heart. I eased into his embrace more
, and it was only when I felt a smile spread across my face that I realized I had been frowning before.

  “Me too,” I said truthfully, hoping he believed me.

  Then Edgar sighed. He looked as though he too was struggling with something to say.

  “That’s why... I just want to say that you can tell me anything,” Edgar said. “As you know, I don’t have any family and... you’re the first person I’ve met that’s made me feel like I do... I would do anything to keep you in my life.”

  I was touched beyond belief. Though Edgar had changed a lot since we first met, I knew he still sometimes found it difficult to really express himself, and here he was pouring his heart out to me. But I was also suspicious; everything Edgar was saying made it seem like he knew what I wanted to tell him.

  “I would too, Edgar,” I said, caressing his jaw.

  “Anything,” he emphasized, looking me deeply in the eyes.

  Okay, now I knew I wasn’t just imagining things.

  “You... you know?” I asked, searching his eyes for an answer.

  Edgar steadied his breath. “Don’t be mad, but Lizzy told me.”

  I immediately knit my brows in disbelief.

  “How could she—”

  “It’s okay,” Edgar said in a soothing tone, quieting me down immediately. “She explained everything to me, including how conflicted you’ve been and... she didn’t have to convince me, Emily. I knew in my heart as soon as she told me that I’d stay with you no matter what.”

  I felt so many emotions at once—anger at Lizzy for telling Edgar on her own; relief that he already knew and I wouldn’t have to figure out how to explain everything; and most of all elation that Edgar felt so strongly for me. It was all too much though, and hot tears started streaming down my cheeks as I buried my face in the cradle of Edgar’s neck. He held on to me more tightly, stroking my still-damp hair. I felt so grateful to have Edgar, to have a man that not only cherished me but who understood me as well.

  Soothed by Edgar’s steady embrace, my tears quickly went away. As I held on to him, I soon found myself unable to resist the physical sensations of his closeness—the sweet scent of his skin, the smoothness of the fine hairs on his neck, his heart beating steadily in his well-muscled chest—and soon I found that it wasn’t just my hair that was damp, but the space between my legs too.

  “I love you, Emily.”

  It came suddenly. It came unexpectedly. It was the first time in my life I had heard those words, that sentence I thought I’d never be on the receiving end of. I almost didn’t want to believe it. I pulled my head away from Edgar’s neck and looked him in the eyes, almost expecting to see that he was joking, but instead I saw that his eyes too were wet with tears, and it was then I knew it was true.

  “I love you, too,” I whispered.

  It felt surreal hearing those words come out of my mouth, feeling those syllables dance over my teeth and glide across my lips. But I didn’t just want to tell Edgar how I felt. I wanted to show him too. I wanted to express my love, bring it into the world and make it real.

  Breathing heavy already, I nimbly slid off of Edgar’s lap and knelt down so that he was enthroned over me in the leather chair like a god. He and I had been exploring each other gradually since the night we first kissed, but we hadn’t had sex yet. And while I wasn’t yet ready for that step, I still wanted to deepen my relationship with him.

  “I want to do something with you I’ve never done with anybody else,” I said, placing my hands on Edgar’s thighs.

  He was looking at me intensely, and I saw in his eyes eagerness, anticipation, desire. I knew Edgar was a virgin too and this helped put me at ease; I knew that whatever happened, it would be a journey of exploration for the both of us. It would be a foundation for us to build the rest of our love.

  His sizable bulge had been pressing against me impatiently when I was sitting in his lap, and now that I was on my knees, eye level with that impression in his pants, it seemed to rise up over me. It looked strained and painful in its cloth prison, and I so badly wanted to set it free. Looking into Edgar’s eyes the whole time, I reached up to his waist and began undoing his belt—clumsily, I had to admit, but eventually it came free and the protrusion in his pants seemed to grow a little more. My mouth was watering, almost as though I was getting ready to devour a succulent steak.

  It was difficult to pull the zipper down because of how hard he was, but eventually I worked the zipper over the veritable mountain that was Edgar’s crouch and his hard-on swelled upwards. He was so excited that I could make out the details of his head and the thick muscle running up the center of his shaft through his underwear. Edgar was now gripping the armrests of the chair, his expression hazy with ecstasy. My heart was racing. I was scared but excited, and there was no way I was stopping. Edgar had professed his love to me, and I to him, and I wanted to prove how true our love was.

  Cautiously, I hooked my fingers behind the waistband of his underwear and pulled. His throbbing member strained against the cloth, but when I pulled up, allowing it to spring free, it slapped back against Edgar’s toned stomach with a heavy smack. I couldn’t help but gasp as I continued to pull his underwear down, revealing the rest of his shaft and then his balls that looked plump and full of eager man-juice.

  I marveled at how small my hand looked compared to Edgar’s cock when I grasped it. My fingers stretched in vain, trying but unable to wrap themselves fully around his thick shaft. Underneath my bathrobe I felt myself slicker than I ever had been before, and I wanted so badly to climb up on top of Edgar and lower myself onto him, but I didn’t feel fully ready. And besides, I liked looking up at Edgar from this view. I felt so in control, and I loved watching his expression change each time I squeezed or stroked his member, knowing that I was responsible for his pleasure.

  It started with just a lick, my tongue running up the smooth underside of his meaty pole, but soon I was slobbering on the head of his cock with my entire mouth. I’d talked with Lizzy before about giving oral, and she’d even demonstrated on a banana once (much to my feigned horror), so I wasn’t completely out of my element. More importantly, I didn’t even bother thinking about technique or skill; I just gave in to my carnal desires, greedily sucking at Edgar’s swollen cock as much as I pleased. I wanted him inside me—even if it was only inside my mouth, it felt so intimate inviting him into a place where no other man had been before. In this way, he owned me; but as I exerted control over Edgar, producing groans and moans and making him buck his hips as I flicked my tongue, I knew that he belonged to me as well.

  At first, it was difficult to get him inside my mouth, but eventually my jaw had gotten used to his size and I was able to fit more and more of him in, stuffing him back into the virgin territory of my mouth. He seemed to like this too; the deeper I took him, the louder he moaned and the harder he squeezed at my hand that was resting on his hip. Every now and then I would feel a fresh surge of blood swell into his shaft, stretching the skin tight and making him expand in my mouth, and soon these contractions increased in frequency. Still keeping my lips wrapped around his cock, I looked up at Edgar to gauge his expression. He was grimacing, almost in pain it seemed, with a look that mixed desperation and pleasure.

  By connecting with Edgar on such an intimate level, our power exchange was unlike anything I’d felt before. The flow of energy between us was nearly completely unobstructed; my body seemed to invite his power in. There, at my core, my own power fused with his in an intertwining that seemed almost like conception. The sensation was so pleasurable and so intense that it produced a familiar pressure in my body, and as wetness continued to flow out of me, I knew I’d come if this energetic stimulation didn’t let up.

  But I never would have expected the release of energy that happened when Edgar came. Just as he shot out his white-hot load, so too did his power unleash a surge of pure energy that delivered the final stroke that freed my own pent-up orgasm. As he filled my mouth with a warmth that dribbled an
d spilled out of the seams where my lips connected to his shaft, I clutched at my own privates, rubbing at my excited clit to bring more and more of the powerful orgasm out of me. I moaned into his cock, that same deep moan I’d produced when Ramsey had made me come with his mouth, and it was only after all of the tremors had passed that I finally relaxed the muscles of my core, stomach, and legs.

  Edgar’s cock was still twitching when I finally took it out of my mouth, slurping up all the remaining juices on his shaft as I did so. He looked completely spent, but there was also a lazy smile on his face. I felt naughty and loved and somehow even more mature all at once. I had always seen myself as somewhat of a late bloomer, but there was no denying I’d just done something that only adults did. With this realization came a feeling of independence and freedom, and a yearning to do and experience even more on my own.

  I smiled back at Edgar and then climbed back on top of him, careful not to bump into his sensitive prick that was still glistening with my spit and his own juice.

  “We should get you cleaned up,” I said smilingly, gesturing toward his crotch with my eyes.

  “That was amazing, Emily,” Edgar said breathlessly.

  It being my first time doing that to someone, I nearly blushed at the compliment, but instead gave Edgar a quick peck on the cheek, the tingle of his power sparking up at even that slight contact.

  “I liked it too,” I said, staring into his eyes sexily. I didn’t think he knew I had come too, but he could certainly tell I had enjoyed myself from the way I was moaning into his cock and gripping at his shaft.

  I had been scared to go this far with a guy at first, but now I could already feel that I wanted more. Knowing that Edgar loved me and that I loved him, I realized there was nothing to be scared of. I had the biggest grin on my face as we both hopped into the big shower in my en-suite bathroom. It took a lot of willpower to make sure showering was the only thing we did in there, but it made me feel safe that Edgar was willing to wait for me.


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