The Billionaire's Salvation: (The Billionaire's Obsession ~ Max)
Page 7
Max came through the bedroom door with two cups of coffee in his hands, handing one to her before picking up the paper, glancing at it and dropping it into the trash can beside the bed. Seating himself on the bed next to her, splayed out like every women’s fantasy in just a sexy pair of black silk boxer shorts, he replied, “Hey, don’t let it upset you, sweetheart. I’ll give a statement, they’ll be hot on our trail for a while, and then they’ll find something more interesting to write about. They always do.”
Mia knew that, but while they were the hot topic, they’d hound them to death. Her eyes ran over Max lovingly, her pulse accelerating as she took in his powerful thighs, that tempting happy trail on his sculpted abs and his broad, naked chest. Finally, her gaze landed on his face, and the concern she saw there as he watched her closely over the rim of his coffee cup made her relax. “I’m sorry. I know it’s part of our life, but they never let up after what happened with my parents…” Her voice trailed off, not really wanting to talk about her mother and father.
She’d grown up monetarily privileged, but all that proved was that even the wealthy could be incredibly dysfunctional. Her father had been a brilliant man in business, but he had been emotionally deranged, and everyone in her family had paid for it in one way or another, her mother with her life. She didn’t want to be in the news, didn’t want the murder/suicide of her parents to be dug up and talked about again. It had barely died down when she had met Max. Since then, she’d done everything possible to stay out of the media’s gossip columns.
“They won’t drag it up, Mia. I’ll kill the first person who does,” he said ominously.
Mia smiled, sipping her coffee and watching her husband, her heart skittering at his dangerous look. They should both be exhausted since they’d spent most of the night devouring each other, even after their passionate interlude on the beach. But strangely, she felt happier than she’d ever been, even though she was missing part of her past. And Max looked relaxed, even with the irritated expression he had on his gorgeous face from talking about the press.
“I don’t care about me. I can handle it. I don’t want them to talk about it because it would be hard on you, Kade, and Travis.” She took another sip of her coffee, watching Max’s expression turn from irritated to stunned.
“Me? Why the hell would I care?” Max drained his coffee cup and set it on the bedside table.
“I’m your wife. You’re a billionaire businessman. I’ve always tried to be the woman you need—”
“You are the woman I need,” he told her, his voice angry now. “I don’t care who your parents were or what they did.”
“My father was insane. He shot my mother and then put the gun in his mouth and blew his brains out. You think they won’t wonder about my sanity? Whether I’m a little crazy too? I’m coming back from the dead, a big hole in my memory. I’m sure people will judge by my history.” And God, she hated that.
“It’s not your goddamn history,” Max replied, the muscle in his jaw twitching as he answered. “And anyone who judges you by something your parents did isn’t somebody we need to give a shit about. You, Kade, and Travis aren’t made from the same mold.”
“I’ve always tried to be careful, tried not to draw attention to myself. I wanted to be a good wife to you, Max. I tried to change. I don’t know what happened.” She understood what he was saying, but people did judge, they did talk, and Max had never been the subject of bad press. He was respected as a businessman, his personal life never dragged through the mud because he gave the media nothing to talk about.
“Did you feel like you needed to change because of me?” Max asked curiously, his voice calmer.
“Yes. No. I don’t know. I wanted to be perfect. I slipped sometimes, did something stupid or thoughtless.” Honestly, now that she thought about it, she’d turned herself inside out to become the woman she thought Max wanted. “Every time I got a lecture from you, I tried to laugh it off, but I tried to do better. But you were just so damned perfect,” she replied honestly.
Max started with a snort, and then he rolled on the bed, his uproarious laughter echoing off the walls of the enormous bedroom.
“What?” Mia drained her coffee cup and set it on the table.
Sitting up, Max took her by the shoulders, still chuckling as he told her adamantly, “Sweetheart, I’m far from perfect. Do you realize that I think we were both trying to fit the mold that we assumed was the other’s ideal? It would be even more fucking hilarious if it wasn’t a little heartbreaking.” He eased her down on the pillows, and lay on his side, one arm draped around her waist and the other propping his head up, staring at her adoringly. “Tell me what you did.”
Max seemed so approachable and amused that she decided to just tell him. They were starting again, so he might as well know exactly what she’d done to try to be the perfect wife. “I waxed. I hated it, but I screamed my way through it, cursing the woman doing it in my head as a sadist. And I tried to stop being so clumsy. I got up every day and primped, even though I just wanted to wear a tank top without a bra and a crappy pair of shorts and get to work. I dieted, trying to be slender, feeling like I was starving to death most of the time. I stopped cursing because I thought it offended you, although I came close to slipping occasionally. I was raised with two brothers, and watching what I said was difficult. And I bought clothes because they were trendy, not because I liked them. I bit my tongue at parties, even when I didn’t agree with what people were saying.” Nibbling at her lower lip, she watched his face as it broke into a sexy smile.
Max was silent for a moment before he replied. “One: I didn’t like the waxing, but if you wanted it, I didn’t care. Two: You’re not clumsy—you’re absolutely adorable. I think I fell in love with you the moment you spilled your coffee on my favorite suit, which never did recover. But I got you out of the deal, so I didn’t give a shit about the suit. Three: All of your make-up was washed off when you jumped into the ocean last night, and your hair is wild like you’ve been well-satisfied. And you take my breath away. I’m all for the shorts and braless look, just know I might never leave the house after I see those incredible breasts. Four: You don’t need to diet. Your figure was full and beautiful; you’re active and healthy. Most of the time, I was fighting for control. Five: I want you to wear whatever you want and be exactly who you are. If some uptight prick at a party pisses you off, tell him off. Six: I couldn’t care less if you curse. Especially if you want to talk dirty to me. But know that I’ll take you exactly where you happen to be at that moment if you do that,” he warned ominously. He brushed the hair from her face gently before adding, “I fell in love with you, Mia. I don’t need you to be anyone other than who you are. I felt the distance growing after we were married, but I thought it was me. I was trying too hard to be the sensible man I assumed you wanted.”
Mia had to admit, she was curious now. “What did you do? You told me about the trips to distance yourself. What else?”
“I did a lot of little things, like shaving twice a day, but leaving was the worst part. It nearly killed me to leave, but I always felt like I needed to get a grip because you wanted a steady husband instead of a maniacal beast who was obsessed with the woman he loved. To me, you’ve always been perfect, and I could never be good enough to deserve you. So instead, I ran away when I couldn’t get my emotions under control,” he said, his voice husky and dark. “I wasn’t raised to show my emotions openly. And what I felt for you wasn’t normal for me. I was terrified if you really knew how I felt…you’d run like hell. Most women would…or should.”
“I wouldn’t. I felt the same way, Max. I always have. But I guess I was convinced that you needed the perfect wife, and I was going to have to compromise or mold myself into that image to keep your love,” Mia admitted, feeling once again like two different women in one body. “You were worldly, sophisticated, and completely controlled. I didn’t want to smother you with emoti
on. And I felt…too much.”
Max moved over her, his hot, muscular body hovering over hers, holding most of his weight from her body with his arms. “Suffocate me, Mia. Let me drown in your love and affection. Touch me. Shower me with your laughter. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. I need that from you. I just want to be close to you.” His face looked tortured but hopeful. “Please,” he added hoarsely.
Mia closed her eyes, her heart pounding, completely destroyed by the look on Max’s face. Her steady, calm, no-nonsense husband wanted to be loved. Really loved. He didn’t want the perfect woman. He just wanted her, and all of the craziness that went along with a love so intense that neither one of them had been able to handle it. “I think I’ve grown up, Max. I’m not sure what happened to me, but I don’t want to change anymore. If you think you can handle me, I’ll give you all the love I have and leave you begging for a reprieve,” she warned him playfully. “And I love you a whole hell of a lot. Can you handle that?”
His grin grew wicked as his gorgeous hazel eyes roved over her face. “Oh yeah.”
Oh crap. I’ll want to jump his bones every minute of every day if he keeps looking at me like this.
Their eyes met and held, and Mia lifted her hand to his rough jaw and caressed it softly as she pleaded, “Love me just like this forever. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, too.”
Max buried his face in her hair with a groan. “I will, sweetheart. I promise.”
Mia sighed and wrapped her arms around him, stroking her hands over his back and to his waist, absorbing the heady, masculine scent and feel of the man she loved.
At that moment, everything was perfect.
The next morning, Mia watched Max from across the hospital waiting room with a smile. Kara had been in labor since three a.m., and every friend and family member of Simon’s had shown up this morning in a show of support. Max and Helen Hudson, Sam and Simon’s mother, were currently consoling Sam, trying to convince him that when Maddie had her baby, it wasn’t going to be that bad. Maddie wasn’t Kara’s physician, but as a dear friend, Maddie had gone in to observe with the OB doctor. Nobody had seen Simon at all since he’d been unwilling to leave Kara’s side, but Maddie came out with periodic progress reports.
“How damn long does it take to have a baby? She’s been in labor forever,” Sam grumbled loud enough that Mia could hear him across the small waiting room.
Maddie’s last progress report about thirty minutes ago had been that Kara was getting ready to push. She’d also said that Simon swore he’d never touch Kara again. Maddie had delivered that comment with a snort, knowing Simon would forget that promise fairly quickly.
“It’s her first baby, Sam. It takes time,” Mia heard Helen tell her son patiently.
Looking to her right, Mia smiled weakly at Kade, not quite sure exactly why he was here, but glad that he was. She’d been able to give him the DNA results that had just come back from the lab.
“Do you hate me for having some doubts at first?” Kade asked quietly, his face solemn.
“You’re my brother. I love you. I was presumed dead. So no, I don’t hate you because you didn’t immediately accept me,” she replied honestly, although it had hurt a little. She’d always been close to her twin brothers, and she knew they had always protected her from the brunt of their father’s crazy behavior. Kade was the brother who made her smile, and needing to prove herself to him had pained her, even though she logically understood why it had needed to be done.
“I was an asshole. I knew it was you from the moment you criticized my shirt and called me by name in the park, but all I could think about was what would happen if Max got attached and something happened. He was a mess, Squirt. He walked around like an empty shell, like he didn’t care if he lived or died. Honestly, I don’t think he did care. I didn’t want to see him suffer anymore,” Kade finished abruptly, as though he were uncomfortable talking about Max’s grief. Or his own.
Mia clasped his hand gently and squeezed, glad her brother had been there for Max and that they’d grown close. She gave him a mock scowl as she answered, “I’m twenty-nine years old, almost thirty. Don’t you think it’s time to stop referring to me by that stupid childhood nickname?” God, she’d always hated it. When they were younger, she had prayed for a growth spurt that had never happened just so she could tower over Kade and Travis to make them stop teasing her about being vertically challenged. She was five foot four inches, not incredibly short, but her brothers were both nearly a foot taller than she was.
Kade grinned and winked at her. “Nope. You’re still a squirt.”
“And you still wear bad shirts,” she reminded him fondly, looking at today’s ensemble. She was guessing he’d toned it down for the hospital. Today he looked almost normal in a black t-shirt and jeans, emphasizing his attractive blond hair and blue eyes. No wonder the women had swooned over him in all fifty states when he was a pro football player. Women had been easily swayed, swearing their allegiance to his team just because Kade was playing. As his sister, she’d just rolled her eyes, laughing when every woman she knew wanted to meet him. Her brother had never been especially flirty, and he was far from a ladies’ man. He’d been faithful to his longtime girlfriend for years, and the bitch had broken his heart.
Kade squeezed her hand back. “I just don’t want you to think I’m not happy to have you back. I am. More than I can say. But I was worried about Max, too.”
She looked up at him, meeting eyes so much like her own. “I’m glad. Really.” Strangely, she was happy. If Kade had been trying to protect Max, it made her love her brother even more.
“He loves you, Mia. It just sucks that now I’ll have to put up with all three of them acting like idiots over their women, one of them my sister.” Kade nodded his head toward Sam and Max, and Mia knew he was including Simon in his statement, even though Simon was absent.
“You’ll survive,” she answered unsympathetically, knowing Kade just hadn’t found the woman who was right for him. She’d never liked his ex-girlfriend, and although she didn’t want to see her brother’s heart broken, she definitely hadn’t been the one.
Mia watched Max as he slapped Sam on the back and rose, strolling over to sit beside her.
“What are you two talking about?” Max asked casually, stretching his jean-clad legs out in front of him and eyeing both of them cautiously.
Mia flinched, knowing her reappearance had caused tension between her brother and her husband.
“Squirt refuses to feel sorry for me because I have to deal with you, Sam, and Simon freaking out about your females,” Kade said woefully.
“You’re still on my shit list, buddy,” Max warned, glaring at Kade. “I’m offering a temporary truce because of the situation, but I still plan to pound you the first chance I get. If you said one word to upset her, I’ll make you regret it.”
“Yeah. Let’s see you try it,” Kade shot back, grinning. “I might have a lame leg, but I can still kick your ass.”
“No mercy because of your leg. I’m not going easy because of it,” Max warned him. “It’s healed.”
“I didn’t expect you to. Give it your all. Just have an ambulance on standby when you decide to try it,” Kade retorted amicably, as though he were talking about the weather instead of putting his buddy in the hospital.
Mia almost got whiplash looking back and forth between the two men—one apparently nonchalant, the other furious.
“Both of you stop,” she ordered. “We’re here for a happy occasion.” She turned to her husband. “Kade was concerned about you. I don’t blame him for that. I’m glad he was trying to protect you, because I love you.” Turning to her brother, she poked her finger in his face. “And you behave. You’re deliberately provoking him, and it’s not amusing.”
She faced forward, watching Sam and Helen talk but not able to hear their words clearly. She could feel two set of eyes on
her, and finally, a large, muscular arm reached across her. Kade’s.
“Kiss and make up, man.” It was a smart ass comment, but Kade’s tone was sullen.
“Fine. I’ll kick your ass later,” Max agreed, sticking his hand out to shake with Kade.
Mia bit her lip, wondering if the testosterone overload of sitting between the two men was going to kill her. “I’m glad you two can act like adults,” she commented drily.
“Do I have a choice?” Max asked, settling back into his chair.
“Not if you want to get some later.” Her sassy comment slipped out of her mouth before she could think better of it.
“Sweetheart, for that, I’d get down on my knees and beg.”
Mia shivered, the reply low, sexy, and making the memories of the night before form in her mind with perfect recall.
“Shit. Give me a break. TMI. She’s my damn sister.” Kade’s voice was disgusted as he rose from his chair. “I’m going for coffee. Anybody want anything?”
“Coffee,” she and Max said in perfect synchrony.
They looked at each other and laughed. “Addict,” Mia accused, still laughing.
“I caught the addiction from you,” he accused, smiling now.
Truth was, they were both addicts and always had been. They had, after all, met outside a coffeehouse, both needing their fix that day.
Maddie came into the waiting room, her face shining with happiness. “She’s beautiful. Eight pounds, one ounce, and completely healthy,” she announced, hugging her husband as he rose to sweep her into a hug.
“Kara okay?” Sam asked, concerned.
“She’s fine. Worn out, but good,” Maddie replied. “If I can tear him away, I’ll get Simon to bring the baby out of the delivery room so you can all see her.”
Mia stood up, commenting happily, “I’m sure he’s a proud daddy.”
“He will be. He’s a little green around the gills at the moment. I didn’t think he was going to make it through the delivery. Kara was calmer than he was,” Maddie said jovially, planting a kiss on her husband’s cheek.