The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 143

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  lighte v (2) cheer, gladden Pri 471; be cheered, be lightened Sq 396+; dismount ML 786+; descend Fkl 1248; sg past lighte

  lightly adv quickly Kn 1461+; easily Rv 4099, WB 517+; cheerfully, joyfully Kn 1870; lightly Sq 390; carelessly, frivolously Pars 1024

  lightnesse n agility Mil 3383; frivolousness Pars 379

  ligne n (see also line) line (of descent) Kn 1551

  lik adj (see also liche) like GP 259+; comparable ML 1077; alike Pars 631; likely (to be) Mil 3226

  like v please, be pleasing to GP 777, Kn 1847+; often impers, with dat personal pron: if yow liketh if it pleases you; dative case sometimes implicit with nouns: God liketh it pleases God; with two datives: us liketh yow you please us Cl 106

  likerous adj amorous WB 752; flirtatious Mil 3244; lecherous WB 466, Mcp 189; gluttonous, luxurious WB 466, Cl 214+; delectable Mil 3345; eager, keen Fkl 1119

  likerousnesse n lecherousness, lasciviousness WB 611, Pars 430+; gluttony Pars 377; greed Pars 741; unruliness, unlicensed behaviour Phys 84

  liking(e) n liking ML 767; pleasure WB 736+; desire, will Cl 320+; at youre ~ to your liking Pard 458

  liklihede n: by ~ probably, in all probability Cl 448+

  likne v liken, compare GP 180+

  liknesse n likeness Pars 212; image Pars 544+; story, parable Kn 2842

  likoris n (see also licoris) liquorice Mil 3690

  lim n (1) limb Kn 2135+; member Pars 136

  lim n (2) lime CY 806; mortar Fkl 1149+

  limaille n (see also lemaille) metal filings CY 853+

  limitour n friar whose begging and spiritual activities took place within the fixed territorial limits assigned to his convent GP 209 (see n.) +

  linage n lineage, family, kindred Kn 1110+; offspring Pars 920

  linde n linden, lime Kn 2922; as light as leef on ~ as light-hearted as a leaf on the tree (provbl) Cl 1211

  line n (see also ligne) line (of descent) WB 1135+; the south ~ meridian (line from the centre of the earth to the zenith) Pars 2 (see n.)

  list n (see also lest and cf. lust) pleasure, enjoyment WB 633

  liste v impers (see also leste, luste) please GP 583+ (e.g. yow list = it pleases you, you desire/choose); (used personally) want, be pleased to Fkl 689+; 3 sg contr pres list; sg contr past liste; 3 sg pres subj liste

  listes n pl lists, enclosed area used for jousting or armed combat GP 63+

  listeth pl imp listen Th 712, 833

  listow contr of liest thow

  litarge n lead monoxide, litharge GP 629+

  lite n little ML 109+; a ~ a little, somewhat Rv 3863+; a short time, a little while Kn 1334+; but a ~ only a little ML 352+

  lite adj little, small Kn 1193+; much and ~ great and small GP 494

  lite adv little Kn 1520+; thow knowest it ~ you don’t know it Kn 1723; ~ and ~ little by little Sum 2235

  lith 3 sg and pl pres of lie v (1)

  live dat of lif n: on ~ alive Kn 3039+; hire ~ in their lives WB 392; so wel was him on ~ so happy was his life WB 43

  lives adv as adj living, alive Kn 2395+

  living(e) n life SN 322; way of life WB 1122+; food Cl 227

  lixt 2 sg pres of lie v (2)

  logged p ppl lodged NP 2996+

  logh adj (see also loue, lough, lowe) low ML 993+

  logh sg past of laughe v

  loke v (1) lock WB 317; p ppl loken

  loke v (2) (see also looke) look Kn 1124+; see Kn 3073; ~ on look at Mil 3344

  loking n (see also looking) favourable looks Mel 1142; aspect (astr) Kn 2469

  lokkes n pl locks (of hair) GP 81+

  Loller n Lollard ML 1173 (see n.) +

  lond n land GP 579+; country GP 400+; fineste of a ~ finest in the country GP 194; upon ~ in the country GP 702; in londe to the country, away NP 2879; as a line-filler (see Headnote to Th) Th 887

  lone n loan Sh 295; gift Sum 1861

  long adj (see also lang) long GP 93+; high Kn 1984; tall Kn 1424, Mil 3264

  longe v (1) long, desire GP 12+; impers: longeth me I long Mch 2332

  longe v (2) belong Kn 2278+; ~ to befit Mch 2024+; longing(e) for belonging to Mil 3209+

  looke v (see also loke) look GP 289, ML 532+; look at Pard 578; take care (to do Mil 3549+; see WB 1113+; gaze, stare ML 1095, Sum 2170; ~ in/on/upon look at, gaze on Kn 1499, Mil 3515, Cl 413+

  looking n (see also loking) gaze, look Kn 2171+; glance Pars 853; expression Cl 514; looks Sq 285, Pars 936

  loore n (see also lore) teaching GP 527, ML 761+; advice, counsel Mil 3527, ML 342+; knowledge ML 4, Cl 788+; wisdom Cl 87; skill NP 3350; practice Phys 70

  loos n reputation, fame Mel 1644+

  loos adj (see also laus) loose Rv 4138+

  looth adj hateful, disliked Mil 3393; unpleasant, disagreeable GP 486+; me/him were ~ I/he should/would not wish to, I/he should/would be reluctant to GP 486, ML 91+; be him/hir lief or ~ whether he/she likes it or not Kn 1837+

  lordinges n pl sirs (conventional address to the audience in narrative verse) GP 761+

  lordshipe n rule, power Kn 1625, Fkl 743+; rank, authority Cl 797+; position of power or high social status Mel 2665+; patronage, protection Kn 1827; ruler Pars 568

  lore n (see also loore) knowledge, wisdom ML 1168

  lorn p ppl of lese v lost Rv 4075+; ruined, destroyed Mil 3536+; killed, dead Mk 2040

  los n loss Kn 2543+

  loue adj (see also logh, lough, lowe): ~ coler low-cut collar Mil 3265

  lough adj (see also logh, loue, lowe) low, socially inferior Pars 771; in heigh and ~ in everything GP 817

  lough sg past of laughe v

  lough(e) pl past of laughe v

  loute v bow Mel 1187+

  lowe adj (see also logh, loue, lough) low GP 107+; low, soft Kn 2433; humble, socially inferior WB 1101+; meek Mel 1823

  lowe adv low Kn 1111+; softly Sq 216; humbly Kn 1405; meekly, obediently Mch 2013

  lucre n profit Pri 491+

  lulle v rock, soothe (baby) ML 839; cuddle, caress Cl 553, Mch 1823

  lure n device with which a hawk is lured back to its owner’s hand Fri 1340 (see n. to WB 415) +

  lust n (cf. lest, list) pleasure, enjoyment GP 192, Kn 3066+; desire, wish Kn 2478+; pleasure, will ML 762, Cl 352+; sexual desire WB 416+; sexual pleasure WB 927+; source of joy Kn 1250; appetite for pleasure WB 611; appetite Mcp 181; pl physical attractions Mch 1679

  luste v impers (see also leste, liste) please Kn 1950+ (e.g. yow lust = it pleases you, you desire/choose); 3 sg contr pres lust

  lustiheed n gaiety Sq 288; joy, delight Mcp 274

  lustily adv gaily Kn 1529+; entertainingly Pars 21

  lusty adj lively, spirited GP 80, WB 605+; gallant Kn 2111+; cheerful, gay Kn 1513+; pleasant, delightful Kn 2176, 2484, Mch 1395+; pleasure-loving WB 553, Sq 272+; pleasing, fine Kn 2116+; eager, keen Rv 4004, CY 1345

  luxurye n lust, lechery ML 925+; self-indulgence Pars 446

  maad p ppl of make v

  maat adj helpless Kn 955, ML 935

  mace n mace, club Kn 2124+

  madde v be mad, be deranged Mil 3156, 3559

  magestee n majesty Rv 4322+

  magik n magic GP 416+

  magnanimitee n lofty-mindedness SN 110; fortitude Pars 731

  magnificence n stoutheartedness, fortitude SN 50, Pars 736; magnificence, glory ML 1000+

  maide n maiden, girl GP 69+; virgin Kn 1171, WB 79+; (serving) maid Mil 3417+; ~ child girl child Cl 446+

  maiden n maiden, girl Mil 3202+; virgin Kn 2305+

  maidenhed(e), maidenhode n maidenhood, virginity Kn 2329+

  maintene v maintain Cl 1171; uphold Kn 1441; support, sustain Mel 1650, Pars 774; persist in Kn 1778

  maister n master GP 837+; learned man, scholar, someone educated at university (i.e. a Master of Arts) GP 261, Fri 1300+; teacher Mk 2495+; ~ strete main street Kn 2902; ~ tour principal tower Sq 226

  maistresse n mistress Cl 823; governess Sq 374+

  maistrye n dominance, mastery, control WB 1040+; strength, power
Mk 2392; skill, skil-fulness Mil 3383, WB 818; tour de force, demonstration of skill CY 1060; for the ~ in the highest degree GP 165

  make n mate, spouse, wife or husband ML 700+; opposite number Kn 2556

  make v make GP 9+; build Kn 1901, Sum 2099+; prepare Fkl 1212, Pars 829; compose, write (of, about) GP 95, ML 57, 96, Mch 1996+; draw up (document) GP 325, Mil 3327, WB 424+; utter Mch 2318; hold (feast, revel etc) Kn 2717, ML 353+; tell (lie) Mel 1067+; put Mk 2483; put into effect Sh 329+; cause, bring ( about Kn 3035, WB 872, Sum 1833+; ~ up build Kn 1884; ~ to cause ( to be done) Mk 2067; ~ disport/game provide amusement GP 775, Co 4382+; ~ game frolic Mil 3259; ~ mury entertain GP 802; ~ solas give relief Th 782; ~ remem-braunce/memorye record, call to mind Mch 2284, Mk 1974; ~ fors care about Mcp 68; ~ a vanisshinge vanish Kn 2360; ~ it straunge be fussy about Rv 3980; play hard to get, show reluctance Fkl 1223; ~ it tough make a meal of it, make a performance of it Sh 379; ~ it wis deliberate, hesitate GP 785; ~ (s.o’s) berd get the better of s.o. Rv 4096, WB 361; sg past made, maked; pl past

  made(n); p ppl (y)maad, (y)maked

  maladye n malady, sickness, illness GP 419+; pain, suffering Pars 1001

  male n bag, pouch GP 694+

  malencolye n ‘one of the four humours, black bile’ (MED) NP 2933, 2946; melancholy, bile, spleen WB 252

  malice n hatred, ill-will ML 363+; wickedness Sq 562+; misfortune Co 4338

  malisoun n curse CY 1245+

  man pron indef (see also men) one, anyone Sum 2002+

  manace n menace Kn 2003+

  manace v threaten Cl 122+

  manciple n (see also maunciple) ‘officer or servant who buys provisions for a college, inn of court, or other institution’ (MED) Mcp 25+

  mandement n writ, summons Fri 1284+

  maner(e) n kind, sort (not always followed by of) GP 71, Kn 1875+; manner Kn 876, Sq 337+; way, manner Mil 3328, ML 321+; bearing, manner GP 140+; style Mch 1881, Mk 1991; circumstances ML 880; cause, reason Phys 264; custom Phys 120; in ~ of in the nature of Pars 963; in alle ~ in any way Pars 589

  manhede, manhode n valour Kn 1285, Mk 2671; courtesy, good manners GP 756, Mcp 158

  manly adj manly Kn 2130+; courteous, well-bred Pars 601; with ambiguous reference to both the above senses: GP 167, Mch 1911

  manly adv bravely, boldly Kn 987+

  mannissh adj masculine ML 782; human Mel 1264; as adv like a man; ~ wood virago-like Mch 1536

  mansio(u)n n ‘a temporary seat of a solar planet or of the sun in a sign of the zodiac’ (MED) Kn 1974+; a daily position of the moon Fkl 1130 (see n.) +

  manslaughtre n manslaughter Pard 593+

  mantel n mantle, robe GP 378; foot-~ over-skirt coming down to the feet (to protect the dress in riding) GP 472

  many(e) adj many GP 60+; ~ oon many a one GP 317+

  marbul n marble Kn 1893+

  marchal n marshal, official in a noble household in charge of ceremonies, service, etc. GP 752+

  marchandise n merchandise Sh 345, Pars 779; trading, commerce Pars 777+

  marcha(u)nt n merchant GP 270+

  mark n (1) (see also merk) mark, sign WB 619+; race, kind WB 696

  mark(e) n (2) mark, monetary unit equivalent to of £1 Pard 390+

  markis n marquis Cl 64+

  markisesse n marchioness Cl 283+

  matere n (see also matire) matter, affair, business Kn 1417, ML 205+; subject, theme ML 322+; material Mil 3175; subject, question Kn 1259, WB 910+; (tree-)trunk (?with secondary reference to ‘material, content’) Mel 1209; (literary) enterprise GP 727, Mk 1984, Pars 28; cause, reason Mel 1536+; matter, substance Pars 333; fuel Pars 137; materials, ingredients CY 1232; scole-~ questions for scholastic debate Fri 1272

  material adj material Mel 1398 (see n.); solid Pars 576; earthly Pars 182

  matire n (see also matere) material, ingredients CY 770+

  matrimoi(g)ne n matrimony Kn 3095+

  maugree prep in spite of Kn 1607+; ~ (o’s) heed in spite of all (one) can do, irrespective of (o’s) wishes Kn 1169+; ~ hir/thine eyen in spite of themselves/yourself Kn 1796, WB 315

  maumetrie n (see also mawmet-trie) Mohammedanism, paganism ML 236

  maunciple n (see also manciple) ‘officer or servant who buys provisions for a college, inn of court, or other institution’ (MED) GP 567+

  mawe n stomach, belly ML 486+; gullet ML 1190

  mawmet n idol Pars 749+

  mawmettrie n (see also maumetrie) idolatry Pars 750

  may 1/3 pres sg and pres pl of mowe v

  mayst 2 pres sg of mowe v

  maystow contr of mayst thow

  maze v confuse, bewilder ML 526+; be confused Mch 2387

  mede n (1) (see also meeth) mead Th 852

  mede n (2) (see also meede n (1)) meadow WB 861+

  mede n (3) (see also meede n (2)) payment Mil 3380; reward Pars 595+; bribery Mk 2389+; recompense Cl 885; quite (s.o’s) ~ reward s.o. GP 770

  medicine n medicine Mch 2380+; transmuting agent (alch) Sq 244

  medle v mix Pars 122; meddle Mel 1541+; refl ~ of interfere with Mel 1544

  meede n (1) (see also mede n (2)) meadow GP 89

  meede n (2) (see also mede n (3)) bribery Phys 133

  meel n (see also mel) meal ML 466+

  meene n (see also mene) agent Fri 1484; intermediary Pars 990

  meest superl adj (see also moost) greatest Kn 2198, Cl 131+

  meete adj (see also mete) fitting Kn 2291

  meete v (see also mete v (2)) meet Kn 1524+; sg and pl past mette; p ppl met, ymet(te)

  meeth n (see also mede n (1)) mead Kn 2279+

  mei(g)nee n household Kn 1258, Sum 2045+; servants Sum 2156; retinue Co 4381, Sq 391+; army, troops Mk 2342, Mcp 228, 231; followers NP 3394; company Mch 2436, Pars 894

  meke adj meek, humble GP 69+

  mel n (see also meel) meal Sum 1774

  mele n meal, ground corn Rv 3939+

  memorye n memory Kn 1906+; be in ~ be conscious Kn 2698; have in ~ remember, consider Mch 1669; worthy to ~ memorable Mch 2244; make ~ record Mk 1974; drawe (in)to ~ recall, call to mind Kn 2074, Mil 3112+

  men pron indef (see also man) one, anyone (with sg v (from man with reduced stress)) GP 149, Kn 2777, Mil 3392+

  mencioun n: make ~ relate, report, commemorate Kn 893+

  mendinant n mendicant, friar Sum 1906, 1912

  mene n (see also meene) instrument, agent Mch 1671; go-between Mil 3375; pl means, ways ML 480+; the ~ the golden mean, moderation Pars 833

  mene adj: ~-time, ~-while(s) meantime ML 546+

  mene v mean GP 793+; ~ by speak about Kn 1673

  merite n merit SN 33+; reward Phys 277, Pars 529; ~ of credit for Pars 941

  merk n (see also mark n (1)) image, mould Fkl 880

  mervaille, merveille n marvel, wonder Cl 248, Fkl 1344+; miracle ML 502, 677; marvel-lousness Cl 1186; ~ of astonishment, wonder at Mil 3423, Sq 87; no ~ no wonder Mel 1546

  merveillous adj wonderful Pri 453; magical Fkl 1206; strange, astonishing Cl 454, CY 629

  mery(e) adj (see also mirye, mury(e)) pleasant NP 2966; clinken so ~ a belle sound so lively a note (lit ring so fine a bell) ML 1186

  meschaunce n (see also mis-chaunce) mischance, calamity, bad luck Kn 2009, ML 610, WB 407+; misfortune, trouble ML 944, Mk 2014+; wrongdoing Phys 80; evil Fkl 1292; with ~ curse him Co 4412, Sum 2215+, curse her ML 896, curse it Mcp 193; God yeve (s.o.) ~ a curse on (s.o.) ML 602+

  mescheef, meschief n misfortune, affliction, trouble GP 493+; calamity WB 248+; injury, harm Kn 1326; at ~ at a disadvantage, defeated Kn 2551

  message n message Sq 99, SN 188+; errand ML 1087; messenger ML 144, Cl 738+

  messager n messenger ML 724+; harbinger Kn 1491+

  mesurable adj temperate, restrained, moderate GP 435+

  mesure n moderation Cl 622+; restraint, modesty Phys 47; measure Cl 256, Pars 776; measuring Pars 799; out of ~ immoderate, immoderately Mel 1416+; by/with ~ in moderation Mel 1605, Mk 2299+


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