1349 atte nale at the ale-house
1352 his duetee what was due to him
1353 laude (due) praise
1355 at his retenue in his service
1359 of oon assent in league with each other
1360 feined forged
1361 chapitre ecclesiastical court
1362 pile fleece
1364 Have her struck out of our document
1365 Thee thar you need travaille exert yourself
1366 ther where
1367 briberies swindles
1369 nis there is no dogge for the bowe hunting dog trained to track game wounded by archers
1372 avouter adulterer paramour lover
1373 fruit of al his rente bulk of his income
1374 sette al his entente was completely devoted
1376 waiting on his pray watching out for his prey
1377 ribibe hag (metaphorical use of ‘ribible’, a two-stringed fiddle)
1378 Feininge inventing bribe practise extortion
1379 Happed it chanced
1380 gay well-dressed
1382 courtepy short woollen jacket
1383 frenges fringes
1384 wel atake well met
1386 shawe copse
1387 Wiltow fer are you going far
1390 reisen up collect
1391 duetee dues
1392 bailly bailiff (n.)
1393 dorste nat did not dare
1395 Depardieux by God
1398 Of for
1399 And also for brotherhood, if it pleases you
1401 thee happe you chance
1402 thin yours, at your service
1403 Graunt mercy thank you
1404 Everich each one leyth pledges
1406 daliaunce chat
1407 jangles idle chatter
1408 wariangles shrikes (n.)
1409 enquering upon asking about
1411 yow seche look for you
1415 departe separate wisse instruct
1416 of… misse fail to find
1420 subtiltee trickery
1423 do ye you act
1425 feithful tale true account
1426 streite scanty
1427 daungerous niggardly
1431 Algate in any way sleighte cunning
1432 dispence expenditure
1434 so fare I I do the same
1435 God it woot God knows
1436 to hevy or to hoot too heavy or too hot (to carry away) (n.)
1437 in conseil on the sly
1438 conscience scruples
1439 Nere min extorcioun were it not for my extortion
1440 japes tricks shriven confessed
1441 Stomak emotion
1442 shrewe curse shrifte-fadres confessors
1448 feend devil
1449 purchasing gain
1450 wite wher learn whether
1451 My perks comprise my whole income (see n. to GP 256)
1452 entente purpose
1453 good profit rekkest nevere do not care
1456 A ah
1457 wende thought
1459 figure… determinat fixed shape
1460 in youre estat in your (true) state
1466 no wonder thing not surprising
1467 lousy jogelour lice-ridden conjurer
1468 kan I moore craft I have greater skill
1469 goon walk
1470 In sondry shap in different forms in oon in the same way
1472 able effective
1476 prime 9a.m. (g.)
1478 entende to pay attention to
1479 oure wittes to declare to reveal our strategies
1481 althogh I tolde hem thee even if I were to tell you them
1482 for thow axest since you ask
1483 For because
1484 meenes agents
1486 divers art various ways
1488 stonden theragain withstand it
1490 greve to harm 1494–5 be we suffred for to seke Upon we are allowed to attack unreste disturbance
1499 Al be it although
1500 wolde him hente wanted to get possession of him
1502 erchebisshop archbishop
1507 feine counterfeit
1509 renably fluently
1512 I attach no importance to your theology
1513 o one jape joke
1514 algates at any rate
1516 there where lere learn
1518 Be able to lecture on this topic from a professorial chair (n.)
1520 blive quickly
1526 Sathanas Satan, the devil
1530 purchas profit
1531 part share
1534 parte share
1535 fey faith
1538 shoop him planned wende go
1539 charged laden hey hay
1541 Deep deep in mud stood stood still
1543 Hait gee up spare ye for are you holding back because of
1545 As sure as ever you were born
1546 tholed suffered
1548 pley joke
1549 And he drew nearer to the devil, as if nothing was going on
1550 rowned whispered
1553 Hent take yeve given
1554 caples horses
1555 never a del not at all
1558 stint stand still
1559 thakketh pats croupe rump
1560 stoupe lean forward (in order to pull better)
1561 Heit gee up
1562 handwerk handiwork
1563 twight pulled liard grey
1565 slow mire
1568 carl fellow o one
1569 viage enterprise
1570 upon cariage in the way of carriage-service (g.)
1572 roune whisper
1573 woneth lives rebekke old woman (literally, the name of a stringed instrument)
1574 hadde… as leef to lese would as soon lose
1576 wood furious
1579 for since
1581 clappeth knocks
1582 viritrate hag
1586 of somonance a bille a writ of summons
1587 Up peine of cursing on pain of excommunication
1588 Tomorrow before the archdeacon
1591 ne may cannot
1594 But I be deed without dying so priketh it there is such a pain
1595 libel written statement of charges (n.)
1596 procuratour proctor, legal representative (n.)
1597 thing charge opposen me lay to my charge
1599 thee acquite let you off
1600 lite little
1602 Com of get a move on
1607 min hoold my possession
1609 Kithe show almesse charity
1611 spilt ruined
1616 cokewold cuckold
1617 correccioun punishment
1618 lixt lie
1622 hewe appearance
1629 but he wol if he will not
1630 stot bawd
1633 clooth piece of clothing
1634 wrooth angry
1637 privetee secrets
1638 divinitee theology
1641 To the place where summoners get their inheritance (i.e. what is coming to them)
1643 alle and some one and all
1644 leve allow
1646 leiser leisure
1647 After according to
1649 agrise shudder
1650 devise describe
1651 winter years
1655 temptour tempter Sathanas Satan, the devil
1656 Herketh listen to beth war take warning
1657 in his await in ambush
1658 sle slay
1660 The devil, who would like to enslave you
1665 Somnour see n. to GP 623
1666 wood angry
1667 quook shook
1668 o one
1671 As suffreth me allow me
1678 ladde led
1681 inowe plenty
1683 grace good fortune
1685 Yis yes
1686 Sathanas Satan, the devil<
br />
1688 Brodder broader carrik type of large ship
1690 ers arse
1692 And in less than a minute (g. ‘furlong’)
1694 drive rush
1695 on a route in a throng
1699 clapte… again closed up
1706 of verray kinde by virtue of his profession
1710 mersshy marshy
1711 limitour friar (g.)
1712 it is no doute it is certain
1716 Excited urged
1717 trentals sets of thirty masses (n.)
1719 Theras where
1721 yeve given
1722 possessioners clerics endowed with a living (n.) mowen may
1723 wele prosperity
1724 penaunce purgatory
1727 joly fine gay well-dressed
1730 flessh-hook metal hook for lifting meat from a pot oules awls
1731 brenne burn
1733 seid al his entente spoken his mind
1734 qui cum patre who with the Father (n.)
1735 what hem leste what they pleased
1737 scrippe small bag tipped metal-tipped ytukked with gown tucked up (n.)
1738 poure gaze intently
1739 mele ground corn
1741 peire of tables set of writing-tables (n.)
1742 pointel stylus fetisly elegantly
1745 Ascaunces as if
1746 reye rye
1747 Goddes kechil a little cake given in charity trip piece
1748 what yow list whatever pleases you chese choose
1749 Goddes halfpeny halfpenny given in charity masse-peny penny for a mass
1751 dagoun scrap blanket undyed woollen cloth
1754 harlot servant
1755 hostes man inn-servant (n.) baar carried
1758 planed scraped
1760 nifles trifling stories
1761 lixt lie
1763 spare hold back
1768 goode man master of the house
1769 Bedred bedridden
1770 Deus hic God be here
1771 softe quietly
1772 yelde reward
1774 mel meal
1776 potente staff
1777 softe gently
1778 felawe companion was go walked had gone walking
1780 shoop him planned
1782 How han ye fare how have you been
1784 soore hard
1786 orisoun prayer
1788 messe mass
1790 after according to
1793 Glosing see n. to ML 1180
1794 lettre sleeth ‘the letter kills’ (n.)
1798 yerd garden
1801 hertely in all sincerity
1803 narwe tightly
1804 chirketh chirps
1806 everydel entirely
1810 God amende defautes may God correct (my) defects
1811 Algates at any rate
1814 yow greve take offence
1815 throwe while
1817 grope probe
1818 shrift confession
1819 Petres wordes… Poules Peter and Paul’s words, i.e. the New Testament
1821 yelden give rente tribute
1824 Chideth scold seinte Trinitee the holy Trinity
1825 pissemire ant
1827 wrye cover
1829 boor male pig lith which lies
1830 disport pleasure
1831 no maner cas any circumstances
1832 je vous dy I say to you
1834 defended forbade
1837 dine eat for dinner theraboute about it
1838 je vous dy sanz doute I tell you truly
1839 Have I nat… but if I have only capoun chicken
1840 shivere sliver
1843 suffisaunce sufficiency
1845 fostring nourishment
1846 penible conscientious
1847 wake keep watch stomak appetite
1849 yow my conseil shewe confide in you
1850 but a fewe except to a few people
1851 but o only one
1852 wikes weeks
1855 dortour dormitory
1857 born to blisse carried to heaven
1858 wisse guide
1859 sextein sacristan (g.) fermerer infirmarer, friar in charge of the convent infirmary
1861 lone gift
1862 jubilee jubilee, 50th anniversary (n.)
1863 covent convent (g.)
1865 clatering clanging
1866 Te deum see n.
1868 of for
1872 burel folke laymen althogh even if
1874 dispence expenditure
1876 We completely despise the pleasure of this world
1877 diversly differently
1878 guerdoun reward therby because of that
1879 wol wants to
1880 fatte fatten
1881 fare live clooth clothing
1882 Suffiseth are enough for
1883 clennesse purity
1884 Maketh brings it about
1888 wombe stomach
1890 witen know
1892 leche healer
1893 contemplaunce contemplation
1894 in governaunce under his control
1898 in no maner wise at all
1902 If they who pray for the people are not sober
1903 War take note of
1904 deviseth relates
1906 mendinantz mendicants sely poor
1910 misericorde charity
1916 out chaced expelled
1920 maner glose kind of gloss
1925 Whether it is more like our religious practice
1926 hirs theirs swimmen wallow possessioun property
1928 lewednesse sinfulness diffye scorn
1929 Me thinketh it seems to me
1930 as like
1931 vinolent wine-filled spence pantry
1933 Davit David
1934 buf sound of a belch (n.)
1935 foore footsteps
1937 auditours hearers
1938 at a sours in swift upward flight
1941 eres ears
1942 so mote I ride or go as I live
1944 If you were not our brother (n.), you would not prosper
1945 chapitre chapter, assembly of members of a religious house
1946 heele health
1947 welden have the use of
1951 bet better
1952 biset spent
1953 al ago all gone
1955 Why do you need to seek out different (orders of) friars
1956 leche doctor
1958 inconstance inconstancy confusioun ruin
1959 Holde ye do you consider
1961 jape piece of foolishness mite farthing
1962 for we han to lite because we have too little
1963 otes oats
1964 grotes groats (g.)
1966 nothing not at all
1967 ferthing farthing
1968 oned united
1969 to-scatered dispersed
1970 of by
1978 for to wirche to do good works
1980 If it be good whether it is a good thing
1982 set (= setteth) sets
1983 sely poor
1986 as for thy beste in your own best interests
1988 Touchinge concerning the wise the wise man
1990 subgitz subordinates
1992 eftsoones a second time
1993 hire see n.
1994 sleighly stealthily
1995 subtilly treacherously
1998 lemmans lovers
2001 iwys truly
2002 tret (= tredeth) treads fel fierce
2008 lewed viker ignorant vicar persoun parson
2010 is… executour of pride puts pride into action (n.)
2014 might power
2017 Whilom once irous potestat wrathful potentate
2018 estat term of office
2021 That oon one
2024 deme sentence
2027 happed it happened
2028 ther where sho
lde deye was to die
2029 wenden had be deed thought was dead
2030 reed plan
2037 dampned condemned algate in any case
2038 nedes inevitably
2042 dide do sleen hem had them killed
2043 dronkelewe given to drink
2044 And always took pleasure in wickedness
2045 meinee household
2049 record reputation
2051 eighe eye
2052 Awaiting on watching noot does not know
2053 attemprely moderately
2054 lesen lose
2055 limes limbs
2058 offence harm
2061 for despit out of resentment
2062 An hundred part a hundred times
2064 Leet… fecche had fetched
2067 streng string
2068 slow killed
2069 wheither have I do I have
2074 Beth war beware
2075 Placebo see n.
2076 But if unless
2079 Percien Persian
2081 dreint drowned
2082 Babiloine to winne to capture Babylon
2085 so wel teche kan can teach so well (n.)
2090 as just as is a squire as true as a (carpenter’s) square
2092 dooth thee al to soore smerte causes you to suffer too deeply
2093 shewe… confessioun make confession
2095 be shriven been confessed
2096 al hoolly absolutely all
2098 But if me list unless it pleases me
2100 muscle mussel
2101 eise ease
2102 reise erect
2103 unnethe hardly fundement foundation (n.)
2104 Parfourmed completed pavement paved floor
2105 wones buildings
2107 harwed harrowed (see n. to Mil 3512)
2109 predicacioun preaching
2111 bireve take away
2113 sonne sun
2114 werchen do good works
2116 But since the time of Elijah or Elisha (n.)
2117 of record recorded
2120 At once he kneeled down
2121 wex wel neigh wood became almost mad
2128 took oure dame gave to the lady of the house lettre document
2133 departe it share it out
2135 professioun religious vows
2136 cavelacioun quibbling
2138 therwithal with that leyth places
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