Void Born

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Void Born Page 41

by R. J. Metcalf

  Ben pushed away from the bars and gripped Finn’s forearms. “You didn’t get her first? She was sent ahead of me!”

  Geist swore. “Records showed that the only other airship leaving was transporting sea treasure. That left hours before your ship.”

  Ben sagged against the bars. “They’re taking her to the Hollows.” He closed his eyes. She was going to the Hollows. Alone. I have to do this first, Sara. “We have to get her out. No matter what.”



  Brandon picked at the dirt under his nails as his horse trotted into Lucrum. It had taken far too long to get here, but without an airship at his disposal, or the funds needed to hire one, he really couldn’t complain about a week and a half by horseback. He’d learned to sleep in the saddle years ago, and he’d talked to most of the horse owners before trading for a fresh mount.

  He’d done as honest a job in getting to Jade as he could, under the circumstances.

  But the barrier was down.

  Was Finn still alive?

  Where was Jade in the city?

  He’d heard enough rumors to assume she was in Lucrum and not Doldra, but they were all vague when it came to the specifics that he needed to know.

  What had Everett forced her to do thus far?

  Brandon’s leather gloves creaked as he gripped the reins. He was here now. And he was going to save his daughter from this mess that he should have handled properly in the first place. He owed her more than an apology. He’d find a way to make this right.

  Because that’s what fathers did.

  And whether she liked it or not, he was her father.

  To be continued in Traitor’s Crown…


  Void Born Register

  Ash — Dragon hunter on the Sapphire

  Derrick Banks — Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Ethan Bentley — Governor over Doldra in Everett’s stead

  James Brigley — Family friend of the Stohners, ensign in the Doldra military police

  Adonis Bronte — Corporal of the Antius Military

  Andre Catalina — Bodyguard and advisor to Prince Weston

  Krista Cedrus — Mechanic on the Sapphire

  William Cedrus — Shipwright of the Sapphire, father to Krista

  Pistoia Darst — Master engineer and Weston's teacher

  Adeline Doldras — Princess of Doldra, deceased

  Brandon Doldras — Prince of Doldra, deceased

  Sapphire Doldras — Wife to Brandon, deceased

  Finn DoPonce — Family friend of the Stohners, herbalist, and sage

  Raine DoPonce — Finn's granddaughter, and a swordswoman

  Ezran Hamade — Emperor of Antius

  Abigail Hamade — Princess of Antius

  Niles Herrerra— Head bodyguard for Prince Weston

  Deidre Iqbal — Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Kaius Jakoluv — Advisor to Emperor Ezran

  Victor Kalende — Former first mate on the Sapphire

  Keene — Navigator on the Phoenix

  Kerlee — Dragon hunter on the Sapphire

  Andrew Komine — Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Francene Maheras — Marchioness, owns all the brothels in Lucrum, and Weston's ally

  Esther Monomi — Wife to Zebediah

  Zaborah Monomi — Third eldest of Zak’s siblings

  Zak Monomi — Combat Medic and Security Officer on the Sapphire

  Zander Monom — Zandra's firstborn son

  Zandra Monomi — Second eldest of Zak’s siblings

  Zane Monomi — Eldest of Zak’s siblings, deceased

  Zebediah Monomi — Leader of the Monomi Clan

  Nevin — Bentley’s right-hand man

  Lucio Perone — One of the Seven Sages

  Roska — Superstitious crewman on the Phoenix

  Christopher Saroot — Void Born soldier from Tastow

  Briar Sasperil — Chef on the Sapphire

  Schultz — Doctor on the Phoenix

  Ann Siderion — Finn's friend, a hedge wife with great knowledge

  Steban — Shipwright of the Phoenix

  Elinora Stohner — Head of Stohner Shipping Yards, Garnet and Slate’s mother

  Garnet Stohner — Chief Liaison/Communications, Slate’s twin sister

  Jade Stohner — Mechanic on the Sapphire

  Samantha Stohner — Captain of the Phoenix, wife to Slate, mother to Jade

  Slate Stohner — Captain of the Sapphire, husband to Samantha, father to Jade, deceased

  Jaxton Taylor — Doctor on the Sapphire, deceased

  Samuel Thistle — Advisor and uncle to Queen Violet

  Ezekial Thorne — Sage and ally of Queen Violet

  Everett Windsor — Ruler of Aerugo and Proxy Ruler of Doldra

  Violet Windsor — Queen of Doldra and Aerugo

  Weston Windsor — Prince of Doldra and Aerugo

  Michael Worthington — Mechanic on the Phoenix, husband to Rebecca Worthington

  Rebecca Worthington — First mate on the Phoenix, sister to Samantha Stohner

  About the Author

  During the day, Becky is a stay-at-home mom of two active little boys. When she has “free time,” she enjoys reading, writing, baking, exercising, and sleeping.

  After many years of creative writing classes, writing fanfiction drabbles, and daydreaming, it was high time to start writing her husband Mike's story. She dove into the world of Terrene and hasn’t looked back—except for when she runs out of dark chocolate.

  Any free time not spent in Terrene is typically expended on hosting dinner and game nights, running amok with her beloved two monkey boys, or watching nerdy movies with Mike.

  For updates,

  behind-the-scenes posts,

  giveaways, and new releases,

  visit RJMetcalf.com




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