Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2)

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Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2) Page 4

by Laura Morgan


  It was well after midnight when Cassie left the theater, and Roger insisted in driving her the mile or so to Leo’s casino. She’d had a few texts off him over the day, mostly confirming her suspicions that he was incredibly busy as well, but she knew that he too was thinking of her and their amazing few days spent entwined on her sofa, floor, bed, and bath. When she arrived, the busy casino was still alive and bustling with clients, and it took her a few minutes to locate the private elevator Leo had told her about. Roger stayed on the periphery, having promised to wait patiently until Cassie found her man before he would clock off for the night, and she was glad. The bustling lobby and loud chimes from the casino were off-putting, and it was good to have him close by. She stared at the keypad, wracking her brains to remember the code Leo had told her, when a voice stopped her.

  “Excuse me, Miss. But that lift is for staff only,” a scantily clad woman who was caked in thick makeup and teetering on six-inch heels told her with a scowl. Cassie smiled falsely, remembering back to when she was the penniless waitress and clueless escort, and rather than reply angrily, she gave the young woman the benefit of the doubt. Cassie looked at her nametag and addressed her politely.

  “Good evening, Suzie. I’m here to see Mr. Solomon, is he free?” she asked, and the girl’s eyes lit up. Jealousy flared in Cassie’s gut and she wanted to slap that smitten grin off Suzie’s face, but forced her fake smile to stay put.

  “You need to check in with us here first,” Suzie replied matter-of-factly, sauntering over to the reception desk and ushering for Cassie to follow. She did, and was sure to give Roger a wave to indicate for him to stay outside rather than come in to check on the hold-up. She didn’t need him stepping in while she was asserting her right to be given access to Leo’s private domain.

  “It’s okay, really. Leo gave me the code, I just can’t remember it right now,” Cassie replied, but followed her over to the desk. She leaned against the counter and stared into the forced smiles of Suzie and the other two young women, and none of them said a single word of welcome to her. It appeared they didn’t believe her story either, and Cassie couldn’t wait to see their faces when they finally figured it out. One of the girls picked up a handset and pressed a couple of buttons.

  “Mr. Solomon, there’s a woman in reception who says she knows you?” she said into the handset, before slamming it down and turning to Cassie. “He’s on his way, wait here,” she barked, earning herself a scowl, but she didn’t seem to care.

  Before Cassie could reply, the ding of the elevator had her turning her head, and her gaze fell on the huge, gorgeous man who stepped out into the lobby. She sucked her bottom lip as she watched him stroll toward them, clearly the alpha of all that he surveyed. Leo’s business mask was firmly in place, and his eyes were ablaze, but he was so hot he took her breath away.

  Cassie knew she wasn’t looking at Leo. She was looking at Mr. Solomon, and she loved seeing how he commanded the room without even trying. He looked amazing in his perfectly tailored suit and designer shoes, and Cassie adored the way he’d styled his dark hair in a short sweep over to one side. She spotted his diamond cufflinks and expensive watch as they glistened in the bright lights of the lobby, and had to smile. He looked every inch the rock-star chief executive, and she was pleased to discover him atop his throne again. She also knew that no matter what worries or doubts she might still have, that man was all hers, and his dominative stare as it washed over her told everyone so.

  “Ladies, when Ms. Philips comes to see me, you absolutely do not detain her, and you most certainly don’t ever keep her waiting. You escort her immediately to wherever I am on the premises without delay. Is that understood?” he bellowed, and the three women all jumped in surprise, as did a few nearby patrons. They clearly hadn’t taken him for the “steady relationship” type, but Leo didn’t seem to care. He fixed each of the women with a hard stare, earning himself mumbled apologies while they blushed scarlet and looked down at the floor.

  “Oh, Leo. Don’t upset the poor girls, they were only doing their job,” Cassie said, stepping closer and then gasping when Leo wrapped an arm around her back and pulled her into him with such force it made her head spin. He kissed her deeply, seemingly wanting to make it known that she was his girlfriend, as if they hadn’t guessed that already.

  Cassie also appreciated the opportunity to show Suzie and the other girls that he was well and truly taken, so she kissed him back just as hard. Staking her claim over a man had never felt so satisfying. “Can I see your new office now?” she whispered in his ear when he finally leaned away, and Leo hummed softly in response before pulling her off and into the private elevator with a sly grin.

  Roger was still waiting patiently outside the huge revolving doors. He gave her a nod from the doorway before he went on his way, and Cassie could do nothing but smile.

  As soon as the elevator door was closed, Leo pinned Cassie to the wall and lifted her thighs up around his waist. He pressed his already rock-hard need into her and she groaned, pushing off the mirrored wall against him. They kissed with a desperate demand for one another that neither of them seemed able to fight, and Cassie was glad he didn’t hide his love for her, no matter where or when.

  “I cannot wait to bend you over my desk and fuck this sweet pussy,” he whispered in her ear before finally letting Cassie drop to her feet. “It’s time to christen the office, love.” When they came to a stop, Leo grabbed Cassie by the waist and marched her down the corridor quickstep, clearly eager to have her naked as soon as possible.


  Once inside, Leo turned the key in the lock and watched as Cassie removed her coat and hung it on his stand. He loved seeing her jacket hanging next to his, and guessed it was the little things that made a relationship work, not just the obvious. He stayed silent as she took in his new office, running her hands over the desk and his high-backed chair. She was so tactile, and he found himself envious of the plush leather and heavy wood. It got to enjoy her touch while all he could do was stand back and wait his turn like a good little boy. Her smile was infectious though, and Leo was grinning just watching her.

  “No cameras this time?” she asked, catching him unaware, and Leo shook his head.

  “There are cameras, but they’ve been deactivated. I won’t record us here, or at home. Not anymore,” he promised, and was surprised that it was all she decided to say on the subject. He knew she’d found out just how far his obsession had gone with her in New York. He’d bugged her cell and placed cameras over every inch of her apartment without her knowledge, and although that surveillance had come in handy many times, Leo knew it was wrong to invade her privacy like that. He hadn’t ever said sorry, though, and hadn’t once bothered to explain his reasons why. Leo honestly didn’t think there was any need. Cassie knew what he was and how he’d operated back then, and she’d accepted him for all those flaws when she’d given him her love. However, he was a changed man now, whether he liked it or not, and from now on he promised himself he wouldn’t betray her trust in him. He’d still kept tabs on her, but no way near what he used to do, and as far as Leo was concerned, that was progress.

  “Good,” she replied thoughtfully, and then began unbuttoning her blouse after checking that each of the blinds was securely closed. Leo’s cock pressed into his pants and he was desperate to rush over there and take his lover hard and fast, but instead he forced himself to calm down. He watched the show, delighting in every movement she made as each item of clothing was discarded.

  “Perfect,” he whispered. Leo watched as she perched on the edge of his desk and opened her legs. Cassie untied her hair, and the long dark ringlets fell across her shoulders and back. She was truly stunning, and yet he had the sneaking suspicion she was still unaware just how beautiful she was. Leo adored how confident she’d become, and waited with a patient smile as her hands slid over her glorious body to tease him.

  Cassie started with her large breasts, cupping each on
e before kneading her nipples between her fingertips, and then she carried on down so she could rub gently at the apex of her thighs. Leo ran his thumb over his lip at the memory of having that same sweet spot on his mouth the night before, and finally stepped forward. He couldn’t wait any longer, and pulled off his shirt and tie in record speed before kicking off his pants and shorts.

  It was then, under the light above the desk, that Leo noticed a small scar on the inside of Cassie’s upper arm. He ran his finger over it and frowned. Leo hated to see that her perfect, delicate body had been hurt again.

  “It’s okay, Leo. It’s an implant,” she told him, pressing his finger into the flesh right above the scar. He felt something there beneath the skin, evidently a small piece of plastic, and raised an eyebrow at her quizzically. “It’s contraception, silly. I had it put in about six months ago after my periods were all over the place.” She giggled, and although Leo loved the sound, he couldn’t keep from silencing her with a kiss.

  “I did wonder why you hadn’t asked me to get some condoms when we got back to your apartment the other night,” he admitted, kissing the small silver mark. Leo then headed toward her mouth again, but he took the long route via her nipples. Cassie arched her back, inviting him to return to her taught peaks, and he obliged. Leo sucked, licked, and nibbled at her, relishing in her elated sighs and blissful moans. When his hand crept up her thigh and he slid two fingers straight inside her, Cassie gushed and writhed against his hand. “Let me feel you come, baby. Let me see you,” he pleaded, and she came for him within seconds. Leo watched as her cheeks flushed and her skin puckered like gooseflesh, while her thighs trembled and she panted in shallow, delicate breaths.

  “Leo,” Cassie sighed, leaning her head against his chest, and she was limp in his arms. “Make love to me.” He placed her back on the desk, one hand on the back of her neck while the other continued to stroke at her core. Leo held her safe, slowly commanding her, and she followed his lead. When she lay open and ready before him, he spread her thighs and guided himself inside. He hissed when she clamped around him, both gripping and stretching for him. Leo then began moving in time with her breaths, while Cassie peered up at him through hooded eyes.

  When she came again and screamed his name, Leo couldn’t hold back any longer. He pressed himself deep inside her tightly clenching core and let go. His life flashed before his eyes—so many bad things and bad people, but then there was her. Cassie brought him back from the edge of his despair yet again, and he thanked God for sending her to him.

  Chapter Four

  Leo stood staring down into the broken and bloody face of Hank, the mole. With another crack of his fist, Hank fell to the ground and stopped his foolish begging. The only sounds that came from him were the gurgles of his blood-filled lungs, and the only movements were the spasmodic twitches that signaled his impending death. Leo planted two more punches to his face, just to be sure, before climbing off and pounding on the closed door.

  “I’m done,” he called, stepping back so his fellow inmate and newest minion, Chris, could come inside.

  “Nice. Go get cleaned up and get outta here. I’ll sort this out,” Chris told him, and Leo nodded. He said nothing to explain what’d happened or thank Chris for his help. Leo simply wiped his hands clean of Hank’s blood and changed into a fresh set of clothes.

  In prison, Leo had become a man of few words, but many actions. He played his own game, and did whatever he had to in order to ensure the longevity of his enterprise and the safety of his criminal comrades. He’d earned the other inmates’ fear from his first day, when he’d beaten the reigning prison king black and blue and subsequently put him in a coma. On the back of that fear, he now had the proverbial throne and the respect of his fellow convicts. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t staying long, Leo had a lot of anger to offload, and prison was the best place in which to do it.

  When he reached the yard, Leo nodded to his informant and headed over to his table, only to be intercepted by a piece of shit named Lenny. He’d been trying to get in with Leo for weeks, but had apparently decided he was done sucking up to him, because he stuck a shiv between Leo’s ribs. He growled and dived for Lenny. He grabbed his throat and held on to it tightly, squeezing and pressing down on his windpipe until he felt the bone break. Lenny immediately went limp. He dropped the stupid kid to the ground and looked up to find his cronies staring at him in shock, but not because of what he’d done—because of how much he was bleeding. Leo went to speak, but only managed a mumbled gurgle before coughing up a mouthful of blood and falling to his knees.

  He stared up at the sky and prayed, not for his own life, but for Cassie’s. He did what he’d done every day since losing her, and wished to all that was good and right in the world that she was safe and happy. Her face was at the forefront of his mind when he blacked out, and Leo knew that if death was coming for him, at least he could still see it one last time, even if it wasn’t real.

  “Leo!” Cassie’s screaming voice pulled him out of his dream, and he shot up from the bed in shock. He looked around, getting his bearings, and was grateful for the darkness to hide his confusion and fear. He’d been trying so hard not to show her how broken he still was, but his nightmares had seemingly given him away.

  “I’m sorry, love. Did I hurt you?” he had to ask, terrified that he might’ve lashed out at her in his sleep.

  “No,” her soft voice chimed. “You were…” She hesitated, and he felt her slide her tiny hand into his. “You were crying and calling out my name.”

  “Oh,” was all he could manage. He didn’t want to tell her why. He wanted to keep it all locked away. Leo knew it was killing her not knowing what he’d dealt with, but there was a huge part of his recent past he simply couldn’t bear to share with her. He pulled on his sweats and headed to the bathroom, where he splashed his face with cold water and sat on the closed lid of the toilet. Leo kept the lights off, not wanting to see the state his dream had left him in, and he just sat there staring at the floor for what felt like hours.


  Cassie stood in the doorway, watching him despite the dead of night. If he had noticed she’d followed him out of bed, he hadn’t said a word. There was no telling what horrors he might still be seeing in his mind’s eye, and Cassie was shocked at seeing him so broken and fragile. She did the only thing she could think to comfort him, and climbed into his lap and held him tightly. It was like hugging a stone cold statue though, like he wasn’t even there anymore and had left his empty shell behind. Cassie held on anyway. She hated that he wouldn’t tell her the truth about his past. She knew he was just trying to protect her, but it was hard watching him fall apart internally while not letting her even attempt to help him fight those demons.

  Cassie didn’t care whether or not Leo wanted her in his arms; she had to be there for him. He had to know that she cared and loved him, no matter what’d gone on in the past. It had been a couple of weeks since he’d waltzed back into her life with a sexy smile and a desire for her he hadn’t hidden, and Cassie was thankful for every day since then. Whatever he needed from her she’d give him, and she knew he’d do the same for her.

  They sat like that for so long Cassie drifted back to sleep in his arms, and roused when she felt him lift her and carry her back to the bed.

  “We’re both fucked up, Leo. Let’s just be crazy together, okay?” she whispered, draping herself over him in an attempt to warm his ice-cold body, and was glad when Leo continued to hold her close.

  “Okay, love. I can do that, just please don’t ever stop holding me in your arms and telling me it’s okay to be screwed up,” he said, stroking her hair affectionately, and Cassie nodded. “One day all of this will go away, and I hope it’s soon, but as long as I know I have you, I’ll make it through.”

  “Me too, baby. Me and you against the world,” she replied, nuzzling deeper into his hold, and she soon began drifting back off to sleep.

  The next morning, Leo was his bright
and cheery self again, and Cassie knew not to bring up his nightmare or his reaction to it. Part of her wanted to demand he tell her so that they could clear his conscience and move on, but he wasn’t that type of guy, and figured she’d have to let him deal in his own way. She knew all too well that her past had messed her up pretty badly, but had no idea just how tormented Leo had also become since they’d been together years ago. He hadn’t cared about anyone or anything before, and had never apologized for any of his brutish or chauvinistic behavior. But now, he truly had changed, and it stunned her to see just how much.

  “So, I was thinking when your lease is up maybe you should just move in here with me?” she slipped into the conversation while making tea and toast for them both.

  After a second’s silence, Cassie went to turn to her suddenly quiet lover, but was stopped in her tracks when his huge arms grabbed her. Leo swung her around and grabbed her chin, pulling so she had to look up into his eyes. He kissed every inch of her face and neck while grabbing her ass and lifting her up to sit on the counter. Cassie hooked her legs behind his thighs and pulled him closer, earning herself a deep growl. “Well?” she insisted, peering up at him in the morning light, and she loved the infectious smile on his handsome face.

  “Yeah, go on then,” he replied, his tone relaxed and full of tease. Leo’s eyes were alight with what she could only assume was happiness, and she lapped up his adoring gaze. He then carried Cassie back to the bedroom, where he picked up where they’d left off the night before.


  The next evening, Leo held a party to officially open Solomon’s Billiards. Cassie stood by his side the entire time. She smiled sweetly and chatted warmly to the guests, her natural allure shining through, as well her varied experience of such things. Her days as an escort might’ve been long behind her, but the instincts and natural charm she’d relied on back then were quickly and effortlessly remembered without her even having to try.


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