Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2)

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Forever Loved (Forever Lost Book 2) Page 11

by Laura Morgan

  Cassie knew without asking what he wanted. She used her fingertips to pull apart the fluffy pancake, sticky with syrup, and offered him a piece. He opened up and then licked her fingers clean with every mouthful, working his soft tongue over her fingertips in such a seductive way that it made her blush every time. She carried on in silence, and watched enthralled as he devoured each delicious morsel. Cassie couldn’t deny she enjoyed the feeling it gave her to serve him, and was sad when the meal was finished.

  She had to admit, she got it now. No matter how independent she’d become, Cassie still wanted to be owned, but this time she’d made the right choice in which man she’d given herself to.


  After lying wrapped in each other’s arms for hours, chatting, and whiling away the afternoon in sleepy bliss, Cassie finally gave in to her bladder’s request to be emptied. On her way back to bed, the buzzer rang on the intercom and she grabbed her robe before padding through the apartment to the door. She picked up the receiver and heard Roger’s deep, cockney voice on the other end, so let him up. Cassie deactivated the alarm and opened the door only when she saw him reach the top of the stairs through the peephole.

  “I have taught you well, my student,” he joked when she’d let him inside and reactivated the system. “Everything okay?” he asked, clearly aiming for nonchalance, and failing miserably. It was obvious he was there to check that she and Leo had made up and were both okay, and she guessed one look at her smitten face must’ve said it all. “I was just swinging by to check in, I won’t keep you,” he added with a wink before letting himself out again. Cassie fiddled with the alarm, and was stood contemplating what to do with the rest of their day when Leo’s deep voice boomed from the bedroom.

  “Cassandra, get in here this instant!” She didn’t hesitate to follow his order and almost ran to him, but stopped dead when his hard scowl greeted her from the bed. He was propped up against the pillows, seemingly lying in wait for her return. Cassie opened her mouth to ask what was wrong when he patted the duvet covering his knees to summon her closer. “Did I, or did I not, give you an order this morning?” She stepped closer, nodding timidly. “What was that order?”

  “No clothes.” Her voice came out in a timid squeal.

  “And yet, look at you now.” Cassie looked down at the robe she’d tied around herself.

  “I couldn’t answer the door naked!” she cried, her insides screaming. While she hated the idea that she’d disobeyed him, the realization that punishment was coming was strangely welcome too.

  “I don’t want problems, I want solutions, Ms. Taylor.” He patted the duvet again and she stepped closer. “The only way you’ll be prepared for the next time is for you to be taught a serious lesson on this occasion. Don’t you agree?”

  Cassie untied her robe and dropped it to the floor. Another step closer had her standing right beside the bed, and she could feel her core tensing in anticipation already.

  “Yes, Mr. Solomon.” She watched the satisfaction cross his face at her words, and when he smoothed the covers in front of him she knew exactly what to do. Cassie leaned over his lap, trying her hardest to keep her feet on the floor while her arms reached across him, and her torso ended up over his knees. Leo ran his hand from the nape of her neck to the curve of her ass, sending a shiver down her spine, and then struck. She hissed in reaction to the sting, but didn’t cry out.

  “Good girl.” He spanked her again and rubbed the sting for a few seconds while she could only lay there breathless and full of desire. She’d never admit it to anyone except him, but she wanted nothing more than for Leo to strike again, and the sweet anticipation of it was driving her insane.

  Her master obliged her wordless plea. He struck that same cheek three more times before moving on to the neglected one. Between each slap, he rubbed the sore spot for a second before spanking her again, and by the time her right cheek was as burning hot as her left, Cassie knew she was soaking. Her thighs were drenched, and she rubbed them together in search of the release she knew wasn’t far away. He figured her out in an instant, and pushed her up on the bed over his knees so that her head fell off the other end and she found herself staring at the floor. Cassie went to laugh, but was silenced when she felt his mouth on her.

  Leo licked his way up the back of one thigh and lifted her hips, opening her up to him unashamedly before he thrust his tongue straight inside her. Cassie was clenching around him in seconds, but he didn’t stop. Leo grabbed her hips and pulled her up even more, arching her back almost painfully, but she didn’t care. She was gone, transcending high above the clouds as her pleasure took over and the blood rushed to her head. Cassie saw stars and dug her hands into the carpet beneath her as her lover tongue-fucked her into further submission.

  When she came back down, Cassie expected Leo to turn her over and claim her properly, but instead his tongue worked its way upward. When she felt the tip swirl around the back entrance no one but Victor had been inside before, she froze. Cassie expected to hate it, but instead the sensation of his tongue back there was thrilling. Without any penetration, Leo simply caressed her in a way she’d never known before, and it sent a wave of pleasure over her that she hadn’t counted on. He thrust two fingers inside her cleft and continued licking in circles around her tight opening, and she soon bucked and began groaning in pleasure.

  Before she could even think about what he was doing next, Leo lifted his head, pulled out his fingers, and climbed up over her. He replaced them with his hard cock. While thrusting into her from behind, he continued to caress her burning ass cheeks with his hands—reminding her of the gratifying ache there.

  When he came, they both fell onto the bed in an exhausted heap, and he pulled her into his arms. “Jeez, love. You really are full of surprises,” he told her, and she could hear the smile in his voice.

  “You have no idea,” Cassie replied, nuzzling into his neck and soaking up the scent of him. She loved this, loved him, and knew there was nothing she wouldn’t try if he asked her.


  Leo lay in bed and watched Cassie doze with a smile. He was still in shock at what she’d been so up for letting him do to her, but also because of how she’d opened up about her sexual awakenings. She now knew what she wanted, and what she could handle when it came to their exploits, and he trusted her to tell him when she was reaching her limits. Cassie hadn’t even hesitated when he’d pushed her and dominated her, in fact she’d almost begged for more. Leo had told himself right from the beginning of their fresh start that he’d take that stuff slowly, and yet she was the one pushing the boundaries he’d set at every turn.

  He realized that after Victor had dominated her so incredibly she could’ve been affected either way, and Leo was glad to see she hadn’t gone the direction of the timid girl who wanted slow lovemaking and to give the occasional blowjob. He would’ve been that guy if she’d needed it, but he much preferred being allowed the chance to have his powerful side take charge.

  Leo had issued her with orders and commands without hesitating, and he could tell she’d been shocked, but also eager to serve him. Everything in him wanted her to stay this way. She had asked for his dominance and to have him own her, not because he wanted it, but because she needed it. Their dynamic was perfect, and Leo knew this could really be the start of the rest of their lives together, unafraid to let their sexual fantasies flourish and come to life via their roleplay and experimentation.

  He’d thought she was asleep, but soon Cassie pulled herself out of his embrace with a groan. She plodded sleepily to the bathroom, and Leo watched her ass as she walked. Her round cheeks bounced with just the perfect amount of fullness, but what made them the most impeccable sight was the beautifully pink hue of each cheek. She didn’t wince or moan as she moved, and she’d been far from upset when he’d struck her. Cassie had wanted his hands on her, wanted him to spank and deliver her a flash of hot pain. When he’d discovered how wet she was after he’d issued with her supposed “pun
ishment,” Leo hadn’t been able to control himself. He’d had to taste her, and took great pleasure in every delectable lick and plunge inside her amazing pussy. He barely even noticed those scars that were once so debilitating, and she’d certainly not let them bother her when he’d caressed every inch of both openings with his mouth.

  That part had certainly been a surprise. Leo had always been an ass man, but had never even broached the subject with Cassie before. Pure lust and the fact that he’d devoured her from behind had led his tongue back and over that tight bud, and he loved that she hadn’t pulled away. She’d given in to her own pleasure, and Leo was sure he’d be asking for more of that again soon.

  Cassie came back into the bedroom and grabbed her robe off the floor, and Leo lifted himself up onto his elbows to stare down his body at her.

  “If you dare put that on, your ass is going to go from a delightful dusty pink color to a hot shade of crimson,” he told her with a smirk. She stared at the white cotton, seemingly considering it for a second, and Leo’s cock swelled. Did she really want more? The sly smile curling at her lips told him she might be contemplating it, but her hesitation showed how deep down she knew she might be overdoing it if she pushed herself too far in one day.

  “Yes, sir,” she eventually replied, lifting the robe and hanging it up on its hook.

  “Stay right there, let me look at you,” Leo said as he climbed up onto his knees and stared intently at the amazing view. Cassie was up on her tiptoes, casually placing the robe up on the peg, and her body was utterly perfect. He could see just the curve of her breast by her rib, and her long dark hair that trailed down her back almost to her behind. She was lovelier than any model or actress he’d ever seen, and Leo locked the mental image away for him to keep forever.

  Cassie peered over her shoulder at him with a shy smile.

  “You can stop drooling now,” she teased, trying to be playful, but her flushed cheeks gave away her embarrassment. Cassie wasn’t used to being adored, and Leo vowed he would change that.

  Chapter Ten

  Screams erupted uncontrollably from deep within Cassie, and people stared in shock at the outburst, but she didn’t care one little bit. She ran toward the bouncing woman standing a few feet away, who was clearly just as excited to see her, and flung her arms around her. Hanna was shouting something about having missed her so much, and Cassie returned the excited greeting while rubbing her best friend’s tiny baby bump with her hands.

  “Sandi, you’re going to be a big sister. Awesome!” she exclaimed as she pulled away and scooped the toddler into her arms. Cassie proceeded to hug her just as tightly as she had her mother, if not more.

  “Will you be his god-mom too? Just like you’re mine Number Two Mommy?” Sandi’s accent was adorable, and Cassie couldn’t get enough of hearing her talk. She’d grown so much the past few months that even her speech had come on dramatically even since their last phone call, and Cassie’s heart sang with love for the little angel her two dear friends had been blessed with.

  “Way to ruin the surprise,” Jamie told his daughter as he rolled his eyes and leaned in to give Cassie a kiss on the cheek. He looked older as well. His wrinkles were far deeper than they’d been before, and his hair was speckled with silver flecks that gave him away. “Yes, it’s a boy, and we’d love for you two to be his godparents.” Cassie’s face must’ve said it all, and Jamie shot her a smile that lit up his eyes. There was the young man she’d once known, and she beamed.

  “It’d be our honor,” Leo answered for them both, clearly having already understood that Cassie would say yes. She loved Sandi like she was her own, and knew she’d love their new baby when he came along as well. An urge within her had always been drawn to kids, but especially the ones she held so dear. Cassie would give anything to make sure Sandi was happy and safe, and would do the exact same for Hanna and Jamie’s new baby boy when he arrived. She pulled her favorite little lady behind her so she could give her a piggyback.

  “The more the better, so keep on popping them out, sweetie!” Cassie chimed with a wink, but Hanna shook her head no. As much as they’d wanted their family, Cassie knew having a cheeky toddler on their hands was taking its toll on them both, and she had to admire their readiness to go through it all over again.

  Deep down, Cassie wasn’t sure if she could even have kids. She and Jonah hadn’t ever officially been trying, but for over a year they’d gone without any contraception in the hopes of “accidentally on purpose” conceiving, and the only reason they hadn’t gone to get tested was because they’d split up before it’d really dawned on her that things might not be working in one of their downstairs departments. There were even times when Victor had seemed lax about giving Cassie her pill, and she often wondered if the small purple capsule Grayson delivered her each morning was actually her contraceptive or not. Technically, it could’ve been anything. She’d never been offered the packet to check.

  “Are you sure? We kinda wanted to ask you guys tomorrow over dinner or something, but Sandi jumped the gun,” Hanna said with a kind smile at her miniature double that was still riding on Cassie’s back.

  “Of course I’ll be his godmother,” Cassie told her with another wide smile. “So, how can you possibly know at sixteen weeks that it’s a boy?”

  Hanna couldn’t contain her laughter. “Oh, he had it all hanging out at the scan last week, there was no need to even ask the nurse.”

  “Rocking out with his you-know-what out, just like his dad,” Cassie teased, and she earned herself a laugh from their guests. Jamie simply rolled his eyes and shrugged off her jibe, evidently having come readily prepared for some cracks from their happy hostess.

  Greetings over, the group chatted non-stop as they headed through the busy London terminal to the awaiting car. Sandi told Cassie how exciting the takeoff was, but how the rest of the flight was super boring, or bwoaring as she’d pronounced it. Cassie loved hearing her explain the trip, and she carried Sandi all the way to the parking lot. All the while, they laughed and played like the kindred spirits they were.

  Roger was there to greet them, and he said nothing as he hauled the luggage into the back of the huge minivan they’d rented for the couple weeks’ of their stay. Hanna and Jamie both looked exhausted, and Cassie knew they’d hardly slept during the long flight. As with their previous visits, a late night and plenty of alcohol would soon cure Jamie’s jetlag, but this time around, Hanna would have to suffer the sleeplessness alongside Sandi. They all napped on the journey back into the city, but roused when they reached Cassie’s apartment, and although it was almost midnight in London, Sandi and her parents were ready for their evening meal rather than for bed.

  Cassie quickly rustled them up some supper while Leo and Jamie talked business for their allowed quota and not a moment longer. He seemed happy with the goings-on Stateside, and Cassie didn’t even bother asking. That world was so far behind her now she wasn’t even the slightest bit interested in being dragged back in. She simply delivered the group their bowls of warming and filling pasta bake with garlic bread and hand-grated Parmesan cheese, with the help of her beautiful young apprentice who stood at the ready with a black pepper grinder.

  After devouring their late-night meal, their guests all seemed sleepy, and Cassie settled them in for their first night. She then joined Leo in the kitchen, where he handed her a glass of wine and raised his own.

  “Here’s to us, godparents and all that,” he made a toast to their offered roles as responsible stand-ins for their friends. Cassie clinked her glass with his and took a long sip. She watched him curiously, wondering if he truly was as at ease as he seemed. Accepting their offer would mean accepting some moral responsibility for Hanna and Jamie’s children, being part of their lives forever, and loving them as their own. Perhaps it was because Sandi loved Leo without ever seeing the monster he thought still lingered within, but it seemed as though he really might be ready for more in his life.

  “Do you want childre
n, Leo?” she couldn’t stop from asking, and her heart lurched when he gave her a broad smile and an insistent nod in answer. “Me too, but I’m scared. What if we want it too much? Will you still love me if I can’t give you a child?” Leo set his glass aside and grabbed the stem of hers to gently pry it from her hand. He then placed the wine beside his on the countertop and closed the gap, forcing Cassie into his embrace without a word of warning. He hugged her tightly to his chest.

  “No matter what life gives us or not, it’s you and me against the world, remember?” he told her, and she breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ve been careful all these years because when it happened it had to be with the right woman. If it doesn’t happen at all, then so be it. We’ll still be together, and you’ll still be the only one I ever want. I’m nothing without you. Never forget that, love.”

  “I won’t, I promise.” Her shoulders certainly felt lighter, and deep down Cassie just hoped he’d meant what he’d said. Nothing was right back when she and Jonah had contemplated trying, and she knew things would be vastly different when the time came that she and Leo decided to try to start a family.


  The next few days were spent overcoming Hanna and Jamie’s jetlag, while also keeping Sandi occupied. Cassie baked cakes and cookies with her, and took her to the nearby park so that her parents could have a nap whenever they were flagging. Leo took as much time away from work as he could, but still had to head in where necessary. He made sure not to miss out on any of the fun stuff, though.


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