by Laura Morgan
“You’re very welcome. I guess you might have this figured out already, but I tend to have some drama or another following me,” Cassie told her with a sad smile. “But I’m not here that often, so things should go back to being pretty quiet when we go home tomorrow.”
“Don’t say that.” Lana seemed shocked at her apology. “I’ve never seen Will so happy. He’s loved having you guys here, and he wouldn’t care even if you threw the biggest strop and caused a huge scene. All that matters is he’s sharing his birthday with you. The explanation is absolutely unnecessary.”
A sob caught in Cassie’s throat, and she forced away the tears pricking at her eyes. She grabbed Lana and hugged her tightly.
“I knew I’d like you,” she told her with a smile, and Lana returned the compliment before hugging Cassie back to show her she meant it.
When the girls returned, the air was much clearer, and Leo felt far more relaxed after chatting with Will and Roger for a few minutes. He watched Cassie intently, mesmerized by his strong and beautiful girlfriend. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her, and while he still had to recognize when to pick a fight or walk away, he was learning.
Every step she took towards him was a feast for his eyes. Cassie had no idea how stunning she was, and that just added to her beauty. Her long legs stretched out beneath her short dress, but there was just enough hidden to still look classy. His eyes scrolled upward and lingered on those ample breasts of hers. They were bulging out the top of her neckline, and he could see the mounds wobbling slightly with each step she took. He’d adored those two mountainous peaks from the first moment he’d seen them on the camera at his New York mansion, and still did. Most of the women he’d known had huge fake breasts, and he’d enjoyed fondling them back in the day. But with Cassie, they were natural, and he couldn’t get enough of them.
Cassie was smiling coyly, clearly having caught his lingering looks, but she didn’t shy away from him. She was finally letting herself enjoy his attention, and he was pleased to see her confidence shining brightly despite the night’s couple of setbacks. She looked good enough to eat, and Leo knew he would be doing exactly that before too long whenever he got her good and naked.
By the time she slid into the booth next to him, Leo’s hard-on was already straining in his pants. He’d need a minute before he could stand. He felt her hand go to the pocket of his jacket, and peered down just in time to see an edge of black satin disappear inside with her fingers.
“You did ask nicely, and it’s my pleasure to do everything you want of me,” Cassie whispered in his ear. She slid her tongue out to trace the edge of his earlobe. “No one owns our pleasure but us, and my pain is yours to command as well, Leo Solomon. We’re making our own memories, with no more looking back.”
“No looking back,” he repeated, and turned his head, capturing her mouth with his. The world around them fell away. All that mattered was Cassie and her lips, her body as she pressed it against his, and the way her hand held on to his bicep tightly. She was pulling him closer, deeper, and further into their kiss than he ever thought she would in front of others. When they finally broke away, Leo laid two more soft kisses against her cheek as he found her ear. “That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble,” he told her, and felt rather than heard her sharp intake of breath. “I’m going to fuck it tonight, and then I’m gonna come on your tits. But first, I want to taste how wet you are, and not stop until you’re screaming my name. Will you do those things for me, love?”
“Yes,” she groaned, and Leo was sure he caught her crossing her legs tightly, as though clenching her core in anticipation.
“If you dare have a single orgasm in this club I’ll take you in one of the rooms out the back and spank you so hard you’ll see stars.” His tone was powerful, and despite his growing need for her, his threat was a sincere promise. Cassie’s eyes widened and Leo was sure he heard her gasp again. Game on, he thought.
He checked the room around them, pleased to discover Will and Lana had taken themselves off to the dance floor again, and that Roger was over by the bar. They had some stolen alone time, and despite his direct order for her not to climax while at the club, Leo intended to make it as hard for her as possible to follow it.
She’d accepted his challenge without a word, and he watched as she continued to clench. Leo pulled her back into the small seclusion that the booth provided, and he thrust his hand between those delectable thighs she still held tense. His thumb caressed her clit with gentle strokes while his fingers delved inside her soaking pussy, and Leo was shocked at how wet she was. “Don’t you dare come, Cassie. Your ass will be so sore on that drive home tomorrow you won’t be able to sit still,” he teased while doing everything he could to ensure she did just that.
She soon began clenching and throbbing against his hand, and her bosom heaved with her panting breaths. Leo watched Cassie reach her glorious climax and then come down from her high. She peered up at him cunningly.
“Oops,” she whispered with a sexy smile. Leo felt a low growl make its way up his throat. He was in awe of her, but also filled with an urgent need to punish her. In one quick move, Leo had straightened them both up and stood. He took her hand and pulled her toward one corner of the club, heading straight through the door marked ‘Staff Only.’
He found the small office he’d visited earlier and locked the door closed behind them. Leo stood and stared at his incredible lover, taking in the flushed color to her cheeks and the cheeky grin on her red lips. Cassie walked over to the small desk, pulling up her dress as she went, and leaned across it, exposing her naked ass to him. “I’ve been a bad girl, Mr. Solomon.” Her voice quivered as she spoke, and damn if it didn’t make him harder.
“Yes, you have.” Leo stepped closer and cupped her mound with his palm, hissing with delight when she leaned back into him and groaned. “I’m going to punish you, and if you come again I’m going to fuck you here.” Leo slipped two fingers inside her soaking core. “And then here.” He slid the same fingers up to her tight back opening and massaged it.
Cassie gasped, but she didn’t stop him, and he had to wonder. Leo decided it was time he pushed her even further. He slid one finger inside and caressed her gently, guiding the digit deeper and deeper with each thrust. He was so hard he could barely contain himself, and seeing how willing she was to accept his explorative advances had him ready to take her there and then.
First, though, he had a punishment to administer. Leo forced himself to retreat, and as soon as she let out an unsatisfied moan that he’d left her empty, he knew he’d be fucking that amazing ass before they left this tiny room.
He didn’t let her say or do anything before his first slap made contact with her cheek. Cassie held on to the desk tightly and said nothing to stop him, so Leo struck her again. This time he smoothed the skin and kissed it afterwards, knowing he’d hit her hard, but her panting breath told him she wasn’t hurt—in fact it seemed she’d loved him using a firmer hand. After two more slaps he moved on to the other cheek, where he delivered another four to her increasingly reddened ass.
Deep down, there was a part of him that sadistically delighted in hurting Cassie, but only as much as she wanted. He truly enjoyed giving her what she needed from him. Leo was doing everything he could to pleasure her, like a good Dom should. She wanted the pain, for whatever reason, and he was strong enough to deliver it to her safely. Panting, glistening, and groaning with pleasure, Cassie arched her back and opened her legs wider. Leo knew exactly what she needed, and slapped her right on the clit.
Leo thanked God for the thumping music that drowned out the sound of Cassie’s scream. At first he thought he’d hurt her, but when she peered back over her shoulder at him with a desire he felt in his soul, he knew she’d just exploded in pleasure rather than pain. He pushed down his pants and was inside her soaked opening in seconds, and she was still clenching as the last remnants of her orgasm echoed through her. “Fuck, Cassie.
You feel so good,” he groaned, and then hissed when she wriggled against him, burrowing him deeper inside.
Leo pounded hard, pressing into her while driving his own climax ever closer. When he could wait no longer, he pulled out and teased her tight ass with the head of his cock, coaxing his way inside without asking permission or having to tell her what to do. Cassie relaxed immediately and welcomed him, and Leo groaned at the tightness she held him with. He came after just a few strokes, but didn’t stop his movements. He was too hard to be satisfied yet, so carried on just a little bit longer, and watched in awe as she came for him one more time.
Leo pulled himself out slowly. He then helped Cassie to the small bathroom, where he got cleaned up while she composed herself. She looked utterly fucked, and he supposed she was. She seemed surprised when he soaked the handkerchief from his jacket pocket in warm water and cleaned her up as well, as though she thought he would be too disgusted to clean up his own mess, but it was quite the opposite. Leo loved how she’d taken him so willingly, but he also took great pleasure in knowing she was comfortable and cared for even after their epic lovemaking session was over. “Have you done it properly before? Not just what we’ve done?” he asked, and didn’t look into her eyes when she replied with an almost silent affirmation.
Leo didn’t ask for any details. He didn’t need or want to know who had taught her how to do it, nor did he want to embarrass her by making Cassie tell him. It needed to stay in the past where it belonged. They were moving on together. Cassie had shown him that by pushing her panties into his pocket even after she’d told him about the disgusting memory of Eduardo and the present she’d been forced to give him. He knew he’d never make her feel bad for her sexual past. He’d had hundreds of women over the years, in many different ways too, so he could never judge Cassie or her preferences in the bedroom. In fact, he downright loved that she was opening up more and more about what she craved, and knew he was more than willing to give her everything she wanted.
The next day, they bid farewell to the Taylor’s and headed back to London. Cassie was more emotional than she would’ve thought she’d be, but wouldn’t let herself cry. Her parents had been their usual selves, but she really thought Leo had made a good impression on them both, and hoped he’d be a welcome addition to her life now that they’d gotten to know him better. Will had firmly embraced him as his brother-in-law, regardless of the constant reminders from his big sister that they weren’t planning to get married. Her parents had brought up the subject as well, but Cassie had shot their comments down right away.
A part of her considered herself to have some kind of curse when it came to having a husband, and the thought of getting married a third time was depressing. Cassie was widowed twice over, and that was more than enough for one lifetime. She and Leo would be together for the rest of their lives, she had absolutely no doubt about it, and she didn’t need a piece of paper or a ring on her finger to know that.
Not caring about the travel sickness, she climbed in the back to sit with Leo for the ride home. She had to be with him, so she popped a tablet with some kind of herbal remedy to help ease her nausea and then settled in beside her man. Leo wrapped an arm around her and pulled Cassie closer, and with a cocky smile he rested one hand over her ass. She was still a little bruised, but not as sore as she would’ve thought, and her memory of the night before only made her want more. She had to admit, she’d thoroughly enjoyed all three elements of what’d gone on in that office, and was more than willing to do them again whenever Leo asked her to.
Everything was perfect, and while the pessimist inside wanted to warn her that trouble might just be around the corner, she pushed it away. Only the positive thoughts were allowed into her mind right now, and she intended to keep it that way.
Chapter Fifteen
Happy days together turned into blissful weeks, and before long Cassie fell into a wonderful routine of work and home life that she never dreamed she could have before. Leo had remained his ever-forceful self, at times still closed-off, but he was working on it, and she didn’t push him. They explored her interest in the darker, more violent sides of his sexual prowess, and as promised, tried their hands at a little roleplay of their own.
She woke late one morning to find him gone, but a note was left behind in his place. Cassie grabbed it and read his fine handwriting with a smile.
My love,
I’ve gone to the office, but I won’t be long. The game is on, and today’s the day I teach you how to be ravaged, Cassie. Watch your back, as you won’t know when or where I might pounce. Fight back all you want, but don’t forget I’ll only stop for the safe word–-Jellybeans.
Yours anticipatively,
Leo x
Cassie bit her lip with excitement. It seemed he was finally willing to show her the last of those things he’d told her about months before, and she was more than ready to try it out. She climbed up out of bed and got herself ready for a day of cleaning and running errands, figuring she’d best go about her ordinary tasks while waiting with bated breath for him to strike.
By mid-morning, the wait was already torture, and she showered with one eye on the door, all the while failing in her bid to ignore the sweet, burning desire building in her gut. She was a twisted knot at first, watching every movement from the corner of her eye like a paranoid lunatic, and had to force herself to calm down. Cassie did some breathing exercises and stretched out with a bit of yoga.
With one ear on the door, figuring she’d hear Leo when he came home anyway, Cassie then set about completing her chores. As she stood at the kitchen sink washing dishes, she was so deep in thought she finally forgot all about their game. She daydreamed of a future life with Leo. Yes, she still had her damaged past and the baggage that came with it, but so did he, and together they were mending those broken parts of one another. Their future could be as bright as they wanted it to be, and she was sure ready for less of the chaos and drama.
A gloved hand suddenly covered her mouth, and a wall of heavy muscle pinned her to the counter from behind. Cassie jumped and tried to scream, but the sound was drowned out by the epic force holding her still and silent. Her heart was beating out of her chest and her breath was ragged, and when her attacker’s breath tickled her ear, she shuddered.
“I’m going to remove my hand, and if you dare scream you’ll be sorry. Understand?” the rumbling baritone voice murmured against her cheek, and Cassie nodded. She knew it was Leo right from the start, and wasn’t scared, but was also well aware of the game he was playing. He was the cat and she was the mouse. And, like a cat, he was an unrelenting force hell-bent on catching his prey. But she was a crafty mouse who was already enjoying their game, so much so that she wasn’t quite ready to give up just yet.
As soon as he dropped his hand, she shoved an elbow back into his ribs. A deep grunt was all she got from him, but Leo stepped away just enough for Cassie to slide free from his hold and make a run for it, and she knew he’d let her go on purpose. She charged for the door, but only made it as far as the hall before being swept off her feet and into the air. She cried out, kicking and squirming in an attempt to get free, but it was no use. His hand was back over her mouth again, and no amount of struggling could get her free.
Leo flung her over one end of the couch on her stomach, and Cassie knew she had no options left. He was holding her by her wrists at the small of her back, and was pressing her face into the sofa cushions, while her ass was sticking up over the raised arm of the sofa completely at his mercy. His free hand grabbed at the waistband of her pants, ripping the clothing from her in a rush, and Leo buried himself inside of her from behind.
After just a few hard thrusts she was putty in his hands, and any fight she’d tried to keep hold of was quickly lost. But she did it all willingly, wanting this and so much more from her intensely sexy lover. The excitement drove her wild, as did his body as he forced himself into her over and over. He roared as he came, and Cassie was
right there with him. Her body clenched around his pulsing length, taking everything he had to give her, and when he finally stilled they both fell into a crumpled heap of bodies entwined.
“Whoa,” she breathed, and nestled deeper into his hold.
“Yeah,” Leo replied, and despite his earlier savage treatment, he kissed and caressed Cassie with gentle touches. When she’d come down from her extreme high, she peered up at him through her lashes and marveled at the man who loved her so much she felt breathless in his arms. He was a brute, through and through, yet Leo was also tender, caring, and gentle when he let himself be. He loved her with everything he had, and she adored how he wasn’t afraid to show it. “Did you like it?”
“Well, obviously,” Cassie teased, and she laughed when he tickled her rib playfully. “You didn’t keep me waiting too long either, but I enjoyed the anticipation.”
“I’ve been hiding in the apartment all day, waiting for the opportune moment,” he told her, and Cassie laughed even harder. “I never went to the office, it was all part of my master plan to have you fooled.”
“Wow, you’re a good stalker. I didn’t even know you were here!” she cried in response, and Leo took a half bow. He sat them both up, checked Cassie over, as though to make sure he hadn’t been too rough, and then led her away to get cleaned up.
No amount of sickness remedy was working this time, and Cassie’s stomach lurched at the very idea that there might be something more behind her symptoms than she’d first thought. One possibility kept coming back to her, though, the idea quickly becoming less and less impossible to imagine. Siobhan had gone on a few times about how her pregnant sister hadn’t had morning sickness, but a general queasiness that’d lasted until around halfway through her term, and it seemed almost feasible that it could be the reason behind her now constant nausea. With the implant in her arm, Cassie’s periods had stopped anyway, so she hadn’t skipped any, but she definitely felt strange. There was an “off” feeling she couldn’t shake.