Liam's Best

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Liam's Best Page 22

by Grace Kagni

  “They monopolize the way a town rebuilds? It’s crazy!” Liam couldn’t believe it.

  “Exactly, they make money when a town rebuilds. They get a piece of the action – well actually, they take a big chunk of the action but apparently it’s the way it’s always been.”

  “Okay, well just keep your eyes open at all times and touch base with James since he’s the closest if you should need help. Oh and by the way, I’m taking Milania away for the weekend so I won’t be reachable all the time.” Liam had booked the cabin and they would be leaving for their weekend on Friday afternoon.

  “Sounds like fun. You need a break since you don’t know when to call it a day,” Dalton smiled, knowing his brother didn’t want to appear a workaholic but he was deep down. “Have fun and say hello to that gorgeous wife of yours for us.”

  Liam smirked at Dalton’s comment before saying goodbye. He put the phone down and looked at his watch, wondering where Milania was. It wasn’t like her to be late so he decided to go find her but the moment he stepped out of his office, he found her waiting in the hallway. “Hey, why are you waiting here?” He leaned down to kiss her tenderly on the lips. It had been a long day and he wanted to get home.

  “I heard you were on the phone so I went to the ladies room in the meantime and when I came back, I waited here to give you a little privacy.” She wrapped her hand around his neck to kiss him back.

  His lips lingered a moment while he looked into her eyes, wondering if she heard any of the conversation. She didn’t seem to give any indication so he reluctantly pulled away and went back to his office to get the car keys.


  The last days of the week flew by and the morning of their departure, they went to work like any other day with the exception they would be relaxing in the log cabin in the afternoon. Milania was really looking forward to their weekend break and found she had a hard time concentrating all morning. Finally when noon arrived, she picked up her handbag and left to meet Liam.

  He was ready, waiting to leave when Milania arrived and the moment they got into the car, they laughed when they both let out a sigh of relief.

  “I guess we both needed this break more than we realized,” Milania mentioned, looking forward to the adventure.

  “I guess we did. Buckle up and let’s get going. We should be there in a couple of hours,” Liam said, pulling out from their reserved parking spot in the Miller Corporation parking area.

  The drive was nice as it felt like they were already on vacation. They stopped on the way to get a bite for lunch and then got back into the car to drive the rest of the way to the cabin. They left the beach scene and headed toward the mountains where they reached a sign with the name LOS PADRES NATIONAL FOREST. It was such a beautiful scene that Milania kept her eyes locked on the window. It was breathtaking and she enjoyed the view as Liam continued driving until they reached LAKE HUGHES. There they turned onto a dirt road and followed the navigator until they reached the cabin.

  Milania smiled when she saw the quaint little cabin surrounded by trees and mountains. The moment Liam parked the car, she got out and took in the scent of the trees. “Can you smell it?”

  “Smell what?” Liam wasn’t sure what she was talking about.

  “The scent of nature. It’s wonderful and so relaxing.” She took in a deep breath and then let it out slowly as she closed her eyes.

  Liam smiled at the sight of her excitement about the scent of the forest. He looked at his watch and wondered if the agency would be on time for their appointment. They arrived ten minutes early, giving them the opportunity to have a look around on their own. He took Milania’s hand and they walked around to look at the scenery. Trees surrounded the wood cabin, making it feel really secluded. He was happy he’d brought his gun for protection. He never went anywhere unprepared and least of all a place secluded like this.

  Toward the back, there was a view of Lake Hughes and it was a short walk from the cabin so Liam knew that as soon as they had a chance to change, they would take a walk toward the lake. He’d noticed the moment she saw the lake how her eyes danced with delight so it would be their first outing.

  When they returned to the front of the house, the person from the agency was waiting with the key. They went inside and after Liam read once more through the rental contract, he signed it and shook hands with the agent. Then he went out to get the bags and returned minutes later to find Milania gazing out the back window at the lake. He put the bags down and when to her, wrapping his arms around her body from the back.

  “Do you like it?” he whispered in her ear as he rested his head on her shoulder.

  “Like it? I love it here,” she said, turning to hug him. She placed her head on his chest as she looked out the window again toward the lake. “I feel so peaceful here.”

  “I’m happy. Shall we take a tour of the cabin?”

  She took his hand and they walked through the living area, which was decorated with different shades of blue. There were wood floors throughout and a corner kitchen accenting the same blue from the living room. Then there was a bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink, and lastly a bedroom decorated in light shades of yellow with a double bed, a dresser, a chair, and a small wardrobe. It was small, but warm and cozy.

  They changed into casual clothing and put on a pair of hiking boots to go for their walk. Liam had a backpack, which he packed water bottles, snacks and a safety box if needed. He wore a leather shoulder holster to carry his gun.

  “There won’t be much daylight so this will have to be a short walk but we can come back tomorrow to explore the area in depth,” Liam said, locking the cabin.

  They walked around the house to the back where a path lead to the trail going toward the lake. As they followed the trail, they looked at the hills and low mountain surrounding the lake. They passed people on the trail that greeted them before they went their different ways. It was a cool day for March but the sun warmed the air, making it a pleasant walk in the countryside.

  Milania’s mind was peaceful when she looked at her surroundings and the moment they reached the lake, she felt her lungs expand, breathing the clean air. “We really needed this and I don’t think we realized it until we arrived. It’s so peaceful here – I can hear myself think,” she grinned.

  He smiled as he watched her spin around, extending her arms out and looking up toward the sun. He loved her so much that he’d do anything to make her happy – and safe. She was right. It was true they needed a break and it was great feeling talking a walk among nature. He missed outdoor adventures. He used to live and sleep outdoors when he was in the army. It was part of his training and it became such a natural feeling that it was difficult for him to adapt to living indoors again when he returned to civilization. It was difficult but after a while, he moved through stages of denial until his life took a more positive outlook. Now, all he can think about is Milania.

  They walked along the lake for a little while until it was time to head back toward the cabin. Darkness would be falling soon and he wanted to be in the cabin before they lost daylight.

  When they reached the cabin, they decided to call for pizza delivery so they could sit by the fireplace, relaxing while they enjoyed their weekend. The nearest restaurant could deliver pizza as well as pasta dishes so they kept that in mind for the following evening. They ordered two pizzas and a bottle of red wine to have by the fireplace. In the meantime while they waited for the pizza to arrive, they took turns having a shower. Liam would have wanted to slip into the shower with her but he knew he wouldn’t be able to answer the door when the pizza delivery turned up so he planned to start their evening at a slower pace.

  They ate the pizza while they chatted about what they could do the next day. Liam had searched the area for trails and saw some led from the lake toward the National Forest so he thought it would be a full day outdoors. They would need to bring food and water for the day so Liam started searching for places to order sandwiches, snacks and drinks.
When he realized the restaurant where they ordered pizza could do all that, he made a quick call to place an order for pickup the next day. The restaurant would be on the way toward the forest so it gave them plenty of time to enjoy the beauty of the lake before they picked up their food.

  They took their wine bottle and glasses to the fireplace and sat on the rug to feel the warmth of the flame. The fireplace gave enough warmth to heat up the cabin and the moment they reclined against the sofa, Liam pulled her close to kiss her. His kiss deepened quickly and not long after, he was taking her shirt off to feel the delicate skin underneath. Her skin glowed in the firelight and the moment he unclipped her bra, his mouth found its way to her peaking nipples.

  “Are you cold, Baby Doll?”

  She shook her head while she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it over his shoulders. The feel of his muscles underneath her fingers sent sensations through her body making her want him more than ever. Once she removed his shirt, she moved her delicate fingers to his belt and jeans as she looked into his dark lustful eyes.

  He felt he was going to break apart if they didn’t shed their clothing fast enough. His hands worked quickly and the two glasses of wine he’d already had gave him a pleasant feeling inside. He was ready to feel her skin against his.

  Milania knew this was exactly where she wanted to be and the feeling of his hands as he laid her flat on the rug while he pulled off her panties was the last surge of patience she had before they were skin to skin. She felt the warmth of his lips as they circled her breasts, teasing and sucking before moving downward. The moment she felt his lips on her wetness, she arched her back as she put her head back wanting to feel closer to him. She widened her legs and moved her hands over his back until they found his luscious hair. Her fingers ran through his hair, pushing him closer to her. She needed to feel him inside and the moment she thought she couldn’t take his tempting any longer, she felt his tongue push inside. Her heart and soul became one as she let herself go for the one man who had shown her how to love. The sensation was so strong that she never wanted it to end. Milania hung onto him hoping to prolong the sensation. Her insides were about to explode and as he moved his tongue expertly and used his lips to probe and suck, she fell apart in his hands.

  He heard her moans and grunts as he worked his mouth over her warm wet part he knew he couldn’t wait much longer. He was about to come and was painfully aware he wouldn’t last much longer but he wanted to hear her scream out as her orgasm hit. Her body was giving all the signs of withering so he knew she was nearly there. The moment her body shook, he lifted his head and moved up to push inside before he doubled over in pain from his need to release.

  He felt the warmth and smoothness inside, comforting him like a lullaby. He moved quickly as his need to feel skin on skin accelerated to a point that he couldn’t wait any longer. His release came hard and fast, draining him of every ounce of energy as he fell to the side. He spun them around, placing her on top while he slowed his breathing. Her wet hair stuck to her face, a symbol of their passionate lovemaking. Lifting his finger, he gently moved the strands of wet hair from her face as she rested her head on his cheat. He could hear her rapid breathing and waited for them both to catch their breath.

  She could hear his heart beating quickly as she closed her eyes and listened. The sound of the beat lulled her into a sleepy mood and a few minutes later, she drifted off to sleep.

  He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around Milania and fell asleep by the fire feeling happy and satiated.

  When Milania awoke in the middle of the night, they were snuggled in bed but she didn’t remember getting there. Liam must have carried her there sometime during the night while she was dead to the world. She snuggled closer and fell back to sleep in the warmth of her husband’s arms.


  They woke up early the next day feeling happy and rested. They made love another time before getting up but with the difference that they took their time. Afterward when they were relaxing in each other’s arms, they saw the sun was bright and decided it was time to get up. They made coffee and then went to get washed and dressed. By the time they were ready, it was mid morning so Liam strapped on the backpack stocked with two water bottles to start the day and they headed out toward the lake. The sun was shining bright and it gave them the opportunity to have a pleasant day out and about.

  “We can rent a boat when we get to the lake to take a tour around. Would you like that?” Liam told her as they reached the lake.

  “Oh that might be nice although remember that I can’t swim. Will there be a life jacket on the boat?” She wasn’t going to get on a boat unless there was a jacket for her. She was sure Liam wouldn’t rent it unless they each had one so they walked to the rental booth to ask.

  There were many boats available depending on the cost and the client’s needs. Liam decided on the yacht with captain, which would give Milania less motion sickness if she suffered from it at all. They were ready to board the moment Liam paid and the captain was more than happy to know he was taking Mr. and Mrs. Miller on a boat tour of Lake Hughes.

  They enjoyed a beautiful morning out on the lake with the comforts of a luxury boat and on the boat they were served drinks and pre lunch snacks. They sat on deck watching the landscape as the yacht cruised by slowly moving around the perimeter. By the time it made it all the way around the lake, their half-day on the lake was over and Milania was sad to leave. She truly enjoyed the cruise and would have liked to stay longer if they hadn’t had other plans.

  Her expression was serene when they got off and followed the trail toward the forest. Her happiness lingered for quite a while when he stopped to ask if she was tired and needed a rest.

  “Are you kidding? I’ve never felt better and this weekend is turning out to be better than I expected.” She walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

  He lifted her off the ground and wrapped her legs around his hips while his mouth devoured her lips. A few minutes later, he put her down. “We better keep walking before I find a secluded spot to ravage your body.” His eyes were full of lust and he knew he could lay her down and make wild passionate love to her surrounded by nature. He’d have no problem doing that right now.

  She giggled knowing she could bring a man of his size to his knees by a simple look. It was a power that she undeniably had and it made her heart soar.

  They continued on their way and stopped at the restaurant to pick up their lunch order. The scent of the food was delicious and it made their appetite grow that by the time they reached a stop to sit, it was mid-afternoon. The sun was still warm and as they sat down on the dry grass, they ate their food and drank the wine they’d ordered with the food, setting a relaxing atmosphere for lunch under the trees. They came across other groups as they continued their walk and as soon as light started to fall, they turned back to return to the cabin. The moment darkness started, Liam pulled out flashlights and his compass to make their way back.

  Again they encountered people in the dark who were lost and needed help finding their way so they formed a group, following Liam’s indication every step of the way. Not long after they formed a group, in the darkness appeared a light ahead.

  “Look, someone is out looking for us,” somebody said.

  “Milania, stay close to me,” Liam said the moment he sensed something was wrong. He could smell gasoline and realized immediately someone was out there to start a fire. The moment he grabbed Milania’s hand to make sure she was safe was when he saw the light ahead grow. A flame started to grow up high enough for them to spot it from where they were.

  Screams shrieked out above the trees as people from the group ran in different directions. Liam tried to keep everyone together but it was useless so he held onto Milania’s hand and looked up to see where the wind blew the flames. It was coming toward them so they needed to move quickly.


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