The Moon

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The Moon Page 31

by Oliver Morton

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  Adams, Ansel, 43

  Africa, 29–30, 38, 243

  African American, as astronaut, 110

  Air Trails and Science Frontiers magazine, 94

  Airbus, 216

  Airy, George, 55

  Aitken crater, 157

  See also South Pole-Aitken basin

  Aldrin, Buzz, 111, 113–117

  alien life, 17, 18, 231

  aluminium, 24, 104, 108, 190–191, 263

  Alvarez, Luis, 179

  Alvarez, Walter, 179

  Amazon (company), 219, 220

  Amazon (rainforest), 130

  American Interplanetary Society, 89

  American Rocket Society, 89, 93, 186

  Ames Research Center (NASA), 3

  Anders, Bill, 24, 27

  angular momentum, 143–144, 145, 147

  animals, 13

  anorthosite on the Moon, 126, 145

  Antarctica, 29, 130, 135, 240, 245


  of the Moon, 133–135, 263, 268

  naming and description, 131, 263, 264


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