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To Wed a Wanton Woman

Page 7

by KyAnn Waters

  Train went to the bar and poured them a drink. “Do you want to take a bath before bed?”

  Her eyes widened. “Just because I’m enjoying the benefits of being in this fancy hotel doesn’t let you off the hook. I’m mad as hell, and it’s going to take a lot more than soft rugs and warm baths.” She furrowed her eyebrows to match what she’d hoped he’d interpreted as her angry expression.

  Train walked to a door on the left and swung it open. “Does this appeal to you?”

  Marion crossed the threshold of the room and almost forgot to breathe. A thick down coverlet, adorned with white, lacy pillows covered a massive bed, looking softer than a puffy cloud on a summer afternoon.

  Earthy greens, grays, and blues created interesting patterns in the wallpaper. Dark leather chairs nestled near another fireplace.

  Marion ran across the room and jumped into the center of the bed, covering herself with pillows. Train leaned against the door, watching. She felt like a child in a candy store. She blinked tears from her eyes and pulled the comforter up to her chin.

  Marion stopped sucking in the scent of clean sheets and glanced at Train standing across the room. Unable to see his face due to the light behind him, she knew he smiled. He reveled in her enjoyment. She pulled the sheet to her nose and inhaled deeply. “Have you ever smelled anything as heavenly as this?” She held the sheet out to him. “Smell it. Drink it in.” She sniffed it long and hard. Next, she took a pillow and did the same.

  “Do you still want to bathe?”

  “Oh shit!” She jumped out of the bed as if bitten by bed bugs. “I’m going to stink it up,” she whined. “Smell this, does it stink now?” She held out the pillow.

  Train crossed the room and took the pillow from her. He held her fingers with his and led her to the bathroom.

  “Running water!” She laughed as she reached down and turned the handle. “I’m less mad,” she said while dripping water from her arms onto the floor.

  Train stood there as Marion removed her dress. “I’ll wait for you,” he said, backing out of the room.

  Train went to the same chair he’d sat in earlier. He kicked off his boots and smoked another cigarette while Marion splashed in the other room. Twenty minutes later, he tapped on the door.

  “Sorry,” she said when she opened it, wearing a towel. Her hair clung to her bare shoulders. Water droplets trailed down the creamy swell of her breasts. “I didn’t want to put my dress back on, and I left my clothes out here.” She hurried to her carpetbag and carried it to the bedroom. She stood in the doorway to the bedroom. “Aren’t you coming?”

  Train shook his head, shoving his fists into his pockets. “I’ll sleep out here.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re the one who said we needed to rest before the trip tomorrow. Besides, you’re too tall to fit on the furniture. You’ll never get comfortable.”

  Train hesitated. Granted, he’d probably wake up stiff if he tried to sleep on the sofa, but sleeping in the same bed with Marion would guarantee it. His cock was hard and his pulse pounded. Warmth simmered in his gut. He wanted her. Which is why he couldn’t go to bed with her.

  “After you change your mind, come to bed.” She closed the door.

  Marion knew it would only take a few minutes for Train to find his way into the bedroom. She hurried, pulling out a thin chemise and pair of soft cotton pantalets from her carpetbag. She’d just finished hanging the towel over the back of the chair when Train entered.

  “I’m glad you haven’t lost all your sense.”

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that,” he said under his breath.

  Marion plaited her hair down the center of her back. After she jumped into the bed, Train blew out the last lantern, plunging them into complete blackness.

  He slid into bed beside her.

  “Train, no!” She pushed him until he was almost off the bed.

  “What in the hell is wrong now? This was your idea.”

  “You can’t sleep in this bed with those dirty clothes. Take them off or sleep on the floor.” Even she heard the disapproving tone in her voice.


  She realized he feared what would happen if he weren’t completely dressed. They’d played with temptation before and both still reeled from the encounter.

  “I think it’d be best if I stay in the other room.”

  “I promise to keep my hands to myself. I’m not going to tempt you during the night. Don’t forget, I’m still mad as hell.” She heard his trousers fall to the floor. When he climbed back into bed, his bare arm brushed against hers.

  They remained perfectly still in the darkness. Her eyes were wide open. She wondered if his were as well.

  If he tried to get comfortable, Train would inevitably touch her. His heart thumped hard enough to hurt. He could hear his own breathing and the rustle of the sheets in the quiet room. Blood surged from his ears to his groin. His balls throbbed.

  Marion rolled onto her side giving Train her back. She yawned and shifted trying to find a comfortable position. Each time she moved, she seemed to get a little closer to the middle of the bed. Train tried to counter her moves by sliding over without being noticeable. Finally, he didn’t have anywhere to go. He rested along the edge of the giant mattress. Marion was nearly all the way onto his half. Then it happened. Her ass nudged against his hand. His heart stopped for one agonizing moment. The mattress dipped when she rolled onto her back. He slowly let out a long breath. Marion turned to face him. He couldn’t see her, but knew she was looking at him, their faces mere inches apart.

  Gentle fingers touched his bare chest. She traced the divide between his pectoral muscles until she reached the taut plane of his stomach. He sucked in his breath. Flattening her hand against his skin, she caressed through the silky hairs on his chest.

  Train captured her hand and rolled towards her. “You’re mad as hell at me.”

  “I lied.”

  “I thought you said you’d be a good girl.”

  “I lied about that, too.”

  Train swooped down on her lips, aggressive, demanding, plunging his tongue into her mouth. She moaned and opened wider. Damn, she was sweet and hot. He licked his way into her mouth, dipping in for taste after taste. Her hips rocked and he leaned into the pressure. They kissed, devouring each other. Train crushed his chest against the soft pillows of her breasts. Nipples prodded against the thin fabric of her chemise. He wanted flesh on flesh. But that was further than he was prepared to go.

  Marion’s arms wrapped him tightly. Her hands roamed aimlessly. White-hot desire licked, igniting him into flames. Eager fingers moved down the side of his torso, teasing him with anticipation. He slanted his head and kissed her deeper. His thin underclothing did little to conceal his erection. He was hard and weeping. Fluids dampened the fabric. Instinctively, he pressed his shaft against her thigh and ground hard.

  Train continued to kiss her, gasping a breath in time with hers, then sliding his mouth over hers again. Tasting. Tempting. He groaned when her hand slid over his hip and around to the front. Her feminine fingers traced his erection through his underclothes.

  He inhaled sharply and pulled away from her lips. Lightheaded, he closed his eyes for a moment. “Please.”

  He froze when Marion reached inside. “Oh my God,” she whispered, lifting his heavy weight in her hand. Her fingertips barely touched as she encircled him. Slowly, she lowered her hand and fully stroked the entire length.

  Train found her lips again as she continued to manipulate him, stroking the length with firm then soft pressure.

  “It’s your turn.” She trailed kisses along his chest as she worked her way down his torso.

  “Marion,” he sat up and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Please, don’t.” He closed his eyes and fell back against the pillows bringing her with him. He didn’t want her like this…like a whore. But she was soft, and warm, and she stirred him in ways he didn’t want to control.

  “It’s okay,”
she said, kissing him again. She lay partially across his chest and continued to tempt him with her mouth, this time demanding more. As he met her ferocity, she took him into her hand again. Her kisses matched the rhythm of her hand. Faster. Harder.

  Pressure built in his balls. Heat streaked along his spine. “Damn.” He jolted in a turbulent release. He swore again, gripping the pillow tightly as he emptied his seed into her palm.

  He wrapped his arms around her middle, holding her close.

  “I think I will like belonging to you,” she whispered into the darkness.

  * * *

  Marion woke with a start when TJ pounded on the door. “I want to live here,” she purred, stretching like a feline. Sighing, she sank back into the deep folds of the bed.

  Train tossed off the covers. “It’s going to be a long day.” He draped his legs over the side of the bed. When he reached down to grab his trousers off the floor, Marion couldn’t resist the corded muscles of his back. She rose to her knees and ran her hands around his shoulder. She pressed her lips against the side of his neck. Twisting around, Train brushed his lips lightly against hers. “As tempting as you are, sweetheart, we can’t stay.”

  Train dressed quickly. “TJ moves fast. Normally he only gives a body time for a cup of coffee. I think I can persuade him to stop at a diner before we head out.” He paused before opening the door. “He’s going to assume a lot more happened last night.”

  “I wish it had.” She jumped from the bed unable to keep the smile from her lips. “But you’re teaching me patience. I don’t know how I can hate you and not keep my hands off you.” Actually, now her need reached new heights. Train had a wonderfully large cock. Coupled with an insatiable want to be with him, she was reaching desperation. “You profess to want to marry me and have all the self control.”

  Train smiled, his crooked grin accenting his dimples. “I’m not as strong as you think. It wasn’t easy,” he drawled. He left the room as Marion picked up her dress.

  In the main room, TJ was too polite to ask questions regarding the sleeping arrangements. “We received some information on those inquires we wired yesterday.”

  “I don’t see the point in looking now, I don’t have any money to contribute.” He also didn’t know how he was going to build a stable, a house, and make or buy furniture to sit on now that he’d spent every dime he had on Marion’s contract.

  Technically, Marion could push Sandy to give her part of the profits, except that hadn’t been their arrangement. Marion had no claim to the business until after Sandy’s death.


  Train’s head whipped around so fast, it cracked. TJ hadn’t called him by his given name since his mother was alive. He’d grown accustomed to Allison using it, but it wasn’t familiar to him anymore.

  “I promised your mother in her last days that I’d watch out for you. We’ve got too many years between us not to cut through the bull. Hell, you followed me around from the time you could walk.”

  “I made it hard for you to impress the girls.”

  TJ chuckled. “Five year olds tend to talk, just ask Sissy. She’ll tell anyone who will listen what she overhears between me and Allison.”

  “I know.” Train snickered, not really embarrassed, but knowing TJ would be. “She also relays information about what she sees.”

  TJ groaned.

  “Don’t worry. It was nothing too wicked.”

  “Bottom line, Train, is that I want to go ahead with our plans. We’ll order the lumber and get the house up first. I’m sure you and Marion want privacy.”

  He nodded, thinking about last night in the big bed. “Let’s hope I can convince her to stay. But until then, can she stay in the house?”

  “Allison wouldn’t have it any other way.” He scratched his head. “Spring seems a long way off, but we’ll have to wait until then to start acquiring stock. The best choices are in California.”

  “There’s a place in Wyoming that has a good reputation. I could make a short trip before winter.”

  “Not before the first snow,” TJ interrupted.

  “Since when has a little snow stopped a Train,” he joked. “I know you’re serious or we wouldn’t be having this conversation. We can raise the house, and keep the new horses in your stables until next spring. Marion won’t like the isolation at the lake. She’ll probably want to stay with you and Allison while I’m in Wyoming.”

  “You could take her with you.”

  “Where?” Marion asked, coming out of the bedroom. She had her hair plaited again. Train was surprised to see her without any makeup.

  “If you’re ready.” TJ picked up the leather satchel containing his clothes.

  “I need food.” She sounded grumpy.

  Train smiled when he looked at Marion. He liked this woman, rough around the edges. A woman capable of taking care of herself who didn’t need her hand held constantly. Train wanted a woman with spirit.

  After a fast breakfast, they walked to the livery.

  “I still don’t see why we can’t take a wagon to the ranch.”

  Train saddled his horse, removing his bedroll and supplies. “Give me your bag,” he said. He handed TJ their belongings to secure to his horse. “I need to lighten the load,” he answered her unasked question. “He’s a strong horse,” he said, patting Clive. “But, it’s a long way to carry two riders.”

  “All the more reason to get a buggy, I say.” She folded her arms in front of her chest and rolled her eyes.

  “Ready?” He held his hand out to her. “Just think,” he said, lifting her onto the horse. “You’ll have the pleasure of torturing me all day with your body. Won’t that be fun?”

  “I guess there is a bright side.” She wrapped her arms around his waist after he mounted in front of her. TJ handed up his rifle, and Train carefully secured it to the saddle horn. “Why do you need a gun?” She rested her chin on his shoulder.

  “A gun is a great equalizer.” He kicked the horse in the ribs.

  TJ and Train kept an easy pace for the horses as they left Copper City. They passed the brothel. Train felt Marion sigh as her hands went limp around his waist. Hopefully, she’d find life with him a cut above the place she’d left behind. Taking her hand, he held it against his stomach to show he understood.

  Marion’s body molded against him. The ride became rougher the farther they travelled away from town. “I have a canteen if your throat gets dry.”

  “I hope it’s filled with something other than water,” she said smartly.

  “Sorry, you’re stuck with water. You drink too much whiskey anyway.” He enjoyed the way her body stiffened against him. “Here--” He put the reins in her hand so his were free to roll a cigarette.

  “Aren’t we a talented pair?” She tried to look around him to see where they were going. TJ rode a few yards ahead.

  Using his hand to shield the flame, he tucked his chin close to his chest and lit the cigarette. He quickly lifted his head up and inhaled deeply before handing it to her.

  “I’ve come to a conclusion,” he said.

  “And what would that be?”

  His lips brushed against her fingers as she held the cigarette for him. “The best part about you is the very thing you use to discourage me.”

  “Actually, Train,” she used her free hand to wrap around his waist and rest dangerously close to the front of his jeans. “It is the best part of me that I have been trying to show you.”

  “Now you want to talk dirty?”

  Marion couldn’t see his smile, but she’d heard it. The brilliance of wearing a thin cotton dress had not been apparent until that moment. She gently tugged on the fabric with each step of the horse’s gait as not to alert Train. “No, I want to get dirty.” She gave a final tug leaving her thighs bare as they rested against his.

  Train wrapped the reins around the saddle horn and gripped tightly around Clive’s belly with his legs. He couldn’t resist running his fingers over her exposed flesh.
His eyes darted between TJ’s back and Marion’s milky-smooth thigh. His trousers became unbearably uncomfortable. He tried to adjust his cock from his position in the saddle.

  Marion’s triumphant laugh vibrated against his back.

  “You are wicked, woman.”

  “I’m going to make you miserable, Mr. Joseph Spencer.”

  “Hey now, none of that,” he said of being called by his formal name. “No need to be mean. We’re just having a bit of fun. Joseph is fine for Allison, but I am not Mr. Spencer. Just the sound of it makes me uncomfortable.”

  Her hand climbed higher on his stomach. “Care to make a wager?”

  “Are you going to cheat?”

  “Absolutely,” she definitively stated.

  “I’m listening.” He put one hand on the reins, but couldn’t bring himself to remove the other from the silky softness of her inner thigh.

  “One week. I bet you can’t last one week without sleeping with me, and no, I don’t actually mean sleeping.”

  “What is my prize?”

  “I think that should be obvious. I’m your prize.”

  Train squeezed her thigh. “It seems I’d win even if I lost.”

  “Exactly,” she said happily.

  “If, despite all your efforts, I resist for one week, you agree to stay with me…permanently.”

  Marion was quiet while she considered the magnitude of a potential loss. No efforts thus far had changed Train’s mind. He was determination to wait.

  “Before I agree, I need more information. Since you live in the shack, where am I sleeping? I can’t very well plan an assault if we’re not living together.”

  “Already willing to admit defeat? No confidence in your abilities, I see.”

  She knew he was provoking her, but she wanted the challenge. “If I win, not only do I get your impressive trophy, but you forget about this marriage nonsense.” Before he had a chance to argue, she continued. “If you win, Train, I’ll marry you and get my trophy.”

  “Sweetheart, you just made a deal with the devil.” He removed his hand from her thigh and yanked her dress down.


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