The Red Moon: Moon Rising

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The Red Moon: Moon Rising Page 9

by J. M. Lyons

  said looking at the ground as we got closer to the old tree.

  "Wow." I said following his gaze toward the ground. "Come

  on guys, gather up some of these broken branches." Uncle Tom

  said pointing at all the old branches that littered the ground around

  the tree. I looked up at the old tree that towered over everyone. It's

  branches reached high into the sky and if you didn't know any

  better you'd think the top was touching the heavens. It's shade stretched far around all of us.

  This tree was old and I could feel it. "Rock boy, build us a

  pit." He said, looking over at Jon. Jon just smiled and did as he

  was told. He climbed on top the huge boulders that stood around

  the tree; we all climbed up to watch. He started with closed fists

  and, again as he opened his hands the ground moved, pulling

  grass and a round circle of dirt right out of the ground as it

  churned; the dirt floated into the air. We all watched quietly.

  "Try to lift it higher." He instructed. Jon began to raise his

  palms slowly, as the dirt and rocks moved with it. Slowly it raised

  up higher and higher until it hit a branch then came crashing down

  next to the base of the tree, covering the grass with dirt. "Um,

  good." Uncle Tom said with a smile. "Ok, bring the wood." He

  ordered. Everyone placed their small piles of wood into the pit that

  Jon made.

  "You flames, your turn. Make us a fire." He told Steve. Steve

  walked over to the pit and snapped his fingers; all of a sudden

  there was a spark of energy emitting from his fingers; then he

  snapped again, and a single small flame began to rise from the

  center of the pile of wood. Slowly the fire grew. Steve smiled with

  his success. Soon the fire burned bright and large. "Very good; very good." Uncle Tom said with delight.

  Uncle Tom sat on top of the highest boulder. "Everyone, you

  all did very well. I'm glad that this part won't take long, because

  very soon you'll all be expected to use your powers for the very

  reasons that they were given to you all in the first place.” He

  began; as he sat on top one of the rocks.

  “This place is where our great ancestors were given their

  powers from the gods of the Weeping Mountains, and this is

  where they practiced; then fought to protect the diamonds that are

  hidden there. Here no one from the outside world will ever know

  what is happening." He said, looking at us with such intense eyes.

  "A long, long time ago when the tribes of these lands were

  formed one of our ancestors found a secret cave high up in the

  mountain that only appeared on the nights of the red moon." He

  began. Everyone listened focused on his every word. "Chief

  Tricloud was the first and only person to find it, he found them.

  The diamonds were as red as blood, so he called them the Blood

  Diamonds. After awhile he realized that with these diamonds he

  was able to do things unnatural things, things that gave him great

  power. He could move earth, creating terrible earthquakes,

  opening up the ground to swallow everyone; he could call on the winds, destroying many homes of innocent people; he would call

  on the waters of the Weeping Mountain to flood out rivals and their

  villages killing hundreds.” He illustrated the story with his hands.

  “He could also call on the fires of the sun, fire that burned so

  hot and bright that it melted rocks and killed hundreds of animals

  that roamed these forests and plains; needless to say he ruined

  these lands. Soon everyone knew that Chief Tricloud had this

  magic and sent assassins to kill him and steal his powerful gems.

  But the gods of the Weeping Mountain had seen the destruction

  that it had brought upon so many innocent people, the animals,

  and the land itself; so they took the diamonds away and forever

  sealed the path to the cave.” He continued pointing toward the


  “Then the gods gave one person of each tribe a particular

  power; searching for, and finding that one person who was worthy

  of such a gift. These people who were chosen, would not use their

  power to destroy instead they would use it to protect the mountain

  so that no one would ever be able to find it again." He continued.

  “Many people who still remembered the power that Chief

  Tricloud possessed when he had the diamonds, ventured into the

  forest in search of the diamond filled cave, with no luck. But one however; did almost succeed in finding it. So, those who held the

  powers of the Weeping Mountain; the Elemental's; gathered here

  and fought against those who wanted the diamonds to conquer

  the other tribes, and eventually all of mankind.” He said as he

  waved his hand, motioning to the area.

  “But their adversary possessed a dark magic; a magic so dark

  that the Elemental's of that time was not strong enough to defeat

  him. So, the gods bestowed one more person with a power that

  would be greater than all. This person was able to call upon the

  power of all the Elemental's, and also call upon the power of the

  red moon. The red moon has not been visible to these parts for

  years prior, but that one person was able to call upon the red

  moon and only she could find the diamonds and use it to protect

  all the tribes that lived around the mountain. She would be the

  only one who was powerful enough to stop the dark magic and

  defeat it." He said, as he looked around at the inquisitive minds

  before him.

  "You each have been chosen by the gods of the Weeping

  Mountain to protect that very diamonds; which is why you have

  been given such powers. But you Mia." He said, looking directly at

  me. "You hold that power; the power of the red moon. You will be able to wield the power of all the Elemental's and you will be able

  to call upon the power's of the red moon, which will allow you to

  shape shift at will, for starters.” He said with such ease. Without

  taking into account my confusion.

  “It will also lead you to the hidden cave to find the red

  diamonds to use to it's powers to defeat the dark magic that has,

  again, come back to these mountains to find it; and conquer all of

  mankind." He said, still glaring at me. "Alright, wow. That was a

  beautiful story, in fact I remember being told some of it, but me the

  bringer of the red moon. I don't know about that." I said with a

  smirk; in utter disbelief.

  "Think what you want Mia; but you did create a tornado in my

  house, then nearly burned it down with not a red flame but a bright

  white flame. Lucky for me the pipes in my house didn't burst, and

  you didn't bring it down or something." He said rather annoyed.

  "Mia, he is right you know. There was so much power that

  surrounded you that day, I can't even explain it.” Tucker chimed in.

  "Why is this so hard for you to believe?" Steve demanded.

  "Because Steve, I'm just a regular person who is, normal not this

  all powerful being, like I'm being made out to be." I replied

  sarcastically. "Why not, why wouldn't you have been chosen Mia, your family is among the oldest families that live here in these

  mountains. So, why
wouldn't it be you or someone in your family?"

  Jim asked.

  "Alright fine. So I was chosen to do all these things, well I

  haven't changed into anything, I haven't seen a red moon in what

  almost ten years or more." I said, sliding myself off the huge

  boulder that I sat on. I walked around in a circle following the

  formation of the boulders that sat perfectly around the big tree.

  "Mia, I think this is something that you should listen to,

  especially if all these weird things are happening to you." Jon said,

  sliding off the rock that he sat on; landing right in front of me. "Ok;

  ok, fine Uncle Tom. Why don't you train me, I mean after all it

  seem that you've already trained everyone else." I demanded

  angrily. "Nope. I can't train you. You'll need to talk to your grandmother about training you." He said with a sarcastic smile.


  I was angry as hell. Why tell me all these things; then in the

  end tell me that I needed to talk to my grandmother. I couldn't

  understand my uncle at times, and he just made my blood boil. I

  hurried back to the camp leaving everyone behind with uncle Tom.

  I was so irritated with all of them.

  No one understood that I cannot be this special person that

  they speak of; I am not this leader that they want me to be. I can't

  change into anything, I can't even turn a bright moon, red. I don't

  get these people, they all must be going crazy. I thought to myself.

  I began to run toward the creek when I could see it at the end of

  the path that Tucker made, but when I got to the creek I slipped on

  a loose rock that was at the waters edge and fell into the cold

  creek, with a heavy thud. "Ugh, really." I screamed, as I stood up in the cold water.

  "What else is going to go wrong." I said as my emotions got the

  better of me, and I began to cry out of pure frustration. There

  were still so many unanswered questions and no one would

  answer them. I was so overcome with anger, confusion, and


  "Mia, are you ok." Grandpa chuckled, as he peeked around

  one of the tents. "No, I'm not." I said, grabbing onto the wet dirt,

  trying hard to pull myself out. With every attempt to get out on my

  own failing, I grew more and more frustrated. More tears fell down

  my cold wet face. Finally I just stood there in tears looking out at

  my grandfather; who just laughed at me.

  "Come let me help you." He said putting out his hand. I got a

  good grip on it and pulled myself out. "Is grandma here?" I asked

  still crying. "Yes; Mia, she's still here." He said, putting his arms

  around my wet body. He gave me a big hug. "Honey what's

  wrong?" I heard grandma say as she hurried around the corner of

  the tent. "Grandma, I don't know about all this stuff." I said, still in

  full tears. "Oh, what happened to you?" She asked in such a soft,

  kind voice, with a slight hint of a chuckle. "Grandma, I agreed to let uncle Tom train me; but he told that

  he couldn't, and I needed to talk to you. Why can't anyone just

  give me answers?" I argued, as she slowly walked me toward the

  small fire that burned in the middle of the camp. She sat me down

  on a small log. "My Mia, please don't fret and be afraid, in due

  time all will come to you and all will be understood." She said,

  again in her soft, kind voice. "But." I started to say. "No but Mia,

  just let go of your fears." She said, stopping me in my tracks.

  "Come on lets get you dry, and cleaned off." She said, with a

  smile and a slight chuckle, tugging at my damp, dirty clothes.

  "Yeah, I know I need to get out of these." I laughed with her. "You

  sure do, I don't want you getting sick." She said laughing. We both

  walked over to the tent and went in. I pulled off my clothes that

  was tacked on tightly.

  Grandma pulled out a white dress that hung down to my

  heels. "This is perfect." She said quietly. I wasn't sure if she knew

  that I heard her, but I smiled at her selection. I pulled the dress

  over my head and sat on the bed. She slowly undid the wet

  feather in my hair and began to run her brush softly through it.

  "Grandma, tell me why I am here." I said softly. Her brushing

  slowed, almost to a stop. "Well, there's a lot of reasons my dear. Some of which you

  will need to find out for yourself. But what I can tell you is that

  you're a very special girl Mia." She said twisting and turning my

  long thick red hair through her fingers. She took the wet feather

  up from the bed and twisted it into my hair locking it back, leaving

  the long white strand hanging.

  "Everyone keeps telling me that; but no one wants to explain

  it to me. Like why am I so special? Why am I supposed to lead

  the others? Why didn't you tell me that the stories me and Tucker

  was being told as kids was true?" I said all at once, running out of

  breath trying to get it out. She looked at me with her kind, gentle


  "Mia; we, well I, am a descendant of the Great Tricould." She

  began, slightly turning my head toward her so that we were now

  looking in each others eyes. "I, Mia at one time was just as special

  as you." She smiled. "See many people of the Weeping Mountains

  believed, that the bringer of the red moon would never be

  someone of Chief Tricoulds blood; because it was he who caused

  such devastation to the lands, the people and the animals that

  roamed here. But the gods believed, that the only way they could

  teach Chief Tricould a lesson for what he did; would be to give his blood a chance to prove that they are capable of owning such a

  power; the power of opening the caves, by taking the life of

  someone that he loved dearly.” She said as she softly ran her

  hand over my back.

  “So his wife Mialana, with whom he had a son, was given a

  test to prove that she was worthy of the power that they wanted to

  give to her. The God's ordered her to give her son to them as a

  sacrifice for all the evil that Chief Tricould had done.” She said

  softly, as she took my hands in hers. She gently rubbed my

  hands, tracing all the lines of my hands with her wrinkled fingers.

  She touched the ring that I got from Lauren for graduation; and

  stared at it, letting the red color of the ruby reflect through her


  “Mialana asked the God's why should I give my son for his

  fathers own misdeeds? The God's told her that if she did not give

  someone she loved with all her heart to them, they would destroy

  everything and she will no longer have all that she loved; her

  family, her lands and her people. So with a sad heart she took her

  son to the edge of the lake and prayed. She told her son that he

  would go with the God's and that in doing so he would save the

  world that they knew.” She continued slowly. “Her son, David, did not want to go with the God's and cried

  out to them. Please let me stay with my mother. As they both

  cried, she took out a knife and told her son that even if he would

  not be with her any more, they would save the world and in

  another life; she would find him and they would never part again.

  But she d
id something that I don't think the god's was prepared

  for; she raised the knife into the air and plunged it into her own

  chest.” She said with her eyes trained on mine.

  “With that the water in the lake raised up into the air and

  covered her completely, throwing her son aside. The God's were

  not angry with her for doing so, instead they felt pity for her and at

  that moment chose her to lead the people; because she was

  willing to give her own life instead of her sons, to pay for the

  misdeeds of someone else she loved; to protect the world." She

  said, looking me with a smile as she pulled my single strand of

  hair behind of my ear.

  "It was she who defeated the evil that came after. It was she

  that brought about the red moon and found the diamonds to

  defeat it. Oh boy, was it a bloody battle; many people died, many

  animals died. But understand Mia that with great power comes

  great sacrifice and sometimes it's a sacrifice that none of us would like. When peace returned to their lands, Mialana had a baby girl

  and so she went to the lake and threw the diamonds into it;

  screaming out to the God's to take it back, I have no more need

  for this magic; everything is at peace.” She said as she moved

  closer to me on the bed.

  “The god's took back the diamonds and closed the caves

  again. But they warned her that with every generation the

  Elemental's and the Bringer of the Red Moon will be called upon

  to defend the Weeping Mountains to keep others from finding the

  diamonds and using it for evil. So, generation after generation we

  all have fought the same darkness that Mialana did so many years

  ago to defend the Mountain.” She said, as she ran her fingers

  through my strand of white hair.

  “Mia, that is why your grandfather and I left so many years

  ago. It was one of the hardest things that I ever had to do but I

  needed to. None of the other tribes knew that this power passed

  through our blood, no one knew that we held the power to find the

  diamonds. But over the generations the Elemental's had to be told

  because we needed them to help provide protection for us, as

  others started to realize who carried the power of the red moon.

  Although, no one knew that we, Mia, our blood was the same blood that flowed through Chief Tricoulds veins." She said as she


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