A Fresh Start for Tori [Slick Rock 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Fresh Start for Tori [Slick Rock 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Becca Van

  “White wine please.”

  As he stood waiting to be served, he watched Tori and then cursed under his breath when he saw Bryant move across into the chair he’d been sitting in. Not that he really blamed his younger brother for wanting to be close to a gorgeous woman, but he’d been hoping to talk with Tori more. Then he thought that maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea that Bryant was sitting next to her. He was more lighthearted and the jokester of the three of them. If anyone could get Tori to loosen up, Bryant could. The more questions he and Luther had asked the more tense Tori seemed to get.

  He didn’t like it that she was uncomfortable around them. Maybe it was because she was new to town, too.

  “What’ll you have, Jer?” Ty asked and Jeremiah gave the order. Minutes later he had paid Tyson and was making his way back to the table with a full tray in his hands. After passing out the drinks he sat in Bryant’s chair.

  “Okay.” Tom leaned back in his chair and grabbed Felicity’s hand in his. “When do you three want to start working on the ranch?”

  Jeremiah looked to Luther, then Bryant, and back to Luther again before nodding at his older brother.

  “How about tomorrow?” Luther asked.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Where are you guys staying?” Felicity asked.

  “In the motel down the street,” Jeremiah answered.

  “We have two lots of bunkhouses. One of them isn’t being used.” Felicity looked at Tom and then Billy before resting her gaze on Luke and then looked at Tom again.

  Tom lifted up Felicity’s hand and kissed the back of it before giving her a nod and a grin.

  “That settles it.” Felicity smiled. “You’ll stay in the vacant bunkhouse.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. We appreciate that,” Luther said and nodded his head.

  Jeremiah mentally rubbed his hands together. Now he and his brothers would be close to Tori all the time. Hopefully they could get her to go out on a date with them and they could court her from then on.

  He hated that Tori had had to deal with people who looked at her as a second-class citizen. He’ seen the anger and pain in her eyes when she talked about them. He had a feeling there was more to that story than she let on and wanted to delve deeper into her psyche but he didn’t think she’d appreciate him asking too many questions. She seemed to be really uptight right now and didn’t want her feeling anymore uncomfortable than she already was. Hopefully as they got to know her and she them, she would relax and open up with them more.

  * * * *

  Bryant glanced up from the calf he was branding when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. He and his brothers had been working on the Double Eagle Ranch for two weeks now and they all knew that this was what they wanted to do with their lives.

  He watched the sway of Tori’s hips as she walked away from the house toward the gazebo and hoped that he would get to talk with her more tonight. Ever since they had been on the ranch she had tried to avoid them, and he wondered if they intimidated her. He and his brothers were at least a foot taller than her and a lot of women seemed wary of their size. It seemed that Tori wasn’t the exception in that respect.

  She had become more closed off since they had been staying in the bunkhouse, and even though he and his brothers tried to get her to talk with them she only ever answered with one-word answers.

  Last night after dinner with everyone, he’d gone out onto the verandah to relax. Tori had been sitting on one of the chairs and staring off into space. Bryant had leaned back against the railing and surreptitiously watched her. He saw her glance toward him and then she had shivered and he wondered if she felt the attraction too. When he’d started asking her questions her whole body had tensed up.

  “How are you, Tori?”


  “Have you decided what you’re going to do?”


  “Do you like living in Slick Rock?”


  Bryant sighed with frustration as he looked her body over and when his eyes alighted on her face again, he watched her cheeks turn pink. Is she looking at me from under those lowered eyelashes? When her lashes fluttered and her face turned a darker shade of pink, he knew she was. That was when he knew she felt the attraction, too. But how were he and his brothers supposed to court her when she wouldn’t even talk to them?

  Trying to get her to talk was like pulling teeth. He’d been about to ask her if she was going to live in Slick Rock permanently but she had risen to her feet, glanced at him before looking away quickly, and after saying “Good-night” had scurried inside.

  He was becoming more and more exasperated, and he got to thinking that just maybe she had been hurt by a man before. If that was the case and she didn’t give them the time of day then he couldn’t see how they could form a relationship with her.

  Each weekday for the past two weeks he’d seen her driving out, and he wondered if she was looking for a job or maybe a place to live. He didn’t want her leaving the ranch because then he and his brothers wouldn’t be able to see her every day. Meal times were the only times they got to be near her, and he’d miss that if she left. Bryant relished each and every second he spent in her presence. He and his brothers took turns sitting next to her, on either side of her. Whenever they could, they brushed up against her as they passed over the platters of food. When he handed over the bowl of mashed potatoes last night their fingers had brushed and she practically snatched the bowl out of his hand. He’d looked at her with a frown but she was determined not to meet his eyes, but then he’d noticed the goose bumps on her arm and her nipples had been standing to attention.

  What worried him and his older brothers was the way she seemed to clam up whenever they were around. He’d heard her talking to Felicity and her men without any hesitation and even a couple of the ranch hands. That pissed him off big time.

  Bryant knew he was being an ass to think that way but he was concerned that one or more of the ranch hands would woo her before he and his brothers could. She was aware of them in every way but seemed hell-bent on ignoring them.

  “Bryant, get you mind back on the job,” Luther snapped at him.

  He wasn’t the only one frustrated with Tori. She seemed to go out of her way to thwart every minute they spent with her and although he wanted to chase after her and throw her over his shoulder and carry her away so he could kiss her senseless, he wouldn’t. If she’d been hurt before the last thing he wanted to do was scare her off even more.

  Bryant branded the calf. Luther let it go and he watched as it scrambled to its feet and went running to the other side of the corral. He loved the physical work and how his body felt tired after a hard day, but the best thing was that he could let his guard down. He’d only spent seven years in the Marines, not as long as his older brothers, but it was a relief knowing he didn’t have to sleep with one eye open anymore, or that he couldn’t be called away to some hell hole on the other side of the world to fight in a war that seemed to be never ending.

  He and his brothers had seen some bad things while serving their country, and they all suffered from nightmares. Bryant was glad that they weren’t sleeping in the main house where they could disturb the others if they woke up yelling. Sometimes he wondered if it was a good idea to settle down with a woman when they were all still dealing with shit, but he was sick and tired of being alone. The thought of going out and hooking up with a woman for a quick lay left him cold.

  Bryant wanted what Tom, Billy, Luke, and Felicity had, and he wasn’t about to indulge in meaningless sex just for the sake of getting his rocks off. Besides, there was only one woman he wanted, and he wasn’t giving up until he could find out if they were all compatible in every way. Tori Springer was the woman he wanted, and he wasn’t about to settle for anyone else.

  * * * *

  Tori glanced toward the corral and nearly moaned when she saw Luther, Jeremiah, and Bryant branding the cattle. She loved watching the way their
muscles rippled and bulged beneath their shirts as they worked. As she walked toward the gazebo her cell phone vibrated and she wondered who was texting or calling her. The only friend she had was Felicity and her mom and new stepfather were too wrapped up in each other to care about what she was doing. They’d virtually wiped their hands of her when she’d started working part-time in high school and then told them she was going to pay her own way through college. Frank had pitched a fit, ranting and raving at her that he was more than capable of paying for her tuition, but Tori didn’t want to feel like she owed him anything. Frank was sly and she didn’t like him at all. She had a feeling that he would hold the fact he’d paid for her schooling over her head and tell her she owed him. And she hadn’t been wrong to think that way. Frank played mind games and was more than a little paranoid, but she could see through him and had realized from the time she’d turned fifteen that her stepfather was a greedy, selfish bastard and always had his eye on the main goal. Power, money, and himself. Although, he seemed to treat her mother with respect even if he didn’t seem to be very loving toward her. But she could see that her mom was in love with the asshole.

  Not that she begrudged her mom having a relationship. In fact she was glad her mother had found someone to love after her husband, Tori’s father, had died in an accident so long ago. But what did hurt and made her angry was that her mom didn’t seem to care about her anymore. She’d met Frank when Tori was only five years old, and from then on Tori felt like she’d been pushed aside.

  Frank was a rich man, and even though he had paid for all her high school education, fed, and clothed her, he had hardly ever acknowledged that she was around unless it was for his own purposes. Her mom had become more distant with each passing year, and by the time Tori had finished high school she couldn’t wait to get out of the cold mausoleum she had been living in.

  She only vaguely remembered the small house she and her mom had lived in when she was little, but that house had been so full of love. Her mom had changed into an emotionless woman and Tori often wondered if it was Frank’s doing or the fact that her mother thought she was now better than anyone else since she was married to a man that had a lot of money.

  She glanced at the screen on her phone and sighed. It was her mother calling, and even though she loved her mom she didn’t like her very much and didn’t really want to talk to her. Her mother only ever contacted her now if she wanted something, not to see if she was okay. But she knew if she didn’t and her mother had to leave a voice mail message, she would never hear the end of it, so she answered.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Tori, I just thought I’d let you know that Frank and I are going on a worldwide trip. Frank’s taking me to Europe and I don’t know when we’ll be back.”

  “That’s nice,” Tori said. “I hope you have a good time.”

  “I was hoping you’d given up the idea of staying with your little friend in the country and come back home. Frank would really like to have you taking care of the house.”

  The “house” was a fucking twenty-bedroom mansion that had a contingency of servants living in servant’s quarters and there was no way in hell Tori was going to stay in that museum for any length of time.

  “I can’t, Mom. I’m happy where I am and I’m looking for a job.”

  “There is no need for you to work, Tori. You know Frank frowns at that sort of thing.”

  I don’t give a shit what Frank thinks or wants.

  “Please, Tori.”

  “No, Mom. I can’t.”

  The silence on the other end of the line was almost deafening. Then she heard her mother’s cold voice again.

  “You disappoint me, Tori. I don’t know why I bother with you. This was your last chance, young lady. You’ll never be reasonable, will you? You’re no longer my daughter.”

  A click sounded in Tori’s ear and she sank down onto one of the seats in the gazebo. She didn’t even realize that she was crying until a teardrop plopped onto her hand. She inhaled raggedly and wiped the moisture from her cheeks. She knew she shouldn’t have answered the call. It was always the same. Her being a disappointment to her emotionless, stuck-up mother and snobby stepfather. She’d never felt like she really fit in with anyone and didn’t see that changing anytime soon.

  Felicity was her only friend, and as much as she loved staying with her on the ranch, she was cramping her and her husbands’ life. She felt like a third wheel, but that was nothing new. Nothing had changed since she was five years old, so why would now be any different?

  It was time to do instead of procrastinate. She would get a job while she tried to figure out what she wanted to do with her life and also find a place to live. That would be a start.

  Tori wiped her cheeks and eyes again to make sure none of her tears showed and hurried back to the house. First she would search online for a job, and if that didn’t work she would walk the length of Slick Rock handing out her resume. Surely she could find somewhere to work.

  She walked into the kitchen and found Felicity making a cup of coffee. “Do you want a cup?”

  “Yes please. Would it be okay if I used the computer in the office?”

  “Sure. You don’t have to ask, Tori.” Felicity handed her a mug of coffee.

  “Thanks.” Tori hurried to the office, knocked on the door in case someone was in there, and entered when no one answered. Minutes later she was perusing job sites. There wasn’t much to be found and she began to wonder if she’d made a mistake coming to Slick Rock. Maybe she should have moved to a larger town or city instead. She leaned back in the chair and sighed.

  Felicity came into the study with Carly and sat down with the little girl on her lap. She was so precious with her black curly hair, sleep-flushed face, and soft skin. Tori felt a yearning so deep and profound to hold her own child it was painful.

  “Did you find anything?” Felicity asked as she pointed at the computer monitor.


  “Don’t worry so much, Tori. Something will come up. Please promise me you won’t leave here just because you feel you’re infringing on our privacy, because that isn’t the case at all. And don’t you dare say you feel like a freeloader. God, you have been doing all the cleaning and most of the cooking.”

  “I like to help out. I can’t just sit around and do nothing. I’m used to working and would get bored if I sat on my ass all day long.”

  “I appreciate everything you’ve been doing. This one keeps me on my toes and I am going to get more tired with another baby on the way.”

  “You’re pregnant?”

  Flick smiled and nodded.

  “Oh my God. Congratulations.” Tori leaned over and, being careful she didn’t squish Carly, hugged Felicity. “I’m so happy for you all.”

  Tori moved back in her chair and when Carly put her arms out to her and demanded “up” she lifted her into her arms and cuddled the sweet-smelling toddler on her lap.

  Felicity covered her mouth when she yawned. “God, I hate how tired I am through the first trimester. And I’m going to have to go shopping for more baby clothes and another car seat, and more maternity wear. The closest town for that stuff is in Gateway and that’s nearly two hours away.”

  “That’s quite a drive.” Tori rubbed her cheek against the top of Carly’s head and looked at Felicity when she yawned again. “Why don’t you go and take a nap? I can take care of Carly. Can’t I, precious?”

  “Auntie Tori,” Carly whispered and snuggled her face in between Tori’s boobs.

  “Are you sure?” Flick asked. “She’s not quite awake yet, but when she gets going she doesn’t stop.”

  “I know. I’ve taken care of her before.”

  “So you have.” Felicity chuckled. “I guess once you’re a mom you never stop worrying. Thank you. I will take you up on that. Come and wake me in an hour or if she gets to be too much.”

  “We’ll be fine, won’t we, precious?” Carly nodded her head, peeked up at her, and gave her a
mischievous grin.

  Felicity smiled again, got to her feet, and headed to her room for a nap.

  “Do you want a drink, Carly?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes pwease.”

  “Good girl. Let’s go then.” Tori stood up and carried Carly into the kitchen. She got her a drink of water and gave her a banana when she said she was hungry. After checking to see if she had a nappy on or her big girl pants and made sure the little girl was dry, she took her to the toilet, and after washing their hands they went outside.

  “Horsies, Auntie Tori.” Carly looked up at her and clutched her hand tighter while pointing with her free hand to the corral.

  “You like the horsies, don’t you, Carly?”

  “Yes. Want to ride.”

  “Not today, sweetheart. I can’t ride very well and it would be too dangerous. Do you want me to push you on the swing?”

  “Swing. Wee.” Carly giggled and tugged her in the direction to the swing set at the opposite end of the house.

  Tori breathed in the fresh spring air and realized it wouldn’t be long before summer was upon them. It was heating up quickly and today was quite warm. She was glad she had stopped to put the little cowgirl hat on Carly’s head to protect her from getting burnt. Just as they neared the swing Tori heard a rattle and without stopping to think she swept Carly up into her arms, held her against her chest, and froze. She was too scared to move her body but scanned the ground nearby and her eyes lit onto the snake curled up at the base of the swing set no more than two meters away.

  “Auntie Tori…”

  “We’re going to play a game, Carly,” Tori whispered but all the while kept her eyes on the snake. “We are going to see who can stay still and quiet the longest. If you win I will buy you an ice cream.”

  “I loved ice screen. I loved choc’late the bestest.”

  “You have to stay very still and quiet to be able to win the game and get your ice cream. Can you do that, precious?”


  Carly wrapped her little arms around Tori’s neck and hugged her tight, but she must have seen the snake when it rattled its tale.


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