Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18)

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Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18) Page 1

by Julia Mills

  Text copyright ©2017 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC.. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original Sassy Ever After remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of LATIN GODDESS PRESS INC., or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  Sassing Her Dragon

  Dragon Guard Series #18


  Julia Mills

  There Are No Coincidences.

  The Universe Does Not Make Mistakes.

  Fate Will Not Be Denied.


  Cover by Linda Boulanger with Tell Tale Book Covers

  Edited by Lisa Miller with Angel Editing Services

  Proofread by Tammy Payne with Book Nook Nuts

  Formatted by Charlene Bauer with Wickedly Bold Creations

  Milly – THANK YOU SO MUCH! I had a blast writing in your Sassy world! Can’t wait for more! YOU ROCK!!

  Melanie – Thank you for EVERYTHING! You are an amazing woman, friend & author.

  My Readers – YOU MAKE MY DAY! THANK YOU from the bottom of my big old southern heart!


  Dare to Dream! Find the Strength to Act! Never Look Back!

  Thank you, God.

  To my girls, Liz and Em, I Love You. Every day, every way, always.

  Index of the Original Language of the Dragon Kin

  Sassing Her Dragon

  Mo chroi’………. My heart

  Mo ghra’………. My love

  Mo stór………. My darling

  Mo a thaisce………. My treasure

  Mo maité………. My mate

  Mo Dragon………. My dragon

  Is brae liom tú………. I love you

  Mo mac tíre beag………. My little wolf

  Mo maité mac tíre………. My wolf mate

  Mo Dragon beloved………. My beloved dragon

  Mianach gconaí………. Always mine

  Anois………. Now

  Gconaí………. Forever

  Fiach Dubh………. Raven

  Deartháir………. Brother

  Mo mac tíre álainn………. My beautiful wolf

  Mo mac tre beag milia………. My sweet little wolf

  Mo a ghrá geal………. My bright love

  Mo a chéadsearc………. My only love

  Mo a mhuirnín………. My darling

  M’fhiorghrá………. My true love



















  Chapter One

  “Looks like you might be stayin’ an extra day or two,” Barbara Wolfe tapped the table with her pen. “That rain might just be here to stay.”

  “Yeah,” Olivia sighed, staring at the thunderstorm raging just outside the window as she ached to return home. Her brother Marrok, the Pack Alpha, had only been home a few weeks after being kidnapped and tortured by one of the most treacherous huntresses the paranormal community had seen in centuries.

  When Marrok had first appeared with a hellhound and a siren in tow, all three in need of healing, Olivia speculated about her brother’s sanity, but as the story of their abduction and suffering was told, it became clear why the Alpha brought them home with him. Olivia had been amazed at the hunters’ skill at catching such a wide variety of shifters and supernatural beings, as well as, the tale of the Dragon Guardsmen who were wholly responsible for her brother’s rescue and safe return. With all the upheaval in the shifter world, Olivia could only hope this would show the wolves of not only her pack, but the rest, that they could trust other species and that alliances needed to be formed for everyone’s benefit and survival.

  During her time in leadership of the Gaelach Lán Pack in her brother’s absence, Olivia had seen and heard so many differing opinions she could only pray that her brother could bring resolution to their people. She hated to leave him so soon after his return but it was imperative she travel to the lands of the Wolfe Pack to complete a treaty they had been working on for over a year. It would solidify safe passage through Barbara and Tristan’s lands to the west for Olivia’s pack and likewise guarantee any member of the Wolfe pack smooth travels through Gaelach Lán lands on the east coast.

  Thankfully, everything had gone well. There had only been a few things both packs were forced to compromise on that Olivia had no doubt the Wolfe’s truly didn’t care about but had still been adamant about to exert their power because, she had done the same thing.

  Wolves…we are a crazy bunch…

  But now that things were settled, the she-wolf wanted to return home. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that things in her world… personally… were about to change… and she wasn’t sure it was all going to be for the good. Ever since stepping foot on Wolfe Pack land Olivia had been uneasy, distracted, and couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Her wolf wouldn’t settle, jumped at every noise, and paced endlessly even when the woman was trying to rest.

  She chalked it up to the stress of leadership while Marrok had been gone, too many nights without sleep and being away from her ancestral lands. But as she watched the rain pelt the already saturated earth and listened to the thunder rolling through the mountains, Olivia couldn’t help but look to the horizon for any signs that would explain the threat of impending change stirring within the depths of her soul.

  “You don’t sound too thrilled about hanging out with us,” Tristan, Barbara’s mate teased. “We’re not so bad, ya’ know?”

  Turning from the window, Olivia plastered on a smile and chuckled, “Oh, it’s not that…I just don’t leave home much.”

  “I know what you mean,” Barbara nodded, “We’re all creatures of habit and love our own territory.” The Pack Leader narrowed her eyes. “You’re still single, right?” She asked with a knowing smile.

  Not sure where the conversation was going and not willing to lie to the woman she’d just made the biggest deal of her life with, Olivia nodded her head, “Yes, ma’am, I am. Just haven’t found the right wolf yet.”

  At the confirmation of her single status the wolf she shared her soul with growled in her mind. For some reason her furry alter-ego didn’t take kindly to the thought of mating, but Olivia didn’t have time to think about the lupine’s issues as Barbara stood and continued, “We’re planning to run tonight to check the mountain ridges. With all this rain I want to make sure we’re not gonna find ourselves knee-deep in mud before it’s all over. There’ll be a few single males.” She glanced at her mate with a look that made Olivia wonder what the Alpha female was up to but let it pass as the Pack Leader added, “We also need to check the borders. Rain storms like this lead to interlopers.”

  There was definitely more to the story and any other time Olivia and her wolf would hate running in the rain, but on this occasion, it sounded perfect. Maybe it would help with the restle
ssness and tire them both out enough to finally get a good night’s sleep.

  Nodding, Olivia answered, “Sounds good to me.”

  “Great,” Barbara called over her shoulder as she exited the conference room. “We’ll leave after dinner, between eleven and midnight.”

  “See you there,” Olivia answered, turning back to the window and once again getting lost in thought as she watched the raindrops bounce in the standing water. Hours later, as the sun began to set, she finally pulled herself away, went to her room to check her messages and to change into something more appropriate for dinner.

  It wasn’t a surprise that the screen of her cell phone was filled with missed calls, voice messages and texts from not only her brother but her best friend and pack mate, Star.

  She smiled thinking of her bestie, named for the patch of star-shaped black fur that adorned an otherwise light grey wolf. Star was born exactly a week after Olivia and they had been like sisters from that day forward.

  Then there was Isabella, Izzy to her friends, the third in their ‘Trio of Terror’ as Marrok called them. She had come to them, hurt and orphaned after a rogue attack on her pack. The ebony wolf with bright blue eyes had taken immediately to Olivia and they had been fast friends ever since. Although Izzy hadn’t called, Olivia had no doubt that if she listened to one of Star’s messages she would find them both talking at once, trying to catch Olivia up on absolutely everything she’d missed while traipsing across the country.

  Starting with Marrok, she hit the button and waited for him to pick up her return call. “Hey sis, how’s it going? Everything okay? Were the Wolfes okay with my absence?” Marrok’s low baritone nearly shook the phone with his exuberance.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, one question at a time,” Olivia chuckled. “Sounds like you’re feeling better.”

  “I am. Thanks. Now, tell me what’s going on. I’ve been calling for the last two hours. You are the absolute worst at answering your phone.” She knew he was joking but it was also the truth, Olivia hated her phone and left it behind whenever she could. Thankfully, the Wolfes had a ‘no electronic device’ policy during negotiations and Olivia quickly used that as her excuse. “Sorry, bro, no phones allowed in meetings here,” she laughed, “And then I took a bit to watch the downpour that is holding me hostage for at least the next day or two.”

  Because of their familial connection, Olivia knew Marrok could feel how much she wanted to come home as much as she could feel his desire to have her there but as usual, her big brother put a smile in his voice as he encouraged her, “Rain sucks but a few more days of sub-ninety-degree weather with no humidity has got to be worth it. It’s really heating up here.” There was a pause where she heard him shuffling papers as he switched ears and then he was straight to the point, “Now, tell me, is the treaty a go? Did you have to give any additional concessions?”

  “Of course, it’s a go,” She answered. “You do remember who you’re talking to, right? Seriously, who could resist my charm?”

  “Would you like them listed alphabetically or numerically in order of importance?” Marrok snorted. Olivia imagined the huge grin on his face and once again thanked the Heavens for his safe return. The thought of living out the next thousand or so years without him had been truly terrifying.

  “Whatever, I know you sent me because you knew I was the right wolf for the job, so I’ll take your crap…for now.” She stopped to laugh as he scoffed then added, “Yes, it’s done and there was a bit of negotiations but it was all power plays. I gave up nothing worth having.”

  “Good girl.”

  Olivia grinned at Marrok’s double entendre because she knew he was well aware that he was truly the only person in the world who could get away with saying it, then responded the way she always had. “Woof…woof…”

  Laughing out loud, her older brother joked, “And even in the rain she’s still got it. Excuse me a minute, sis.” She listened as he moved the receiver away from his mouth and spoke to Finn, the Pack Beta and Marrok’s best friend since they were pups.

  She wondered if Finn, the grey and black wolf with charcoal eyes and quick smile had been keeping everybody company in her absence. Olivia had asked him to check in on the elderly and convalescing while she was gone because of his naturally happy demeanor. Everyone loved Finn because he was the wolf with a heart of gold….unless it came to witches, and then all bets were off.

  There had been a time when her parents were alive that every member of their pack thought Finn and Olivia would be mates, but as soon as puberty hit it was obvious they were nothing more than good friends. Olivia still cringed thinking of the first and only time they’d tried to kiss. Talk about awkward. It was like kissing a cousin… wrong and disturbing.

  Marrok’s voice pulled the she-wolf from her thoughts as he said, “Okay Sis, if everything’s good on your end, I’m gonna let you go. Seems like we’ve got a little dispute between the young males.”

  “Better you than me,” she snickered. “I settled enough of those while you were gone. Those boys are crazy.”

  “I know what you mean, but it’s all hormones and,” he stopped and she could tell he was smiling when he added, “They’re gonna make great warriors with a little discipline and training.”

  Rolling her eyes even though she knew he couldn’t see her, Olivia scoffed, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, so you keep telling me.”

  “I remember a little she-wolf who was just a bit too big for her claws when she was in her teens. If I recall, she took her lumps and is a better wolf because of it.” Olivia had to admit that she loved when Marrok got all brotherly. Since her parents death when she was young, he had pretty much raised her and was the only father figure she remembered. That, however, did not mean she wasn’t going to give him a hard time every chance she got. They didn’t call her Sassy Wolf for nothing.

  “Whatever,” she snorted, trying to keep from laughing out loud as she added, “Raising me was a walk in the park.”

  “And now I know the altitude has made you delusional,” he laughed. “Love ya, kiddo. Holler at me when you’re on your way home.”

  “Love you too, Marrok. Will do.”

  After hanging up with her brother, Olivia thought about calling Star but after looking at the clock on the wall she realized there was time for a nap. One hour was all she needed to feel refreshed and ready to deal with wet fur and muddy paws.

  Once the lights were off and she was under the covers, the sound of the rain hitting the roof instantly lulled her to sleep. Just as it had been for the last few months, Olivia’s dreams seemed to be waiting to transport her to another world with a man whose violet eyes made her feel things she’d only ever dreamt of.

  This time she was in wolf form, stalking her prey through the dense darkness of the forest, the feel of rain on her fur and mud squishing between her pads, making her feel at one with her surroundings. Hunkered low to the ground, she watched the soggy white tail of the rabbit she had in her sights zigzagging through the brambles praying to evade its inevitable demise.

  Waiting until she could hear the heart of her quarry fluttering like that of a hummingbird, sure the little guy was close to exhaustion, Olivia burst through the bushes, tore across the forest floor and leapt upon the hare. Squealing as she held the small animal between her feet, the she-wolf reveled in the crunch of bones and the spray of warm blood down her throat as the shrieking abruptly ceased.

  Enjoying her treat while the clouds overhead rumbled and lightning streaked across the sky, the she-wolf’s satisfaction was cut short as a whisper, barely audible and hanging onto the breeze with every deep, dark syllable, tickled her senses, demanding to be heard. Raising an ear, she soon realized the haunted voice was in her mind, calling, begging...

  “Oh, little wolf… I feel you… just out of reach…” The silence that followed was almost unbearable, causing Olivia to abandon what was left of her kill, rise to her feet and slowly pad towards the sound of waves crashing against the rocks.

p; “Come closer…little wolf…” The stranger’s voice startled the she-wolf to a complete stop. Raising her snout, she sniffed the air, her ears falling back against her head as the hypnotic voice asked, “Will you come?... Will you end my torment?”

  Torment? What was the voice talking about? How was she going to help? It was just a dream and at present, she was a wolf. After several long minutes of internal debate, curiosity got the best of the auburn wolf and soon she was tracking the voice, waiting for yet another word.

  Reaching the cliffs, she carefully walked along the edge, looking down at the angry waters battering the rock walls, searching for the man whose voice called to not only her wolf but also the heart and soul of the woman. Carefully placing one paw in front of the other, she followed the narrow path leading to the jetty just outside a cave at the base of the cliff.

  Every step she took was an answer to the mystery man’s pleading. “Please…” he begged. “It’s been so very long…”

  Emotions the wolf wasn’t accustomed to came in waves as she felt the man struggling to stay conscious. Making it safely to the water’s edge, she placed first one paw and then the others on the flat surface of the breakwater. The wolf scented the air while listening for sounds of movement before walking towards the dense darkness of the cave.

  The pads of her paws slapped against the stone slashing water on the backs of her legs as she slowly made her way into the cave. The farther she crept into the darkness, the closer she felt to the haunting voice but still so far away. The fur along her spine stood on end as she stopped mid-stride in response to a harsh pounding beating at her consciousness.

  On and on the sounds of a fist hitting wood continued. The she-wolf bowed her head to escape the deafening sound while still trying to maintain contact with the mysterious man who so desperately needed her help.

  All too soon, it was Olivia not her wolf who realized the pounding was coming from outside their dream. Sitting straight up in bed as Barbara Wolfe bellowed, “You better get up and come downstairs. Food doesn’t last long around here,” Olivia shook her head and ran her hands down her face.


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