Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18)

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Sassy Ever After: Sassing Her Dragon (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Dragon Guard Series Book 18) Page 6

by Julia Mills

  She listened as his voice faded away, his breathing became deep and her dragon succumbed to his need for more healing sleep. Tamping her arousal down deep inside, Olivia thought about getting up but didn’t have the will. She hoped Amelia had forgotten all about the coffee. A peace unlike she’d ever felt filled both her and her wolf. They were home. There was no denying it. Angus was their own.

  Closing her eyes, she cuddled closer and whispered, “Yes, mo Dragon, very soon…,” and followed him to sleep.

  Chapter Eight

  Jumping out of bed and nearly landing on the floor at the sound of the door opening, Olivia did her best to look cool as William walked into the room but failed miserably when Angus burst out laughing.

  “Well, it looks like Amelia was right. You have made remarkable progress since I last saw you.” William winked at Olivia then looked back to Angus and asked with a chuckle, “Could it be the specialized care you’ve received?”

  Feeling the heat of embarrassment on her cheeks, Olivia looked at her mate pleading with her eyes for him to behave, but it was not to be. With a grin and his still raspy voice, he chuckled, “Most definitely and I am looking forward to more of the same for quite some time to come.”

  Thankfully, William ignored Angus’ innuendo and went on, “Well, you keep making this miraculous recovery of yours and you’ll be out of here in no time.”

  Avoiding her mate’s gaze, Olivia excused herself, walked out into the hall and made a mad dash to the lavatory in the waiting room. After brushing her teeth then brushing her hair and putting it back up in a ponytail, she exited the small room and ran right into Ellie and Caleb.

  “Hey, girl. How’s everything?” Ellie asked. “William said we’d find you here. Looks like the dragon is awake. I wanted to see if you’d found out anything before we busted in and started asking questions.”

  Shaking her head, Olivia answered, “He hasn’t been awake long.” It wasn’t really a lie. He did go right back to sleep the evening before and had just awakened when William came in a bit earlier. “I haven’t had a chance to find out much but his name… Angus MacLendon.” She moved around the couple and headed to get a cup of coffee, but continued talking, “I’m waiting on Marrok to get back to me. He called last night but hadn’t spoken to the dragons he knows yet.”

  Stirring her java, the she-wolf turned around and as she blew on the hot liquid added, “I just needed to freshen up.” Motioning with her head before taking her first long drink of coffee, she asked, “Wanna go see if we can talk to him, yet?”

  “Sure,” the couple answered in unison, following Olivia down the hall as she spoke to her dragon through their unique link. “I’m bringing the Wolfe Pack Alphas’ daughter and her mate, who also happens to be the Alpha of another pack, in with me. They have some questions and they do NOT know that we are mates. Please, let that be our secret for now. Wolf politics can be complicated and we’ve just signed a big treaty. I want to talk to my brother before we announce anything, okay?”

  “I understand completely, mo stór. I will follow where you lead… always.” His low gravelly answer made Olivia’s wolf stretch and paw the ground. Olivia wasn’t sure if it was the rumbling timbre of his voice or his constant innuendos, but he was literally driving both woman and wolf to distraction.

  Hand on the doorknob, she listened carefully to make sure he was decent, opening it only when she was sure the coast was clear. Just as it had been since the moment he opened his eyes, Olivia was instantly trapped by his hypnotic gaze, helpless to do anything but look at him and wait for the moment they were once again blessedly alone.

  Shaking herself, the she-wolf began the introductions. “Ellie and Caleb Rahound.” Then turning towards the wolves, she added, “This is Angus MacLendon.”

  Ellie walked forward with Caleb at her back, extended her hand and smiled, “It’s good to see you alive and on the mend.” Letting go of his hand so her husband could also shake it, the blonde continued, “How are you feeling, by the way?”

  “Good, thank you, ma’am. I appreciate your hospitality and kindness. The doctor just left and assures me as long as I continue to recover as I have so far, I will be released the day after tomorrow at the latest.”

  That was music to Olivia’s ears and she immediately started planning how to get Angus out of Wolfe territory without their new mating status becoming an issue as she listened to Ellie continue with her questions.

  “Well, we couldn’t leave you out there the way you were.” Her smile was sweet but there was steel in her voice when she asked, “And speaking of out there, how exactly did you come to be in our territory? Your clothes smelled of the old chapel but my dad sent Trackers and they found the area completely undisturbed.”

  Listening to her dragon’s thoughts, she was impressed by how fast he was able to give them an answer without lying but also without revealing everything although he was still very tired and healing. “I was taken prisoner and tortured for quite some time without rest. When they finally stopped, I was left alone for a little over a day. The ground began to shake. The stones in the walls of my cell shifted, loosening the chains holding my shackles. Once I was able to pull them from the walls, I found the keys outside my cell, released myself and ran without looking back. I honestly had no idea where I was or that I was trespassing.”

  He stopped to cough which had Olivia filling his cup of water and going to the far side of the bed to hand it to him while congratulating him. “Good job using the word trespassing. See their faces. They are impressed that you are claiming blame for unauthorized entrance into their territory.”

  Taking the water from her hands without looking away from the Rahounds, Angus drank before continuing. “I am truly sorry and when I am able, would like to also offer your mother and father my sincerest apologies. If there are reparations due, I only need get back to my clan to be able to pay them.”

  Shaking her head, Ellie quickly responded. “No need for that. It was a desperate situation and you did the only thing you could to escape a horrible situation. You have been granted sanctuary.” She leveled her gaze at him. “My mom and dad will want to talk to you, but we can set that up after you’ve been released.” She looked back at her husband, nodded and then added, “What we’re really concerned about is who kidnapped you and where you were held. We’ve had a real problem with rogues and want to make sure none of our kind are responsible for what happened to you.”

  Taking another sip of water, Angus nodded. “I understand and I can assure you they were not wolves, at least not from their scent or what I could make of it. I believe they were human but had been imbued with some sort of black magic.” He took another drink. “As for where I was held, I have no clue. Once I reached the outside world, I ran.”

  Olivia knew there was so much he was leaving out and couldn’t wait to hear the whole story but for the time being stood silent beside her dragon’s bed and listened as Caleb said, “The Trackers couldn’t find your scent anywhere but where you were lying face down in the mud.” The Alpha shook his head and wrapped his arm around his mate. “But with all the rain and wind we had, I’m not surprised. Maybe when you’re up and about you can go out and see if anything looks familiar.”

  “Yes, sir. That sounds like a plan. I would love to find the fiends who attacked me and settle the score.”

  Tiny shivers danced up and down Olivia’s spine as she listened to Angus’ voice get rough with his anger and his brogue thicken. She couldn’t wait to have that voice whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

  Ellie and Caleb stayed for about another hour, leaving only when the day nurse, Gwen came in to take out Angus’ IV and tell him they would be bringing him a lunch from the cafeteria. Following the nurse to the door, Olivia sat in the farthest chair from her dragon and looked anywhere but into his eyes.

  After almost a minute of avoiding eye contact, Angus’ low rumble of a chuckle filled the room just before he asked, “Do I have to get out of this bed and come ove
r there?”

  Snapping her eyes to his, Olivia shook her head. “No, don’t get up. I have no clue what you have on under there but it would be my luck you’re naked and would stand up just as someone walked in.” Getting to her feet, she sighed and feigned her exasperation as she walked to his side. “I’m coming. Besides you need your rest.”

  No sooner had she reached his side then Angus’ hand found hers, his fingers intertwined with hers and he looked her right in the eye before growling, “I. Need. You. Nothing else.”

  “Oh, I see, just me.” For the first time in all her years, she was comfortable with someone other than Marrok holding her hand. It felt good, right and to be honest…she liked it, but Olivia wasn’t going to let Angus know that…not yet.

  “Well, I need a few answers.” Switching to their mind-to-mind communication, she went on, “And to keep things just between us, I’m gonna ask them this way, okay?”

  “That is fine with me, mo ghrá. Ask away. I have nothing to hide from you… ever, but please sit. Just having you near makes me feel better… stronger… alive.”

  Who was she to deny him anything. A lot needed to be discussed, but there was no denying they were Fated Mates, denial would be useless. Olivia would learn to deal with having a dragon for a mate, just as she had no doubt Angus would find a way to make having a wolf as a mate work, as well.

  Taking her seat on the side of his bed, Olivia rolled her eyes and snickered when Angus wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her bum tight to his side, cuddled around her and when he was finally comfortable, looked up at her and said, “Continue, mo ghrá.”

  “You are a mess, Angus MacLendon.”

  “Aye, I am, but I am your mess, Olivia Kilbride.”

  “Whatever you say, dragon man.” She winked. “Now, for some questions.” Laying her hand over his where it sat upon her thigh. “When you were asleep and I was trying to help, I saw some of your memories.” She paused as he nodded and turned his hand under hers, wrapping his long, strong fingers around hers. To ease a bit of the tension she felt building within him at her announcement, she started with, “You were a really cute little boy,” and loved when he smiled. “Looked like the little girls noticed, too.”

  With a twinkle in his eye, he teased, “I have always been a ladies’ man.”

  Swatting his arm, she acted irritated and mock complained, “Well, those days are over, bub. You’re a wolf’s man now.”

  “Most assuredly, mo mac tire beag.”

  Nodding, while giving him the side eye, Olivia said, “And you looked very handsome in your uniform, riding into battle.”

  “It is called a surcoat and they were woolen and very uncomfortable, especially under chainmail, but the maidens did do a wonderful job of decorating them with depictions of our dragons. It was an honor to wear them, no matter how they chaffed the skin.”

  “Well, you looked very regal wearing yours. I like the red.” Olivia knew she was hedging. She didn’t want to ask him about the time he’d spent in captivity, didn’t want him to have to relive it, wasn’t sure she wanted to hear it, but knew she had to ask. It was part of what the Wolfe’s would be asking him and she had to know before they did. It was all part of being able to protect him if things turned ugly.

  Preparing herself to ask, Angus tightened his grip on her hand, winked at her and said, “Just ask, mo chroí. I have nothing to hide from you, not now, not ever.” He kissed the back of her hand, his beard and mustache tickling her skin. “I can hear your heart pounding. Can feel your anxiety and your need to protect me, but the past is the past. You want to know about the attack and my subsequent incarceration, yes?”

  Unable to answer, Olivia simply nodded and tried to look away, but Angus was having none of it. Reaching up, he laid the tips of his fingers tenderly on the side of her jaw and guided her gaze back to his. “Never look away, mo a ghrá geal. I may be new to being and having a mate, but I believe with all my heart that we are destined to be together. Destined to be the greatest story of love ever told. I want to share not only in the good times with you but also the bad. It will only serve to make us stronger. You are the light of my soul, the love of my life, the one person in all the world I simply cannot live without.” He laid another kiss on the back of her hand. “I have waited for you for near on two hundred years with the knowledge that eternity by your side would be nothing short of Heaven. Please ask me whatever you want or need to know. I am open to you… mind, body and soul.”

  Letting out the breath she’d been holding, Olivia spoke past the lump in her throat and explained, “In those memories that I saw, there were two men dressed in armor with a crest that contained a raven.” She made sure to maintain their eye contact as Angus had asked and continued, “I saw a very small part of what they did to you then the memory changed to you running through the forest and you said the words, Fiach Dubh.”

  She paused for a second, surprised at how peaceful her mate remained while she, in contrast, was a bundle of nerves and anxiety. Apparently, her unease was also obvious to Angus as he unwound his hand from hers, laid back, pulling her higher on the bed with him and began to rub her back. Olivia went on, “I spoke with my brother Marrok, who has also met some dragons. I’ll tell you about that later, but anyway, I asked him about the Fiach Dubh and he told me what he knew, which included that he’d been advised that they were all killed.”

  “Oh, if only that were true.” Angus sighed while continuing to massage her shoulders. “The Ravens, as most know them by, their numbers are dwindling, but there are still several terrorizing our paranormal brothers and sisters. As for the ones that were holding me, I have no clue if they were caught and killed or simply delayed in getting back to me. I only ran because I believed I was still close to my lair and could get help. But it soon became apparent that over the years I had been transported farther than I ever imagined from my homelands.” His hands slowed on her back. “All I know, is that I want to find where they held me and meet out the justice befitting a century of pain and torture.”

  Jumping from the bed and spinning towards Angus, Olivia shrieked, “A century? A hundred freakin’ years?” Out loud at the same time William walked into the room and asked, “What took a century?”

  Oh great! Leave it to me. Wonder if Angus has an answer for this one?

  Chapter Nine

  She wasn’t sure if it was the right move, but it was the one Angus made and she wholeheartedly supported him as he looked William right in the eye and said, “That is how long I was in captivity.” He paused and when the doctor merely stood still with a look of shock and disbelief, continued, “I appear to have traveled around the world and am very thankful to be whole and on the mend.”

  “An entire century?” Barbara Wolfe answered, following William through the door, with her husband and daughter bringing up the rear.

  With a sadness in his eyes that made Olivia want to rush and kill everyone who’d ever dare lay a hand on him, Angus replied, “It was 1916 when the lads, the Force of Guardsmen I belong to or did belong to called the Enforcers, and I rode into battle to save a small clan pinned down by a coven of rogue wizards. I saw Amelia, my nurse, write 2017 as the date when she was checking my temperature yesterday. So, if my math is correct, that is a hundred and one years.”

  He paused and looked at Olivia, his eyes filled with such need that she no longer cared who knew what he meant to her as she walked to his bedside and laid her hand into his outstretched palm. Listening with not only her ears, but also her heart, Olivia could feel what it cost Angus to relive the most horrible experience of his life.

  “It was a brutal battle. One in which we lost one of our own, but in the end, we did prevail. Only the cowards who deserted the battle were left breathing, for they had scattered like roaches in the light of day. It took a day and a half to say our goodbyes to our fallen brethren and release his soul into the Heavens. With heavy hearts, we finally went to sleep, knowing we, as the dragon kin’s elite group of war
riors, would most likely be sent to battle evil again very soon.”

  “Sometime later, I was awakened with my dragon roaring in my head, unable to move a muscle, literally frozen where I lay. Black magic was thick in the air. I couldn’t hear over the sound of chanting. I was eventually able to open my eyes and see the ones responsible for the treachery that had befallen us.”

  “There, in a circle, stood tall masked and cloaked figures, chanting their evil spell, being led by a small woman I believe to have been of Elven descent. She knew who we were, what our mission was and was more than pleased to throw her knowledge in our faces. It was such a shock. We had operated from the shadows. Each with a special ability, all called upon to serve not only our kin, but all paranormals in the fight against those who would see us eradicated.”

  “With a silver disc placed on each of our chests, she bespelled us, promising we would live forever, suffer forever, locked away in a tomb of her own design, unique to each of us. She wanted us to live with the knowledge that we had failed to defeat evil and that dark would conquer light.”

  “Her promise was that we would all be locked away and strewn like dust on the wind to the farthest reaches of the Universe, left to simply exist, never able to escape, never able to die. After that I fell asleep. When I awoke the first time I was on a ship and was told I had been sold to the Fiach Dubh, as a plaything.”

  Gasps and growls filled the room. Tristan stepped forward and with his wolf shining in his eyes growled, “The Fiach Dubh are still alive? How can that be? No one has seen one for…”

  The Alpha stopped and stared at Angus, then both men said in unison, “About a hundred years.”

  “Aye, my friend, I believe there were very few left and they banded together to be my tormentors. To attempt to extract the whereabouts of the remaining dragons from me along with some ill-fated attempt to separate my magic from my dragon.”


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