Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4) Page 7

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  I hold his worried stare. “Yes. You can trust that I’ve got it.”

  “And you can trust that I’ve got you, siren.”

  6 Divine Trials

  SOFT LIPS BRUSH MINE as tears fall and stain my cheeks. Asher’s pained eyes look down at me with a torn expression. His fingers gently stroke my face. With force, I cup each side of his head. The five o’clock shadow scrapes my palms as he tries to pull away.

  “I’m sorry for all of it, Ash,” I whisper, never taking my eyes from his.

  With a sad expression, he heaves me to his chest in a tight embrace and a silent sob releases from my body. Asher lets me go and drops a light kiss to my forehead. Hurt crosses his features. Silently, he turns and leaves. I watch his retreating form in confusion before I’m overcome with devastation. Everything that I’ve ever loved just left me. Crap.

  “Eve.” The far off sound of my name attempts to cut through my desolation.

  The emptiness has filled in, surrounding me. I can’t see who’s calling for me. After a few tries, I give up. Instead, I relax and let the darkness pull me further away from the light.

  “Eve.” Abby says my name again, more forcefully this time. Finally, her voice registers. “I think she might be hallucinating, again.” Cool fingers brush the hair from my face.

  I moan in an attempt to answer her, but can’t. I feel hot. Like I’m suffocating in flames.

  “Christ, she’s burning up. Love, can you hear me?” Gage sounds alarmed. “Get Asher.”

  My head lolls to the right. It’s too heavy to lift. In an instant, I feel Asher’s hand slide behind my neck, gathering me close to his body, pushing healing energy into me. The masculine scent of smoky wood and leather surrounds me. Is he back? Didn’t he leave?

  “Siren? Can you hear me?” Asher asks in a low, far off tone.

  “Don’t leave me. Everything’s on fire,” I slur.

  “I’m here.” Asher’s minty breath is at my ear. “What the hell happened?”

  “Don’t leave me. Please,” I beg with weakness lining my voice.

  “Shh, I’m not going anywhere,” he comforts. “I’m right here.”

  “I don’t want any of this. I just want you. I miss you. Come back,” I ramble.

  “Why does she think I’m leaving?” Asher asks in a bothered manner.

  “She’s feverish and has been in and out of consciousness for over an hour,” Abby replies.

  “I’ll go see if Nassa can make her an elixir,” Gage offers and I hear the door close.

  A few moments later, a cool compress is gently placed on my forehead. I sigh gratefully.

  “She’s burning up, Ash. Should we call the doctor?” Abby asks, troubled.

  “Honestly, Abby, I don’t know.” Asher’s worried tone saddens me.

  “It hurts,” I mumble, popping in and out of awareness.

  “You’ll be alright, siren. I’ve got you.” Warm lips brush over my cheek.

  A short time later, I hear a commotion and feel a small hand grip my arm.

  “She won’t be able to swallow it, so you’ll have to hold her down, Asher, while I give her the injection,” Nassa explains in a distance voice.

  “What is it?” Asher inquires, his fingers tracing a path across my palm.

  “It’s a yarrow and skullcap infusion. It should comfort her fever ailments and also allow her to get some rest,” Nassa assures and her cool hand wraps around my forearm.

  I feel a slight prick before I’m pulled back into the dark corners of my mind.


  My heartbeats stumble through an irregular pace as the inferno within me spikes to an all-time high. The searing burn sweeping through my veins has set off an ache within my soul. Why am I so fucking hot? I attempt to breathe through the agony invading every cell.

  In the distance, I hear muffled voices. They sound troubled.

  “She’s not dreaming. I searched her mind and it’s not a realm jump or astral projection,” Asher makes clear. “Keegan, try and get a hold of Michael, yeah? Maybe he can help.”

  Restless, I attempt to move my lips and speak, but all that comes out is a pathetic whimper. At the sound, my body is cradled again in healing energy. It’s not helping. Instead, it rips through me, painfully tearing my soul in two directions.

  Asher’s healing gift causes the flames to crawl higher and melt deeper into my layers. I try to protest, to tell him to stop, but I can’t move or speak. All I can do is lay trapped by the pain. My body shivers and sweats simultaneously. After a while, it all becomes too much and I sink back into the darkness, allowing the discomfort to drag me into unconsciousness.

  When I finally come to, I’m sitting in the middle of a dark, frosted room. My knees are pulled to my chest in a protective position. Dread fills me as I exhale. My breath comes out in the form of a cloud. It’s freezing in here and yet I can’t feel the cold, all I feel is warmth.

  The walls and ceiling moan and creak as the cold settles into them. There’s only blackness in front of me, obscuring my vision. In spite of that, I can feel the icy frost on every surface that surrounds me. The cracking of footsteps on ice, triggers my curiosity.

  I lift my head and stand abruptly. My eyes roam the dark abyss.

  “Who’s there?” I question.

  “Siren?” Asher sounds desperate.

  Anxiety and relief float over me at the sound of Asher’s far away voice.

  My dry throat makes it difficult to speak, triggering a sudden rush of frustrated tears.

  “What’s happening?” I respond, stunned the words came out. “Where are we?”

  Asher releases a relieved breath. “There you fucking are, siren. By the grace.”

  I drag in a deep, confused inhale. What is he doing here? Where am I? Wetting my lips, I allow my eyes to roam the darkness. “Why aren’t you coming closer?”

  “I can’t.” His tone is sad. “This is something you have to do on your own and then find your way back to me. Can you do that, siren?”

  “I don’t understand,” I reply softly.

  “You will. Just focus on the light and come back to me, yeah?” His voice is patient.

  I shake my head, even though he can’t see it. “What’s going on, Ash?”

  “From darkness, comes light.” His voice is a distant hum then it’s gone. He’s gone.

  As a result of Asher’s disappearance, a frigid gust of air washes over my heated skin, offering a reprieve from the searing burn. I close my eyes, relishing the absence of pain.

  “From darkness, comes light,” I repeat, my voice husky with emotion.

  My heart beats faster and an unfamiliar power fills me. All of the sudden, I’m overwhelmed by feelings of confusion. My body heats again and I gasp in agony. Waves of energy billow out around me, rippling in the air and the temperature drops further.

  I fall on my palms as my knees buckle from the force of the energy. Searing pain bolts through my head, prompting me to squeeze my eyes shut. What the fuck? I fall to my side and begin to rock away the hurt my body is suffering from. It feels like I’m being twisted from the inside out. Shit. Motherfucking shit. This can’t be a dream it hurts too much.

  My body shakes and shivers violently. The sound of my teeth clattering against each other fills the empty void of black I’m stuck in. Focusing on my breathing, I inhale through my nose and then exhale through my mouth. It’s all I can do.

  After what feels like an eternity, the hurt and trembling subsides, allowing me to relax. I wait a little while longer until I feel as though I’m fully in control of my body. With a great amount of exertion, I roll onto my knees and force myself back into a standing position. Seriously, what the fuck is happening?

  Out of nowhere, a low growl emanates from somewhere in front of me. I swallow. Crap. Now what? The sound comes at me again, only angrier this time. I stiffen and exhale slowly, noticing my breath comes out in a smoky plume. An odd tingling sensation runs through my veins, a warning that something evil is lur
king beyond the nothingness surrounding me.

  Unexpectedly, a soft indigo hue emits from my eyes. “Holy shit.”

  The blue casts light in the darkness, illuminating the creature prowling closer to me. Motionless, I take in my predator. The monstrosity of a being’s black fur sticks straight up. Its glowing yellow eyes fixate on my throat. With a snarl, it shows off razor sharp teeth.

  Recollection hits me hard as the beast snorts a loud warning. “I remember you. You’re the demonic creature Lucifer sent to confirm my protection,” I say on a shocked exhale.

  Memories of when Asher and I first encountered the hellhound, at the campus coffee shop, flood my mind. Asher handled the beast while I watched in awe. This isn’t good.

  The animal paces back and forth in agitation, assessing me. Ready to rip my throat out.

  I straighten my posture. “Guess it’s just you and me this time, mongrel.”

  Without any warning, the hellhound snaps forward and I rear my right arm back, ready to attack. My shoulder begins to tingle and a ball of pure light travels down the length of my arm, erupting from my palm and slamming into the creature’s nose. Whoa. What the hell?

  The barghest retreats a bit, releasing a pained whine. The whimper makes it sound more like a wounded dog, rather than a creature of hell. Inhaling, I tell myself to put into practice what Michael taught me about astral projecting and apply it to sourcing the light energy.

  Centering myself, I focus on the light within my soul, attempting to recreate it at will. Once I hit the energy source, the stirring feeling in my hands begins again and I lift my gaze to the snarling demonic dog. The barghest and I lunge for one another at the same time.

  Strategically, I allow the creature to go for my neck so I can place my palms on its chest, letting another blast of light radiate out of me and into it. The enormous creature flies backward and hits the ground, hard. Unmoving, it releases a harsh breath and within seconds, the hellhound vanishes. In its place a charred ash imprint and a small blue flame. Holy shit!

  Panting, a small smile creeps onto my lips. I did it. I killed it. My excitement dissolves when I hear the heavy creaking of doors. I remove my gaze from the tiny flame and lock it on two enormous, medieval, familiar old doors in front of me. What the fuck is going on?

  Both pieces of dark wood are intricately carved with symbols I’ve seen before, in a vision and gargoyle statues guard each door. The urns suddenly light, causing me to startle and stop my movement. I wait for a moment. When nothing else happens, I approach the doors and run my fingers over the beautiful engravings before stepping through the archway.

  The dark assembly room is just as I recall it. Shadowy, chilled, and dungeon-like with dark gray and black hued stone walls, floors and ceilings. I take it all in with trepidation.

  Light discharges from thousands of black candles that are melting, allowing the wax to drip and run over the stone before turning solid again. Urns filled with fire line each side of an aisle that runs all the way to the front of the chamber before stopping at a raised platform.

  My head snaps up at the booming sound of Lord Falk’s voice rumbling off the stones.

  “Today is judgment day for you. You are here in the council chamber because of your disregard for your oath and our laws. Do you understand?” The Royal Gargoyle Council of Protectors leader’s voice cascades through me, leaving proverbial chills in its wake.

  I turn my focus to the front of the hall and my eyes fixate on the chained man being held prisoner in the shadows. Two guards on each side of Asher are forcing him to kneel in front of the extremely tall, elderly leader.

  Behind the black robed gargoyle are stairs that lead to a marble throne. On each side of the chair are more statues and arched alcoves. Five more unnaturally tall beings sit in places of honor to the left of the throne, and four on the right. All are familiar to me now. Each council member seated on the granite stage holds his or her heads high with an air of authority.

  “The council is very disappointed with you,” Lord Falk says with a sigh. “We expected greater restraint from a member of this council. You have tarnished the protector duties we are bound to. You have embarrassed this council and your race. But most disturbing, you have tainted your family name.”

  Asher says nothing in response.

  “And for what, a human…girl? Pathetic,” Jarin, an elder male, says.

  “I love her,” Asher responds in a low, unwavering voice.

  “It is forbidden!” a female named Sybbyl retorts loudly, her long, gray hair unmoving.

  Lord Falk steps forward, bending so he’s eye level with Asher. “Your punishment has been decided. You shall suffer an eternity in stone. Watching her, knowing she is alive, but never allowed to touch her. Bring me the Angelic Sword,” he orders with finality.

  Asher positions himself straighter, accepting this fate. A whisper in the back of my mind alerts me as to why I’m here. To protect Asher, no matter the cost. I try to run to him but am rooted in place. An unseen force holds me back. I fight to get to him before I remember I’ve done this before, in my vision. Only this time, the threat is real and not a dream.

  Calming my heart rate, I focus on what McKenna taught me that day in training. My glowing eyes pinpoint the shadow closest to Asher. Focusing on his dark energy, I will myself to manifest within the dark silhouette. Within seconds, I reappear within it.

  Rulf, a council guard, hands Lord Falk the Angelic Sword. When the elder gargoyle grips the handle, my heart rate spikes again in fear. The leader walks slowly toward Asher.

  “Last words, your highness?” he asks coolly.

  Asher’s eyes lift and lock onto mine. “From darkness, comes light, siren.”

  My eyes widen in horror as Lord Falk lifts the sword. My ear-piercing scream ricochets off the stone, and without thought, I leap in front of Asher. “No,” I cry.

  Already in motion, the Angelic Sword pierces and slides through my heart, directly into Asher’s. At the same time, the council members all lift their heads in confusion at the uproar.

  There’s no pain. I look down and see the sword sticking into me, but there’s no blood. After a moment, nothing happens. No one turns to stone. I turn my head and see Asher’s signature cocky smirk behind me.

  “You were right. The divination of redemption works both ways, once mated,” he says.

  I release a choked, relieved exhale. “Thank God.”

  Lord Falk yanks the sword out of us harshly, staring at us both in disbelief.

  “Impossible,” the old gargoyle whispers in awe.

  I step forward to say something, but stop my movements when I see Rulf’s lips curl into a sarcastic grin before the gargoyle unexpectedly pushes me from the side. The force causes me to stumble. Throwing my hands out, I brace for impact with the stone floor, however, instead of falling on hard concrete, I land with a thud in cold, murky water.

  Panicked and confused, I force my head upward and hit the water’s break-line. Treading water, I move in a circle formation, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on here.

  I don’t see Asher or any of the council members. Seriously, what the hell did Nassa prick my arm with? The chambers have vanished and in its place is a shoreline blanketed in forest and spring gardens. I know this place. La Gargouille Manor in Wilshire, England. The lake.

  Swimming to the water's edge, my progression comes to a halt when something grabs my ankle. Spinning so I’m floating on my back, I draw in a thick, soggy breath when I see the epitome of temptation holding me prisoner. Crap. Crap. Crap. This isn’t going to end well.

  Ankle-length, straight, black hair blows in the breeze and deep chocolate eyes narrow. The selkie’s warm peach cheeks turn an angry shade of red at the sight of me.

  “Daughter of Heaven,” she purrs like a predator ready to strike at any moment.

  “Saraphina,” I reply in a calm tone.

  She smiles and pushes her unwelcome heat into my body. With everything I am, I try to fi
ght it off, knowing that she’s attempting to enthrall me. I won’t fall for it this time, though.

  “Stop,” I order in a harsh manner.

  Startled at my outburst and annoyed that I’m not falling under her spell, the selkie releases my ankle. At the abruptness of it, my body sinks under the water. A few moments later, I reappear, coughing violently. Saraphina just watches in bored fascination, playing with the long dark stands of hair that hang over her naked breasts.

  The thick black mane that falls down to her mermaid-like tail floats gently in the water. My eyes focus on the way the moon hits her dark chocolate brown fin, just barely under the surface, highlighting the purple that runs through it. I allow my gaze to rise up the Pisces pelt draping over her right shoulder like a piece of clothing.

  “I see you’ve managed to survive the first two trials,” she says cryptically.

  “What?” I narrow my eyes.

  At my question, Saraphina’s lips purse with annoyance. “You were warned, daughter of Heaven. I clearly stated that the next time you came here I would turn you over to Lucifer. Yet, here you are, my pretty pet.” Her voice is coated with seduction.

  “Save your seductive voice for Gage. I’m not interested,” I retort and splash her.

  “Speaking of ex-lovers, where is your protector?” she questions wickedly. “I’ve never seen someone who is supposed to be so important, left so unprotected all the time. It’s comical really. You might want to hire some new bodyguards.”

  “I don’t need Asher’s protection, or anyone else’s. I can handle myself.” My tone is hard.

  Saraphina points a look at me, like I’m a child. “No, you can’t, pet. You’re human…too breakable. I could kill you in an instant if I wasn’t trapped in this hellhole of a lake.” The selkie motions to the water.

  “I guess it’s a good thing you’re a prisoner in this hellhole then,” I sneer.

  Anger gets the best of her as an evil stare penetrates me. “You know nothing of my captivation. You’d do best to watch your tongue around me, daughter of Heaven.”


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