Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4) Page 17

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “Thank you, brother,” Asher responds.

  There is a silent beat before Keegan speaks again. “On a different subject, Nassa has sent word. The Royal Court has requested an audience. They’d like to hear the clan’s account regarding the deaths of the priestesses.”

  “Tell them we will be there,” Asher orders.

  “Ash, I have to say this. Their throats were slit, like hers. It seems too coincidental to ignore.”

  “I agree. I also found it odd how quiet the dark army and Deacon have become. Not a word or an attempt from them when it comes to Eve,” Asher states.

  “Perhaps they’re licking their wounds after Michael retrieved Elizabeth,” Keegan suggests.

  “My gut is telling me this is the calm before the storm,” Asher says worriedly.

  Turning away from the door, I decide to trust in Asher instead of bursting into the room demanding answers. Trust goes both way, Eve. Instead of continuing to eavesdrop, like I want to, I leave the protectors to whatever strategy session they’re having and head to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water before returning upstairs.

  A lime-green glow radiating from the gardens piques my interest and I stop gulping the cool liquid. Lowering the water bottle, I squint and move closer to the French doors, trying to get a better grasp on what I’m witnessing.

  Mesmerized, I watch the two glowing orbs dance amongst the plant life before they disappear into the blackness of the night. What the hell? My eyes search the dark. I press my fingers against the glass and move even closer to see where the little balls of light went.

  Seconds later, two lime-green irises are staring back at me from the other side of the door. I jump in surprise, letting out a squeal and spilling what was left of my water all over the front of my white tank top. Just as quickly, the light disappears.

  “Damn it,” I spit out and brush the excess liquid off the fabric with a shaky hand.

  “Nice to see my continued presence in your life still makes you wet, love,” Gage flirts.

  Twisting I cross my arms protectively. My white tank top is now see-through, thanks to the liquid. Gage turns on the kitchen lights and stares at me, clearly amused at my predicament.

  “Not likely, Gage,” I growl.

  The sexy gargoyle arches a seductive brow. “So then you’re down here, in the middle of the night, practicing for a…wet t-shirt contest?”

  “I hate you,” I say without thought.

  “Hate me or just semi-dislike me?” He counters.

  “Hate you,” I respond.

  “What are you doing down here…alone, love?” Gage ignores my outburst.

  “After our last conversation, I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”

  He tsks. “I’m still your protector, love. That makes everything you do my business.”

  Asher releases a warning growl before prowling into the kitchen. Stepping in front of me, he cuts off Gage’s lingering gaze. “For the last time, she’s not your love,” he barks.

  “Stand down, dark prince. Humans who provide truth in lies aren’t my thing,” Gage says.

  My stomach drops at the accusation. Asher ignores Gage’s comment and turns to face me. His eyes scan my body, taking in my wet tank and matching boy shorts. To be fair, I figured everyone was sleeping when I went in search of Asher.

  “All okay, siren?” His voice is strained.

  “Yeah.” I drop my arms and motion to the patio. “I woke up thirsty. When I came in here to grab some water, I saw something outside.” I explain nervously.

  Gage’s threat to tell Asher and his lingering comment are making me uneasy.

  Asher’s eyes slide to the darkness of the patio before he looks over his shoulder at Gage in some sort of unspoken understanding between them. Gage nods and vanishes, reappearing outside, wings out, scanning the area.

  “He doesn’t have to protect me, Asher. I’m fine. I was just surprised. That’s all,” I say, pulling at the hem of my tank top, moving it back and forth to dry it out. “Don’t overreact.”

  “I’m your protector, siren. Overreacting is in my job title, yeah?” He crooks his finger at me so I’ll move closer. I do, causing him to flash his sexy smile at me.

  “I thought your title was dark prince?” I choke out as his index finger lightly traces the outline of the water stain on my shirt.

  His expression darkens at the sight of the wet fabric clinging to my body. Giving him a full view of my chest. “I’m much more than that, siren. Tell me what else I am,” he instructs.

  “A really good friend?” I whisper the tease trying to get control of my hormones.

  Asher moves into my space, pressing me against the cool glass of the doors. His thumbs rub firm circles over both of my breasts. My breath hitches in my throat at his touch.

  “Friends don’t do what I want to do to you, siren,” he murmurs in a seductive voice.

  A light cry of pleasure gets caught in my throat and comes out like an odd gurgle. Sexy.

  “Do you want to see how dark this prince can be?” He asks in a husky voice.

  “Yes,” I pant.

  “Tell me you want me,” he demands quietly.

  “I want you,” I moan.

  “Tell me why, siren,” he whispers, pushing his lower body further into me.

  “Because I love you,” I whimper.

  “Tell me I’m the only protector who makes you wet,” he orders and covers my chest with both palms. My skin ignites from the kneading motions his hands are making.

  “You’re the only protector who makes me wet,” I croak and his lips lightly touch mine.

  “And why is that, siren?” the cocky gargoyle asks against my mouth.

  Suddenly, it dawns on me what he’s doing. Damn him.

  Seeing realization cross my face, his lips lift in victory as he waits patiently for my answer. He’s cornered my traitorous body with seduction in our ongoing game.

  I narrow my eyes, angry that he played me. Crap.

  “Someday, I am going to win at this,” I declare.

  “I’m waiting, siren,” he taunts, brushing his lips across mine in a tease.

  “Because you’re full of gargoyle awesomeness,” I reply, my voice is weak.

  “And there it is,” he says in a booming, proud voice while backing off. “Once again, the daughter of Heaven admits that her sexy mate, the prince of the gargoyles, is awesome!”

  “You suck, protector.” I pout at his victory.

  “Keep pouting and I’ll suck on that bottom lip,” he begins but stops when Gage reappears.

  Asher turns to face him so he’s covering me from Gage’s view.

  “I didn’t see anything out there,” Gage explains. “Are sure your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you, love? We’ve all been a little off after seeing the blood bath in the temple.”

  “She knows what she saw,” Asher states in a sharp tone.

  “I’m not saying she doesn’t, old friend.” Gage attempts to calm Asher down.

  “Could it have been an upper demon, like Thoren?” I offer. Only Asher and I can detect their presence because of his dark energy. “Maybe you just didn’t sense it?”

  “No, I would have felt an upper demon, siren.” Asher sighs. “And I didn’t.”

  I attempt to step around him. At the motion, Asher twists, watching me. His right hand drops behind his neck. In one quick, smooth move, he yanks his Property of London t-shirt off and places it over my body. I sink into the warmth and scent of him.

  “Now you can move,” he says quietly and I slowly stride around him.

  I turn back to give him a sly smirk just as something large comes crashing through the glass doors.

  Instantly, Asher lunges for me and we both hit the floor. His body covers mine protectively as glass shatters, falling all around us. After a moment, we both turn our heads to witness Gage pinning a large, brown panther to the ground with a knife to its throat.

  At the sight, Asher scrambles off of me. “GALLAGHE
R, NO!” he shouts.

  Gage snaps his head toward us and pinches his brows. “What?”

  “That’s Fiona’s daughter. She’s shifted,” Asher explains approaching the werecat.

  Fiona rushes into the kitchen wearing a nightgown, going straight to her daughter’s side.

  I scramble off the floor and try to get control over my adrenaline filled body.

  “Galena, can ye hear me, dear?” the clowder’s alpha asks softly.

  “She came right through the glass doors, Fi,” Asher explains at the cat’s side.

  “Aye. I felt da pain. Dere’s demon scent all ovah the lass.” Fiona scowls.

  Keegan walks in, taking in the sight in front of him. “What’s going on?” He asks, stalking over to where the animal has shifted back into a beautiful, and naked, petite female.

  Fiona pulls the knitted shawl from her shoulders and covers her daughter’s shaking, cut and bruising body. The caretaker whispers and strokes Galena’s short brown hair.

  “What was she doing outside?” I ask.

  “The clowder offered protection. She was on night guard,” Asher answers. “It must have been her cat eyes you saw glowing in the darkness.”

  “She alive, Fiona?” Keegan asks.

  “Aye, Keegan,” Fiona answers, calmly. “Asher, take me lass ta me quarters. I’ll put her in a healing sleep,” she says in quiet but even voice.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Asher answers, picking up the petite women’s limp body, cradling her against his naked chest.

  A sudden, irrational wave of jealousy and possessiveness rolls through me. I force myself to push away the desire to yank the woman out of my mate’s arms and claw her eyes out. Not the time Eve. Get your shit together. My skin begins to lightly glow and my hands shake.

  Asher’s eyes widen at the sight of my skin before he leans in, brushing his lips across my cheeks. “It’s just the bond. Breathe. I’ll be right back, siren,” he says before following Fiona.

  Keegan looks around, kicking the shards of glass and studying the inky estate grounds.

  In order to focus my energy, I pluck shards of glass out of my hair.

  “Are you hurt, love?” Gage inquires.

  “Why do you care, Gage?” Keegan’s cool statement has Gage looking confused.

  Gage glances at me then at Keegan’s broad back before realization settles over him. “Don’t tell me you actually ran to big brother Keegan and told him what you know, love.”

  Keegan twists around, standing taller. Fuck, he’s intimidating. “Don’t say a word, Eve.”

  “I can fight my own battles, Keegan. While I appreciate your help, I can handle Gage at the moment,” I say in a calm, quiet voice before narrowing my eyes at Gage. “You don’t get to use me to threaten Asher or this clan. Yes, I told Keegan. You left me no choice,” I snip.

  Gage shifts his head in Keegan’s direction. “Well big brother, now that you know, what are you planning to do about it?”

  “Wait for confirmation.” Keegan’s sharp look sends shivers down my spine.

  “And if I release this information first?” Gage prompts.

  Keegan barks out what sounds like a laugh. Since I’ve never actually heard him laugh, I can’t be sure. “I’m not concerned when it comes to you, Gage. With your history, lack of allegiances, and nonexistent loyalty, no one believes there are any truth in your lies.”

  Gage doesn’t flinch. He just stares Keegan down in some odd battle of wills. “You two have one week to get confirmation, otherwise I’m going to Asher and the council. Don’t mistake my protection of Eve, which by the way,” he winks at me. “I will continue to do, love as anything but a good turn to Asher.”

  Keegan steps into Gage’s space. “Callan and I never could quite figure out why Asher asked you, out of all protectors, to step in and safeguard Eve when the council removed him.”

  “No?” Gage feigns interest.

  “No.” Keegan grinds out.

  “I guess the reasons for my protection of Eve is between the dark prince and I then.” Gage says hotly. “A favor that has proven to be very helpful in light of recent revelations.”


  The pallid Hall of The Royal Supernatural Court is filled with a solemn silence as the three protectors, one each side of me, take a respectful knee. My eyes slide across the marble platform, stopping on each of the larger-than-life thrones. Two of which are empty.

  I swallow the bile rising in my throat at the image of the priestesses’ and Arabella’s lifeless bodies. Focusing on something else, I study the faces of the supernatural royalty adorning each seat with their second in command standing by each royal’s side.

  “The court offers our gratitude for your presence.” Valentin, Lord of the Vampires, says with a roman inflection.

  Stephan, Valentin’s second, and Marcus’s significant other, dips his chin with respect.

  The protectors face the council with their wings exposed like true warriors. Even with the blanket of sadness covering us all they concentrate on the court with unwavering authority.

  “It is with deepest sympathy we grant you an audience today. Please be assured, the protectors will assist you in any way we can,” Asher replies, using his royal tone.

  “Thank you your highness.” Lucian, King of the Werewolves answers.

  My eyes float to Leo, Lucian’s beta. The pain from this situation is a reminder that death touches us all. The boyfriend of my deceased best friend, Aria, offers a heartbroken smile to me, which I return with equal sadness.

  “The Duchess of Sprites is present on behalf of Lady Finella,” Valentin explains.

  My eyes slide to Ainsley and I become engrossed in her odd behavior. Strangely, she doesn’t participate in the normal show of formalities. It goes unnoticed by the most of the clan because each gargoyle is intently listening to Valentin’s ramblings.

  Instead the Duchess of Sprites lifts her chin at the gargoyles presence, a challenging movement. I watch her for a few seconds before she catches me in a cool stare. As a response, I angle my head. In my peripheral vision, I notice Kenna studying the sprite’s actions as well.

  “Duchess, if you would kindly enlighten and provide explanation for Lady Finella’s absence today.” Valentin asks, breaking the three-way staring contest.

  “Of course, my lord,” she addresses the vampire. “The priestesses’ deaths have taken a heavy toll on all our hearts. Her grace was extremely close with Arabella. They were more sisters than friends. The queen is having a great deal of difficulty coming to terms with the occurrences.” Ainsley says in a smooth inflection. “Her grace has asked that I sit in on these proceedings, while she takes time to grieve.”

  “Very well,” Keegan answers in an equally cool manner.

  I lift my gaze and meet Sorceress Lunette’s. She raises her eyebrows before sliding her gaze to the sprite in a knowing manner. For some reason, the action reminds me of our recent visit with one another in the Kingdom of the Fae. Something is definitely off.

  “It’s devastating really, dears.” Lunette’s tone is sad. “All that death. For no reason.”

  Nassa, Lunette’s second in command, takes her aunt’s hand in comfort and offers the sorceress a small smile.

  “We’ve read the royal decree outlining the occurrences as you witnessed. The court has inquiries to make with you, if you’ll allow,” Lucien states gruffly.

  “Of course,” Asher answers.

  “As we understand, dark prince, the shadow warriors were nowhere to be found. Is it accurate that you did not see them, or their remains?” Valentin asks.

  “We did not. The clan found nothing that would indicate a struggle, or that a battle ensued with the army. It’s almost as if they vanished,” Asher answers.

  The Lord of the Vampire World’s eyes catch Stephan’s in an unspoken glance. “That would be impossible. The shadow warriors were created and charmed to protect the priestesses. It’s their mission. They couldn’t just pick up and leave, am I correct
, Lunette?”

  “You are, my lord,” she replies. “Only the sorceress who spelled them, or the priestesses themselves could release the warriors of their protection. Doing so would cause them to be nonexistent. Or in the dark prince’s words, simply vanish.”

  “You also mentioned the water in the realm was cold?” Lucien prompts.

  “It was,” Gage responds.

  “The priestesses often scry as a means of seeing spiritual visions. They use pools of water, or their crystals, which then become tied to that seer’s life essence. In this instance, the water was cold and lifeless, due to the priestesses’ deaths.” Lunette explains in a coherent manner that quite frankly is starting to freak me out.

  Valentin clears his throat before continuing. “The court believes the account of the how you discovered our beloved priestesses, and sacred temple, do not require retelling.”

  “The court thanks you all for your time today. When we discover the reason for the attack, we’ll be in touch with further deliberation on future actions,” Lucian offers on a quiet exhale.

  “One last thing,” Lunette singsongs. “You said the owl’s neck was snapped?”

  “Sadly, yes,” Callan answers.

  “Interesting,” the sorceress hums.

  “What is it, Lunette?” Lucien encourages further discussion.

  “Why kill an innocent bird?” Lunette asks in a mere whisper, meeting my eyes.

  Silence weighs heavily in the air before the Lord of the Vampires attempts to clarify. “Perhaps whomever is responsible for this vile act felt Krea was a threat somehow. One that needed to be removed from the realm,” he deducts.

  The vampire’s voice is a smooth drawl. Suddenly, it sounds like he is in a tunnel as I hold Lunette’s gaze for a moment. My heart rate spikes as the sorceress’s words come back to me.

  “Do you ever wonder why you don’t hear birds chirping in this realm?”

  “Do you have a point, Sorceress Lunette?”

  “The birds. They eat the fairies. It would be unsafe. They are predators and a danger to the sprites within the land. Lady Finella banished them, centuries ago.” She sighs sadly.

  “I suppose then, it makes sense. If they’re a threat, to remove them from the kingdom,” I offer.


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