Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4) Page 22

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  “You’re everything, siren,” he breathes across my lips.

  “Take me to a place where I can find peace,” I beg quietly.

  With a low breath hissing between his teeth, he spins me and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and carrying me to the bed. Asher lowers me, pressing into me.

  Asher pulls his face back a sliver so his mouth almost touches my lips. His soft breath fans my face as I inhale it. Breathing him. Above me, he searches my face. For what, I don’t know. I’m too lost in his eyes to care at the moment.

  “No matter what happens, siren, you are my purpose,” he rasps. “The light to my soul.”

  His words are my undoing. All I want in this world is right here, in my arms. I push against his chest prompting him to stand. He does. Never releasing eye contact, my hands slide into the waistband of his pants slowly bringing them down so he can step out of them.

  The moonlight streaming in the room bounces off his silver piercing. I lick my lips and swallow. I stand in front of the gargoyle and take a step into his space. My fingers run over his chest and stomach muscles, causing him to release a deep moan of pleasure.

  “Take your wings out,” I command softly.

  When he hesitates, I slide my right palm over the protector tattoo. Feeling it pulse and hum under my hand, I leave it there while he holds my uncertain gaze.

  Silently, his large, raven wings expand and I step back to take him in. In the moon’s light, his feathers almost appear blue. My breathing becomes uneven at his raw beauty.

  “You’re beautiful,” I whisper.

  My hands circle his upper arms as I trade places with him before forcing him to sit on the edge of the bed. The large, raven wings drape at his sides. I slide my lace panties over my legs and let them fall next to Asher’s discarded pants.

  Stepping between his knees, I place my hands on his broad shoulders for support as I climb onto his lap and straddle him. Strong hands grip my waist, helping to keep me steady while I position myself over him.

  With great restraint, I slowly lower myself onto him and watch his eyes slide closed from pleasure as he slides into me. I lean over and tilt his head up softly brushing my lips over his in a slow, long kiss.

  Eventually we pull away in need of air. My forehead falls to Asher’s and my hands move to his wings, spread across the bed. Inhaling deeply, I begin to stroke the firm feathers.

  At my touch, Asher groans with pleasure. Wrapping his arms around my waist so we can stay in this position, he moves us back to the middle of the bed without pulling out of me. Pushing his hands in my hair on either side of my head, he runs his thumbs over my jawline.

  “Take me deeper,” he orders on a rough grunt.

  My body trembles at his words. His hands drop and grip my waist, pressing my body down harder on the length of him, allowing him to fill me completely. When the piercing hits the perfect spot, I cry out in pleasure as my body automatically grinds against him.

  At every sensation I release a breathy gasp, arching up against his chest. Asher lifts his head and runs his tongue over the swell of my chest while his hands guide me in a rocking motion that has me shivering and moaning within seconds.

  The rolling of his piercing in this position becomes relentless and overwhelming. So much so that I actually almost black out a few times from the constant pleasure it’s stimulating.

  Fighting to stay in control, Asher links our hands together and pins them behind my back. Resting them on my mate mark. His lips run over my neck and jawline and I feel his body radiating heat as it trembles beneath me.

  I arch against his hips and get caught up in his gaze.

  “Christ, do you know how fucking amazing you feel?” He breathes across my collarbone.

  “Please,” I beg out of need.

  “I’ve got you, siren. It’s okay to fall. I’ll catch you. Let go,” he encourages.

  My hands squeeze his tighter and with one final rock, I’m lost. I come apart crying Asher’s name. My body convulses with pleasure, over and over again with Asher’s face buried in my neck.

  Overcome with his own pleasure he bites down, hard, on my throat with a “Fuck.” My eyes water from the sting. Abruptly, he yanks his head up and releases my hands.

  In a rough motion, he grabs my cheeks, pressing them in his hands. I grip his leather-covered wrists tightly to keep from crying out. With a final violent jerk of his hips, Asher’s lips meet mine in a slow, seductive kiss, while his body trembles within mine.

  The combination of pain and tenderness sends an unexpected orgasm shooting right through me, again, catching both Asher and I off guard. I clutch around him in release before we both still, attempting to breathe.

  Once we compose ourselves, Asher throws me a lazy grin before his eyes drop to my neck. “Fuck.” He frowns. His fingers run over the mark. “Sometimes, I forget you’re human.”

  “Human or not, I’m stronger than I look, Ash.” I sigh. “Besides, that was…incredible.”

  I drop a kiss to his lips and wiggle on his lap for good measure.

  A small smile tugs at his lips. “One might even say it was…awesome.”

  I roll my eyes. “No. One would not say it was awesome.”

  He pouts. “Way to wound a guy when he’s still inside of you, siren.”

  I rock my hips and lean into his ear so I can whisper.

  “It was fucking awesome, just like you, Asher St. Michael.”

  Asher flips me onto my back. Hovering above me, he drops his face to mine, claiming my lips with a scorching kiss before reminding me, once again, why he is mine.

  20 Provoked

  I TRY TO HIDE MY ANNOYANCE BEHIND my steaming mug of coffee. Bringing it to my lips, I take another sip. Over the top of the mug, my vision slides between the two pairs of blue eyes watching me from across the kitchen island.

  Once set is twinkling at me, and the other is full of amused judgment. Feeling aggravated I close my eyes and manifest a mini screen to appear on the granite countertop, blocking out the two gargoyles.

  Not to my surprise, the divider doesn’t stand a chance. Twinkling Eyes immediately removes it, giving me an unnaturally beautiful nice try expression.

  I exhale and place my mug down. “Why are you two staring at me?”

  Abby shrugs. “We’re basking in your afterglow.”

  I sit further back in the chair and cross my arms. “My what?”

  “Morning, after, glow,” Callan says slowly. “Something you give off, cutie, after having, hot. Passionate. Gargoyle coitus,” he explains.

  Abby giggles like a teenager. “Coitus,” she repeats. “Those books are so formal.”

  I frown. “What makes you think I had hot, passionate gargoyle sex?”

  “Aside from the fornication bruises, you have a bite mark.” Callan points with his spoon toward my neck. “You do realize we’re gargoyles not vampires, right, Eves?”

  My cheeks tint pink as I reposition my hair over my shoulders to hide the new mark.

  “Of course she knows we’re not vampires.” Abby playfully smacks her mate.

  “I’m just pointing out that all supernatural creatures are not the same. While vampires might seem hot and sexy, they bite. And not in the good way your protector seems to get off on,” he continues. “Regardless of how they’re portrayed in the movies.”

  “Plus, your hair is all sex rumpled,” Abby adds.

  “Excellent point, babe.” Callan winks at her before returning his judgy eyes to me.

  I sigh and run my hands through my hair, trying to tame it. A few seconds later Asher strolls into the kitchen. I blush again when I notice his hair is tousled and he looks all just woke up sexy as he makes his way over to the coffee pot.

  My eyes shift to Callan and Abby who are beaming and grinning like know-it-all fools.

  “This family needs boundaries,” I mumble and push around blueberries on my plate.

  A few seconds later, Asher walks over to the island, placing his coff
ee mug next to mine. He leans over the counter, swiping a blueberry from my plate.

  “Morning, siren,” he says softly.

  “Good morning,” I reply, looking a little nervous.

  Not understanding my reaction, his eyes shift to Abby and Callan who are watching us like we’re a reality show.

  “Sleep well, Ash?” Callan smirks knowingly.

  “Don’t answer him,” I mutter.

  “What’s going on?” Asher asks, helping me smooth down my hair.

  “We need our own place,” I interject.

  Asher points a look to Callan and Abby, who have the gall to feign innocence.

  “Stop teasing her. And stop with the sex lectures. It’s creepy.” He throws a blueberry at Callan who catches it in his mouth. “I’d like to think some of us are adults here.”

  “You know Eves is already marked, right? You don’t have to keep chomping on her neck to prove to us that she’s yours,” Callan quips.

  Asher’s eyes narrow at his brother. “She’s mine. I’ll chomp on her anywhere and anyhow I like. Or she likes. Which she does,” Asher banters and grabs a strawberry off my plate before he shoves the entire thing in his damn sexy mouth. Flipping gargoyle.

  “Could we maybe just have a normal conversation?” I ask the group.

  “Of course, sweetie,” Abby agrees cheerfully. “Ooh. Let’s discuss when you want to go shopping for your mate ceremony dress.” She claps and her eyes get all excited.

  “Abby, that is not normal breakfast conversation,” I argue.

  “Yes, it is.” She huffs. “Shopping is a very normal topic of discussion,” she counters.

  “Not when it’s for a dress to wear at a supernatural mating ceremony, between a gargoyle and human, entailing a blood infusion so our link and bond can be eternal,” I retort.

  “Well, when you put it like that.” She pouts as Keegan and McKenna join us.

  Callan grimaces. “Maybe we are more like the vampire movies than we thought.”

  “As least we don’t fucking sparkle,” McKenna snips.

  Callan smirks and points a finger at her. “There is that.”

  I exhale. “This clan is nuts.”

  “Nuts about you,” Asher adds, stealing another strawberry off my plate.

  “Not all of us are nuts about you, blood of Eden,” McKenna retorts.

  “Old news,” I singsong.

  “Asher, the council has requested an audience.” Keegan announces. He fills a plate with fruit, sliding it between himself and McKenna so they can share. “With all of us,” he adds.

  At that, Asher raises his eyes to his brother’s matching set. “Why?”

  “The messenger didn’t specify. He said simply that they wanted to speak with the clan.”

  “Seems odd that they’d request all of us,” Callan says thoughtfully.

  “Maybe they just want an update on the priestesses and Lady Finella,” Abby suggests.

  “Let’s accept. The sooner the better. Eve and I need to return to the States for a bit.”

  “Why?” I ask Asher.

  “We need to head to the Vineyard to clear out Elizabeth’s house. I thought you might want your belongings,” he explains in a quiet tone.

  My stomach plummets and I just watch him without words. At the silence, Asher leans over and grips the back of my neck before planting a soft kiss to my temple.

  “I’m sorry. Never mind. When you’re ready, siren, yeah? There’s no rush.”

  I swallow and nod. “Okay,” I whisper.

  “How is Galena?” Asher asks Keegan.

  “She should have already woken up. Fiona thinks she was spelled. I’ve asked Gage to bring Nassa back to the manor to see if the charm can be undone,” Keegan answers.

  Asher blows out a breath. “What the hell is going on within the supernatural community?”

  Keegan’s eyes meet mine before I can snap them away only to be met by McKenna’s narrowed stare.

  “Keegan, I’d like Gage to join us at the council. It’s been far too long since his face was in front of the members,” Asher adds.

  Callan’s gaze slides to Keegan’s in a nonverbal discussion.

  “You sure about that, Ash?” Callan asks. “He’s not the most welcome, amongst the council.”

  Asher fiddles with the top of my last strawberry, which already has a bite in it. “Yep.”

  Keegan stands. “I guess I better get word to Lord Falk then.”

  I rush to my feet as well. “I’ll help,” I offer and the room goes silent.

  Keegan’s eyes drift around the room before pinning me with a surprised expression.

  “That’s kind of you Eve, however, I think I can manage.” His voice is polite.

  I raise my eyebrows and tighten my jaw. “Are you sure? Because I’m happy to.”

  I need to get Keegan alone before we go to the council, so I can inform him about my conversation with Michael. By his ashen coloring, I’m guessing I didn’t really think this through.

  “I’m sure, Eve,” he repeats back to me, slowly, before leaving. Damn.

  After a few moments of enduring the awkward silence, I decide to bolt.

  “I’m just going to shower,” I mumble.

  McKenna steps in front of me, stopping my escape. With only a breath between us, she looks down on me with cold eyes, and a permanent snarl attached to her perfect lips.

  “Explain,” she orders.

  “Kenna,” Asher warns from behind me.

  The striking warrior holds up a hand for him to stop. “It’s my right, Ash.”

  I dip my chin and tilt my head slightly. From my peripheral vision, I see Asher nod once.

  “Shit.” Callan blows out an exaggerated breath.

  The word causes Asher’s jaw to tighten in aggravation.

  “Why are you so eager to help my mate, blood of Eden?” she bites out.

  “I don’t know, McKenna.” I lift my chin and gaze to hers. Then I give her a smartass smirk. “Maybe because he looks so much like Asher I want to mark him for my own,” I provoke.

  Ignoring the growl from Asher, I hold her eyes in a challenging gaze. I’m so focused on baiting her that I don’t notice she’s pulled her arm back before her fist meets my nose with a sickening crunch.

  In pain, tears immediately prick my eyes as my breath escapes me then I see white spots. Warm liquid begins to trail down my face and into my mouth. I wipe it with the back of my hand before throwing her an evil glare. “You just fucking punched me.”

  The protector stands taller and her lips twist victoriously. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the day we met, blood of Eden.”

  “Well, then I hope it was all you dreamed it would be and more,” I spit out.

  Her eyes sparkle. “I’m not going to lie, it felt pretty fucking good.”

  She spins on her heel and leaves while I slowly turn to the rest of the clan. Abby stands and heads over to the freezer, pulling out a bag.

  “A little heads up would have been helpful,” I say, taking the wet dishtowel Callan offers with a dramatic swipe.

  “You did egg her on, cutie.” He chuckles.

  I wipe away the red liquid as Abby throws the frozen peas at me, forcing me to drop the towel and catch the bag. She shoots me a disappointed glare when I whine as the cold burns my potentially broken nose.

  “Don’t whine. You asked for it by challenging her,” she scolds. “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you did it on purpose to get out of dress shopping. Which, by the way, isn’t happening. When we return from the council meeting, it’s on. You. Me. And Sarah Burton,” she threatens. “That’s right, Collins, we’re going to the house of McQueen,” she shouts dramatically and storms out of the kitchen.

  Callan begins to chase after her. “Where are you going?” I ask him.

  “She’s pissed. It’s hot.” He wiggles his eyebrows before trailing after his girl.

  My eyes lock onto Asher’s. He doesn’t look amused.

“Aren’t you supposed to protect me or something?” I throw out on a heavy sigh.

  “I’m stronger than I look, Asher. I don’t need protection. Let me fight my own battles,” he mimics, throwing my words back at me. “I’m trying to back off, siren. As asked.”

  “A little protection every once in and a while would be fine.” I humph.

  Slowly, he makes his way to me. Taking the peas off my face, he gently cups my cheeks and pushes healing energy into me. The black streams of light float between us as my nose rights itself and stops bleeding. Once he’s done, he picks up the towel and wipes the remaining blood from my face before placing the frozen bag back, causing me to wince.

  “Thanks,” I mutter.

  “I’d still keep that on for the swelling,” he suggests, studying me.

  “What?” I question, sounding nasal.

  “My brother looks so much like me, you want to mark him for your own?” He repeats and provides me a full throttle, sexy, Asher St. Michael smile.

  I roll my eyes. “I was just saying it to get a rise out of McKenna.”

  “A job well done then, siren.” His smile gets larger. Damn gargoyle.

  “Asher,” I whine.

  “If you wanted to have a ménage a trios all you had to do was ask, siren.” His voice becomes seductive.

  “Stop being stupid.” I push at his arm while he laughs.

  “Didn’t Callan and Abby tell you that communication is key with your mate about sexual needs and desires,” he teases.

  My anger rises at his weirdness. “Asher, stop,” I half-heartedly complain.

  “Come here.” He takes me gently in his arms before placing a kiss on my head. “Keegan is in the office letting the council know we’ll grant them an audience. I’m sure he’s by himself. Go I know you want to talk with him,” he says into my hair.

  “And you don’t want to know why?” I ask, sniffing.

  “When you’re ready, siren.” He plants one last kiss to my forehead and leaves.

  At the last moment, he looks over his shoulder. “I’m always happy to call Hesperia if you change your mind about the megage. It’s my job, as your mate, to keep you happy,” he jokes and I chuck the bag of peas at his head.


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