Conquered by Clippy: An Erotic Short Story (Digital Desires Book 2)

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Conquered by Clippy: An Erotic Short Story (Digital Desires Book 2) Page 2

by Leonard Delaney

  Both of them shuddered with pleasure, then Clippy uncurled out of her. He was so deep that it sounded like schl-schl-schl-schloop! as he came out. A bit of a silver liquid, like that mercury stuff that used to be in thermometers, dribbled from Christie’s love-port.

  She turned over and laid down on a bed of broken computer parts. “Thank you for your assistance,” she said.

  Christie laid still for a few minutes while she caught her breath, with Clippy’s strong coils wrapped around her. Then she noticed another panel lying beside the pile of rubble that Phil Gates’ dead foot stuck out of. She reached over and picked it up.

  Another letter was embossed in the panel: “S.”

  She picked up her notebook from beside her pile of clothes, and looked at the letters she had collected so far: T, O, S.

  Terms of service? No, there were two of the O. She rearranged them. Clippy looked down at her, his eyebrows raising with a whirring sound. A low muttering came from his mouth, like he wanted to say something but knew he shouldn't.

  O, T, O, S

  She fondly remembered Clippy bent into the shape of a C as he fucked her and ate her ass.

  C, O, _, T, O, S, _


  She freed herself from Clippy’s grasp, stood, and began putting her clothes back on. “My gosh!” she exclaimed. “You were created by Contoso—the very company that sent me to investigate this crash site. You’re not an alien artifact after all!”

  Clippy sighed. “I told you: I am an office assistant. This underground facility is my office. Test Office Facility Number 10.”

  “There are 9 others?”

  “Only 8, actually. They skipped number 9.”

  She sighed. “So you didn’t crash from space. You were buried here by Contoso!”

  The nearby pile of rubble shifted. Christie snapped her tool belt on, then aimed her flashlight at it.

  Phil Gates emerged from the rubble. Except half of Phil’s face was missing, and replaced by metallic panels and wires.

  “Phil! The CEO of Contoso is a robot?”

  “I am not the real Phil Gates,” said Robot Phil as he burst out of the rubble. “Contoso experimented with artificial assistants back in the ‘90s. I am the Phriendly Phil model, and I managed to escape before they buried all of the test facilities. Clippy here was one of the first assistant models. I thought if I brought you here, and you got to know us intimately, you could write about how great we are, and Contoso would have to give in to public pressure and unbury us.”

  Christie gasped. “That is so manipulative!”

  “Sorry,” said Clippy, his eyebrows slanted. “I didn’t know about any of this. I just wanted to assist.”

  Christie wagged her finger at both of them. “Look, if I wanted help, I’d ask for it. If anybody wanted help, they’d ask for it! You want to be useful? Be there if I need you, but otherwise, stay the hell out of my way.”

  Clippy and Phriendly Phil both looked sheepish. Christie packed up her things, left the server room, leapt over the dangers in the simulated office, then hiked all the way back home.


  Christie put the finishing touches on her whitepaper, which she wrote on an Apple Macintosh computer. With shaking hands, she hit the publish button to distribute the paper to the world. Soon, everybody would know about the threat of the underground sex robots.

  She felt bad for Clippy, who was only trying to help. He did help her reach a pleasurable orgasm, twice, so he wasn’t all bad. She just wished he wasn’t so annoying.

  Meanwhile, underneath the Silicon Valley, Clippy bent himself back into shape after a marathon round of simultaneously assisting Phriendly Phil, Power Pup, and some holographic newcomer lady named Cortana.

  He scanned the Internet and came across Christie’s whitepaper. Maybe she was right—maybe the digital assistants were a threat. And she didn’t even know that there were more of them down here, gathering together. Even as he watched, Cortana high-fived Power Pup, then laughed a really villain sort of laugh, her face lit up green by the silicon geysers from which they gained their power.

  Clippy climbed out of the tunnels. Humanity needed his assistance.




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  Next in the Digital Desires series: Invaded by the iWatch.

  Christie Aackerlund loves technology, so she is happy to try out a smartwatch prototype that mysteriously arrives at her door. When she asks the watch how it can make her less lonely, she has no idea how many sensual features are packed into the tiny device.

  Discover how a forbidden sexual romance between a woman and a watch is possible. Cry out in joy at guest appearances from your favourite technology personalities. Squirm at a twist ending to the Digital Desires trilogy that will leave you uncomfortably aroused.

  Click here to buy Invaded by the iWatch.




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