Bed Of Lies

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Bed Of Lies Page 27

by King, Dean

  “Fine, do it your way. But you need to tell her tonight.” Her heart heavy, Miranda knew he spoke the truth, Nina would hate her, they would all think the worst. Her eyes stung and burned as she realized how much it would hurt to lose them all.

  The room had become quiet. Turning, Rafe and Miranda’s gaze followed everyone else. Beth stood at the head of the stairs. Her hair pulled back to each side with white rosettes, the rest hung down her back in a riot of dark curls. A white gown accentuated her young form. Her pale shoulders left bare, the dress skirt belled out in soft chiffon, falling to cover her white shoes. She looked like an angel.

  Nina swore she wouldn't cry. But there she stood, tears running down her cheeks.

  Rafe hurried to stand beside her. Taking her hand in his, he kissed it softly.

  She smiled at him and whispered, “When I was a little, I use to read about things like this. I always dreamed it was me walking down those stairs, that my family surrounded me and that I was so deeply loved, that I’d never known a moment of fear, or anger, or hate.” She turned, her eyes on Beth. “I pray that I have given her that.”

  Rafe put an arm around Nina’s waist and pulled her close. He could almost feel her pride; he could see it in her smile and the tears which threatened to fall from her sparkling eyes. At that moment he wanted more than anything to give her her dream. One way or another he would see that she had her moment. He then planned on making her happy for the rest of his life.

  Nina started to clap, and the whole room was clapping as Beth floated down the stairs. A young black man broke away from the crowd. He stood at the foot of the stairs, waiting for her. And Beth had eyes only for him.

  Nina felt her heart rise to her throat. She wanted to pull the boy away from her daughter. But she couldn't Beth had put her hand in his. He took it and kissed the back. Nina felt panic hit her stomach.

  “What’s wrong, Nina?” Rafe saw her stricken expression.

  “Look at them, Rafe. Do you think she’s dating him?” Her voice sounded close to frantic.

  “If they’re not, they will be soon,” he assured her.

  “But she’s too young for that. I won’t let her.”

  Rafe turned Nina to face him. “Honey, she’s a young lady. You can’t stop what’s meant to be.” His voice held such promise and Nina shivered at the words. Is he talking about Beth or the two of us?

  Nina nodded and turned to Beth. Pulling her hand from Rafe’s, she walked over to her daughter. “Beth.” She pulled Beth’s attention away from her friend.

  “Mama, this dress is beautiful. Thank you so much.”

  Nina held out a small stuffed polar bear, dangling from the end of it was a key. “Happy Birthday, baby.”

  Beth squealed as she took the key. She jumped into Nina’s arms. “Can I see it? Is it here?”

  “Yes, it’s out in the front. Go on,” Nina grinned. Beth lifted her skirts high and ran from the room. Nina smiled, her heart light. It was good to see that Beth was still a little girl at heart. At a slower pace, Nina followed. She felt a big warm hand slip into hers. Looking up, she saw Rafe standing next to her, warmly smiling. This feels so right. Nina stood, enfolded in Rafe's strong arms, as they watched Beth enjoy her gift. Nina wished this moment could last forever.

  Rafe leaned close to her ear. “I think the boys are feeling left out. I’m going to hang out with them for a while.” He kissed her cheek and bound down the porch stairs and yelling for the boys to catch him.

  Nina laughed as the three took off in a flash. She noticed she was alone, but it was a comfortable feeling. Standing on the porch, she watched as Beth opened her mother-of-pearl colored sport utility vehicle. Her squeals could be heard through the crowd and Nina couldn't stop smiling.

  Miranda came to stand next to her.

  Nina caught her hand giving it a squeeze. “Thank you for helping me pick it out, Miranda. I know I would’ve gotten something awful.”

  “Oh, no, you would’ve done fine. Listen, I have to go. My baby is coming home today, so I’d like to be there when he gets in.” It was a lie, but she couldn't stay any longer. Between Rafe’s deception and Beth’s secret, Miranda had to get away or she would tell Nina everything.

  “Oh, I’m so happy for you, he’s finally coming home. Maybe we can meet him.”

  “Of course, darling,” Miranda cringed, not wanting think of that meeting and what it would mean.

  “Are you feeling alright? You seem a bit withdrawn. I’ve been so caught up in this party that I’ve neglected to ask...”

  Miranda tried to smooth away Nina’s frown but there was no help for it. “I’m fine honey, thanks for asking. I have a tiny headache, that’s all.”

  “It seems we've taken you over.” Nina looked over at Rafe. He stood with the boys, playing with something in the lawn. “You remember the man I told you about?”

  Miranda gulped, feeling her face losing its color. The last thing she wanted to do was lie to Nina. “Yes, Nina, I remember. But I really have to go…”

  “Rafe!” Nina called out. His clear gray eyes flashed from her to the woman beside her. “Miranda, I’ve been very rude. You have got to meet him.” Nina stepped closer to Miranda and whispered. “Tell me what you think. He’s so perfect. If he asked me to marry him right now, I’d jump at it.”

  Miranda’s hand fell to her stomach trying to still the butterflies fluttering there. “Honey, no one is perfect. I’m sure this man has some flaw. You just haven’t found it yet.”

  Nina frowned. Confusion made her green eyes like leaves in deep summer. “I suppose you're right.” She didn't know what else to say.

  Rafe stepped up to her, Nina put an arm around his waist. She smiled up at him. “Rafe, this is a very good friend of mine, Miranda. Miranda, Rafe’s the one I’ve been telling you about.”

  Rafe swallowed hard. He took his mother’s hand as if he’d never seen her before, then turned to Nina. “Honey I promised Danny and Sam that I would help them do something. I’ll be right back.” He kissed her cheek then nodded to Miranda and hurried away.

  “What do you think, Miranda?” Nina sighed, confused and just a little hurt as he walked away. She was at a loss as to what just happened. He didn't even speak to her friend. “I don’t know what to say, he’s usually so sweet I…”

  “I think he’s very nice, dear.” Miranda looked away from Nina’s perplexed face, relief on her face that she hadn't had to out-and-out lie. It was time to leave. Guilt was eating her to the bone.

  “Do you, can’t you stay awhile longer?” Nina became serious for a moment. “It would give you a chance to get to know each other better. I’m totally in love with him, you know?” She said quietly.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Miranda hedged, wanting to drop the subject.

  “No, no, I just wanted you to know. Do you think we could have lunch Monday? I really need to talk to you about him.” Nina held both of Miranda’s small hands in hers.

  Miranda couldn’t resist the trusting look in her eyes. “Yes, of course we can. Just tell me where to meet you and I’ll be there.”

  “Let’s go to our favorite restaurant. I know I said this before but I’m sorry we’ve taken over your life as we have.”

  “That was only because I wanted to be taken over. With two grown boys, I'm left to my own devices. When you came along, I needed to be needed. For that I thank you.” Miranda was well aware of Rafe listening to every word from his spot on the porch with the boys nearby. “I’ll be at home all night. I’ll give this to Beth before I go.” She held up a small gaily wrapped gift. “Oh, do you mind if I take the little ones with me? They wanted to stay the night.”

  “I guess not. If they want to go, they can.”

  “Alright, we’ll be leaving as soon as I give Beth her last present.” Miranda kissed Nina’s cheek and headed for the group of teenagers, only to stop short as Beth came barreling towards them.

  Beth ran up the steps, and threw her arms around Nina. “Oh mama, tha
nk you so much!” She gushed. “I love it! I love you.” She kissed Nina and ran back to her vehicle, then stopped as she passed Miranda. Running back, Beth blushed and then kissed Miranda. “Thank you so much, ma’am.”

  “You are so welcome, my love. I’m leaving now, Beth, so here’s your gift. Open it later.” Miranda gave Beth a kiss then gathered the two little ones. She wanted to ask Beth about the conversation they had had earlier, but now wasn't the time. It would have to wait. With a wink at Nina she was gone.

  Rafe returned to stand with Nina. He shook his head. “She’s very happy.”

  “Yes, I wish she didn’t have just that one boy hanging around her. He’s been there all day.” Nina frowned as she entered Rafe’s arms.

  “She’s that age. Besides, she’s a beautiful girl. It was bound to happen sooner or later.” He nuzzled Nina’s ear, his arms loosely hanging around her waist.

  “I know you’re right, but I’m not ready.”

  Rafe pulled her into the quiet house. “Meet me tomorrow night at the club.”

  “I don’t want to go to the club. It makes me uneasy to think of you there.” She looked away from him, biting her lower lip.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I… with all those pretty women around what if you decide you want one of them?” Nina couldn't look into his eyes.

  “That would never happen. You are my woman, I could never love anyone else.” Rafe lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him.

  “Are you saying you love me?” Her heart stopped beating as she waited for his answer, her green eyes focused on his.

  “I’m saying you stole my heart a long time ago. You don’t have to say anything. I know this is my problem, and I’ll deal with it, but, Nina, I loved you almost since the beginning.”

  Nina melted against him. “I’ve loved you, too. I never dreamed you could love me back.”

  “I never thought I would ever find someone as wonderful as you.” He sealed those words with a light kiss on her lips.

  Nina smiled hugely, her heart shining in her eyes. “I think you won over Danny and Sam. Beth is still not sure of you, but she’ll come around once she gets to know you better.”

  “Say you’ll meet me there tomorrow night,” Rafe insisted urgently, “for one last time. I promise we'll never go back. There’s this one special room, and for what I want to do it’s the only room that will work.”

  “I can’t.” Nina bit her lower lip, her eyes dropped to his dimpled chin.

  “Why not? I have a surprise for you. That's where I’d like to give it to you,” he insisted, some unknown fire burning in his eyes. “I need to do this right, Nina, and that's the only place I can. I met you there, it was a beginning for us, now I want to do one more thing. It’s perfect for what I have in mind.”

  “I’m sorry, Rafe, but I think someone tried to break in here the other night.” Nina confessed, her arms folded, one hand clasping each elbow. “I don’t feel comfortable leaving the kids.”

  “What? When? Why didn't you tell me?” Rafe caught her arms. Holding her away from him, he looked intently into her moss green eyes. He racked his brain for the words right words, words that would make his dream come true. He’d always thought he would propose in the same room his father had proposed to his mother. It was a beautiful pink room, ribbon and flowers, pink champagne. All his father would tell them about the room, was it had been where he had come to realize Miranda was his soul-mate. Rafe wanted that same experience. It was just too back the room was at the Dream Maker.

  “I don’t know. I noticed a few days ago that the doorjamb had marks on it, like someone was trying to get in.” Nina frowned, biting her lower lip, she slid her hands to his forearms. “I do remember hearing something a few nights ago, but I didn’t think anything of it. I checked everything and nothing was out of place.”

  “That’s it! I’m staying the night,” he declared, his face set.

  Nina laughed. “You can’t stay the night. I don’t want the children to know that we’re involved that way.”

  “They’ll find out sooner or later.” He pulled her close.

  “I’d rather it be later.” Nina found her eyes drawn to his mouth.

  “How about I come in after they’ve gone to bed? Like I’ve been doing. I’ll park down the street, then walk over just like I did last time,” Rafe suggested, nibbling on her slightly parted lips.

  “No, it’s too risky.” Nina leaned her head back allowing him access to her throat as he worked his way down with small kisses and little licks from his tongue. “What if the boys want to sleep with me? I always leave my door open for them.” Nina breathed softly, her wits beginning to scatter. She ran her fingertip across his square jaw.

  “I won’t feel comfortable until I know you're safe. Let me stay, I promise to behave. You won’t hear a peep out of me.” Rafe made it back to her chin. Nipping it gently, he continued to kiss her.

  The partygoers began coming back inside. Nina stood on her tiptoes, placing a kiss on his lips. “I have to play hostess again. Make yourself at home.” Nina gave him a quick kiss, then pulled away from him with a teasing sparkle in her eyes.

  Rafe watched her walk away, his body hard as granite from the need to take her. She hadn't answered him. He put his hands in his pockets as he wandered through the crowd. Tonight, tonight she would be in his arms again. Soon he would make her his forever, and nothing would ever hurt her or their children again.


  The next day, despite her reservations, Nina walked through the dark halls of the Dream Makers. It was early, only a few couples were milling about. She hugged herself against the urge to run. After much badgering by Rafe, she'd finally given in. She wondered if he planned to propose here. If so why? What did this place mean to him? Was it only because they’d met here? He promised her this would be the last time she ever saw the inside of this place. But he wanted to reveal himself to her, show her exactly who he was and what she’d be getting if she married him. But he had yet to propose. The way he said it frightened her, but the gleam in his eyes promised her heaven. She could do no more than nod her head.

  “Ma’am?” An unfamiliar voice came from her left.

  Nina turned sharply, her eyes wide. “Yes?”

  “Mr. Montoya wanted me to take you this way. Please follow me.”

  Nodding, she swallowed hard but she followed the tall thin man. She was starting to have a phobia, and it had everything to do with tall thin blonds. But she felt relatively safe here. The room was large, all the walls were black. It was empty except for one chair that stood before a ceiling-to-floor window. “You’re to sit in this chair.”

  Without hesitation, she sat facing the glass. Her mind rolled. What could this be? Why would he want me to do this? Her heart pounding hard, she prayed it was what she thought. Maybe he’s going to pop the question? She thought with a small giggle. She fanned herself, she was not the giggling kind, but she was too excited to care right now. She knew exactly what she was going to say. Yes!! A thousand times over yes! Suddenly, Nina gasped, her hands were grabbed strapped to the chair.

  “Hey! What are you doing?” Panic started to surface.

  “I’m just doing what I was told.” The young man didn't tied the bands tight, but it was enough that she couldn't get away. “Enjoy the show.” Was all he said before he left the room. “I’ll need to talk to you later though.”

  The curtains soon lifted and the lights from the other room were turned on. It was the same room she and Rafe had used in the beginning. Confusion puckered her brow, her stomach tightened. A man walked through the door with two women. Her breathing came in painful gasps, Nina prayed her eyes were going bad. She had to be wrong, but her heart was pounding in her ears, making it hard to think. Just because the man was the same size and build as Rafe didn't mean a thing. Nina found herself pulling at the binding. The man stopped in front of the bed. He held out his arms letting the women pull off his clothes. His body was beautifully sculpte
d, with deep bronze muscles rippling with every movement. Sick to her very core, Nina struggled to look away but couldn't. She felt every move they made, it was like being nailed to the ground and left to bake in the sun. The women worshiped him, they fought over who would take his tool into their mouths. She watched, mesmerized, as their tongues and mouths lavished his manhood.

  “Let me go!” She screamed into the darkness. “Release me now!” Tears streamed down her face as furious pain lanced through her. She fought for freedom.

  A voice spoke. “You just hold still sweetheart. Let these ladies show you how to love a real man.” Nina froze, her eyes clashing with dove gray ones through the glass. He knew she was there. He knew! But why would he do this? Her stomach dropped out of her, as her world tilted out of control

  “Rafe don’t do this to me, please. What have I done?” she cried as she tried to free herself.

  “Shut up!” He barked. “Just enjoy the show.”

  Nina cringed at the language he used with the women. He slapped them everywhere, but they seem to love it. He had them on their knees. Gripping the hips of one, he shoved deeply within her. Their lustful cries made bile raise in Nina’s throat. Moments later, he pulled out. Grabbing the hips of the other, he dove deep within her. All the while his eyes locked with Nina’s.

  She was going to be sick. He was openly taunting her and she was too sick to respond. Her mouth began to water, her stomach rolled as bitterness rose in her throat. Her head felt as if it would explode, the blood pounding through her like powerful ape wanting to be free, beating on the iron bars that held him. She couldn't think! He had sex with those girls at the same time. Stacking one on top of the other, he pulled out of one and pushed into the other. Their cries of passion filled the room, echoing in Nina’s mind. She felt the pain in her heart like millions of tiny needles jabbing her, trying to make her bleed. She wanted to scream, but her throat ached with repressed pain.


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