Captivated by the Brooding Billionaire

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Captivated by the Brooding Billionaire Page 12

by Rebecca Winters

  “Not if we set some parameters. How do you feel about a working wife?”

  With that one question, his taut hard body relaxed. She lifted her green eyes to his, revealing a shine that almost blinded him.

  “You realize I’ll have to find a teaching position somewhere around here, and I’ll have to go to school to learn French.”

  “Abby—” he whispered her name again, and started to reach for her.

  “And one more thing. I want a baby with you so badly I expect to get pregnant ASAP. If that happens, we’ll work out everything else.”

  In the next breath he cupped her face in his hands. “You just gave me the answer I’ve been dying for. All my adult life I wondered when or if the right woman would come along. When I found you sitting on the train station bench, my heart almost failed me. Somehow I knew my search was over.”

  “So did I. It was a feeling that grew stronger with every passing minute,” she murmured against his lips, hugging the life out of him. “I love you so terribly.”

  “Je t’aime, mon amour.”

  Raoul began kissing her with abandon. The freedom to love her had caused him to forget everything else. His hunger had taken over and he couldn’t get enough of her. He buried his face in her neck.

  “Our wedding day can’t come fast enough, but I agree with your mother. I don’t want anyone to know we got married until after the fact. By the time my family comes to grips with it, they’ll be ready to see us married in the church. But I’m going to have a devil of a time pretending that nothing is going on when all I want to do is steal you away for weeks on end. Come on. We have work to do.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my office. I’ll have our breakfast brought in from the château kitchen. While we eat, we’ll start to make arrangements. The first thing we have to do is meet with Boris Rochefort, our attorney in Dijon who’s licensed to practice law both here and in the States. He’ll issue us affidavits of law and marital status. I’ll also need a copy of Angélique’s death certificate. Next we’ll go to Dr. Filbert’s office for our medical exams.”

  “Ooh. I forgot about that. Can you trust these men not to tell anyone about us?”

  “If they want to keep their jobs.” She laughed. “Before we leave, you need to send for a certified birth certificate.”

  She leaned over to kiss him again. “I brought one with my passport, just in case of some emergency. Who would have thought I was going to need it to get married to the most marvelous man on earth?”

  He gathered her in his arms. “You’ve made me so happy, I’m never going to let you out of my sight.”

  “Promise? Oh, Raoul.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, but he was too hungry for her and knew this couldn’t go on if they were going to make the appointments he’d set up for them.

  * * *

  After they left her apartment and ate breakfast in his office, they drove to Dijon in the Maserati. Once they’d gone through the motions to receive the various certificates, Raoul took her to the city hall where he introduced Abby to Deputy Mayor Judge Tibault. His friend would marry them and waive the banns. Because of his packed schedule, the soonest their wedding could take place was nine o’clock on Thursday morning, three days away.

  By evening they dined at the Coin Caché. He reached across the small round table for her hand. “I brought you here to eat their two specialties: eggs in red wine, and Paris-Brest.”

  “What is that?”

  “One of my favorite desserts. It was named for a bicycle race between those two cities.”

  She smiled. “Now I understand.”

  “It’s a wheel-shaped pastry, made with a praline-flavored filling.”

  “Umm. That sounds delicious. When I cook for you, I’m afraid I won’t be making anything so exotic.”

  “You like to cook?”

  “I love it when I have the time. I’ll fix you some American dishes I know you’ll like.”

  “Abby—” Emotion made his throat swell. Instead of talking, he kissed the palm of her hands before letting it go.

  “I’m so excited to become your wife, Raoul. Everything that other wives have been doing since time immemorial, I’ll be able to do for you. For the next three days I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep.”

  “Don’t plan on getting any after we’re married.”

  She answered back with fire in those gorgeous green eyes. “I was going to tell you the same thing.”

  “Chérie—I know you don’t want me spending money on you, but since your family isn’t here, will you at least let me buy you a dress to wear on Thursday?”

  “Yes.” Her answer surprised and pleased him. “I’ve seen a few bridal shops while we’ve been going in and out of buildings. Will you have time tomorrow to drive me there?”

  “What do you think. Speaking of driving, we need to talk about a car for you.”

  “I left my old Honda at home in my parents’ garage.” Abby finished the last of her pastry. “When we get back to my apartment, I’ll call my folks when we can talk to dad. I’ll add that they can keep the car. They’ll want to talk to you.”

  “I’m looking forward to telling them that they’ve raised the loveliest woman on both sides of the Atlantic.”

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I need to take you home where we can be alone. When are you going to tell your friends about us?”

  She gave him an impish smile. “After the deed is done.”

  Raoul burst into laughter, loving this woman beyond anything he thought possible. On the way home he clung to her hand. It was still hard to believe she’d agreed to spend the rest of her life with him. That’s what he told her parents when they called them later that night on her phone.

  To Raoul’s surprise her father was friendly and made him laugh. “I’ve never been able to afford the Decorvet Pinot Noir. It’s too high-end for anyone I know. My daughter has come a long way,” he teased, emphasizing the long.

  Raoul said, “I’ll send you a case.”

  “If you’re trying to win my approval, that’s the way to do it. But seriously, our daughter has never sounded happier in her life.”

  “You have our blessing.” This from her mother.

  “Thank you. Later on, we’d like to have a church wedding where you and your family can come,” Raoul interjected. “It will be my pleasure to fly you over and back.”

  “We’ll look forward to that. Be sure to send pictures as soon as you’re married in Dijon.”

  “It’ll be the first thing we do, Mom,” Abby spoke up. “Give my love to everyone.”

  When they hung up, he wrapped her in his arms. “They’re incredibly nice for two parents who couldn’t possibly think this will work. The first thing I’m going to do tomorrow is send a shipment of wine to them.”

  “They’ll love it. I love it. They’re already so impressed with you, and I’m so madly in love with you it’s pathetic, even if your phone is ringing.”

  Raoul pulled it out of his pocket. “It’s my father.”

  “Go ahead and get it.”

  He kissed her thoroughly. “This is for business. I’ll call you in the morning and we’ll make our plans.”

  She walked him to the door. “I’ll be counting the hours.”

  * * *

  After he walked out to the car, Abby shut the door. There couldn’t be a happier woman in all France tonight. She hurried into the bedroom and got ready for bed. Knowing she wouldn’t be able to go to sleep yet, she reached for her laptop as she got under the sheets.

  The first thing she did was write a lengthy letter to the head of the literature department at San José State to let them know she was getting married and wouldn’t be returning in the fall. She would hand write an official letter of resignation later, but they needed to know her plans immedia

  Before she’d met Raoul, she couldn’t have imagined this scenario, not when she’d worked so long and hard for that position. But the world had changed on its axis when Raoul had come into her life. To think it hadn’t even been a whole week!

  With her missive sent, she got busy on another project. It had been a long time since she’d gone shopping for clothes, let alone a wedding dress. For the next hour she looked at everything under the sun. By the time she was ready to shut her computer off, she knew exactly the style and color she wanted. She’d pick up some other items too, including a few nightgowns.

  Abby got out of bed long enough to put the laptop back on the table and turn off the overhead light. Only a few more days and she’d be going to bed with Raoul every night. She climbed under the covers, imagining he was with her.

  The next morning she got up to shower and wash her hair. Since she would be picking out her wedding outfit, she wore her sundress with the jacket to look a little more dressed up. More new clothes were needed, but she’d worry about that later.

  Her phone didn’t ring until eight thirty. She hoped everything was all right and picked up after the first ring. “Raoul?”

  “Forgive me for not calling sooner. I’m afraid our plans are going to have to change today.” Disappointment swamped her. “I’ll explain later, but I’m going to be tied up with business until the afternoon, so I’ve instructed a maid from the château kitchen to bring you breakfast.

  “She should be there any minute. Anything else you want to eat, you’ll find in your kitchen. Feel free to explore the property or do whatever you want. I can’t give you a definite time when I’ll be back, but I promise to call and keep you informed.” He sounded rushed.

  “You always do. Is everything okay?”

  “It will be when I put out this latest fire.”

  This was his life and she’d better get used to it. “Good luck, my love.”

  No sooner had she hung up than the maid knocked on the door. Abby thanked her and walked into the sitting room with the delicious-looking meal. Once she’d eaten her fill, she walked back to her computer while she waited for Raoul.

  At noon he returned to the apartment. He swept her in his arms. “What have you been doing?”

  “Last night I sent in my resignation to the department. While I was waiting for you to come just now, I received an answer from Dr. Thurman. I’ll show it to you later.”

  He walked her out to the car and they took off. “Did he say he’d make you a full professeur to keep you on?”

  She smiled. “It wouldn’t have mattered if he’d offered me the moon. You have no idea how much I love you.” After kissing him again she said, “I wrote to Magda. If she hadn’t chosen me to help on that script, I would never have ended up in Switzerland and met you. To think if the girls and I had arrived a day later...”

  “I don’t want to think about it, Abby. It was meant to be. Do you know what kind of a dress you want to buy for our wedding?”

  “Yes! I saw exactly what I wanted online last night. If you’ll drive us to the Grace Loves Lace shop, that should be the only place we have to go. I hope you won’t mind staying in the car. I don’t want you to see it until Thursday.”

  He found it on the address locater. “After it’s put in a bag, I’ll come in long enough to pay for it.”

  “I’ll need some shoes too, and some lingerie. I can get everything there at the same time. I promise I won’t take a long time.”

  One thing he knew about Abby. She wasn’t one to play games and always kept her promises. After he dropped her off in front, he parked and made arrangements for their honeymoon. He had a surprise for her.

  Before long she waved to him from the entrance. He went inside to pay the clerk. After helping her out to the car with her garment bag and packages, he took her to dinner at a sidewalk café.

  “You look happy.” In truth she was radiant.

  “I am, but I’m wondering how I’m going to make it through to Thursday. I wish we were married right now.”

  He’d been thinking that for days now and took her back to the car. Before starting the engine, Raoul took a deep breath. “I have a lot of work to do, which will help me stay away from you tomorrow. As for tonight, it’s getting late. I’m going to take you back to the apartment and we won’t be seeing each other again until Thursday morning.”

  She chuckled. “I didn’t know you were so old-fashioned about not seeing the bride before the wedding.”

  “Surely you realize I have to let you go right now because I don’t trust myself to be around you any longer. At 6:30 a.m. Thursday, my assistant, Félix, will come for you in his car.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Gossip will follow that you’re moving out of the apartment for good. Which you are. He’ll load your luggage and everything you’ve bought. Be sure to wear something to suggest you’re dressed to travel. He’ll drive you to the helipad beyond the château and my pilot will fly you to a hotel in Dijon where I’ll be waiting.”

  “So this is it?” The disappointment in her eyes made him want to drive into the night with her and never return.

  “It would be a mistake to touch you again once we get back to the estate. Just remember that the next time we do this, you’ll be my wife.” On that fierce note he leaned toward her and kissed her fully, losing himself in the love this magnificent woman miraculously returned.

  * * *

  Raoul saw Abby to the door of her apartment with her things, but he didn’t reach for her. She trembled uncontrollably when she heard him drive away.

  Everything had to be kept secret. It seemed wrong, but her mother thought it was best and she had to trust Raoul that this was the only way for them. As soon as they were married, they’d go immediately to the château and announce it to his family in his grandparents’ suite.

  Trying to throw off her worry, she took out her dress and opened the other bags. She wished her friends were here to see the knee-length white lace dress and celebrate with her.

  Abby hadn’t planned to tell them until after the wedding, but she was too excited to hold back. Since it was late, she texted both of them and to let them know what was going on before she went to bed.

  When morning came she still hadn’t heard back from them. Afraid that Raoul might send a maid with her breakfast, she repacked everything and put it out of sight. Since she couldn’t stand to be alone with her thoughts any longer, she looked up some addresses in Dijon, then phoned for a taxi.

  After it arrived, she asked the driver to take her to the jewelry store address on her list. It was very small and they spoke English. For the next hour she looked at all the men’s wedding bands. “Do you have any special, unique kinds of bands?”

  The jeweler brought out another tray. When she saw the yellow gold one with a small cluster of round purple jewels in the center, she knew she’d found what she wanted. “This looks like it was made for a vintner.”

  “Indeed it was.” The jeweler looked pleased. “I’ve been wondering when someone would buy it.”

  She smiled. “I think it’s been waiting for me. What’s the price?”

  When he told her, she blinked. It would take all the money she’d planned to spend on her vacation, but she decided it didn’t matter because she only intended to be married once. She could never do enough for Raoul to show him how much she loved him.

  “Will you engrave something for me on the inside?”

  “Bien sûr.” He handed her a pad and pencil.

  Abby printed the words for my beloved in French and the date of the wedding.

  Mon bien-aimé, le 9 juin.

  “It won’t be ready for a couple of hours.”

  “Then I’ll be back.” She paid him with her credit card and left to get lunch at a café she’d seen around the corner on her way here. Once she’d given
her order, her phone rang. Her pulse raced, thinking it was Raoul. But when she pulled it out of her purse, she saw the caller ID and answered.


  “So you’re really going to do it!” she blurted first thing.


  “Without giving me or Ginger a chance to be there?”

  “We’ll get married again in church in front of all our family and friends, but we have to be married civilly first.” She gripped the phone tighter. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  “Yes, but I can tell you’re so in love with him you can’t help yourself. Just remember that Ginger and I will be thinking of you tomorrow, even though you won’t be thinking about us. Now I’ve got to run to catch the ferry. God bless. May you have joy, Abby.”

  Joy was the right word.

  Abby ate her pasta salad and then did some window shopping until it was time to pick up the ring. When she walked into the shop, he had it waiting for her.

  “Do you want this gift wrapped?”

  “No.” She inspected the inscription. “This is perfect. Thank you. Just put it in the little box.”

  “Très bien.”

  With it tucked safely in her purse, she started to leave, then went back to the counter. “Do you have any pins for a woman to wear on a suit jacket or dress? Maybe something with flowers?”

  He frowned. “What do you mean exactly?”

  “Well, I’m getting married in the morning to an important vintner in the region, and I’d like to have a gift to give my fiancé’s mother. Nothing extravagant, but something meaningful that says I love her wonderful son.”

  “Let me think. I’ll have to go in back where I keep my special collections.” He came out a minute later and laid a little one-inch gold pin on the velvet. It was a vine with enamel purple grapes and one enameled white flower at the top.

  Abby shook her head. “I can’t believe you have something like this.”

  “Burgundy is famous for its vineyards.”

  “It’s exactly what I was hoping to find. How much is it?”

  “Consider it a wedding present from my shop. I hope you’ll come in again.”


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