Training Mrs. C. (Blushing Books 12 Days of Christmas 8)

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Training Mrs. C. (Blushing Books 12 Days of Christmas 8) Page 2

by Isabella Kole

  "I'm going to be punished anyway, so why should they?" she asked in a stubborn tone.

  "Make it easier on yourself, honey. Tell me the truth."

  Catie closed her mouth tightly. Nick walked over to her and led her to the bed. He unbuttoned her coat, and for the second time that afternoon he let it slide to the floor. There was no passionate kiss to follow this time. Instead, he turned her around and told her to bend over the bed.

  She did as she was told and a few minutes later, she felt him tugging at her jeans, pulling them down to her knees. Her lace panties soon followed as she braced herself for what was coming next.

  The wooden paddle made contact with her bottom and she jumped. "Ouch!"

  Ignoring her, Nick smacked the sit spot once more and said, "Tell me who your accomplices were and this will be over much sooner."

  "No," she said.

  "Catie, please," Nick said as the wood touched her cheeks again. They were beginning to redden, but he yielded another crack of the paddle before he told her to get dressed.

  Wiping a tear from her cheek as she pulled her jeans up and fastened them, she looked at him and said, "Okay, when I walked outside I could see Jack and the other two, I don't know their names, were up to something. When I asked them what, they told me. I saw no harm in what they were doing, so I helped them. I had no idea it would cause a problem. Now, are you happy?"

  Pulled into his strong embrace, she felt his heart beating fast as he held her. "Catie, sweetie, don't you know by now, you can't get caught up in their schemes? I hope you've learned your lesson this time."

  "You're saying I should have marched right back inside and tattled on them?" she asked.

  "In time, you'll learn the fine art of reasoning with them. You'll calmly talk them out of doing something so hare-brained. Until that time, you're going to have to learn the hard way, I guess. Now, I've got to go help Dad. Catie, I love you. We're in this together. You knew it wasn't going to be easy, to join this family. I hope you never regret your decision to become my wife."

  "Nick, you're right. I did know. Maybe I didn't realize it would be so much work, learning to be the next Mrs. C, but I wouldn't trade our life for anything in the world. Now, go, do what you need to do. I'll see you at dinner."

  He leaned down and kissed the top of her head before he bolted out of the room.

  Catie sat down on the edge of the bed and thought about her afternoon. She had so much to learn. How could she have reasoned with Jack? Nick was right; the elves had no respect for her as their next queen. They thought of her as one of the gang. She had to change that, but how? It was in her nature to have fun.

  A short time later, she made her way down the stairs and joined Clara in the kitchen.

  "Here, dear, have a cup of cocoa. It'll help calm you. Would you like to tell me what that was all about?" the older woman asked.

  "Oh, Clara, I've really messed up this time. I helped some of the elves do something that resulted in the power going out in the workshop. Now Santa and Nick have to get it fixed, and the workers are going to have to make up the lost time."

  "Don't beat yourself up. I know you, and your heart was in the right place. Sometimes, you make a bad choice, that's all. You know, I was much like you when I first came here. Santa's mother threw her hands in the air several times a day while she was training me."

  "Really?" she asked. "You? I find that hard to believe."

  "Believe it. I had to earn the respect of the townspeople, the workers, the staff, and the elves, just like you. It's not easy, coming from the "real" world, so to speak, to a place like the North Pole. A lot is expected of the Claus family."

  "I don't want to disappoint Nick, but I feel like I do that a lot."

  "Honey, Nick loves you. He's being groomed by his dad, much the same way I'm helping you. It's not easy for him either. Yes, he grew up here, he's been a Claus all his life, but he's young. He's had a taste of the other world. He spent four years in England, remember? He's learning, too."

  "I never thought of that. I guess dealing with me and learning to be the next Santa Claus isn't a bowl of cherries for him. I have to do better."

  "Darling, don't ever lose your fun-loving spirit. It's a part of you. It's part of your charm. You just have to learn the proper time and the proper place for fun. You'll get the hang of it. You are right about one thing, though. The troublemakers need to learn to respect you as the wife of Nick Claus."

  "They're going to get into trouble for this. What will Santa do to them?" she asked as she sipped the sweet chocolate drink.

  "Santa is a fair man. More than likely, they'll have extra duty. They may lose their next day off and have to work to make up for the delay in production they've caused."

  "You know they ran away, leaving me there alone to face Santa and Nick."

  "That's terrible! They will be dealt with. Now, don't worry your pretty little head about it another minute. Santa doesn't hold a grudge. Neither does Nick. I'll bet when they come in for supper, all will be forgotten."

  Clara was right. Hours later, when the problem had been resolved and the Claus family sat down to eat, Catie enjoyed a pleasant meal with her family. She offered to do the dishes and Nick helped her, teasingly swatting her with a dishtowel as she worked in the kitchen. When they were finished, they said their goodnights and retired to their bedroom for some much needed alone time.

  Nick chased her up the stairs and when they were in their large bedroom at the end of the hall, far away from his parents, they collapsed on the bed together, laughing.

  "I'll race you to the shower," he said, after he had planted a kiss on her lips.

  "You're on, Christmas boy," she said as she jumped up, stripping off her clothes as she ran to the massive marble bathroom adjacent to their bedroom.

  Nick tuned on the spray and adjusted the water temperature. They stood naked in front of the shower, and he kissed her passionately as he helped her inside.

  The water felt wonderful as it cascaded down upon them. Nick picked up the peppermint scented soap and began applying it to her curves. Her body tingled from his touch. When he was finished, she returned the favor and they stood under the water, letting it surround them with warmth as the soap was rinsed from their bodies. They kissed again before Nick reached up to turn off the spray. He helped her out of the shower, and wrapped a thick red towel around himself. He dried her body with the other towel, wrapped it around her, and then proceeded to dry his own body. After that, he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to the bedroom, laying her gently on their king-sized bed.

  Catie sighed as he lay down beside her. His mouth devoured hers as he removed the thick towel from her freshly scrubbed body. His hands roamed over her body, igniting a fire deep within her soul. When he moved his lips from her mouth to her neck, she shivered. He moved down her body, planting kisses along her shoulders, her breasts, her belly, and finally to her sweet spot. His tongue began to work the same magic as it had done to her mouth as she gasped. The fire in her body raged until she could no longer hold back the sensations threatening to spill forth. Her body shuddered as she gave in to the release. When she had recovered sufficiently, Nick entered her and began to thrust deeply. Matching his movements, Catie wrapped her legs around his waist and together they climbed the mountain of desire. When they reached the pinnacle, their desire for each other exploded into another delightful climax.

  Nick held her tightly for several minutes, kissing her and murmuring sweet words, before they pulled the covers down to settle in for the night. Nick got up and lit a fire in the stone fireplace in the corner of the room.

  Catie looked around the room she'd called home for the past year. Large and inviting, the room was filled with antique furniture that had been in the Claus family for generations. The king-sized bed had been purchased when they married, but the dresser and other furniture were heirlooms. A sitting room adjoined the bedroom on one side, furnished with a couch, two chairs, accent tables, a desk, and
bookshelves full of books. On the wall in the bedroom above the fireplace was a large screen television set. On the opposite side of the room was the marble bathroom, complete with shower, Jacuzzi tub and double sinks. It was the perfect getaway for a young, married couple.

  Catie had chosen maroon and hunter green for the décor, in keeping with the Christmas spirit of the North Pole. She had such high hopes of fitting in when she'd decided to make this her forever home. After today she wondered if she had set her goals too high. Would she ever be good enough to be the next Mrs. C?

  Chapter Three

  The days that followed were busy at the North Pole. The incident of the blown fuse was all but forgotten. The missed work was caught up, with the employees being allowed to leave at noon that Saturday. Jack and his two friends were required to work the entire day. They had also been reprimanded for their treatment of Catie.

  Clara had taken the treats to the workshop at Catie's insistence. Since she hadn't been seen by any of the elves, Jack and his friends went to see her at the castle one day during their break.

  Catie answered the door and was surprised to see the three offending elves standing on the porch. Jack was holding a bouquet of flowers.

  "Mrs. C, we owe you an apology. What we did was wrong. We should not have dragged you into our project, and we certainly shouldn't have run away, leaving you to face the consequences of our actions. Would you please accept these flowers as our way of saying we're sorry?" Jack asked, as the other two nodded in agreement.

  "Oh, you didn't have to bring me flowers, but thank you. Would you like to come in for some cocoa?" she asked as she took the flowers.

  "No, we have to get back to work. It's break time, so we took the opportunity to run over here. We've missed you at the workshop."

  "Thank you. I've been so busy here helping Clara, I mean, Mrs. Claus."

  "We'll see you at the party," Jack said.

  "Yes, the party," Catie replied with a sigh. The party had been occupying most of her time the past few days.

  "Bye, now. Enjoy your flowers."

  "I will. Thank you again," she replied.

  The party was given every year by the Claus family. It was held the Saturday before Christmas in the ballroom of Santa's Castle. Since Clara was busy sewing doll dresses for Santa's run, the party planning had been delegated to Catie this year.

  "You can handle it. You helped me last year. This is your chance to shine, show the community what you can do. The staff will assist you with whatever you need," Clara had told her. "I'm so behind on my sewing this year. I must spend all my time getting these little dresses finished for Santa."

  Catie took a vase from the cupboard and filled it with water. She arranged the holiday flowers. She set them on the dining room table, before pouring a cup of coffee and sitting down to go over her list for the party again. The food was ordered, the decorations were ready to be put up, and the gifts for the workers were all ready. Santa presented his workers with gifts and there were small tokens for the rest of the community. Clara had already taken care of those the month before. Catie had to check with the band that was to provide the music, and then she could relax. Of course, the workshop employees all received a hefty holiday bonus. She and Clara would take care of depositing the money into their accounts a few days before Christmas. There was so much more to being Mrs. Claus than anyone knew. Clara took care of a lot of things for Santa. He had enough on his plate. Nick was quickly finding that out, just as Catie was.

  "How is the planning coming along, dear?" Clara asked as she walked into the kitchen. She took a mug from the cupboard, helping herself to the coffee Catie had brewed.

  "You're drinking coffee?" Catie asked in surprise.

  Clara laughed. "Occasionally I do indulge. I need a break from my sewing." She sat down at the table with her daughter-in-law. "I've always wondered why an English girl drinks coffee rather than tea."

  Catie giggled. "I began drinking coffee in college. I still like my tea when I'm home in England visiting, but here it's either coffee or cocoa."

  "Variety is not a bad thing."

  "As far as the party, once I check with Ronny, the band manager, I think we're set. We'll decorate the ballroom on Friday."

  "Are you looking forward to your visit to England for the New Year holiday?" Clara asked.

  After the hectic holiday, the Claus family always took a vacation. Santa and Clara were going on a cruise with Clara's brother and his wife, while Nick and Catie planned to visit her family and friends in England this year.

  "I am looking forward to it. It's always nice to go back and see everyone, but this is home now."

  Clara patted her hand. "I'm glad to hear you say that. I know it's hard to come to the North Pole. My family is from Switzerland, you know."

  "The North Pole is a wonderful place," Catie said.

  "A bit isolated from the rest of the world, though. It takes a special woman to love a Claus man enough to make it her home. Each of the Claus wives has come from a different country."

  "Why does no one marry a local girl?" Catie asked.

  Clara seemed taken aback by the question. "I really don't know. The Claus family is made up of many different cultures. Nick never dated anyone locally. Oh, he had prom dates and such in high school, but he didn't date anyone seriously until he went to England. There was one girl before you, but it wasn't serious."

  "Yes, Elizabeth, he told me about her."

  "We never met her. He didn't bring her here. I believe they were friends who only went out with a group of other friends."

  "That's what he said. I've never met her either. They don't keep in touch."

  "When he met you, you were all he talked about in his phone calls and emails, the beauty from England he'd been seeing. You made quite a hit with him."

  "My family adored him from the start. Of course, when they learned his real identity, they had concerns. He quickly won them over, though."

  "He has that knack, doesn't he?" Clara replied with a smile. It was evident she doted on her only child. She and Santa hadn't been able to conceive after Nick, so he became her whole world.

  That night, settled comfortably under the covers in their massive bed with a fire roaring in the fireplace, Catie asked about Elizabeth. "Nick, do you ever wonder what happened to Elizabeth?"

  "Elizabeth? What brought that up?" he asked in surprise.

  "Your mom and I were talking this afternoon and her name came up, nothing major, just that you never brought her here."

  He pulled her closer. "Sweetheart, I never brought her here to meet the folks or to see the North Pole because there was no reason to. That privilege was being reserved for the girl I planned to marry. There has never been anyone else for me but Catherine Welsh Claus. You are the only woman I have ever loved."

  "Are you ever sorry you chose me? I mean, I seem to have this knack for getting myself into scrapes, not real Mrs. C material."

  Nick kissed her forehead. "I love you just the way you are. Your ability to get into trouble is part of your charm. I have to be tough with you to help you train for your future duties. I don't want you to lose your carefree spirit. You just need to learn to curb it at times."

  "Do you think I'll ever be able to live up to the family tradition as the reigning Mrs. C?" she asked.

  "Yes, I do. Mom and Dad are nowhere near ready for retirement. We both have a lot to learn, and we have years to do it. We'll be fine."

  "I love you."

  "I love you, too." He kissed her passionately after that and all conversation ended as they began to snuggle deeper under the covers.

  His warm hands comforted her tired body as he caressed her gently. Moving to her breasts he tweaked one her pert buds. She moaned softly. He lowered his head to suckle her nipple before moving down to her clit. As his tongue once again worked its magic, she writhed and continued to moan, calling out his name.

  He swiftly rolled her over and lifted her up, mounting her from behind. As he moved
inside her, he fondled one of her breasts, bringing her to a heightened sense of longing. Her body longed for release, but he prolonged the pleasure, taking his time, plunging deep inside the velvety warmth. When they both finally allowed themselves release, it was sweet and complete. She fell asleep in his arms, content in their love for one another.

  The next morning, before the sun came up, she woke to find her husband staring at her.

  "Were you watching me sleep?" she asked.

  "For a few minutes, yes, it was like watching an angel," he replied.

  "Mmm, this angel feels more like a devil right now," she replied in a low, seductive tone.

  "Is that right?" he asked. "I think I can take care of that." He reached over and took a pair of shiny silver handcuffs from the nightstand drawer. He dangled them in front of her. "Feel like putting these to use?" he asked.

  She giggled and held out her hands. He quickly clasped the cuffs onto both her hands and held them above her head as he rolled over on top of her.

  "Now, you are my prisoner," he said with a sexy growl.

  "Take me," she said simply.

  "Just like that, take me?" he asked.

  "Just like that," she replied.

  He pushed his hard cock into her wet, warm, pulsating core, slowly at first. With one final, hard thrust he was fully inside, moving slowly before suddenly thrusting hard.

  Catie moved her body in unison with his. He thrust harder, pausing to bite her breast lightly, before he continued his movements inside her. He suddenly stopped and rolled her over, her hands still above her head, cuffed.

  Nick reached into the drawer again and brought out a tube of lubricant. After liberally using it on her anus, he slowly spread her apart with his finger as she squealed in delight. When he was sure she was ready for him, he slowly entered her, his hands busy with her nipples while his dick began moving gently inside her. One hand moved to her clit, while the other continued to tweak one of her nipples. Catie was ready to explode, the heat building inside her like a volcano. The sensations wracking her body were earth-shattering and delightful. When she finally gave in, she was in oblivion. Nothing existed except Nick. He was her entire world. When the shuddering subsided, he called out her name and emptied himself inside her. When he finally rolled off her and flipped her onto her back, he reached for the key and released her wrists from the cuffs. Rubbing them gently, he kissed her and pulled her close. A short time later he got up and went into the bathroom to fill the large tub with warm water. He sprinkled lavender bath salts into the water, swished them around with his hand, and went back to the bed to carry her to the tub. He placed her in the warm, soothing water and bathed her, before joining her in the water. They enjoyed the bath until the water began to cool. He rubbed her rosy body dry with a towel and carried her back to the bed, where they slept until it was time to begin the day. Catie felt more loved than she had ever felt that day and she hummed Christmas tunes while she worked.


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