The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance

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The Merman Boxset: Gay Merman Romance Page 38

by Aratare, X.

  Both shook their heads.

  “I meant to tell Johnson about it, but then Henry became ill,” Greta said with a gesture towards Henry, whose eyes were closed. His breathing had a wet, phlegmy quality to it that didn’t sound healthy.

  “And since Henry became ill, Johnson has become even stranger and more secretive,” Roger added. “While neither of us really had a plan to smuggling the statue out of the settlement through the tunnel when we first found it, it just seemed smarter not to tell him anything about it. Just in case.”

  There was a loaded silence after that, and then Corey shook himself like a large red dog and said, “Casillus and I will then carry the pot together through the tunnel, and when we get to the water he’ll swim it offshore and stash it someplace safe until more Mers can come and take it wherever it should go.”

  “Will this really work?” Gabriel asked after another long pause.

  “We can only try,” Greta responded softly.

  Gabriel met Casillus’ steady gaze and the Mer said, You convinced me of the need to remove the statue from humanity’s reach, Gabriel. Now I believe it must be done, too.

  Great, so I’ve put you in danger! Not to mention my friends! Gabriel laughed darkly.

  Casillus stroked his arm. The plan will work. We will save countless people. Would you have others experience the same fate as Henry, or worse?

  Looking at Henry now, asleep in the SUV with his gray skin and feverish, sweat-slicked brow, Gabriel had to agree with Casillus. They couldn’t let what had happened to Henry happen to another person. Whether the plan worked or not, they had to try.

  Behind him, Gabriel heard the front door of the cottage screech open and slam shut. He turned and saw Corey dash out onto the front porch and then down the stairs with Greta and Roger following closely after him. Gabriel couldn’t help but laugh. Corey was dressed all in black. A form-fitting black outfit, no less. When he looked more closely he realized it was a sweat shirt and sweat pants, but they were so tight that they looked like a second skin on his best friend.

  “Where did you get that outfit?” Gabriel asked. “I mean, you don’t own anything black!”

  Corey did a circle in front of him as if he was modeling the outfit. “Wouldn’t you like to know!”

  “I would. Because I think those are my clothes,” Gabriel said with narrowed eyes.

  “They are,” Greta admitted as she walked up behind Corey. “We went through Corey’s entire wardrobe and, well, neon yellow is the darkest clothing he brought with him.”

  “That sounds exactly like Corey’s style,” Gabriel said.

  “So we went into your room and raided your suitcase,” Roger added. “Corey said you wouldn’t mind.”

  “How could I mind when Corey looks so much better in that get up then I ever could?” Gabriel responded generously.

  Corey stopped his modeling and threw his arms out, saying, “I’m totally like a ninja in this!”

  “A ninja, huh? I think there’s a reason that ninjas don’t have wild red manes and a Santa Claus beard,” Gabriel laughed before he tugged the hood up over Corey’s head, trying unsuccessfully to hide the bright red hair.

  His best friend cinched the hood tight with the sweat shirt’s strings, leaving only the oval of his face visible.

  “See?” Corey mumbled. “I’m practically invisible.”

  Gabriel smiled even as his heart clenched. His best friend would be facing down men with guns and he made a very large target. He told himself over and over again that no one would get hurt removing the statue from the settlement. Even if they were discovered, the goons wouldn’t shoot them. Greta and Roger were Miskatonic students. They were Johnson’s students. Corey was like a second grandson to Grace, and Johnson was dating her. And while Casillus was a different story from the others, the Mer would never leave the tunnel so it was unlikely that he would even be seen, let alone caught. Surely the goons wouldn’t hurt any of them. Yet still Gabriel worried.

  Corey again startled him out of his thoughts by getting into the SUV’s back seat, dressed in his ninja outfit.

  Gabriel blinked. “Where are you going, Corey?”

  “He’s coming with us. We’re kidnapping him,” Greta said with a smile.

  “I’m going to help Roger and Greta get Henry home, then they’ll drop me off at the cave before they head to the settlement,” Corey explained.

  “What about Casillus? You two are going to the cave together, remember?” Gabriel pointed out. He could sense the Mer prince waiting on the back porch for him.

  “I’ll let you know when we’re heading to the cave and Casillus can meet up with me there,” Corey said, and then he winked at Gabriel. “I figure there’s an hour before showtime and you two might want to be on your own.”

  Gabriel colored at the sly tone in Corey’s face. “I—I want to spend time with you, Corey. I—”

  “You will after we successfully steal the statue. We’ll be coming back here for the victory party,” his best friend enthused.

  “What do you think Casillus and I are going to do for that hour?” Gabriel asked even though he already was thinking about exactly what he wanted to do.

  “Well, I don’t know. But I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” Corey chortled.

  The truth was that Gabriel wanted to make love with Casillus one time on land, in a bed, since it seemed unlikely that they would be doing that again anytime in the near future.

  “You’re the best, Corey,” Gabriel said, patting the SUV’s door.

  “Of course I am!” Corey grinned.

  “We’ll see you tonight, Gabriel, after it’s all over,” Greta said as she got in the driver’s seat and Roger got in the back beside Corey.

  “Take care of one another, okay? No unnecessary risks,” Gabriel said, looking each of them in the eye.

  “Everything will be fine, Gabriel,” she promised. “You’ll see.”

  Gabriel watched as they pulled out of the driveway and headed down the highway. He didn’t have a premonition that this was going to be the last time he saw them. He was sure they would be fine. They had to be fine. He would never forgive himself if they weren’t.



  Gabriel headed through the cottage and out onto the back porch, where he found Casillus leaning against the porch’s railing, staring out at the sea.

  Are you missing the ocean already? Gabriel asked, putting a touch of amusement in his mind voice. Both the Mer and Gabriel had gone into the water twice during the planning session, but Casillus appeared as if he wanted to be in the water again right at that moment.

  The Mer turned his head to look back at Gabriel before responding, I was just thinking about tomorrow.

  Gabriel pressed his front to Casillus’ back. He wrapped his arms around the Mer’s waist, resting his chin on the Mer’s broad, muscular shoulder. It was strange touching Casillus when neither of them was wet. The Mer’s skin was warm and soft. The shift around his waist had dried, as had his hair. Gabriel rubbed his cheek against those silky strands. The Mer purred softly.

  What about tomorrow? Gabriel asked.

  I am considering how I would feel if I had to leave Emralis and all of my family and friends behind me and go onto the land tomorrow, Casillus said. I am trying to think of what would comfort me at such a moment. In fact, I am wondering if anything could comfort me.

  Gabriel closed his eyes for a moment and the rush of the sea filled his ears. The salt-tanged breeze flowed over him. He then opened his eyes. There is nothing to be said or done other than what you already have. Just be with me, Casillus. That’s all I ask.

  Then I will do that though it seems insufficient, the Mer promised.

  Casillus turned in Gabriel’s arms and drew the young man against his chest. They kissed. It was a warm, dry kiss, not meant to inflame but just to show tenderness. Yet Gabriel’s stomach fluttered anyways. It was Casillus. It was Casillus kissing him. And that was always exciting.

here did Corey go? Casillus asked. He evidently had not been listening in on Gabriel’s conversation with Corey and his best friend’s offer to leave them alone. Gabriel explained this and the Mer chuckled. Ah, so he is still playing Cupid!

  Always! Gabriel laughed.

  So you wish to make love in a—a bed? Casillus’ eyebrows rose expressively.

  Yes, since we really won’t get a chance to do it again. At least not for ages. It’s something I want to experience with you, Gabriel said.

  I have never made love on dry land. In fact, when the Mers took human lovers in the past they would always mate in the sea, Casillus responded.

  You aren’t nervous about making love in a bed, are you? Gabriel asked as he took the Mer’s hands and began to pull him into the house.

  Eager and uncertain, Casillus confessed. You will have to lead me through this, Gabriel. I am afraid my limbs will not move as they should.

  You move like a dream on land or in water, Gabriel assured him.

  He pulled open the screen door as he tugged Casillus after him. The Mer gazed at the yellow walls of the kitchen and the various kitchen implements on the counters with interest. Gabriel knew that these things were “new” to the Mer even though he understood their uses and names from Gabriel’s mind. Earlier, when Gabriel had used the oven’s broiler to melt cheese on the tortilla chips, Casillus had crouched down and stared at the cooking food through the small window in the oven door.

  Gabriel wished he had the time to show Casillus everything about the human world from blenders to skyscrapers, but from the tightness already settling in his chest he knew that he likely had less than twenty-four hours on land left. As they walked down the hallway, hand in hand, he thought of the things they would never be able to do together. They would never get a chance to go to a restaurant or see a movie together. They would never take a road trip with the wind whipping through their hair. They would never ski down rolling mountains or tromp through snow-covered woods. They would never vacation with Corey and Grandma. There were so many things that they would never do, at least not in the foreseeable future.

  But we will do other, wonderful things that you have never even dreamed of, Gabriel, Casillus said, following his train of thought. His expression was tender and understanding as they mounted the stairs to Gabriel’s bedroom.

  I’m not sad about the fact that we won’t get to do those things, exactly. I just want to do everything with you, Gabriel explained.

  I understand. But unlike you, I rule out none of those things, Gabriel. We can come on land for a time after your body has completely taken to the water, Casillus said.

  Why do I have this feeling the world will be a different place by the time that’s possible? Gabriel asked.

  It may indeed be, but then think about how exciting it will be for both of us to discover new things together, Casillus offered.

  You’re right. Of course you’re right, Gabriel said, and shook off the sad thoughts. There was so much to be grateful for in his new life. That was what he had to concentrate on. At that moment, he felt the brush of Aemrys’ mind against his. His ancestor was near enough that Aemrys could now reach out to him without Gabriel having to do the heavy lifting to connect them.

  Tomorrow, I will be with you, Aemrys said. His voice was a bare whisper, but it was there.

  I look forward to it, Gabriel sent back, and a warm glow filled him as they disengaged again. He would see Aemrys very soon.

  They reached the door to Gabriel’s room. He pushed it open and saw the bed. It looked awfully small in comparison to the vast ocean where they had made love before. He could feel the Mer’s slight concern at being so confined. Gabriel couldn’t help but laugh and kiss Casillus.

  I promise that we won’t fall off the bed, or if we do, that it won’t hurt, Gabriel assured the Mer.

  Casillus continued to give the bed a distrustful glance.

  We made love in the tub before and that’s far smaller, Gabriel reminded him.

  Casillus gave him a lopsided grin. You are correct.

  The Mer allowed himself to be led over to the bed. Gabriel immediately dropped his hands to the shift around Casillus’ hips. It was simple to remove and the silken thing soon fluttered to the ground. He eagerly let his gaze run up and down the Mer’s front.

  You are so beautiful, Gabriel murmured. It was hard to believe that Casillus was his.

  I so dislike these coverings! They hide your equally lovely body from my gaze, Casillus lamented. The Mer then began stripping off Gabriel’s clothing with gusto. Gabriel was nude in seconds, or so it seemed.

  Gabriel cupped Casillus’ face, feeling the strong lines of the Mer’s jaw under his fingertips, and kissed him. Hot and wet and intimate. Gabriel sucked on Casillus’ lower lip before dropping his mouth down to kiss the Mer’s chin, then throat, then chest. His mouth lingered on Casillus’ nipples. First the right one then the left. He sucked and rasped his teeth over them until they were a darker red and stood up in stiff nubs.

  The Mer’s breathing had become heavier. Gabriel felt the tip of Casillus’ now-erect cock paint a line of precum down his own chest as he sank down onto his knees in front of the Mer. In the ocean, they had been on an equal playing field when they had sucked each other off, but Gabriel knew how powerful this position was. One partner standing and the other kneeling. Most thought that the person standing was the one in power, but Gabriel knew that this wasn’t always true.

  He parted his lips and let them glide over the peaks and valleys of Casillus’ heavily muscled stomach. Those muscles quivered beneath his ministrations as he licked and sucked and kissed them. Such velvety skin. Acres of it. His own cock throbbed.

  The dark hair between Casillus’ legs was curled tightly. Gabriel kissed down the treasure trail of hair to the erect cock waiting below. The hair was wiry, but not as wiry as a human’s. It was softer somehow. He buried his nose into it and smelled Casillus’ scent: salt, musk and a clean scent that oddly reminded him of melted snow coming down from mountain tops.

  Casillus’ cock was brushing against his left cheek. It was hot and hard. It trembled against him. Actually, Casillus was trembling all over. He looked up at the Mer’s face and found it tilted down to watch him. His eyes were nearly black with desire.

  Not taking his eyes from Casillus’, he grasped the base of that quivering cock to steady it. He was always amazed how alive cocks felt in his hand. Perhaps it was the thin skin and the amount of blood that flowed through the organ, making it so hot and pulsing with every heartbeat. He kissed along its length then paused at the tip. Casillus drew in a shuddering breath. He had seemingly not blinked since Gabriel began this dance with him.

  He parted his lips and took the head of Casillus’ thick cock into his mouth. The weight of the cock on his tongue was pleasant. He immediately began to salivate, something he had not had to worry about in the ocean. He swallowed the excess down, his mouth suctioning tightly on the Mer’s organ as he did so. Casillus’ fingers curled against his palms. A more pronounced shudder went through the Mer. Gabriel’s own cock jerked between his thighs and he rubbed it with one hand to sooth it, which was a mistake as the burn of arousal only rose higher.

  He slid his tongue over the slick head. The slit parted and there was a gush of hot salty liquid that he eagerly swallowed down. Casillus’ hands were clenched into fists now. His eyes were closed and his brow furrowed as if he were concentrating on something very hard. Gabriel guessed it was on not cumming. He smiled around that hot, hard cock.

  Gabriel relaxed his throat and breathed deeply through his nose. Unlike underwater, he would need to use it to breathe. No handy gills to help out. He slowly sank down on the thick length until his lips hit his own fist. He knew he wouldn’t be able to take Casillus all the way down this time, but he would use his hand to give the Mer the sensation of being completely encased in heat and pressure. He slowly drew his mouth off with his hand following closely after it. Casillus’ whole body rolled forward as
if following after Gabriel. He grabbed the Mer’s left hip with his free hand and held him in place.

  I’m in charge, Casillus, he said, knowing his eyes glittered as he did.

  You … you are. Casillus’ mind voice sounded breathy.

  He moved as fluidly as he could up and down the Mer’s solid length. He loved the ache in his jaw as it was forced to open farther than it was used to for a longer amount of time. His tongue pressed up against the underside of the cock. It was so incredibly warm and tender. He drew off and lapped at the flushed head. Precum dribbled out onto his tongue and he swallowed it down eagerly.

  Casillus’ hands flexed at his sides and finally they reached and he feathered his fingers in Gabriel’s short hair, holding his head in place. He then slid his cock further into Gabriel’s mouth before drawing it out again. Gabriel let his hands fall from Casillus’ cock and hip. He allowed himself to be used as a vessel of pure lust, though he felt the Mer’s deep love for him flowing over their bond as well.

  He sucked hard on Casillus’ cock when the Mer drew it out as if to try to keep it in his mouth. Casillus thrust back in again and the tip of his cock went partially down Gabriel’s throat. He relaxed as fully as he could. Down it sank and then it was up again, the head of it resting on his eager, questing tongue. Casillus’ hands tightened as he pushed in once more, and Gabriel felt the Mer’s cock pulse and plump even more. The Mer was near completion. He felt Casillus begin to pull out.

  No, stay. I want this. I want to drink you down, Gabriel insisted as he became an active partner again, gripping the Mer’s hips and directing that cock to stay in his body.

  Gabriel swallowed and Casillus sank inside of him even farther. There were fine tremors running through Casillus’ body. So close, he was so close. Gabriel’s own cock jerked in sympathy, but he would not cum yet. He wanted to be inside of Casillus when that happened. He would be the taker this time.

  Gabriel closed his eyes and knew that this was the final thrust in. Casillus’ cock was full to bursting. He relaxed his jaw and took Casillus fully inside of him. His bottom lip brushed Casillus’ balls.


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