Billionaire to One (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Billionaire to One (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Kris Royce

  Billionaire to One

  Tegan Ryann just graduated from college and has her whole life ahead of her. When her favorite cousin shows up at her graduation with a plane ticket to return with her to New York, Tegan takes her up on her offer against her family’s wishes. Once there, Tegan meets sexy, billionaire playboy Ash Stone. He is tall, dark, and seriously hot. He is way out of her league—or so she thinks.

  Ash’s interest in the voluptuous Texas beauty soon turns into an obsession. He is a man who is used to taking what he wants, and he wants the young and innocent Tegan. He’ll stop at nothing to make her his. He soon discovers he has met his match in the wild, little wanton. Ash Stone is a powerful man who has many enemies and it doesn’t take them long to figure out Tegan is his weak spot.

  Genre: Contemporary

  Length: 58,616 words


  Kris Royce



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2016 by Kris Royce

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-596-3

  First E-book Publication: November 2016

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  This book is for my dearest friend Tina.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  About the Author





  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter 1

  Tegan Ryann was nervous as hell when she stepped out of the limo. Why in the hell had she let her cousin talk her into this, she had no idea. She hated crowds, and she hated being in the spotlight. She would have been happy just to have stayed at the apartment and worked on her resume, but no, Tina had just asked sweetly, and she had said she would. So here she was, and it was too late to back out now.

  When her cousin, Tina, asked her, she had made it sound like so much fun. Tegan really did have fun going shopping and to the combination salon and spa, where they violated Tegan in ways she never imagined, but now that she was actually here, she wondered what the hell she had been thinking when she had agreed to come.

  Tina turned to look over at her with her dazzling smile, and it was as if she could read her thoughts.

  “Relax, Teg. I promise you will have fun. This is not small-town Texas. This is New York, and the people here are different than back home. You look fantastic. I will have to beat the men off you. You just wait and see,” Tina told her, patting her on the leg.

  Tegan rolled her eyes. That was easy for her to say because her cousin Tina Ryann was a world-famous supermodel. She was drop-dead gorgeous and in very high demand. She was tall with long, golden-blonde hair and those million-dollar green eyes with those killer lashes. Her skin was flawless, and she had those full, pouty lips that every cosmetics company in the world was willing to pay her the big bucks to wear their products on. Her lips were on billboards everywhere.

  Next to her, Tegan always felt as plain as homemade soap. Everyone in her family always told Tegan that compared to her cousin, she was plain. The thing was, Tegan knew she was not the stunning beauty that Tina was and she was okay with that. She didn’t need her family always throwing it up at her.

  Tegan was Tina’s opposite with her voluptuous five-foot-two frame. Where Tina was a perfect size B cup, Tegan was a serious D, which looked huge on her small hourglass frame. Then, there was her ass. Yeah, she had a bubble butt that you could set a glass on. Her butt had always been the butt of many jokes at home. She learned long ago just to ignore her family’s snide remarks about her weight and her ass.

  The only thing they had in common was she and Tina shared the same Ryann last name. Tegan had pouty lips, too, but her best features were her thick, chestnut-colored hair that fell below her waist and her large blue eyes. She never considered herself ugly, but she was by no means as attractive as Tina.

  Over the years, her mother and Tina were the only ones who ever told her she was beautiful and who never made her feel like she was an ugly toad like the rest of her family did. That’s because Tina was as beautiful on the inside as she was the outside. The two cousins had always been very close and had remained the best of friends. That’s why when Tina had made it to the top sh
e had only ask Tegan to fly to New York and no one else in their family. Yeah, that had really pissed them all off. Now, they were all mad at Tegan.

  The day Tegan had graduated college Tina had showed up with a plane ticket and informed her she was coming home with her. She even threatened to kick her ass if she refused, which Tegan thought was really funny because Tina did not have a mean bone in her body.

  Tegan had left Texas and all her family to stay with her cousin. She had only been here a few weeks, but she hadn’t gone anywhere much, not with Tina working all the time. She had been waiting on Tina to take a couple of weeks off so they could run around. She had been staying at Tina’s apartment, vegging out and cleaning. Tegan liked to cook, so she made dinner every night, which Tina loved. Tina complained that she was going to have to work out harder at the gym if Tegan kept cooking.

  Yeah, Tina had even dragged Tegan with her to the gym after that and made her wear skimpy clothes that made her so self-conscious.

  Tegan was seriously thinking about staying for a while. New York wasn’t so bad. At least it wasn’t like the small Texas town she and Tina had grown up in—a town where everyone knew everyone else, knew everything you did, and they never, ever forgot if you did something stupid. All you had to do was walk in at lunchtime at the local café if you wanted to be reminded of the time you got drunk and drove your daddy’s truck through farmer Johnson’s barn.

  What really happened was Tegan and Tina hadn’t even been drunk. They hadn’t even been the ones driving. Their friend Susan Briggs had been driving, and she had been a little drunk, but that was not the reason they ended up in the barn. It just so happens there was a thousand-pound bull standing in the middle of the road, Susan ended up driving into the barn when she had tried to avoid hitting him. No one was hurt except for the barn, but by the time the story got around, all of it had been blamed on Tegan for some reason.

  At least no one here in New York knew of the stupid shit she had gotten herself into as a teenager.

  She had to find a job soon because she refused to let Tina pay for everything like she did today. Tina would not take no for an answer. Tina had insisted on paying for everything, even the dress and shoes for tonight, which had cost a mint. Her cousin was so sweet.

  Tegan loved the formfitting black dress they had found for her. She had been excited about tonight, but how in the world had she forgotten her childhood anxiety attacks until this minute was beyond her. It had been years since she had one.

  She took a deep breath and blew it out as Tina grabbed her hand and dragged her through the flashing cameras and reporters in her three-inch heels. Jesus, please don’t let me make a fool of myself or embarrass Tina, Tegan thought to herself.

  “You will be fine, Teg. Now straighten your shoulders, chin up, and smile. Picture them all naked, Tegan,” Tina told her as she smiled at the crowd while pulling Tegan along with her.

  Tegan did as Tina told her, plastering a fake smile on as she searched the crowd for a familiar face but found none, not even Tina’s beefcake boyfriend. Tina’s man, Marc Chambers. He was some big hot-shot NFL player. Marc was a blond-headed, blue-eyed all-American boy. Marc and Tina looked really good together. Yeah, he was gorgeous, and he had it really bad for Tina. He supposed to meet them here.

  Marc hadn’t been too happy when Tina told him she wanted to spend some alone time with her girl. Tegan had to hide her smile when the man followed her cousin around her apartment pleading with her with huge puppy-dog eyes. Marc really was very sweet. Tegan thought he was adorable and prefect for Tina. She knew Tina really liked the guy because he was all she talked about when she would call. They had been dating for a while now. Tegan had just shook her head and wondered how long it would last, but right now they were a hot couple in the spotlight.

  As they entered the building Tegan stuck close to Tina because she wouldn’t let go of Tegan’s hand. Everyone one there was dressed in tuxes and beautiful dresses. It was very crowded, and everyone seemed to want to talk to Tina. Tina took it all in stride and smiled her million-dollar smile. Then she introduced Tegan.

  Most everyone was nice but Tegan did not understand some of the looks some of the men were giving her. Tegan thought the men here seemed overly friendly as they ran their eyes over her from head to toe as if she was dessert. She never blushed so much in her life as man after handsome man kissed her hand while giving her smoldering looks.

  This was all new to her, and she wasn’t sure she liked all the attention. Tina just smiled knowingly and pulled her away before they had a chance to ask questions. Many of them commented on her southern drawl. Many of those same men asked her to dance, but Tina was very protective of her, and before she could accept or decline, her cousin made excuses for her. Tegan didn’t mind a bit that her cousin was helping her out.

  “Come on. There is someone I want you to meet,” Tina told her as she pulled her along.

  Tina stopped long enough to grab two glasses of champagne from a tray a waiter was carrying by and handed Tegan one before continuing through the crowd. She was surprised Tina gave her alcohol. Tegan and alcohol were not a good combination.

  Tina suddenly came to an abrupt stop and mumbled a few choice words under her breath that only Tegan heard, and it made her smile. Tina rarely cussed, and that was usually when she was pissed. Tegan took a drink of the champagne as someone spoke to Tina, but Tegan was too short to see past her tall cousin to see who it was.

  “Why, Miss Ryann. It is a pleasant surprise seeing you here,” a man said.

  “Mr. Marsh, how are you? Marc mentioned you were out of the country. I didn’t expect to see you here,” Tina said politely, but Tegan caught the bite in her tone, and it made her wonder who this guy was she was speaking to.

  “Yes, I just returned. Where is my star player tonight?” the man asked.

  “He will be here soon,” Tina said.

  Just then someone bumped Tegan’s arm, making her spill some of her drink on her hand and almost drop her glass. Tina turned to see what was wrong, and Tegan could see the man she had been talking to.

  Whoever he was, he was tall, not bad looking, and dressed to the nines. He had blond hair that was slicked back and blue eyes. The man was dressed in a tux with diamond cuff links. Everything about him screamed money.

  He zeroed in on Tegan the second he caught sight of her as Tina grabbed a napkin off one of the tables and wiped Tegan’s hand where she spilled the champagne.

  “And who do we have here?” the man stepping forward asked.

  For some reason this man gave Tegan the creeps, and she felt the urge to step back, but she didn’t. Tina had her back to him, and he couldn’t see her face, but Tegan could. She almost laughed as Tina mouthed “asshole” at her.

  “Oh, Mr. Marsh, this is my cousin Tegan,” Tina told the man.

  “Tegan, this is Mr. Ethan Marsh. He is the owner of Marc’s team.”

  “Mr. Marsh, nice to meet you,” Tegan told him as she held out her hand.

  “It is a pleasure, and please, call me Ethan,” he said to Tegan’s tits, which he couldn’t seem to take his eyes off.

  Tegan shuttered as he lifted her hand to his lips and not in a good way. This man made her very uncomfortable, and she wasn’t sure she liked him. Something about him seemed…off. Tegan pulled her hand away as fast as she could without being rude. For some reason she did not like this man touching her. In fact, the way he was staring at her made her feel dirty. She had the urge to wipe her hand off on her dress but refrained.

  Tina was frowning, and she had seemed very surprised when he told Tegan to call him Ethan.

  “Would you care to dance, Tegan?” he asked.

  Then Marc showed up, and Tina seemed very relieved to see him. Hell, Tegan was glad to see him because Ethan Marsh’s attention was no longer on her.

  “Marc, darlin’, I am so glad you are here. Mr. Marsh was just asking about you,” Tina said quickly. “Sweetheart, will you please find us a table while we go clean
up the champagne Tegan spilled. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse us,” Tina said, kissed Marc on the cheek, and whisked Tegan away as fast as she could.

  She didn’t slow down until they were in the ladies’ room. Tina pulled her to the sink, turned on the water, and stuck Tegan’s hand under it as if she were a child.

  “Tina, are you all right?” Tegan asked, realizing her cousin was upset.

  “No. I cannot stand that son-of-a-bitch Marsh. I would have never come tonight if I had known he was going to be here. I sure as hell would have never introduced you to him.”

  “Tina, it’s okay, really. Now just calm down,” Tegan said with a laugh, lifted her hand from under the water, and dried it off.

  “Now, you want to tell what this is all about?”

  “No, I don’t want to talk about it, but promise me that you will do everything you can to stay away from that bastard. He is really bad news, Tegan.”

  “Don’t worry about me, Tina. I really didn’t like him anyway. Thanks for the quick save by the way.”

  Tina smiled at her, but Tegan could tell something was bothering her. This Marsh guy must really be an asshole if her sweet cousin didn’t like him.

  “Come on, I have someone I want you to meet. He is a really great guy, and I think you will like him. He is one of my dearest friends.”

  “Uh-huh. No matchmaking, Tina. I will meet this guy, but I am not here to hook-up remember.”

  Tina grinned and rolled her eyes before pulling her out of the bathroom. Tegan just grinned and let her.


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