Billionaire to One (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Billionaire to One (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 3

by Kris Royce

  No sooner had Ash handed her a drink that Tina and Marc showed up. Tegan tore her eyes away from the gorgeous man beside her and looked at them. She grinned when she saw Marc was all over Tina who didn’t seem to mind a two-hundred-fifty-pound, six-and-a-half foot of football player accessory hanging on her. Her attention was turned back to Ash, who was watching her closely as he took her hand in his and rubbed his thumb over her skin. Her other hand shook when she lifted her glass to her lips and downed her drink.

  Ash’s mouth quirked up, and he lifted a dark brow at her. Could the man be any sexier?

  He said nothing and handed her another glass full.

  Tina had already told him her sweet little cousin was not a drinker. Tina had told him of the one and only time she had talked Tegan into drinking they had been at South Padre Island with some of their friends. Tegan had gotten drunk and stripped. Then she had gone skinny-dipping. Tina had dragged her out of the water and dressed her, not to mention she had kept the boys away from her. Apparently it was the same night both girls ended up getting tattoos.

  He again called his man to him and spoke in his ear. He let Tegan drink the rest of the glass she was holding, but when she reached for another he stopped her. Then his man returned with a waiter. Ash took a glass from the waiter’s tray and handed it to her. She wrinkled her nose when she discovered it was water. He smirked at her narrowing eyes while thinking of how hot and sexy she was. He liked seeing the fire in her eyes.

  “So what have you two been talking about? Ash, have you told Tegan about your clubs?” Tina said.

  And when she got started she wouldn’t shut up. She didn’t give either one a chance to say a word. Marc greeted them before he went back to kissing on Tina’s shoulders and neck.

  Tegan was looking at Tina as she talked, but her mind was on the man next to her and the way he was caressing her hand he was holding.

  When she felt the alcohol working on her, warming her, relaxing her, she turned her glazed gaze back to Ash. Her eyes went to his sculpted lips, and she wondered what they would feel like on her own. Her lips parted, and her tongue darted out, caressing the very edge at the opening of her upper lip. She was mesmerized watching him speak, the way his lips moved as they formed words as he spoke to Tina. She didn’t realize he might have been speaking to Tina, but he was observing her closely. She squirmed in her seat to ease the discomfort between her legs as her body heated up.

  Tina was waving a hand in front of her face, trying to get her attention, which made her blush.

  “Damn it, Ash. I asked you not to let her drink. How many of those has she had? Oh hell. Come on, Teg,” Tina said, standing and pulling Tegan up with her while never giving Ash a chance to speak.

  He had to grab Tegan around the waist when she stood and swayed. Because he was still sitting, it placed her magnificent tits very close to his face. He didn’t mind, but apparently, Tina did and tugged her cousin away. Tegan glanced back once, and he could see her face was flushed. Damn she had a great ass. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on it.

  “You know, Stone. I don’t think I have ever heard Tina cuss you before. I am just glad it was you and not me,” Marc told him with a grin.

  Ash liked Marc all right. He wasn’t bad for a jock. He was smarter than people gave him credit for. Tina really liked him, too, and that spoke volumes.

  “So Marsh is up to his old tricks again?” Ash said as he sat back and took a drink.

  “Yeah, but it’s not Tina he wants this time. It’s Tegan. He even asked Tina where she was when she came back without her. Then he started asking all kinds of other questions about her,” Marc said with a frown.

  “Fuck that. I won’t let him touch her.”

  “Yeah, I know. So does Tina, and we both appreciate that man. Really we do. Marsh is getting out of hand.”

  “Yes, and sooner or later he is going to make a mistake. His biggest one would be pursuing Tegan,” Ash growled.

  “You don’t think he would try something with her, do you?”

  “I would not put it past the fuck.”

  “Listen, don’t say anything to Tina. I don’t want her to worry. You know how she feels about Marsh. I mean Tegan just got here, and the girls are having fun. Tina would be miserable if she has to turn around and send Tegan home just to keep her safe from Marsh.”

  Ash studied Marc as he took another drink. He had been under the impression that Marc hadn’t known what was going on at the time when Tina had come to him asking for help. Two years ago Marsh decided to blackmail Tina. He had wanted her in his bed. He threatened Marc’s career when she refused, the fucking prick. Because Marsh was the owner of the team Marc played for and he had a contract with him, Tina came to Ash for help. Ash had gone and spoken to Marsh. He let Marsh know that Tina and Marc were under his protection and that he needed to leave them the fuck alone.

  Marsh had not heeded Ash’s warning. Oh, he had left Tina alone, but he had done his best to fuck with Marc. Ash ended up making a few phone calls to some nameless people. That mistake had cost Marsh dearly. It wasn’t long before Marsh was too busy wondering how the fuck he had lost two of his most profitable companies to Ash Stone to worry about fucking with Marc’s career. He had tried to come after Ash, but Ash had been ready for him. Marsh soon found that he couldn’t touch him and that it would be to his best interest to leave him alone.

  Marsh had not been a problem after that until now. He could no longer keep his star player out of the spotlight, and if he ended the contract it would cost him millions, not to mention other teams would want to snatch Marc up in a heartbeat. He was that good at what he did. It was the same now with Tina. She was one of the top models in the highest demand. Marsh couldn’t touch any of them.

  In no way was Ash going to let Marsh get anywhere close to Tegan. He had plans for her, plans that involved Tegan naked in his bed with him between her thighs. Maybe he should give Marsh something else to think about instead of his girl. He would have his people look into it first thing in the morning. By now he would have thought that Ethan Marsh would have known better than to fuck with him.

  Chapter 4

  Tegan was feeling no pain as she walked back to the table. She even put a little extra swing in her hips that had men giving her smoldering looks. She wanted only one man to notice that swing. Maybe she should drink more often. Liquid courage was not a bad thing. Bring your sexy ass on, Ash Stone. God, the man was unbelievably sexy and larger than life.

  For the first time in her life Tegan wanted to look like Tina. She wanted Ash to notice her. She wanted him to want her, and that was a first for her.

  She was not stupid. She knew a man like Mr. Ash Stone could have his choice of beautiful women. She knew that he was only being nice to her because he was friends with Tina. There was no way a man as hot as he was could be interested in her. She was nothing more than Tina’s hick cousin, but when he looked at her he made her feel like she was beautiful, like she was desirable. No one had ever made her feel like that.

  Shit, she needed another drink. She snatched a glass from a passing waiter and downed it before Tina could stop her. Tina just shook her head and took the empty glass from her before pulling her along.

  Ash and Marc stood as soon as they saw them returning. Ash took Tegan’s hand, and then he announced that they were leaving and going to some club called Stilettos. Tina smirked but was okay with that. Marc appeared to be ready to go as well. Tegan was just along for the ride. Ash just grinned down at her with that devastating smile that took her breath away and pulled her along with him. She gladly followed.

  They were almost to the door leading out when Marsh stepped in their way. He eyes were glued on Tegan as he ignored the others and reached down grabbing Tegan’s free hand.

  “I came to claim you for our dance, sweet Tegan,” Marsh said.

  Tegan’s grip on Ash’s hand tightened. He pulled her hand away from Marsh and then pushed her behind him as he stepped between her and Marsh before she
could say anything.

  “Get the fuck out of our way, Marsh. This is your one warning to stay away from her. Don’t even fucking look at her,” Ash growled out, speaking low so that only those really close could hear him.

  Tegan was taken back by the vehemence in Ash’s voice. Apparently she was not the only one because a brief look of fear crossed Marsh’s face before he stepped back and let them pass. Ash surprised her as he wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her up against him.

  The limo was waiting as they walked out but unfortunately so was the paparazzi. Tegan swore she was blinded by the time Ash helped her into the limo and drew up against him. He leaned down and placed a kiss on her temple while running a hand up and down her arm.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” she told him a little breathlessly.

  Tegan wondered what he would do if she crawled up and straddled his lap so that huge bulge he had rubbed over her. Maybe it would relieve the aching throb that had been there since she had met him. She wanted to grip that shirt, rip it open, and plaster her mouth against his. She licked her lips at the thought of his mouth and bare chest.

  He would probably shove her away and pat her on the head like she was a stupid child. When she started to move away he tightened his grip on her, keeping her beside him. When she looked up at him, he gave her a smile that made her stomach flutter. She melted against him, wanting to hang on to him as long as she could even if it was only for a little while.

  Chapter 5

  Ash didn’t let Tegan see the worry in his eyes. Damn it all to fucking hell. He had not meant to let Marsh know how much she meant to him, but when that slimy fuck looked at her the way he had and grabbed her hand, Ash had seen red and fucking lost it. He had wanted to break Marsh’s fucking face.

  Ash Stone was known for his cold calculating demeanor, his ruthlessness but right now he was contemplating murder. The thought of Marsh even getting close to Tegan, putting his hands on her called to the primitive violent side of Ash. The urge to kill Marsh with his bare hands had sounded real fucking appealing.

  By the time they drove up to Ash’s club, he was no longer thinking of Marsh. No, he thinking of Tegan, the little minx was driving him crazy. She had her tits pressed up against his side and she was playing with the buttons of his shirt with one hand. It didn’t take her long to slip her hand inside. Now she was caressing his skin. Her innocent caressing, the soft touch of her small hand on his skin about had him ready to shoot off in his pants. Ash knew then that he was in trouble because he usually had so much more control. Tegan had all the power to make him feel like a fucking teenager. He lifted her hand away before she unmanned him and brought it to his mouth. He nipped her fingertips, and she giggled. He fucking loved the sound of it.

  Once they arrived at his club they spent the next few hours dancing and having fun. Jesus, he about had a fucking heart attack when he first got Tegan out on the dance floor and watched her move. His girl could dance her ass off, and speaking of ass, hers was magnificent. He ached to touch those round globes displayed so nicely in that dress she was wearing.

  He had to have his security run off more men who were standing around watching her, the fucks.

  She talked him into letting her have another drink, and he found he could refuse her nothing. Tina had frowned, but they were having so much fun she let it go after Ash assured her that he would take care of Tegan.

  They closed down the club, and Ash took them back to Tina’s apartment. He wanted nothing more than to take Tegan back to his own penthouse to keep her close, but it was too soon for that.

  “Tina, what do you and Tegan have planned for tomorrow?”

  He asked Tina because Tegan was curled up against him passed out with her head on his chest. Ash didn’t mind one bit. He was enjoying holding her in his arms.

  “I received a call from my agent earlier. It appears I have a shoot, and it’s going to be a long one. Marc, didn’t you say you have to a commercial to shoot tomorrow, too?”

  “Yeah, but not until noon,” Marc said as he came up for air. Then he went back to kissing Tina’s neck and shoulders.

  “Since both of you are going to be gone, I will see if Tegan would like to go to lunch tomorrow,” Ash said.

  “Ash, you do realize that Tegan does not normally drink. She probably won’t even get up until noon and, when she does she is going to have one hell of a hangover. I just hate leaving her alone. I thought I had a least two weeks off to spend with her, but my agent begged me to come in.”

  “Don’t worry about Tegan. I will come by and check on her tomorrow so she won’t be alone.”

  “Thank you, Ash. I really appreciate you doing that, but no more drinking.”

  “I will take care of her, Tina. Don’t worry about it. I got this.”

  Tina just grinned when they arrived and Ash carried Tegan up to the apartment and put her in bed. Tina ran him out when he started to undress her. Damn woman. Tina is watching him close like a mother hen when he leaned over and kissed Tegan’s forehead before leaving the room.

  Chapter 6

  Ash spent the morning in his office, on his phone as he sent his bloodhounds after Marsh. The fucker hadn’t learned his lesson the first time. He kept glancing at the time. When he couldn’t stand it any longer he left to go to Tina’s around ten hoping he had given Tegan enough time to get up and around. He had not actually got much work done. All he had been able to think about is seeing Tegan again.

  On the way up to Tina’s apartment he made a mental note to get Tegan’s phone number.

  Marc opened the door for him when he got there and let him in. The second he stepped in the apartment, Tegan walked out of her room, and he grinned. His girl had no makeup on, and her long hair was hanging wild around her. She was wearing a tight little dark-red tank top with no bra and a black pair of yoga pants that rode low on her hips showing off all her curves. His cock stood up and paid attention at the sight of her. The tank was short enough that it showed off her belly and her small waist.

  He thought she was sexy as hell. Then seeing her dressed like that, jealously and anger rolled over him. She was alone here with Marc looking like a little sex kitten. What the fuck? Didn’t she know anything about men? Didn’t she have any idea how sexy she was, and what a temptation she was? He wanted to drag her back to her room and demand she change. He wanted to spank her ass for letting another man see her like this. It didn’t matter that she was loyal to her cousin and would never touch Marc. The bastard was still staring at her, and Ash didn’t fucking like it one bit, but he couldn’t blame the man. She was gorgeous.

  Tegan paused for a second at seeing them before she groaned and used one hand to shove her hair out of her face before making her way to the large open kitchen. Ash’s eyes were glued to her tits, which bounced with every step she took. Her nipples were at full salute, straining against the fabric of her small top. That they sat high on her chest and were perky for as big as they were amazed him. He fucking loved real breasts, and hers were very real.

  Both men stood transfixed on her gorgeous ass as she walked to the refrigerator and opened the door. She bent down, putting her ass on full display, and grabbed two bottles of cold water. They watched, transfixed on her as she shut the door, opened one of the bottles, and tipped her head back so all of her long wild hair swept over her generous ass and her tits defied gravity. She tipped the bottle up and wrapped those full fuck-me lips over the opening as she arched her back. They watched as her cheeks hollowed and the thick plastic bottle collapsed in on itself as she sucked every last drop out without stopping.

  “Fuck me,” Ash said low as he cock twitched, but Marc who was standing next to him staring at Tegan heard him.

  “Yeah,” Marc mumbled before he recovered quickly and realized he what he was doing. “Ugh, I need to leave. I mean I got to get going. I’ll see you guys later,” Marc said as he quickly grabbed a few things and started to walk out.

�Marc, wait,” Tegan called from the kitchen.

  She now was facing the counter leaning forward with both hands bracing herself with her head down.

  “Two things—one, ibuprofen, and two, a key,” she said without looking up.

  “Oh sure, Teg. Second shelf on your right, and Tina left you a keycard right here by the door,” Marc told her.

  Tegan didn’t bother to lift her head because right now it felt like it was going to fall off any minute.


  “Yeah. No prob. See you guys later.”

  Marc walked out, but not before Ash saw him adjust himself. Ash couldn’t say anything because he had to do the same thing. Tegan just waved and did not look up.

  Ash dug out his phone as he took off his coat and tossed it over on a chair. He quickly sent a text. Tegan still had not moved as he walked into the kitchen and found the bottle of pills. He shook out two, handed them to her, and opened the other water bottle for her.

  She slowly lifted her head and took them from him with shaking hands. Just as she was lifting them to her mouth she took on a slightly green tint. Her eyes widened as she dropped the pills on the counter and set down the bottle of water then pushed away and straightened. She covered her mouth and ran to her room.

  Ash could hear her as he followed. Her body was letting her know she had drunk too much. He walked in with her on her knees bent over the toilet throwing up. She tried to slap his hands away when he pulled back her hair and handed her a wet washcloth.


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