Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2)

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Broken (The Onyx Wolves Book 2) Page 2

by Raven K. Asher

  “Thanks, Pops.” I reply and then walk into the room.

  He grins widely before shutting the door.

  Glancing around at the room I spot a black bag on one of the beds so I move towards the other and sit down.

  Sighing softly I look down at my hands.

  “What do I do now, Gage?” I whisper and then laugh sadly when no one answers me.

  My hand reaches up to hold the vial around my neck. It had been Gage’s and since he no longer needed it I had kept it.

  It made me feel a little bit closer to him.

  It was a part of him that I could keep at least.

  Suddenly just outside the door a group of guys laugh before the door to the room opens and three of them walk in.

  They freeze seeing me.

  “What the hell are you doing in my room?” One of them asks as he steps forward.

  My words get caught in my throat.

  He looked so much like Gage that if I hadn’t known that Gage was dead I would have sworn that it was him standing before me.

  The world was cruel.

  “Hello, did you not hear me? What are you doing in my room?” The guy before me asks again as he steps closer.

  Thankfully I find my voice. “Pops told me that I could stay in this room for now.”

  He nods before raising his brow. “Are you a new Hunter, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before?”

  “We would definitely remember a Hunter as hot as her.” One of the other guys chimes in with a laugh.

  “I’m not a Hunter.” I reply softly.

  All three guys become tense.

  “Then what are you?” The third guy questions as he watches me closely.

  “You know what I am.” I reply with a low growl.

  All three men curse and reach for their weapons.

  In an instant I’m thrown back onto the bed while the one who looked like Gage chokes me with a metal bar of some sort.

  “What are you doing here, how did you trick Pops?” He snarls.

  The door suddenly bursts open and thankfully Pops strolls in while pointing a commanding finger. “Get off of her, Blue. She is a friend and under our protection as a member of the Onyx Pack.”

  “She’s a wolf.” Blue clips out. “She can’t be trusted.”

  “Blue, she can and will be trusted. If she wanted to hurt you at all she would have already instead of allowing you to choke the life out of her.” Pops chuckles.

  Still, Blue doesn’t move.

  Tears pool in my eyes as I look up into his green eyes. They were too much like Gage’s that it hurt to look into them.

  In a wave all of the pain that had been hidden washes over me.

  I break into sobs and Blue quickly moves off of me with wide eyes. “What the hell is wrong with her?” He inquires.

  Pops doesn’t waste a moment to grab me into his arms before his hand pushes my hair away from the back of my neck.

  He curses softly before holding me close. “She lost her mate. I should have known better than to put her in here with you.”

  “What are you talking about, Pops. You’re not making a single bit of sense.” Blue replies as he takes a step forward.

  “She was under the influence of an alpha wolf. Somehow that influence has been broken and she’s feeling the full amount of pain that comes when a wolf alpha looses their mate. I’m told it feels like the pain from a thousand deaths.” Pops explains.

  “How do you fix it?” One of the other guys asks curiously.

  “I need to contact someone from her pack.” Pops sighs as he leans me back. “I’m going to call Damon, okay.”

  I nod and he sits me back on the bed before rushing out of the room leaving me alone with the three unsure Hunters.

  “This is really messed up.” One of them snorts.

  “Did he say Damon, as in Damon the Hunter that was turned wolf?” The third one asks.

  I drown their words out as I lie down on my side and curl into a ball.

  A few minutes pass until Pops walks back into the room. “Lake, Matt, I need you both to go to the front desk and wait for a member of her pack to come. His name is Rowan Grey. As soon as he comes here I want you to bring him here.”

  Both men nod and then walk out of the room.

  Pops sits down next to me and pushes my hair away from my face. “Everything will be alright once Rowan gets here. I need to leave for a little bit but I’m going to leave Blue to watch over you, okay.”

  I close my eyes and nod my head.

  With a rough sigh Pops stands to his feet again. “No matter what you do whatever she needs. She is going to help us find your sister once she’s better.” He then commands Blue.

  “You can’t possibly expect me to stay in this room with a wolf.” Blue spits out.

  “That is exactly what I expect you to do. If you can’t handle being in the same room as a wolf then you need to stop being a Hunter.” Pops grunts before leaving the room with a slam of the door.

  Blue growls and grabs the nearest object before slamming it against the wall.

  It shatters and falls to the floor.

  My wolf whimpers and the sound falls from my lips even though I try to hold it back.

  “What was that?” Blue asks as he moves into my line of view.

  “It was my wolf.” I reply as I try to control my emotions.

  “Does it really hurt that badly?” He then questions as he kneels down in front of me.

  I close my eyes and nod my head. “It hurts worse considering you look so much like him.” I confess.

  “There was a wolf out there that looked like me?” He laughs abruptly.

  I open my eyes and nod.

  After a few moments my tears dry up and silence surrounds Blue and I as he continues to watch me curiously.

  “Try to get some rest until your pack member gets here. I’ll be right over here if you need anything.” Blue grunts as he stands to his feet and then moves away from me.

  Sighing softly I give in and close my eyes.

  Sleep sounded good right about now but I wasn’t sure if I could even drift off even if I wanted to.

  Every time my eyes closed I saw Gage.

  The same horrible scene would play through my head.

  A single shot would sound out and I would scream…

  “Holy cow…wake up, wolf.” Blue yells as he shakes me suddenly.

  I snarl and bite at him as I wake up startled.

  He yelps as we fall to the floor with me on top of him. “Damn it, snap out of this before I have to hurt you, wolf.”

  I growl and snap my teeth at him until he has no choice but to flip us over.

  My back slams against the floor and my breath whooshes from my chest.

  In an instant I’m brought back to reality just in time for the door to open revealing Rowan, Pops, and a very angry London.

  “What the hell happened, Blue?” Pops questions quickly.

  Blue looks down to me and the position we were in before looking back up at Pops. “She fell asleep. I tried to wake her up when she started to scream but she attacked me.”

  “And you ended up on top of her, how?” London snarls.

  “It was the only way.” Blue replies unsure.

  London steps forward to fight but I stop him. “London, he had to stop me. I would have hurt him otherwise.”

  Looking to Blue I raise my brow and wait for him to lift himself off of me.

  He laughs uneasily before pushing up and then standing to his feet before moving away to the other side of the room quickly.

  I slowly stand up and move towards Rowan.

  His eyes were still on Blue. “He looks so much like him.” He whispers.

  I nod my head and then lean my head against his chest. “Yes, he does.”

  Rowan turns his attention to Pops. “Why does he look so much like Gage? As far as I knew he had no other family or brothers that were outside of our pack.”

  “I can’t answer that, Rowan. Th
ere are secrets that even I don’t know. I do know that he does have pack blood running through his veins but he’s much like Parker’s brother Alex. He’s human.” Pops answers.

  “Wait, what are you saying?” Blue steps forward.

  Pops sighs roughly. “I’m saying that you are in some ways related to the wolves.”

  Blue’s eyes go wide before he rushes out of the room.

  Pops motions in the direction of the door. “I should go after him. I have a lot to explain. Will you be alright, Parker?”

  I nod. “I’ll be fine.”

  He nods and then leaves the room.

  London turns to me. “Why the hell would you come back to this place, it’s full of Hunters?”

  “I came here because it’s safe.” I reply easily as I move closer to him.

  London shakes his head. “It’s not safe here. That Hunter could have easily killed you.”

  “But he didn’t.” I reply softly.

  “Come back home with us.” He then pleads as he cups his hand against my cheek. “Please, stay somewhere where it’s safer than this.”

  “I’m safe here, London. Plus I have to stay here. I promised Pops that I would help him find a few of his missing Hunters.” I reply gently.

  I wanted him to understand that I wasn’t going to leave.

  Pops needed me and it was giving me purpose to continue on.

  “Then we will stay with you.” He reasons.

  “One of you has to go back and take care of the pack.” I argue.

  “You can stay with her, London. I’ll return back with the pack. She listens better to you anyway.” Rowan chimes in.

  He was giving up a lot.

  London nods his head gratefully.

  “Whatever you do, Parker, don’t lose yourself to the Hunter. I know he looks like Gage but he isn’t him.” Rowan adds.

  I nod my head in understanding. “I won’t lose myself.”

  London steps back and Rowan takes his place.

  “I’m going to give you two some time.” London grunts before walking out the door.

  Rowan stares into my eyes.

  “Tell me what Gage told you.” I whisper.

  Rowan closes his eyes for a moment before he reopens them and pushes my hair back behind my ears with his hands. “He told me to love you, to kiss you senseless when you needed it, and to do everything in my power to make you smile.”

  He wipes away a stray tear from my cheek before continuing on. “He made me promise to take care of you no matter what happened. He wanted you to go on with life.”

  “I wish we could have had more time together.” I whimper.

  Rowan nods. “He would have given anything for more time too.”

  “At least I have you.” I sigh softly as I wrap my arms around his neck.

  He smiles down at me sweetly before leaning in to press his lips against my tenderly. “I’m glad I have you too.”

  Pops walks into the room interrupting us and then curses softly. “I’m sorry you two. I didn’t know…” He trails off.

  I chuckle and shake my head. “It’s alright, Pops.”

  Rowan turns his attention back to me. “I will be here in an instant if you call, okay.”

  I nod and hug him tightly before letting him go.

  Pops and I watch him leave the room before Pops turns his attention towards me. “What’s going to happen now?” He asks.

  “London is going to stay with me so that he can use his claws and so he can keep me safe. They’re worried about Blue.” I answer honestly.

  Pops nods his head. “Alright, he’s going to have to stay in here with you and Blue if that’s alright. I don’t even have another spare bed to give.”

  “That’s fine, Pops. London can share my bed or he can take the floor. I doubt it will matter to him as long as he’s near me.” I reply.

  “Good, now that we have that settled I’ll go see what I can find for you and London to eat for dinner. I’m sure you’re starving.” Pops chuckles.


  London walks back in with Blue following close behind just as Pops leaves the room in search of something hopefully tasty to eat.

  “Are you feeling any better, Sweetheart?” London asks with a raised brow.

  I shake my head. “My world still feels like it’s falling apart.”

  “Do you want me to take the pain away again?” He questions next as he steps closer.

  I nod my head.

  The pain had my lungs feeling as if I wouldn’t be able to even take my next breath. I nearly had to gasp for my next breath.

  Moving close London stares into my eyes while reaching his hand behind my neck.

  London stops when Blue curses and quickly pulls a weapon.

  “What the hell are you going to do to her?” Blue growls fiercely.

  It catches both me and London off guard.

  I had never expected his reaction to be to protect me.

  London glances between me and Blue before answering. “I’m using my claws to control what her mind thinks.”

  “Will it hurt her?” Blue questions next.

  London shakes his head. “No, I’m taking away her pain. Everything else will be the same she just won’t be as sad.”

  Blue nods his head and watches me closely as London resumes his position with his claws at the base of my neck.

  With a quick movement his claws pierce my skin and the same wave of bliss that I had felt before floods over me.

  I close my eyes as I smile.

  “That’s my girl.” London whispers as he holds me upright.

  “What else can you guys do with your claws like that?” Blue grunts.

  London lets out a low growl as he continues to stare into my eyes. He didn’t like our moment being interrupted.

  When we were like this it was intimate.

  It brought forth memories of London and I being together.

  Our feelings quickly sweep us away and I find myself being pinned down to my bed as London’s lips caress over mine.

  “I did not see that coming.” Blue barks out in laughter.

  I was thankfully for his interruption this time.

  London wasn’t though.

  He snarls before jumping to his feet and then stalking towards Blue, his anger was getting the better of him. He was ready to kill Blue for interrupting us again.

  Moving quickly I step between London and Blue.

  My back was towards Blue giving him a huge amount of trust.

  London stops as his eyes go wide. “You’re seriously giving a Hunter that much trust? He could easily stab you right in the back.”

  “But he’s not going to, London.” I argue.

  London searches my eyes for a moment. “He isn’t Gage and it would be best if you remember that.”

  With a quick move London snatches a knife from Blue’s hand and then steps back as he hands it over to me.

  Turning quickly London leaves the room.

  I let out the breath I had been holding before turning towards Blue with the knife held between us. “Were you seriously going to use this against me?”

  He shakes his head as he looks into my eyes. “I only pulled it because I was afraid of him. I’m not afraid of you.”

  “You should be afraid of me, Blue. You need to be afraid.” I reply sternly.

  Standing in front of him I breathe heavily as a string tugs at my heart.

  Tilting my head I study this man before me. There shouldn’t have been any kind of pull towards him. He was human after all.

  It had to be the fact that he looked so much like Gage.

  Being close like this though I could see the slight differences between them.

  Blue had flecks of silver in his green eyes.

  His left eyebrow had a deep scar cutting through it and his hair, his hair was soft to the touch. I couldn’t help myself as I run my fingers through it.

  “I’m not him.” Blue states suddenly.

  I pull away quickly a
nd turn my back to him to hide my face.

  Not wanting to answer him I quickly change into my wolf form which elicits a string of curses from Blue as he watches me with a renewed fear.

  I had no intentions of hurting him though.

  Lying down on my bed I watch Blue as he relaxes a bit and then sits down on his bed across from me.

  “I’m sorry for what happened to you. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you. I lost the only family I had to wolves like you and that’s why I’m having such a hard time trusting you.” Blue confesses with a deep sigh.

  “You probably don’t even understand a word I’m saying.” He snorts to himself.

  “I want to trust you and I need your help to find my sister. I have to find her.” He then sighs sadly as he places his head into his hands.

  As London walks in Blue quickly stands to his feet.

  “What happened, why is she in her wolf form?” London questions as he motions towards me.

  Blue holds his hands into the air. “I don’t know. We kind of had a moment and she quickly turned when I told her that I wasn’t him.”

  London nods. “Keep reminding her that.”

  He then looks towards me as he holds up a plate of raw steaks. “Are you hungry, Sweetheart?” He grins before tossing one towards me.

  I snatch the meat from the air and quickly begin eating.

  London grabs his own piece of meat and begins eating it raw while still in his human form.

  Blue scrunches his nose in disgust. “How can you do that, won’t it make you sick?”

  London was doing it just for show but it wouldn’t hurt him.

  Smiling London doesn’t answer him he just takes another large bite of his meat.

  When Blue gags I can’t help but change back into my human form to laugh out loudly in amusement.

  London joins me before grunting a response to Blue’s earlier question. “We can eat pretty much anything without it hurting us whether we’re in human for or not.”

  Blue nods his head but continues to watch us with a hint of disgust.

  I snort and motion towards London. “Just change into your wolf so he doesn’t end up throwing up.”

  London grins and then changes a moment later.

  “Thank you.” Blue sighs out in relief.


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