
Home > Horror > DarykRogue > Page 27
DarykRogue Page 27

by Denise A. Agnew

  Bollocks. She would have to give a little if she expected Marc to…


  Rayder shook his head. He didn’t know. He had no business attempting to matchmake, and how or why it came into the picture baffled him. His sister was vulnerable despite her outward bravado. He doubted she comprehended that. If Marc hurt her in any way, Rayder would make him pay.

  Then again, perhaps he’d already hurt her.

  “Tell me,” Rayder said to Aknada, watching his sister’s face rapidly echo apprehension and resignation. “We’re alone and you can tell me everything that happened these three years.”

  She laughed softly. “You were always very direct Rayder.”

  “It runs in the family.”

  She sighed and pursed her lips. “You’re right.”

  He snorted softly. “You honor me.”

  With a laugh, she flashed a smile. “I know. I was always a handful as a child.”

  “Who says you’ve grown out of it?”

  She laughed—a high, feminine sound filled with genuine mirth. “You haven’t changed much.”

  “Have you?”

  “Yes. In so many ways.”

  “Can you ever forgive me for failing you? For not saving Braxis?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t forgive you.”

  His heart sank, sadness seeping into his soul.

  “No, I can see you misunderstand me. I can’t forgive you because there’s nothing to forgive. Two days before my betrothed was killed, I realized I didn’t love him. I had…feelings for someone else. Someone who has haunted my nights for years.”

  Rayder’s relief that she didn’t blame him for her betrothed’s death didn’t diminish his concern. “You mean Marc Gampia.”

  She bit her lip. “None of your business.”

  He smiled. “Perhaps not.”

  “All you need to understand is that I don’t blame you for Braxis. You couldn’t have stopped his death. No one, not even I could have helped him. I learned right before Aramus slew him that he planned to join the slave trade. But not the way Pian or even Marc trades in slaves. He was Aramus’ friend and I didn’t even know it. I almost wish I would have killed him before Aramus did.”

  “Why did Aramus kill him?”

  “Aramus saw me with Braxis one day and decided he wanted me for a concubine. Braxis decided that Aramus couldn’t have me. At least he had that many scruples. That’s why Aramus killed Braxis.”

  Rayder groaned and squeezed her fingers. “By the god, Aknada… I am so sorry. You’ve been let down by so many men, haven’t you?”

  “Braxis betrayed me, and then Aramus took something else from me. I know you feel responsible for me because I’m your only sister. But you aren’t responsible for anything that happened to me. If anyone is responsible for what occurred, it’s Marc.”

  Rayder blinked in confusion. “How?”

  She rubbed her hands over her face. “Never mind. It’s complicated and I don’t want to talk about it now.”

  “You cannot tell me that you hate him. I can see you don’t.”

  She sneered. “Hate? Perhaps not. Please, Rayder, I don’t want to talk about him anymore.”

  Discomfort gnawed at his gut. Instinct told him she’d left an important detail out. “There’s more, Aknada. Don’t deny it. You still haven’t explained why you let me think you were dead.”

  Her eyes were sad. “I know you said you forgive me for that. I didn’t expect it. I stayed away because I didn’t want you to know that I was…” She gulped, clear sorrow darkening her eyes. “Several men on Aramus’ ship raped me.”

  Pain lacerated him. Anger slammed his gut with equal force. “What?”

  “Aramus raped me. Several men helped him hold me down and then took their turns.”

  Excruciating didn’t describe his reaction. His fists opened and closed. “Draconus. I shall kill Aramus with my bare hands.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  He glanced at her, absorbing his anguish, imagining her pain and sorrow. “It must have been… I cannot imagine, Aknada. That you could trust any man would be a miracle. Have you told Marc about this?”

  “No. Aramus took my virginity and destroyed trust. The only man I trust is Pian and you. The rest of your bloody kind can go to the hells.”

  Tears spilled from her eyes. She sobbed. He moved to the bed and reached for her, wanting to comfort her and himself.

  “No,” she said. “Let it be. Any man’s embrace, even my brother’s… It is still too much.”

  He nodded but stayed. “Of course. What can I do, Aknada?” He jammed one hand into his hair. “What can I do?”

  “Give me time, Rayder. I don’t know if I can ever trust a man again. But I know what you can do for me. Help me get revenge on Aramus.”

  He nodded. “That has been my whole life for three years, wanting to destroy his slave empire. By now he has to know something is wrong. He may have sailed from shore.”

  She wiped at her tears and sniffed. “I will help you find him, no matter how long it takes.”

  Though he knew she had far to go emotionally, he also knew he couldn’t stop her. She would do what she must do.

  “We will have a meal and plot and plan, my sister. I vow to you this day, we will make Aramus pay.”

  * * * * *

  Xandra barely heard Rayder planning the next step of the battle plan. Rayder, Xandra, Aknada and Marc sat around a huge table capable of seating twenty. The dining hall ceiling rose high, wood rafters scarred with age. The long room was decorated with shields, swords, helmets and other war implements. Aknada had made a snide comment on not much changing as she’d entered the dining hall.

  Two days had passed since Rayder and Aknada had announced plans to attack Aramus’ ship. Xandra’s stomach had knotted when she’d heard their decision. Two days would be enough, Marc had assured, to gather enough men to their side. Since they’d come to the compound, Xandra realized all of the men, slave or no, held Marc in the highest of esteem. Except by Aknada.

  “How I’ve changed,” Xandra had said to Rayder as he’d held her last night in his arms.


  Tears had prickled her eyes. “I’ve accepted killing another man. It goes against all I was taught in Magonia. Murder is not done.”

  “But it was done to your family, my beauty. Murder has marked you. You cannot run from it.”

  She’d cried again, damning the tears. She wanted to banish all signs of weakness, and yet the ache in her heart wouldn’t allow it.

  “You musn’t despair,” he’d said. “You will never be a murderer. Our revenge is just. Aramus gives us no other choice.”

  “What if he does?” Had she honestly expressed such an opinion?

  Rayder had glared at her in the semidarkness, candlelight throwing menacing shadows over his face. “You would let him go? After all he did to you and Aknada and Draconus only knows how many other women?”

  “No… I would let his hate and evil destroy him. Instead, I am planning with you to hasten his demise.”

  “To save others.”

  “That is the only way I can think of it and approve, Rayder. If we must kill him to save those women in the ship’s hold…I will go with you.”

  “You are staying here. I won’t let you face danger again.” Rayder’s demand had been fierce in its denial.

  She’d rolled him over on his back, but of course he’d let her. She’d straddled his hips, coming down on his cock and holding the hard, thick length within her folds. She’d hissed in a breath the pleasure was so staggering. Before long she moved, and hips echoed her need. Each thrust and drag of his hardness inside Xandra had sent her to the edge, hovering there. Breathless. Drugged with craving and need so acute her heart felt as if it might pound from her chest.

  “No,” he’d gasped the word. “You are staying here.”

  She moved faster, planting her palms near his shoulders and using her lower body to work him, to screw him de
ep inside her. “Going.”

  He sucked in a breath as she’d taken him harder. She’d looked down on him as she gloried in Rayder’s vulnerability. She’d taken control, battered at him with everything she had. He would, on this point at least, give in to her.

  “I’m going.” She’d gasped her words, frantic to make him understand. “I won’t leave you. I won’t sit here and wonder what’s happening to you.”

  His eyes, glowing with a combination of anger and arousal, had latched on to hers. With a snarl, Rayder had thrown his hips upward. The sharp thrust had hit deep within her. Orgasm had erupted, burning her in sweet pleasure. The violence and strength of her reaction had stunned her to the core. He’d followed, a guttural cry ripping from his throat. Breathless and sated, she’d fallen into his arms and slept soundly.

  As Rayder and the others planned now, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know if she cared for the feeling, for the darkness it brought to her life. What choice did she have? She wouldn’t abandon them.

  “Xandra?” Aknada sat across from her.

  Xandra’s gaze snapped up and collided with Rayder’s. “I am fine. I was just thinking.”

  “Then you missed the entire plan,” Marc said with teasing in his blue eyes.

  She smiled, charmed by Marc’s kindness. Over two days Aknada had fully recovered, yet Marc hovered her as if he was afraid someone would harm her. His attention wasn’t fawning, but no one could miss Marc’s devotion. Well, accept for Aknada. Xandra witnessed Aknada glancing at Marc longingly when Aknada didn’t think anyone was watching.

  Aknada seemed determined to dislike him against her own will. Xandra couldn’t blame Aknada’s caution. She’d felt the same about Rayder. Felt? Perhaps there was a small part of her still unopened to Rayder because he hadn’t said he loved her.

  “He is playing with you, Xandra.” Aknada threw her brother a glare. “We’ve barely reached any conclusion.”

  Rayder launched into discussion. “Xandra insists on coming with with us.”

  “That isn’t wise.” Aknada tucked hair behind her ears, but the thick cascade refused restraint. It flopped over the side of her face. “Rayder and I are Daryk Ones. If we’re worried about you, we cannot perform our duty.”

  Marc, who sat next to Xandra, said, “Perhaps it would be better if I team up with Aknada. She can protect me if the need arises.”

  Aknada threw him a contemptuous look. “Protect you?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Like you said, you are a Daryk One. I am not. I need protection.”

  Though he said it with a straight face, no one could mistake the tone. He was goading her into a confrontation.

  “Be that as it may,” Rayder said as he shoved back his chair and started to pace, “Xandra is under my protection and will remain with me at all times. Aknada, if you can restrain your intense distaste for Marc and work with him, I think it would make sense.”

  Aknada glanced quickly at Marc. She pursed her lips slightly. “I suppose.”

  Rayder made a scoffing noise. “Do not suppose. Know for certain.”

  Aknada’s cheeks went pink. Was she embarrassed or angry or both? “Very well. Marc will go with me.”

  Marc shifted in his chair and kept his expression neutral. “Good. Back to the mission. Sixty men have consented to help.”

  “Sixty?” Surprise colored Aknada’s voice. “That is excellent.”

  “Indeed. The ship probably has about that many men working on it. Possibly less,” Rayder said.

  “Is that enough?” Xandra couldn’t suppress worry. “I mean, enough men on our side?”

  Marc cleared his throat. “It will have to be enough. It’s all we have. We have an advantage. Arcos will accompany us.”

  Xandra’s eyebrows shot up. “We won’t be able to sneak up on anyone with a dragon clomping along, will we?”

  Marc smiled. “Normally we wouldn’t. Arcos will fly overhead as protection. When the time is right, he will use fire.”

  Aknada sniffed. “Are you sure you can control him?”

  Marc’s threw an angry glance at Aknada. “Yes. He’s been with me for two years.”

  “Your first pet dragon,” Aknada said.

  “The first. A rare exception.”

  Rayder cleared his throat, obviously tired of the tension. “Very well. The dragon goes with us.”

  Tension remained even as they retired to their quarters to dress for the trip. Each of them would wear a pack with essentials. Rayder insisted Xandra give him some of her supplies.

  She smiled at him indulgently, half tempted to challenge him to see the spark in his eyes. “I can carry it all.”

  His eyes flashed to hers. “You cannot.”

  She lifted the pack sitting on the bed and sighed. “It barely has anything in it. Water, food, a knife—”

  “That’s all you need.”

  She rolled her gaze to the ceiling. “You’re stubborn.”

  He slipped his arm around her waist and brought her flush against his body. Red filled his eyes. Pushed to the edge, his gaze conveyed lack of patience and hunger. He wanted her. His cock hardened as he pressed against her. She thrilled to the sensation. Gently he walked her back toward the door.

  “What are you doing?” She gripped his shoulders to keep steady.

  “You’ll see.”

  Without force he held her against the wall.

  Her breath caught as she looped her arms around his neck. “We don’t have time for this, Rayder.”

  “I think we do.” His voice held husky promise, his eyes flaming with instant need.

  His mouth covered hers, hungry and hot and filled with purpose. She gasped into his mouth as he undid the ties on his trousers.

  “Rayder,” she whispered.

  “Are you wet for me?” He slid her flowing trousers down her legs. She stepped out of them.

  “Yes.” Her throat was tight with passion, her voice thin and raspy. When he touched her wetness and drew it up to smooth over her clit, she gasped in sweet pleasure. “Rayder, now.”

  “As you wish.” Male cockiness touched his smile. He kissed her, tongue deep in her mouth.

  Seconds later he lifted her against the door and she wrapped her legs around him as his cock thrust deep between her legs. She shivered in ecstasy. He was hot, hard, spreading her wide. Kissing him with heated passion, she spurred him on.

  “Harder,” she gasped her demand.

  He complied. Thrusting with steady, deep thrusts, he picked up the pace. The door started to rattle as the speed of their explosive sex increased.

  Knocking on the door stopped Rayder cold, his cock pressed deep.

  “Hey, are you guys ready?” Marc’s deep voice asked.

  “Go away.” Rayder growled his words. “We’ll be out shortly.”

  Xandra thought she heard a chuckle and a female voice responding then footsteps walking away. Heat flushed her face.

  “By the god, Rayder, they heard us.”

  He panted. His body hard and dominating in hers. “So?”

  Heat still pulsed deep in her core, and she ached for him to continue. “Hurry. They’re waiting.”

  He smiled. “With pleasure.”

  He thrust again, his eyes red, his cheeks flushed, his expression tight with furious need.

  Xandra’s body erupted into hot, pulsing ecstasy as he continued to drive, pushing, giving her more. She muffled her scream against his shoulder. Rayder pounded harder, sounds of pleasure unmistakable.

  A scant moment later Rayder thrust to the limit and growled, a guttural, animal sound of pure male pleasure. He shuddered and shook against her, hands squeezing her buttocks tight. He leaned against her, still holding her to the door.

  As he drew back and settled her gently on her feet, Xandra smiled. “Rayder.” With reverence she cupped his face. “You are…”

  He smiled, his face still reflecting their powerful connection. “Yes?”

  “You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever k
nown.” Tears welled in her eyes.

  He cupped her face in both his big hands and kissed her nose. “By the god, Xandra. No crying. You’ll break me.”

  That he could be broken amazed her. “Then let us go before I start truly to cry.”

  “My beauty, when we reach the ship, things will become dangerous. Do not try anything without me.”

  She smiled to deflect him. “We are a strange pair.”


  “Because we started off hating each other.”

  His eyebrows lifted. “You hated me?”

  “Of course. You were my captor.” Then she shook her head. “No. You were so startling. So masculine. I’d never seen a man as handsome and powerful as you.”

  Cockiness returned to his expression. “You felt something physical for me.”


  He kissed her forehead and released her. “I never hated you, Xandra. Not one minute. You were amazing from the first moment I saw you. Come, let us go. We are late.”

  “Whose fault is that?” she asked with a teasing tone.

  As they rearranged their clothes, his wide smile promised retribution some time in the near future. “Yours.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Rayder, Xandra, Marc, Aknada and a contingent of sixty men made their way through the jungle at night. Though she’d endured it before, the jungle trek this time seemed harder and harsher. The night was hot and sweat dripped into her face. Though she drank water, the arduous walk made her ache with longing for a soft bed and sleep.

  At the same time she couldn’t say staying back at Marc’s compound would have proved easier. She would have worried too much. Here, if she decided to worry, at least she knew what was happening.

  Xandra marveled at how long it took to traverse the area with a large component of fighting force. They didn’t camp for the night, and as one unfortunate man discovered, the dark was fraught with more perils than expected. He was severely bitten on the leg by a poisonous plant. Luckily for him they had a kit with an antidote, a salve concocted by a wise woman at Marc’s compound. The man felt better, but two other men accompanied him back to the compound. He wouldn’t be much use to fight for at least a few days, and Marc didn’t want to send the man back alone.


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