Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance

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Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance Page 4

by Rider, P. J.

  When his vision finally adjusted to the dim lighting inside the bar he walked toward the memorial wall that took up the back half of the bar. The wall was covered from three feet off the ground up to the ceiling with pictures of Steel Breed. Some were just shots from club parties and events but most were the member’s first mug shots.

  Ash was on the wall. A frame with his mug shot from the first time he was arrested as a Breed and a shot of him chugging a pint of whisky with some bitch straddling his thighs and sucking on his neck.

  These pictures weren’t what he was most interested in though. The frame he zeroed in on was at the dead center of the wall. The largest of all the pictures it was about twenty inches across and showed the ten original Steel Breed MC members. There, third from the left, was mother fucking Seamus Quirke staring out at him from behind a long thick dark beard. He almost didn’t recognize the man he knew as the head librarian except for the eyes. Maggie had those same eyes. He had yet to see them up close but he’d been watching her long enough, he would recognize those eyes anywhere. As a librarian Seamus had kept his face clean-shaven and his hair tight to his head. Ash would have never realized this was the same man if Ben hadn’t pointed him in the right direction, but the name on the plaque below confirmed it. This was indeed Maggie Quirke’s father.

  Everything was starting to make sense now. And when he saw Jack next he would definitely have some questions for him. Right now though he needed to head back to the library. Maggie would probably be getting out of work soon, and now that he knew she was the daughter of an original he took this assignment much more seriously.

  Chapter 5


  “Oh Maggie, what am I going to do with you?” Reef shook his head as he watched Maggie enter the library. If there was anything Maggie had going for her, Reef thought, it was her tenacity. She wasn’t smart enough to hold down this job for long. It’s why she needed him.

  Reef realized now his mistake in not explaining to Maggie exactly why she needed to stay home and let him take care of her. She didn’t know the harsh realities of the world. She didn’t know she wasn’t smart enough to hold down a job, pay the bills, and take care of not only herself but all the day to day struggles the head of the household needed to take care of. She could barely understand the concept of doing what Reef told her to do. How was she going to survive on her own?

  As far as Reef was concerned the proof was in the pudding. Her house was a perfect example of Maggie’s inability to manage her own life. When Maggie left for work the day before Reef looked through the windows of her house. The dishtowels were haphazardly strewn about the counter. The pantry door was left open. There were even leaves in the threshold. LEAVES! He would have put money on her bed being unmade if he could have somehow scaled the walls to check the second story windows.

  Right now though Reef was making sure to stay far enough away that Maggie wouldn’t see him but close enough that he could get a good look at her with his binoculars. He would watch her when she stood on her front porch looking out at the street. And every time she left the library he would watch as she looked all around while she walked to her car. He was starting to wonder if maybe she was looking for him. Maybe he needed to end this game now. Maybe she’d learned her lesson and was ready to come home. No, not yet. He needed to give her a little more time to wallow before he let her apologize and beg to come home.

  Reef picked up his binoculars again after Maggie had gone inside the library and scanned the street. He saw the biker standing against the building that housed the barbershop on the other side of the library. The biker had been watching Maggie too. This was exactly why Maggie needed Reef in her life. Who knew what this criminal wanted with his darling stupid little girl. He was surely scoping her out to rob her house and rape her. He certainly looked the type. Reef supposed the creep was probably about six feet tall, dark scruffy hair and a beard for Christ’s sake. What kind of criminal element lived in this shit hole of a town?

  Maggie didn’t even realize the danger she was in! Yes. This was exactly where Reef needed to be. Watching over Maggie. Giving her time to get accustomed to the harshness of life on her own. Maybe he would even let that biker punk mess with Maggie a little. Let her get a taste of her own medicine. And then Reef would come sweeping in like a knight in shining armor and save her.

  Reef was sure he could take the biker in a fight. Reef worked out. He had muscles that you could see. Clearly defined. Plus he was in the right. Maggie was his, clear and simple. He would let this dick head mess with Maggie, and Reef would come to her rescue and beat the tar out of that jerk. The idea made Reef smile.

  In the meantime he would wait and watch. He had plenty of vacation time coming to him plus he’d gotten a great deal when he’d traded in the old white coupe for his newer blue two-door Honda. Something Maggie wouldn’t recognize if she ever saw it around town.

  It took him a few weeks to set his affairs in order before following her here. Finding the hacker to track down the number for her new cell phone was a chore in and of itself. Of course she would come back to the town she grew up in. Yet another example of how stupid Maggie was. Even after her dad died she still didn’t leave. That was ok though. Reef had a nice little cottage on the West side of town, and his only job now was to watch over Maggie. Make sure she stayed safe, and wait for the right time to approach her and welcome her home with open arms.

  Of course he would have to punish her for leaving again, but maybe this time she would finally learn her lesson. Not that he was counting on it. She definitely had not proven herself capable of learning her lessons the previous times she disobeyed him. This time however he was playing his hand a little differently. Instead of dragging her home he was letting her get a little taste of the so-called greener grass. And after a bit she would finally understand and be grateful.

  Maggie would be busy inside the library for the rest of the day. No need to sit here idle. He would go hit the gym outside of town for a bit. Get his daily workout in. The girl that ran the smoothie counter at the gym had been flirting with him. Not that he normally recommended shitting where you, but it wasn’t his fault Maggie had gone and ran away again. Plus even though they were staying in this town for a bit it wasn’t their real home, so it was OK to play the field for a bit. Take care of his needs.

  Reef pulled into the gym parking lot and got out. He retrieved his bag with his workout clothes from the trunk, and eyed his reflection in the glass as he walked up to the front doors. “Gorgeous.” He thought to himself. “Perfect abs, strong pecs, thick biceps.” His gaze moved down his legs. “My calves could use a bit more work, but that’s what life’s about right? Always working toward perfection.” He smiled at his image in the reflection before pulling the door open.

  The pretty little thing behind the smoothie bar looked over when he opened the door and smiled. She was definitely a treat for the eyes. Much more tone then Maggie. When he got Maggie back home he was definitely putting her on a strict diet and exercise regime. No more of those flabby thighs. Yes it was nice to have an ass to grab onto, but Maggie’s was just a tad too fat. In the past it had been easier to keep her home. Maybe he could build a gym in the garage. That way he could really keep an eye on her progress and make sure she wasn’t flirting with any of the meatheads that seemed to frequent gyms.

  Despite her fat ass and thighs Maggie was definitely a beautiful woman. She had the most gorgeous hair. Plus her eyes could really take you to another place. And when she laughed? Ugh. It was enough to drive a man wild. She’d become a bit of a sour puss since the wedding though.

  Reef tried desperately to keep her happy. He’d refrained from striking her for a long time, hoping his dad had been wrong about the need to punish a woman to keep her in line. Reef thought he’d simply find a woman that was willing to take care of his home and children and stay in line and all would be well. But as time passed Reef realized more and more how right his father was. Maggie did need a fi
rm hand to guide her. He didn’t punish her nearly as much as his father had punished his mother. Really Reef had been an exemplary husband. He couldn’t help Maggie’s thick skull when it came to learning the rules of matrimony.

  Reef smiled across the room at the smoothie girl as he stepped from the locker room. He wore his bicycle shorts and sneakers but no shirt. He stepped up to the free weights and watched the girl watching him in the mirror. She was practically drooling as he worked his arms. Every rep he would angle his body to show it off for her. Oh yeah. He would be taking that piece home tonight for sure.

  Chapter 6


  Maggie was nervous heading to the self-defense class. She really didn’t know what to expect from the whole experience, but in the long run she knew this was the right thing to do. So far she hadn’t seen Reef or his car anywhere and the phone calls seemed to be dwindling as well. In fact now that she thought back it had been more than a week since she’d received a call from him. Which honestly made her slightly more nervous than when he was calling on a regular basis. It wasn’t like Reef to give up. Ever. So what had changed?

  She tried not to think about it. There was nothing she could do at the moment so she chose to focus on taking care of herself and paying attention in class. Maggie pulled into the parking lot behind the martial arts building that Jessi had given her directions to and cut the engine. She took a quick look around, made sure to check all her mirrors, and gripped her keys between her fingers before stepping out of the car. This hyper vigilance had become second nature. It only ramped up since Reef’s calls had dwindled, and she’d spotted the biker outside her home. Lately she just couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched.

  Maggie walked through the back entrance of the dojo and breathed a sigh of relief. It was always easier to be inside a building with other people. She felt like it was the only time she could truly let herself relax and let her guard down. Anytime she was outside regardless if there were others around she felt on high alert. Walking along the sidewalk downtown was the worst for her. On the sidewalk her shoulders were tense and her heart raced, but when she walked into a store her whole body would relax. She felt like she was on a roller coaster so she tended to stay home as much as possible.

  As she moved toward the check-in desk at the back of the room she took note of three other women that had already arrived. Maggie signed in and paid the fee. She put her purse in one of the cubbyholes on the wall to the right, and took a seat on the mat. Jessi sat against the wall at the front of the class stretching. She looked up and smiled as Maggie sat down.

  Maggie smiled back and waived then took her time looking around the room and noting the posters and photos of the different classes hanging all over. It felt so right being here. Every step in her life that she’d made since leaving Reef had felt right. Staying in her father’s home. Starting her new job at the library. Now taking this class was yet another piece of the puzzle for her independence.

  She wondered often if she would be able to do this on her own, but then she’d realize it was Reef’s voice in her head talking. She fought to disregard the voice that struck up a new series of “shit on Maggie” and forced her attention back to the front of the class. The last of the women were signing in, and the primary instructor was getting settled.

  The main instructor was an Asian American man of medium height, about 5’8”, but broadly built. He was stocky but he moved with an ease and grace that was unexpected. He had a kind face and soft eyes and he began to speak to the class in a very subtle Chinese accent.

  “Good evening ladies, I’m glad everyone could make it tonight. I’m John Sung, and this is Jessi Flynn my assistant. It looks like we’ll have about eight women in tonight’s class. We’ll be going over everything from every day smart habits to literally fighting for your life. This class is for tonight only so we’ll try to get you the most important information we can, and at least help you to develop the most affective skills to protect yourselves. Let’s get started by talking about every day habits…”

  Sensei Sung talked about the best way the women in class could prevent an attack from ever occurring. He talked about being forceful in speaking. That if it felt like someone was following her it was ok to ask if they were following her. They practiced speaking in loud strong tones. Maggie took it all in.

  She thought back to her life before she’d met Reef. Maggie had never been afraid of confrontation. She’d never been a shy or quiet person. She wasn’t particularly loud, but she wasn’t afraid to laugh and play and would never question speaking to a stranger. Now, in this room with Sensei Sung stalking behind her during their practice she found her heart in her throat as she turned to “confront him”. It shocked her how difficult it was the first time to question him. “Are you following me?”

  By the end of the night though Maggie could feel her adrenaline picking up. She could feel her throat opening up, and her heart rate accelerating. “I can do this.” She thought to herself. “I have nothing to fear in this room. I only have wisdom and knowledge to gain.”

  Maggie felt empowered as she packed up her belongings. Never before had she thought she could protect herself against Reef. Not that she believed she could take him in a straight on fight, but in the least she thought she’d be able to get away from him and get help. In the past his strength and weight intimidated her. Now she knew ways to counter his strength.

  As she pulled her bag over her shoulder she watched from a distance while Jessi and Sensei Sung said good-bye to the other girls. When the last woman left Maggie walked up to Jessi to thank her, “I just wanted to say I really appreciate you inviting me to this. I honestly feel like I learned a lot and I’m so glad I chose to come.”

  “I’m glad you chose to come. We really should get together sometime? It’s been way to long.” Jessi paused and looked back toward the other women then turned back to Maggie.

  “Do you mind if I ask you something?”

  “…Sure” Maggie hesitated, unsure of Jessi’s tone.

  “I don’t mean to presume anything, it’s just I’ve been working with Sensei Sung for a while, and I’ve assisted him in teaching a lot of self-defense classes. Most women take these courses on a whim, but occasionally someone comes in that has a look about her. Like maybe they’re running from something. Or have had experience with being helpless in the past. Like they’re sucking in everything we’re saying as if their life depends on it…” Jessi paused and looked at Maggie.

  “Wow. I didn’t think it was so obvious.” Maggie let out a shaky laugh.

  “I left my husband a few months ago when my father was passing from cancer. I don’t really want to go into any detail. I don’t want to drudge all that shit up, but let’s just say he wasn’t very nice.” Maggie really didn’t want this conversation to continue. She wasn’t ready to talk about her history with Reef. She wanted it to be just that, history. All Maggie wanted to focus on now was the future. Moving forward, making a better life for herself, and making sure she never had to be afraid again.

  “Thanks again for inviting me Jessi. I had a good time, and I definitely learned a lot. My number is on the contact sheet. Call me sometime ok? I definitely want to hang out.”

  She stepped away from Jessi with a wave and quickly headed out the back door and into the fading light of the day. It had been bright and sunny when they’d gone into the class and now four hours later the day was finally starting too dim. She took a moment to dig her keys out while she stood near the back door to the Dojo. Once she had her keys in hand she walked toward her car scanning the back parking lot.

  Maggie stopped when she saw the black motorcycle. The man she’d seen in her neighborhood leaned against the bike with his arms crossed over his chest. She was shocked. He wasn’t even pretending not to be watching her. He literally sat there and stared at her with not an ounce of apology in his eyes. It felt like an hour passed, but really it could only have been seconds, before
she blinked and realized that she too had been standing there stock still staring at him. So Maggie shook her head, closed her mouth, squared her shoulders, and marched over to the biker.

  “What are you doing?” Maggie demanded stopping about five feet from his crossed ankles. Maggie couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. Even leaning against the bike she guessed he was about six feet tall, with dark close-cropped hair, his beard trimmed since the last time she saw him, and the brownest eyes she’d ever seen in her life. Not black brown, and not light brown, but a true hazelnut brown that looked so deep she felt like she could fall into them and never get out. When she moved her eyes to his body she couldn’t help but notice how his broad shoulders and thick biceps. He wore a fairly tight t-shirt with a leather vest over it. The vest had patches like she’d seen on TV shows about motorcycle clubs. She noted the one claiming he was the vice president unsure if she should be impressed.

  “I’m sitting on my bike waiting for you Maggie. What are you doing?”

  She was so focused on checking him out it took a moment before she realized he’d used her name. This was the perfect opportunity to utilize that strong voice they’d practiced in the dojo. “One. Why are you following me? Two. How the fuck do you know my name?”

  He smiled and leaned back slightly on the bike’s seat letting his eyes run up her body. His scrutiny gave her goose bumps. She was surprised that she didn’t feel like a piece of meat, but more like a painting or a beautiful view he was enjoying. She took a step back. She needed to get control of this situation and close proximity to this man who was stalking her, and far too attractive, was not helping the situation.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “Two actually.” His deep smoky voice, nothing like Reefs, rolled over her.


  “You asked me two questions.”


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