Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance

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Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance Page 10

by Rider, P. J.

  “Skipping the hard stuff tonight?” Prentice’s deep voice trudged across to him. Everything about Prentice was big and deep. He towered over most men standing at six feet four inches tall and weighing in around two hundred and thirty pounds the majority of that weight muscle. He had dirty blond hair, and crisp green eyes that made some men uncomfortable. Prentice also happened to be the only man Ash trusted with his life.

  “Yeah … Let’s just say it’s probably best for everyone if I stick to beer for tonight.” Ash let his head fall forward as he rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his hands. “Have you spoken to Jack?”

  “Nope. He’s been kind of busy the last week. It almost seems like he…” Prentice paused to collect his thoughts.

  “Remember when his brother died a few years back? He got drunk for a week and was all shitty until he got it out of his system. This last week he kinda reminded me of that.”

  Ash squinted over at Prentice. Along with his large size Prentice tended toward a more stoic attitude. He didn’t often make speeches that consisted of more than a or two sentences so to hear what amounted to a diatribe from him was mildly shocking, and it made Ash pay attention. He thought back to when Jack’s brother died and considered the similarities of his behavior to the last week. Who was he mourning? Was Jack closer to Seamus Quirke then Ash knew? He’d have to think about that some more. He didn’t want there to be any trouble between them if things moved forward with Maggie.

  “Well. I don’t know what’s going on with Jack, but I’m gonna need you on this job. You know Seamus Quirke? He was the librarian that passed recently. Turns out he was also an OG Steel Breed.”

  Prentice smirked at Ash, “Yeah, I know who our OGs are. What about him?”

  Ash lifted an eyebrow at Prentice’s tone. He was the only one Ash would let speak to him like that. “Yeah, well remember the woman you saw me talking to yesterday? That’s his daughter. She took over for her dad at the library, and she’s living in his house. Turns out her ex-husband is a bit of an abusive fuck. So before he passed Seamus asked Jack to put someone on her until the divorce. That someone is me, but I need another guy on it. Someone tried to run me off the road today and I’m starting to think it was the ex. I feel like I need another set of eyes on this.”

  Prentice nodded and tipped his drink toward Ash. “You got it brother. So you’re here… where’s the daughter?”

  Ash took a deep breath and shifted his eyes toward Maggie. “She’s over there. With the group of girls.”

  Ash watched Prentice look over toward Maggie then his eyes went wide. “Dayum. Who’s the red-head? How tall is she? Gotta be near six feet... Think Maggie can introduce me?”

  Ash smirked and shook his head at Prentice. “Down boy. I don’t wanna scare Maggie.”

  Prentice jerked his eyes over at Ash and frowned. “The fuck dude? You’re loosin’ it. When you care ‘bout some bitches feelings?”

  Ash growled. Literally growled at Prentice. “She’s not a bitch.”

  Prentice sat back, eyes wide, and looked Ash up and down. “Jesus. Never thought I’d see a fucking day Ash Moreno got twisted by a chick. Hell finally fucking froze?”

  Ash laughed and punched Prentice in the arm hard enough to make him flinch. “Fuck off Prentice. Don’t worry about my shit. Worry about your own. And if you’re a good boy maybe I’ll ask Maggie to introduce you to Jessi.”

  Prentice let his eyes slide over to the statuesque redhead. He squinted slightly and Ash heard a low rumble coming from his chest. “Hhhmmmm. Jessi.”

  Ash just shook his head and turned his attention back to his beer. He took a swig and leaned back in his chair. The band started playing a faster song and Maggie and the ladies moved out onto the dance floor. The redhead was a good dancer, fluid and graceful.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes off Maggie though. She wasn’t as good of a technical dancer as Jessi, but she definitely enjoyed herself. Her curves looked amazing out there, and he was seriously enjoying watching her. He would enjoy touching her even more. Feeling her hips slide against his hands as she twisted and turned. He wanted to reach around her and grab a handful of that ass fucking amazing ass. Most men would probably think Maggie was too heavy, but Ash couldn’t get enough of watching her. He imagined holding her, how full and soft she would be. He imagined sinking inside her, feeling her luscious thighs wrap around his hips, cushioning him as he pushed into her over and over.

  Ash reached down to adjust himself. He was going to have a serious problem if he didn’t stop thinking about Maggie like that. After getting himself situated he looked back to the dance floor and narrowed his eyes as one of the newest Steel Breed prospects moved onto the floor toward the girls. The prospect was called Bobby and he immediately disregarded Jessi, as she was several inches taller. Ash watched as Bobby zeroed in on Maggie. She smiled and slid away from him as he stepped up to her. Ash’s initial instinct was to jump on Bobby when he saw him making the decision to follow her, but he knew Maggie wouldn’t appreciate it. He would step in if he really needed to, but he didn’t want Maggie thinking he was some crazy jealous stalker like her ex.

  Ash just watched as Maggie slid around the dance floor, always keeping at least a foot between herself and her persistent and unwanted dance partner. As the song shifted from fast to slow Ash watched Bobby gesturing toward Maggie asking her to dance the slow song with him. That was about as much as Ash was able to take.

  Ash stepped up behind Maggie as she held her hands up and shook her head no. Ash narrowed his eyes at Bobby and gave his best “get the fuck out of here” glare. Bobby’s eyebrows crawled up his forehead as Maggie stepped back again and right into Ash’s chest. She jumped a little and turned to look over her shoulder. Her face shifted from a nervous smile to wide-eyed and slightly fearful as she registered the look on Ash’s face.

  “Beat it.” was all Ash needed to say to send the prospect skittering off the dance floor. Without even realizing it Ash had wrapped his arms around Maggie’s waist. He looked down as he felt her turn in his arms to face him, her hands slide up his chest, their eyes met when her hands came together behind his neck.

  Maggie smiled up at Ash. The sweetest sexiest smile he had ever seen in his life. Before he realized what was happening they were swaying to the sound of the music and his arms were tightening around her. He heard her breath hitch slightly as he lowered his face to bury it in her neck and hair.

  Maggie smelled better than any woman he had ever smelled in his life. She smelled clean and sweet, like soap and roses. He pulled her up against his chest so he could get closer to her hair. She was probably on her tiptoes at this point but he would support her while he indulged in inhaling her hair. He heard an infectious giggle spring from her lips. It made him jerk back to frown down at her. She seemed to be getting used to his frowns.

  “Did you just smell me?” Her voice was all laughter and her eyes sparkled.

  “What? You smell good.” was all he could think to respond. Maggie’s arms tightened around his neck as she leaned up and brushed her nose against his neck inhaling deeply. At first he wasn’t going to let her back down, but he wanted to see her face again. He wanted to see that smile.

  “You smell good too… Manly. Like leather and oil… and maybe a little dangerous”

  Ash couldn’t keep his eyes off her lips. He felt her chest rising and falling against him. He wanted so badly to kiss her, but he didn’t want to scare her either. She felt like a skittish colt in his arms. Like she would break from him and run if he wasn’t careful.

  Ash bent his head toward her, resting his forehead against hers, and closed his eyes. They stayed there, locked together and swaying, through the song. At the end Ash slid his face back into her neck and inhaled again, then let his lips graze her neck softly. He felt her breath quicken. He flicked his tongue out and ran it lightly along her collarbone, and heard the softest whimper escape her lips.

  “Jesus Maggie, you even taste sw
eet.” When he spoke Ash heard Maggie gasp softly. He pulled back and looked at her face. She had an odd expression, a mix of fear and wonder. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s just… you reminded me of something.” Maggie bit her lower lip and looked away from him a moment. “It was a dream. Last night actually. Um… you were in it. And you. It’s just. That word. Sweet. It reminded me of the dream.”

  Ash cocked an eyebrow at Maggie and smirked. “You’re dreaming about me huh?”

  Maggie laughed and pushed at Ash’s chest. Reluctantly he let his arms fall from around her waist, but he reached to grab her hand, holding it tightly. He wasn’t ready to let go completely.

  Maggie looked down at their hands clasped together and then back up at his face. “It wasn’t like that. It was… kind of a nightmare actually.”

  Ash frowned down at her. He reached a hand out and let his fingertips brush along the line of her jaw and down her neck. He watched as goose flesh broke out along her skin. He dropped his hand down and reached out so both of their hands were clasped together then leaned down so their faces were an inch apart.

  “I know it’s gonna be really hard for you to believe me Maggie. I know. I just want you to know. I won’t hurt you. Not like Reef. I won’t ever raise a hand to you. And I’ll try my best never to raise my voice or make you feel bad.”

  Maggie stepped back from Ash pulling softly at her hands clasped in his. Reluctantly he let her go. “Shit. Was that too much?” He thought to himself as she made her escape back to her friends. He didn’t follow her. He let her back off for now. She needed time to process this. And he would give her time. He wouldn’t wait forever, but he would wait for now.

  Chapter 14


  Maggie made it back to her table with her heart in her throat. Jessi was there to greet her. “The ever elusive and yet captivating Ash Moreno has finally been captured by the new and mysterious Maggie Quirke. Single women across the county are all spontaneously breaking down right at this moment.”

  Maggie laughed and smacked Jessi’s arm lightly. “Stop it. He’s not captured. I’m not even really available. I mean I’m still technically married.” Maggie frowned and peaked over at Ash who was sitting back at his table in the corner. His chair was pushed as far into the corner as possible, the shadows closed around him, but she could tell his eyes were still on her.

  “Well Maggie, I don’t know what your plans are with your marriage, but I’d say if you were contemplating trying to work things out with your husband you’re gonna be in a spot of trouble now. I’ve never seen so much chemistry between two people. It felt like the dance floor was going to burst into flames at any moment watching you two.” Jessi laughed and took a swig of her beer as she eyed Maggie.

  “One. There’s no way in hell I’m ever going back to Reef so there’s no worry there. Two. You’re right, there is a ton of chemistry between Ash and I. Which is a little scary you know? I mean shouldn’t I at least be divorced before I even start flirting with other men?”

  Jessi set her beer down as the band on the stage announced they were opening the mic up and the first name on the list was Jessi Day. Jessi turned to Maggie and spoke quickly, “Maggie, sweetie, I don’t know your ex, and honestly I’m not so sure I can even say I know you that well anymore, but what I can tell you is that when it’s right it’s right. And from what I just witnessed on the dance floor. You and Ash Moreno are right.”

  Maggie’s eyes widened as Jessi turned away from her and bounced up to the stage. She was blown away by Jessi’s words and easy confidence about what necessitated a good relationship. Maggie decided her relationship with Ash was not something she wanted to contemplate at this moment. She was going to drink her beer and listen to her friend sing and as far as she was concerned everything else could wait until tomorrow.

  Jessi nodded at the drummer who counted them into Sheryl Crow’s I Shall Believe. Jessi’s voice was husky and full. Her low notes were throaty, her high notes were goose bump inducing and she worked the room like a pro. Maggie was blown away. Jessi hadn’t changed a bit. She was still as brash and ballsy as ever. And it was clear that even though Jessi didn’t want to live in the big city, the stage is where she belonged.

  Maggie looked back over to Ash as Jessi sang “Open the door and show me your face tonight, I know it’s true, no one heals me like you, and you hold the key.” Ash leaned forward slightly his face emerging from the shadows. He propped his elbows on his knees, his hands together in front of him, shoulders hunched as he locked eyes with Maggie who couldn’t look away if her life depended on it.

  This man, whose arms should feel dangerous, felt safer than she had ever felt in her life. She wanted this so badly. She wanted Ash. Maggie stood up from her table and walked toward the front door of the bar as Jessi’s voice trailed off singing the last repeating line, “I shall believe” over and over. She didn’t wait to see if Ash would follow her. Maggie needed fresh air and a moment away from his eyes. Maggie stepped out of the bar and into the crisp night air. It felt like the temperature had dropped ten degrees since she’d been inside and the wind had picked up slightly. She took a couple of deep breaths and looked over at the bouncer who sat on a stool just outside the door and played on his phone. Maggie looked left then right. In this area of town The Hole was the only establishment that stayed open past seven so the streets were empty except for the vehicles of the people inside the bar.

  Maggie stepped away from the bouncer and turned to the right, heading down the street. She just needed to walk a bit. Get some of this nervous energy out of her system.

  Her first mistake was leaving her purse in the bar with her keys and mace. Her second mistake was letting her mind wander completely to thoughts of Ash and not paying attention to her surroundings. Ever since Ash came into her life she had stopped being as diligent.

  Maggie was completely unprepared for the hand that reached out from the dark alley and grabbed her upper arm to jerk her off the sidewalk. She was immediately pulled off her feet and thrown against the wall, her head slamming backward hard against the rough brick. Maggie stood still a moment, trying to clear the stars from her eyes as she tried to focus on the body in front of her and the vile words filling the air.

  “You fucking bitch. Thought you could get away from me? WHORE! I knew you were stupid Maggie, I just didn’t realize you were a fucking faithless whore as well. I saw you! Don’t try to deny it! I saw his hands all over you in that bar! I saw him go into your house the other morning! Did you fuck him? When you were alone? Dammit Maggie! ANSWER ME!”

  Reef’s left hand whipped out to backhand Maggie. In the only moment of clarity she could find Maggie had the presence of mind to lift her arm to take the bulk of the force. Unfortunately Reef was strong enough, and Maggie was shaken enough, that the force of the hit pushed her off her feet and she collapsed on her right side. She fell into a trashcan on her way down bruising her side. Maggie rolled onto her side and pulled her knees up to protect her gut. Reef loved to kick her when she was down.

  “GET UP! I’M NOT DONE WITH YOU!” was all Maggie heard before the fight started. She wouldn’t comprehend what happened until later when she had time to process it, but as Reef was screaming down at her Ash came around the corner. Apparently he had tackled Reef to the ground where they came into Maggie’s line of sight as she lay there trying to get her wits about her.

  Maggie watched as they grappled for half a minute exchanging blows to the body before Ash got the upper hand and rolled on top of Reef raining down punches. When it seemed like Ash was going to kill Reef the bouncer came around the corner into the alley. He took one look at Maggie and dismissed her before moving toward Ash and Reef. He reached down and wrapped his arms around Ash’s midsection and lifted him off of Reef. “Whoa man, you’re gonna kill him! Stop! It’s not worth it, whatever’s goin’ on your gonna get your ass tossed in jail dude CHILL!”

  Reef rolled onto his side and scooted bac
k against the opposite wall of the alley as Ash thrashed in the bouncer’s arms screaming at him to let go as the bouncer yelled back telling him to calm down. Maggie’s eyes locked with Reef’s and she saw the murderous rage squatting there like a toad before Reef pushed himself up off the ground and took off at full sprint. Maggie was actually impressed. After the beating he had just received it was shocking that Reef could walk at all let alone run away.

  “GOD DAMMIT LET ME GO HE’S GETTING AWAY!” Ash finally done with being nice slammed his head backward into the bouncer’s nose. The bouncer instantly released Ash and brought his hands up to his face screaming at Ash. “You broke my fucking nose man!”

  Ash began to run after Reef but Maggie called out to him before he could get more than a few feet away. “Ash! Don’t go!” He skidded to a stop and turned to see Maggie pushing herself up from the ground. He looked back at the direction Reef had run, but he’d already disappeared. Ash cursed and ran back to Maggie reaching down to lift her to her feet.

  “Jesus Maggie. God why did you leave the bar? One second you were there, I turned to say something to Prentice, and when I turned back you were gone. God baby, I’m so sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” Ash stepped back from Maggie and moved his hands over her arms and up to her face and head. It was amazing to Maggie how softly he could touch her. How delicate his fingers felt on her face and scalp as he checked to make sure she was ok, and the next second his arms were around her so tight and strong.

  “I’m ok Ash. I’m ok. I think I’m more in shock then anything. I was so stupid. I wasn’t paying attention. I actually thought maybe he wasn’t around since I hadn’t seen him. I really started thinking maybe he would leave me alone.” Maggie leaned forward against Ash, her head resting on his shoulder as she took deep breaths and tried to calm down. She realized her legs were shaking and wondered how she was still standing.


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