Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance

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Steel Love: Alpha BBW Motorcycle Romance Page 14

by Rider, P. J.

  Ash grunted and turned toward the stairs pulling Maggie behind him. He stopped at his bike and turned to her. Maggie suddenly felt very nervous getting on the bike. Her dad had never specifically forbid her from riding motorcycles, but she’d always had this inherent distrust in them. Maybe it was just a cultural thing.

  Ash definitely picked up on her nerves and smirked at Maggie then swung onto the bike holding out a hand to help her on behind him. “Don’t worry about it baby. It’ll be fine. Just hold onto me… tight.”

  Maggie laughed and swung her leg over the bike then scooted forward until she was flush against Ash’s back. She wrapped her arms around his waist to clasp her hands together in front. Ash started the bike then pulled out onto the street with Prentice close behind them. It was a beautiful night for a ride. The air was cool and it was good she’d worn her hair up in a bun rather than down.

  The slice of the wind against her bare arms made her shiver but she loved it. She had brought a light coat just in case it got chilly, but really she was enjoying the feel of the wind and so left the coat lying across her lap between them.

  When they got to the restaurant Ash helped her off the bike then took her hand as they made their way inside. It felt so sweet holding Ash’s hand. Being with him made her feel like a teenager again. Like there was no limit to where their night could go. When they finally made it to the table inside Maggie couldn’t help but smile and laugh she was just so happy.

  Ash smiled back at her, his eyes warm. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s not that there’s anything funny. I’m just really happy right now. I can’t help but laugh a little you know? I mean… I hate to keep bringing my past up, but it’s very much my barometer for life you know? So when I sit here and think about how I feel right now vs. how I felt less than a year ago… It’s just… really great.” Maggie laughed again and shook her head before looking up at Ash. She was surprised to see a frown on his face.

  “But… see the thing is Maggie that your life wasn’t normal. Nothing about that was normal. You can’t use your life with Reef as a comparison for anything; because in reality ANYTHING would be better than that. You know? If you compare what you’re feeling now to how you felt when you were younger and still living with your dad. That’s a much more realistic level of normal than anything you ever had with Reef.”

  Maggie sat, eyes wide, staring at Ash. He was totally right. Nothing about her life with Reef was normal. “Wow. I never thought about it like that, but you’re totally right. Reef was evil. Maybe he can be my baseline for evil, but… I guess you’re my new baseline for good.” Maggie blushed when she said it. She hadn’t meant to say it out loud. It slipped out before she could stop herself.

  “I hope so baby. I don’t ever want to make you feel anything but good.” Ash reached out and grabbed her hand to squeeze it.

  Ash took his hand back when the waiter walked up and gave their drink orders. The restaurant was a funky Thai fusion kind of place that she never would imagine finding in this small town. She ended up settling on the chicken Pad Thai. Ash ordered a curry chicken that sounded amazing.

  When the food came they took their time eating and sharing. Yet another experience she could never have with Reef. He probably would have stabbed her hand with a fork if she’d ever wanted to eat off his plate, and here Ash was offering her a bite of his food off his own fork!

  They had an amazing time talking, laughing, and eating. For desert they ordered a few different kinds of baklava and shared those as well. Ash paid the bill and took Maggie’s hand as they headed for the front of the restaurant.

  As they reached the exit Maggie frowned at the look on Prentice’s face. Ash noticed it as well and motioned for him to go outside with them. As soon as they were outside the restaurant Ash headed for the bikes while he questioned Prentice.

  “What’s going on?”

  Prentice cut his eyes at Maggie, making her frown.

  “Kim showed up at The Hole. I just got a call from the bartender on my cell. Sounds like she’s in bad shape.”

  Ash froze a few feet from the bike and stared at Prentice. “Bloody?” was his reply to Prentice whose answer was a curt nod.

  “Alright…” Ash turned to Maggie and put his hands on her shoulders. “Baby, I’m so sorry, but I gotta run to The Hole. Some shits going down and I need to take care of it. I want you to let Prentice take you home on his bike ok?”

  Maggie shrugged Ash’s arms off her shoulders and took a step back. She didn’t like his tone of voice. She didn’t like him keeping her in the dark about something that felt like it should involve her. Prentice had looked at her like he was afraid to say anything with her there. Why? Because it was about Reef? Because there was something about this Kim girl that she wasn’t supposed to know?

  “Um… no, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on. Who’s Kim? Is this about Reef? I’m not going to let you set me aside like a good little girl with a pat on the head. If this has anything to do with Reef I have the right to know.”

  Ash frowned and put his hands in his pockets. He was obviously trying to keep his hands to himself as he weighed Maggie’s words. She could tell it was a struggle for him between throwing her ass on the bike and taking her home against her will or answering her questions. Maggie was so relieved when he finally looked up at her with acceptance in his eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry I tried to keep you out of it. You need to know Reef is in the area. He tried to run me off the road the other day.”

  Maggie gasped and covered her mouth with her hands, eyes wide as Ash continued.

  “I’m fine, obviously, but there was a girl in the car with him. I figured out who it was and tracked her down. She had some bruises that she admitted Reef had given her. She said she’d told Reef to fuck off, but I told her if he ever contacted her again she should find me. Apparently she showed up at The Hole looking for me and it sounds like she’s pretty beat up.”

  Maggie shook her head, tears filling her eyes. “Oh my God. Ash… I can’t believe this is happening. I feel so bad for that girl.”

  Ash finally took his hands from his pockets and reached out to pull Maggie into a hug. “I know baby. I’m sorry this is happening, but having Kim under club protection means we’re one step closer to finding Reef and getting rid of him. But right now I really need you to let Prentice take you home. I can’t have you with me. I won’t be able to focus on what needs to be done if I’m worrying about you.”

  Maggie pulled back from Ash and looked up at him. She saw the fear and concern there in his eyes. He was right. She needed to let him take care of this aspect of things. Maggie smiled at him and nodded her understanding.

  Ash sighed in relief and then looked away from her a moment. He had a strange look in his eyes, like maybe he was nervous to say something. Maggie waited for him to work out whatever was going on in his head.

  “There’s… one other thing. I got something I want you to keep on you at all times.” Ash reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet then dug into one of the pockets and pulled out a small square of plastic. It looked totally unassuming. Maggie would never have thought anything of it.

  “I want you to keep this on you all the time when I’m not with you. No matter what don’t ever leave it behind. It’s a GPS tracker. If something happens to you… if somehow Reef gets to you and I’m not there. I need to be able to find you, ok?”

  Maggie squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose. Fuck. This was NOT what she wanted. Memories of Reef dragging her out of her car when he’d tracked her down by the GPS he’d hidden came flooding back. She understood this was different. Ash was asking her permission, not planting it on her without her knowledge. It just really sucked to feel once again like she was under someone’s scrutiny.

  Maggie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I need you to swear to me that you will NEVER plant one of these things on me without my knowledge and pe
rmission. And that as SOON as Reef is caught I can give this back to you.”

  Ash nodded his head without hesitation. “Absolutely Maggie. I don’t ever want you to feel uncomfortable. I promise you I would never do something like this without your permission. That’s why I’m asking now. I get that this has to feel like you’re in another prison, but it’s not, I swear. And I promise you can smash this thing as soon as Reef is out of here. OK?”

  Maggie nodded and held her hand out for the little piece of plastic. When Ash placed it in her hand she looked at it a moment trying to figure out where she would put it. She hadn’t brought her purse with her, and none of her clothes had pockets. The only place she could think to place it was in her bra. Her breasts were large enough that her bra could hold a lot. The tiny square of plastic would get lost in there. Ash chuckled as she reached her hand into her top to position the GPS device, then he turned quickly and scowled at Prentice when he heard him laughing too.

  Prentice put his hands in the air and turned away from them still laughing as he made his way over to his bike, giving them a little privacy. Ash turned back to Maggie and wrapped his arms around her waist. “As soon as I can I’ll come to your house ok? Prentice will stay on the porch. You won’t be alone I promise.”

  “Ok. I trust you Ash.” Maggie tilted her head back and looked up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Ash took his queue and leaned down pressing his lips to hers softly at first and then harder as she opened up to him. He groaned against her mouth, his arms tightening around her. Then his hands slid down to her ass gripping her and pulling her hard against him till she could feel his cock rock hard in his pants.

  Ash pulled away panting. “I’ll be over as soon as I can. I promise you that.”

  Maggie stepped out of his arms. Flushed from their kiss she nodded her understanding and moved over to Prentice’s bike. Ash slapped her ass as she walked past him and made her laugh. She threw her leg over the motorcycle to settle herself behind Prentice then looked back at Ash with a smirk. “You better be.”

  Chapter 20


  Ash watched Prentice take off with Maggie on the back of his bike. Prentice was probably the only man on the planet that Ash trusted with Maggie. That man was his brother more than any other man in the club. He knew Prentice would protect Maggie with his life.

  When they were out of site Ash jumped on his bike and headed for The Hole. He needed to figure out how to set a trap for Reef. He wouldn’t use Maggie as bait, but maybe he could use Kim seeing as she was still obviously meaningful to Reef in his own fucked up way.

  When he reached the bar Ash parked in front, cut the engine on his bike and made his way inside. When he walked through the front doors he didn’t immediately see Kim so he made his way to the bar. The bartender met him at the counter and motioned with his head toward hall that lead to the back rooms.

  “I put her in the second room. She was pretty hysterical when she showed up. I didn’t want her causin’ a scene you know? Anyway, I had Jamie take her back there to get her cleaned up and calmed down.”

  Ash nodded his understanding and turned to make his way to the back rooms. As soon as he hit the hallway he could hear the soft crying coming from the second door on the left. Ash opened the door and made his way inside. The rooms in the back of the bar didn’t have the best lighting in the world. Really they were only used for fucking and sleeping, but Ash could clearly see Jamie sitting on the bed next to what he assumed was Kim curled into a ball lying on the bed.

  Jamie looked up when Ash walked in, and jumped up from the bed. Her eyes took in the ‘don’t fuck with me’ look on his face and moved to the corner of the room. Ash walked over to the bed and reached down to grasp Kim’s shoulder. When he did she shrieked and jerked away from him. At some point she realized it was him and launched herself against his chest crying and shaking.

  “Ash! Oh God I’m so glad you’re here! I was so scared. He was in my apartment when I got home from work. I still don’t know how he got in. He must have broken a window or something.”

  Ash tried not to immediately throw her off of him. He placed his hands on her shoulders while he listened to her story. When she finally calmed down a bit he tightened his grip her shoulders and pushed her away from him. He got his first good look at her face and flinched. Her nose was definitely broken, both of her eyes blackened and swollen, and her lips busted open. Jamie had cleaned the majority of the blood off her face, but he could still see some crusted at her hair line.

  “Shit. Looks like he got you good. Got any idea where he is now?”

  The girl shook her head and started to cry again, only softer this time. “I don’t know Ash, I’m so sorry. He beat the shit out of me, told me not to call the cops, and then said I should come find you. He said some shit about how I wasn’t good enough for him anymore, but that maybe biker trash like you would take me on.”

  Ash frowned down at Kim. Reef knew they had talked. Seeing as the only time he’d spoken to this girl in his life was earlier that day at the gym Reef must have been there. He had to have seen them together. What was his game with this? Why was he pushing Kim to the club? Was there some significance there?

  Ash shook his head, trying to clear it. How was he supposed to understand the reasons of a mad man? “Alright, just stay here tonight. I gotta figure this shit out. I have someone looking into it. Hopefully we’ll know where he lives soon. Jamie will get you what you need. Once I find where Reef is I’ll let you know.”

  Ash turned to go, but felt a hand wrap around his wrist. When he turned back he found Kim kneeling on the bed reaching out to him. She sniffed and wiped at her face, “You’re not gonna stay with me? I thought you said if I was in trouble you’d take care of me.”

  Ash’s eyebrows came together and he frowned down at her. “No. I said I’d help you. I didn’t say I’d take care of you. I’m helping you by giving you a safe place to stay until Reef is found. Now get your fucking hands off me. I got shit to do.”

  Kim flinched at his words and dropped Ash’s wrist before reeling back. Her face crumpled like a two year old having a fit and she curled back into a ball on the bed and started crying again. Ash looked over at Jamie standing in the corner. “Make sure she has what she needs for the night. Show her where the bathroom is, then stay in the next room and let her know where you’ll be. I’ll let the guys know these rooms are taken for the night. Got it?”

  Jamie nodded at him and spoke softly as if she was somewhat afraid of him. “Sure Ash, whatever you need.”

  Ash turned away from the girls and made his way out of the room. He gave his instructions to the bar tender and the three Steel Breed brothers that were sitting at close by. Ash knew they would keep Kim safe until Reef was found, and if the jackass was stupid enough to try to come into the bar to find Kim, they would take care of that as well if Ash wasn’t here to take care of it himself.

  Jack was still nowhere to be found and it was really starting to grate on Ash’s nerves that his fucking president was completely MIA when he seriously needed to discuss this shit with him. Ash pulled his phone out and started scrolling through the contacts looking for the number of the club nerd Ghost. After leaving Kim at the gym earlier Ash had taxed Ghost with the job of tracking down Reef’s expenses and figuring out where he was living while he was in town.

  Ghost, nicknamed because of his white hair and pale eyes, was the club’s resident computer nerd and hacker. He could track down any piece of information you needed regardless of legalities of finding that information.

  “Yo” was the greeting Ash got when Ghost finally answered the phone.

  “It’s Ash. I need that info I called you about earlier.”

  Ash heard Ghost clicking on his keyboard in the background. The guy was a freaking genius but his social abilities were a little lacking in certain areas.

  “Yeah got it.” Ghost rattled off a street address and the make and model as well as
the license plate of the car Reef was driving these days. The address he gave Ash was on the West side of town. Ash knew the area fairly well. It was mostly smaller houses and cottages with decent plots of land, usually an acre or two between them.

  Ash wrote down the information then ended the call with Ghost. Next he called Jack’s cell and listened to it ring. He was getting ready to end the call and just send a text, knowing Jack hated voicemails, when Jack finally answered.

  “What?” Jack sounded ornery and hung over. At least he didn’t sound drunk was Ash’s first thought.

  “It’s Ash. I might need some more back up tonight. Looks like Maggie’s ex is rampin’ shit up. Ghost tracked down his house in town, I’m thinkin’ of makin’ a run out there tonight. It feels like it’s time to end this.”

  Ash could hear Jack moving around in the background. He heard the click of a lighter and Jack inhaling. “How many guys you think you’ll need?”

  Ash let his breath out. He’s been a little nervous Jack was still out of his head and wasn’t sure he would be thinking clearly. “I was thinkin’ three long with myself. Prentice will stay with Maggie until I can track this guy down and take care of shit.”

  Jack grunted and took another drag off his cigarette before replying. “Yeah, ok, I’ll head over there now. Call Spaz and Joe Coyote if they ain’t already at the bar.”

  Ash paused a moment before responding, “Uh… you sayin’ you’re comin’ along?”

  Jack exhaled a long breath. “Yeah. Got a problem with that?”

  Ash grunted, “Come on man, you know I ain’t got a problem with you. It’s just… Shit’s changed with Maggie. It’s uh… it’s gotten personal. I’m not sayin’ I don’t want you at my back. I just want to make sure you’re up for it. That’s all.”


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