Bloodhounds pd-4

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Bloodhounds pd-4 Page 19

by Peter Lovesey

  He nodded. "But I blame myself."

  Back at Manvers Street, there was a message asking Diamond to contact PC Hogarth.

  "Who's he?"

  "I thought you knew, sir," said the woman who had taken the call. "He seemed to know you."

  "Where was he calling from?"

  "I'm afraid he didn't say."

  "What was it about?"

  "He wanted to speak to you personally."

  "Well, that's a fat lot of use. He isn't one of my detectives, I can tell you that."

  Julie hadn't heard of the man either.

  It was another hour before PC Hogarth called in again. "He said he's down at Avoncliff, sir," said the woman from the wireless room.

  "Avoncliff? Avoncliff?" A lightbulb switched on in his head. "Jesus Christ. The divers."

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Without looking up, Julie was aware of someone in a brown suit, carrying a tray. She was sure from the way he was moving steadily between the tables in the police canteen that he would come to hers. Her first impulse was to leave, but she still had most of her lunch in front of her. Although she rarely ate much at this time-today's meal was just a tuna salad and some yogurt-she knew some food was essential to get her through the afternoon.

  "You don't mind?" John Wigfull said, as he pulled out a chair.

  She minded, but she knew he wouldn't go away whatever she replied. A grin like broken glass was spread under that great broom of a mustache. He wasted no time over pleasantries. "I hear your boss goofed over the divers, poor blighters. What was that old catchphrase: 'Don't forget the diver?"

  "There was never any question of forgetting them." Julie found herself distorting the truth in defense of Diamond. "It was always going to be a long job."

  "A soul-destroying job, I should think. Not even a proper diving assignment. It's only a few feet deep at the most. More like wading than diving. They weren't too thrilled, I was told."


  "It's a bit much, being left that long."

  "They were just getting on with the job, I expect," she said casually. "They didn't want one of us standing over them."

  "You're very loyal, Julie. Always have been."

  She forked some food into her mouth.

  He didn't hand out compliments without wanting some return on them. The pumping started. "How's it going? Is he getting anywhere with the murder?"

  She answered with as much conviction as she could muster. "We're following several leads."

  Wigfull allowed that claim to wither and die in silence.

  "Personally," he said finally, "I'd have handled it differently. "

  "Oh, yes?"

  "I'd have given you more freedom to act. He doesn't delegate, does he?"

  "If you don't mind, it's no business of mine to discuss Mr. Diamond's handling of the case," she was quick to tell him.

  "Yes, but what's your part in the investigation? Sitting in front of the PNC. Don't deny it. I saw you yesterday. You should be out conducting interviews, not stuck in front of a ruddy screen by the hour. That's a sure way to get a headache."

  She couldn't resist saying, "I thought you were all in favor of information technology, Mr. Wigfull."

  He swayed to one side, as if riding a blow. He was still cockahoop over Diamond's lapse. "You can say that again, Julie, but I wouldn't put my best DI on the job. We employ civilians to operate the hardware. Whose form were you checking? One of the Bloodhounds?"

  "It was just routine," she said, fencing as well as she could.

  "Leaving no stone unturned, eh?"


  He followed up quickly. "The divers will vouch for that, poor buggers. They must have run out of stones to turn over." This amused him vastly. The whole table shook, and he spilled some of his coffee.

  Julie remained impassive.

  He went on to say, "He isn't a team man, is he? If you worked for me-"

  "But I don't," Julie cut in, wanting to put a quick end to this.

  "Anytime you'd care to…"

  "Thanks," she said in a tone that made clear how unwelcome the prospect was.

  Now the offer turned into a threat. "It could happen sooner than you think. I sorted the stamp theft, didn't I? Proved that Towers was the man and showed how he did it. That didn't go unnoticed. Someone's going to give me a crack at the murder soon. They want a result."

  End of commercial. The talk turned to performance-related pay. Wigfull was one of the few at Manvers Street in favor of it. He had nothing to fear from appraisals, he said.

  When she finished and was carrying her tray back to the collection point, Wigfull called after her.

  She turned. "Yes?"

  "Tell your boss."

  "Tell him what?"

  "What I said: 'Don't forget the diver.' "

  That afternoon there was some rare autumn sunshine, and Shirley-Ann Miller took a slow stroll through Sydney Gardens and along the canal towpath. In the winter months this is a part of the city where you may walk for stretches without seeing anyone, yet once it was the fashionable place to be and be seen, a park you paid an entrance fee to visit, with a bandstand, grottoes, a labyrinth, and regular firework displays. It was all so cherished by the Georgians and Victorians that when the canal builders and railway engineers wanted to cut through, elaborate measures were insisted upon to disguise the construction. So there are tunnels, balustrades, and wrought iron bridges that are a credit to the planners, though rarely seen by modern visitors. Shirley-Ann was not the sort who looked for solitude, but after a morning doing her damnedest to hand out leaflets about the bus tour and getting not much response and a couple of vulgar suggestions, she wanted a break from people.

  She had decided to walk as far as Top Lock, along the last, spectacular section of the canal before it joins the Avon. Here, after a wooded stretch, you suddenly look right and become aware that you are on an escarpment above most of the city except the church spires. That view always lifted Shirley-Ann's spirits. This lunchtime she would walk as far as the lockkeeper's cottage, a small gothic building of great charm restored by the Canal Trust-in no way as notable or noble as the sights she pointed out when she was giving her commentary on the bus, but pleasing to Shirley-Ann because she thought of it as a personal discovery. Today, however, she was distracted along the way by a discovery of a different kind. At Sydney Wharf Bridge, where George Street crosses the canal, the towpath switches sides. She climbed the cobbled slope on one side and passed over the bridge to rejoin the path by way of the descending steps by the Mercedes-Benz showroom. Her view of the towpath was hidden until she stepped onto it-which was why she was surprised by the man and woman coming towards her. She felt herself blush scarlet. The woman was Jessica Shaw.

  Jessica, the murderer.

  She did for Sid.

  After the long, sleepless night when her mind had fizzed with the facts that pointed to Jessica's guilt, this was the last person on earth Shirley-Ann wished to meet.

  Worse still, the man was AJ. Meeting Jessica at all was rotten luck; catching her out with her fancy man was a double blow from the fates. Of course she'd been sure in her mind that Jessica had something going with A.J., but up to now the liaison hadn't been paraded in front of her.

  On the narrow towpath she couldn't avoid them without making it obvious.

  They weren't actually arm in arm or holding hands, but so close to each other that they were practically in contact. Recognizing her, they broke off the earnest conversation they were having. Jessica said, probably in case AJ. hadn't spotted who it was, "Shirley-Ann, what a nice surprise."

  AJ. half-lifted his hand in greeting and said, "Small world."

  Shirley-Ann couldn't have felt more embarrassed if she had caught them in bed. She managed to say, "Isn't this a treat? The weather, I mean."

  "Glorious." Jessica seemed unfazed. In a short, wine-red padded coat trimmed with black fur, and with black leggings and ankle boots, she looked more suitably kitted for the cat-
walk than the towpath.

  Since the weather hadn't yielded much in the way of conversation, Shirley-Ann remarked, "I passed some swans back there. A pair, with their family. At least five cygnets. Fairly grown-up, but really sweet."

  "I expect we'll see them, then," said Jessica.

  "They're worth looking out for, and the place is easy to spot. There's some pampas grass and a little wild area where they nest. They mate for life, don't they?" Dear God, she thought, what am I saying?

  "I've no idea," said Jessica evenly.

  "Nor me," said AJ.

  Words, words in profusion, were Shirley-Ann's instinctive means of dealing with embarrassment. She had a horror of silences. She had to communicate something to get her over the mating-swans gaffe. "By the way, I did enjoy the preview last night. A party like that must have cost you an arm and a leg- all the buck's fizz and the refreshments. It seemed as if the whole of Bath had crowded in there. I hope you sold lots of pictures."

  "We just about covered our costs," said Jessica. "An evening like that isn't only about the money you take. It's a way of spreading the word."

  "PR," said A.J.

  Jessica added, "Most of them there last night have never bought a piece of work from the gallery and never will, but that isn't the point."

  "I understand."

  "It was a near-disaster, actually," she went on. "I'm still hopping mad about that vile thing that was written on the gallery window."

  "We've dismissed that," said A.J. quickly. "We agreed to erase it from our minds, didn't we?" He was addressing Shirley-Ann now.

  "Absolutely," she confirmed with all the conviction she could summon up, considering she had thought about little else since the party.

  Jessica said, "I'd like to know who it was. I've got my suspicions."

  "Let go, Jess," A.J. urged her, talking like a husband.

  "If that's their game, they could try again."

  "It was a prank," said A.J. "Someone with a warped sense of humor. You don't think anyone could seriously suspect you of murder? I mean, you had a lot of time for the bloke who was killed. He was a bit of a loner, you told me, lacking in confidence. You took him under your wing."

  Took him under your wing and used him to pinch the Penny Black, thought Shirley-Ann cynically. Then clobbered the poor beggar because he stepped out of line and put the plot at risk. She was finding it a great test to keep her conclusions to herself.

  "That isn't the point," said Jessica. "We all know I wouldn't have harmed Sid in a million years, but if this evilminded bastard points the finger at me again, I'm going to the police."

  "He won't," said A.J.

  "How do you know it wasn't a woman?" Jessica demanded, and Shirley-Ann, with her weakness for speaking first and thinking afterward, almost told her why.

  A.J. grinned, and said, "Fair point, but I'm sure it's a closed book now. Hadn't we better get back and open the gallery?"

  They moved on.

  Shirley-Ann's thoughts were in ferment again as she continued toward Top Lock. She didn't give a thought to the marvelous view or the cottage. She was puzzled over the relationship between those two. Was it the modern morality that had stopped them from showing any embarrassment at being seen in each other's company? True, she had seen them together before, in the gallery, but this was something else, surely, being met along a secluded towpath. It was evident to anyone that they knew each other extremely well, almost like brother and sister. Yes, that was exactly the feeling she got from them, an intimacy that didn't give rise to shame.

  Up to now Shirley-Ann had always believed she could tell if a woman was concealing a relationship. She'd spotted the signs quite early in several of her married friends. This was baffling, because there was no suggestion of concealment. In A.J.'s company, Jessica behaved as if she had every right to spend major time alone with him.

  And there was still a huge question in Shirley-Ann's mind. Where did Sid Towers fit into this menage? To plot the theft of the Penny Black, there must have been meetings with Sid, long meetings to work on the details of an intricate plot. They must have cased the Postal Museum and talked over ways of gaining entry. They must have worked out their diversionary tactics, the riddles, and how to publicize them. There was the challenge-still a mystery to Shirley-Ann-of getting into Milo's locked boat. All of this must have been talked through by Sid and Jessica. Long sessions, debating ways of carrying out such an elaborate plot. How had Jessica achieved this without alerting A.J. or her husband? Or was either of them involved as well?

  She walked on, unenlightened.

  "He said what?"

  Julie repeated the phrase for Diamond's benefit. " 'Don't forget the diver.' "


  "His idea of a joke."

  "It's one of those radio catchphrases, if I'm not mistaken. When I was a kid we listened to the radio a lot." He eased back in his chair, ready to reminisce, surprisingly untroubled by Wigfull's barbed message. "I enjoyed them. Ray's a Laugh, Take it from Here, Educating Archie, and, of course, The Goons. The characters had their set phrases. All they had to do was repeat them each week, and the audience would be rolling in the aisles. And applauding." He smiled. "Mind, 'Don't forget the diver' was before my time or Wigfull's."

  "I should hope so," said Julie. "I looked it up. It goes back to the nineteen twenties."

  "The twenties'!"

  "It seems there was a one-legged man who used to dive off the pier for pennies at New Brighton. It was his catchphrase in the first place. Then it was taken up by Tommy Handley during the war."

  "That would be ITMA."


  "I don't remember ITMA either," said Diamond. "Did John have any other gags to share with you?"

  "That was the only one," said Julie. Truth to tell, she'd thought twice about passing that one on, but it was obvious that something had put her boss into a sunny mood. When she'd walked into his office he'd been humming "Yellow Submarine." "No, there was another joke," she said, "but it was unintended. He expects to take over the case."

  He chuckled. "I've heard that one before, too."

  "Once he did take over," she reminded him.

  "Only after I resigned. It's not going to happen again." He opened the drawer in front of him, and took out a rusty object and let it fall on the desk with a metallic clunk. "Keys, Julie. A bunch of keys. The reason those divers got in touch was that they'd finished the job."

  "Those are…?"

  "The keys Milo Motion dropped into the canal."

  "Brilliant." She understood his singing now. "So now we know Milo was telling the truth about where he lost them."

  "Yes. Only there's more to it than that." He took a padlock from the same desk drawer. "This is the one that was on the door of the Mrs. Hudson on the evening Sid Towers was found dead. Watch."

  He picked up the bunch of keys and selected one, and a powdering of rust dropped on to the desk. He inserted the key into the lock and turned it. The shackle sprang open. Still holding the padlock, he watched for Julie to react.

  She put her hand to her mouth.

  "Say it," he said.

  She was frowning. "You say that's the padlock that was on the boat?"

  He nodded.

  "And those are Milo's original keys?"


  "Then it wasn't a substitution. According to John Wigfull's theory, Sid Towers fitted a new padlock to the boat, but that can't be so. This must be the original padlock. We've been working on a false assumption."

  For a man who had been working on a false assumption, Diamond didn't look at all downhearted.

  Julie said, "John Wigfull's theory about the locked room doesn't work after all."

  "Right, Julie. He's up shit creek without a paddle."

  A fresh thought struck her. "Aren't we also?"

  "Yes," he said blithely. "And isn't it refreshing?"

  Chapter Twenty-six

  "Aren't you going to tell John Wigfull he was wrong?" Julie asked.

>   "Not yet," Diamond told her. "What time is it?"

  "Twenty to four, near enough."

  "Jiminy Cricket!"

  "Something you forgot?"

  "Get your coat. We have an appointment at four with Miss Chilmark."

  "An appointment? Sounds like the dentist."

  "Miss C. is the sort of woman you don't visit without prior notice. I fixed it this morning."

  "And you want me there?"

  "In case she has an attack of the vapors."

  "Oh, thanks," she said, flushing at the man's insensitivity to her rank and experience. "What do I bring-smelling salts and a paper bag?"

  "Just a pair of handcuffs."

  Julie's eyes opened wide. Her resentment was put on hold. "You don't seriously think she's the murderer?"

  "I'm seriously asking you to have a set of cuffs with you."

  The address, appropriately for someone of Miss Chilmark's reputation, was the Paragon, a terrace dating from the eighteenth century. Jane Austen stayed there when she first came to Bath. It was in the area they had visited that morning, actually quite close to Rupert's seedy abode in Hay Hill. Rather to Julie's surprise, Diamond proposed to walk there.

  "Why not?" he said. "We won't be late if we step out."

  "But if you're planning to bring her in…"

  "You think the lady might object to walking half a mile in handcuffs?" He grinned at the picture it conveyed. "If necessary we'll radio in for transport. All right?"

  Diamond was not a quick walker, so the timing was about right. They stepped up to a white painted door at two minutes past the hour. The gracious curve of the Palladian terrace stretched away in pleasing perspective. Traffic zoomed past unendingly, but the broad pavement with its triple-stepped curb kept the vehicles from encroaching too obviously on the Georgian formality.

  After some delay the door was opened by a frail white-haired old lady in a lavender-colored suit.

  Diamond was slightly thrown. This wasn't the kind of person he'd been led to expect. "Miss Chilmark?"

  "I'm afraid you've come to the wrong door. She lives in the basement. Don't worry. It happens all the time." She extended a shaky hand toward the railings to their right.


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