Madison Pierce

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Madison Pierce Page 7

by Christina Persaud

  Victoria slapped her arm. "She did not embarrass me, but you just did."

  Madison rolled her eyes. "Your tinted cheeks are all the evidence I need to prove my point."

  "I hate you."

  "No, you don't." She teased.

  "Are you trying to tell me what to do?"

  "No, I am just pointing out a fact. If you did hate me, you would have never stuck your tongue inside of me."

  Victoria's face heated up ten times worst. "So, you two are already up to something." She smirked. "I should have known. My sister does not wait long to get in anyone's pants."

  "Why did that sound like the equivalent of you calling me a whore?" Madison frowned.

  "Because it did."

  "Excuse me?" Her face was hot with rage. "Says the person who lost her virginity in the drive-through at McDonald's." It was Melody whose face changed color then.

  "You are such a bitch."

  "I know." Madison looked at Victoria who just sat there wearing off her blushing face. "But you told mine, so I spilled yours."

  Melody furrowed her eyebrows. "The pedophile was your first. How gross."

  Melody scrunched up her nose. "She is not and was never a pedophile. You make it sound like I was a five-year-old child and she was an old, perverted man. I was seventeen, I knew what I was doing."

  "Keep defending her, but the next time I see her, I have some words in my mind that I would like to tell her."

  "You will do no such thing. It was the past. Can you just drop it?" Victoria looked at Madison strangely. ‘Why was she defending the woman so much?’

  "Why are you defending her?" Victoria almost yelled.

  Madison studied the green-eyed woman. "Why shouldn't I?"

  "Because she basically took advantage of you and as soon as I suck on your skin a little too hard you stop me."

  Madison crossed her arms. "What is your problem?"

  Melody looked at the two. ‘What changed in the past thirty seconds?’

  "I have no problem. You have a problem." Victoria spat.

  "I think I should leave." Melody did not want to be in the middle of their argument, so she left. Like if the two girls cared. They were just shooting daggers into each other's eyes.

  "I think you are jealous," Madison said breaking the long staring contest.

  "Me? Jealous? You are horrible at reading people."

  "Awe, you are so jealous."

  "I am not."

  "There is nothing to worry about babe. As I said, I only have eyes for one person."

  "And who might this person be?"

  Madison edged closer in front of Victoria on the counter. Her legs were then on either side of Victoria and Madison gripped the woman's shoulder.

  "You of course," Madison whispered and bit down on her lip.

  "What in God's name is going on here?" The two women's heads shot up to meet a woman in fury.


  Like if it was a reflex, Madison tried to push herself away from Victoria. It resulted in her flipping over the counter.

  "Fuck!" She rubbed the back of her head because it hit the floor.

  Without thinking Victoria ran over to her, forgetting the fact that Madison just pushed her away. "Stay away from her." The woman grabbed Victoria by her arm and pulled her making her stumble into a wall. "I knew something is up with you two, but now it has to end!" Amanda spat while Madison tried to balance herself to get up. She felt too dizzy to understand what her mother was saying right away. When her brain did digest it and she saw Victoria in the far corner of the room, she mentally snapped. "Let's go. I don't want to see you in this filth of a woman's place again."

  "No!" Madison yelled but her mother grabbed her arm anyway tugging her towards the door. She forcibly pulled her hand away and stumbled back. "I am not leaving." She grumbled feeling the tears build up in her eyes.

  "And why not!" Her mother yelled. "You are coming with me whether you like it or not!" Her mother tried to tug on her arms again.

  "Leave me alone!" A painful lash reddened her teary cheeks. She pushed her mother, just like how she pushed Victoria but with vigorous force and pure hateful anger.

  The woman fell and landed on her rear. She gritted her teeth and got up. She was a strong woman for her age. Madison ran over to Victoria who leaned against the wall. She saw blood on the woman's arm and realized she had been cut.

  "Do you see what you have done!" Madison yelled taking the edge of her borrowed t-shirt as she tried to wipe away the blood.

  "Come here." Another tug from her mother and she was slammed against a wall. But instead of getting up in Madison's face she turned to Victoria. The woman pointed her index finger out. "You, you bitch. I always knew you were trouble." Victoria squinted her eyes as the woman continued to close the gap between them. Madison's mother was harsh. Her height made her even scarier especially since she was also wearing heels.

  "Would you stop!" Madison grabbed her mother by her hair and pulled her backward. The woman spun around and they both fell with Madison hitting her head on the counter.

  The woman got up. "No daughter of mine is going to be a..." That is when Amanda realized that Madison was still on the floor. "Madison! Oh my god." She knelt down and Victoria ran over also. Madison's eyes were shut, and her mouth was a bit agape.

  Victoria lightly slapped her already tainted cheeks. "Madison! Madison!" She yelled. "She is unconscious!" Victoria yelled as teardrops stained her cheeks.

  "I know that already!" The woman spat as she looked at her daughter not knowing what to do. Victoria got up and grabbed a cup and filled it with water.

  "My daughter is unconscious, and you are quenching your thirst?" The woman said angrily as Victoria knelt back down in front of Madison. She ignored the woman and sprinkled the water on Madison's face with no luck, it didn't work.

  "Are you an idiot? Water is not going to revive her!"

  "We need to get her to the hospital." Victoria lifted Madison by her shoulder. "Aren't you going to help?" The woman grabbed hold of the other side of Madison. "You came with your car?" The woman was lost in space. "Did you come with your car?" Victoria yelled and snapped the woman out of her trance.


  "Well, then you are driving us to the hospital." The woman did not say anything but nod her head. They hurriedly rushed through the door with Madison in their grasp.


  "What happened?" Melody almost shouted as she entered the waiting room of the hospital. There were a teary-eyed Victoria and Amanda was sitting silently staring at her lap. "Will anyone tell me what the bloody hell is going on?"

  Both women's heads shot up and a single tear dropped from Amanda's brown eyes. She bit down on her lip. A force of habit just like Madison. "Madison fell," Victoria said blatantly.

  "Fell! How the hell did she fall?" Victoria shrugged her shoulders. She gazed off into space while Amanda stared at her daughter fighting the urge to not burst into tears.

  "It is my fault," Amanda whispered and the words made the tears stream down her face. "I a... am... I..." The woman covered her face with her hands and Melody walked over to her.

  "Mom, how is it your fault? It is not like you pushed her." Melody said rubbing her mother's back to comfort her. The woman didn't answer. How was she supposed to answer that question?

  The nurses already asked how it happened and the only words that fell out of her mouth were that it was an accident. She couldn't face the truth that she had hurt her own daughter. But what she didn't know was that Madison went through more pain because of her unacceptance.

  Victoria sat staring at the doors which the doctor who was treating Madison went through a few hours ago. She wondered how a small hit to the head could have such a bad impact that Madison needed surgery.

  She couldn't stand the fact that she was seeming to lose Madison all over again. The first time was hard enough when Madison decided to move to New York. It broke Victoria to pieces and she tried to move on,
but Madison always kept that place in her heart. When she saw Madison sitting at the table, after over two years, it was like her heart started to beat again. She felt like she was relieved of a long-lasting pain that was kept since the time Madison was gone. But was she losing Madison all over again and will this time it be fatal? Tears streamed down her cheeks and she turned her face to meet those of brown being that of Madison's mother.

  They looked so alike yet so different. She fought the urge not to have gotten up and slapped the woman silly. Luckily, she was brought up to respect her elders. But there was a thin line and she was on the verge of leaning over it. If she crossed over all hell would have broken loose.

  That was when the doctor came through the door and walked over to where Amanda and Melody were sitting. Victoria quickly got up and went closer, so she could listen in on the conversation.

  "I am Doctor Hanes." She said and continued, "The patient has suffered a minor concussion from the fall." She said looking at the three women who relied on every word the woman said. "But that is not the problem at hand."

  The woman rubbed the back of her neck. She prepared herself to describe the severity of Madison's condition. Amanda stared mindlessly at the woman trying to hide her every emotion, but soon all the barriers she held her feelings behind were about to break.

  "She has what we call a Systolic heart failure." She paused for a bit. A single tear dropped from Amanda's face. Both Victoria and Melody gripped either side of the handles of Amanda's chair. They held back the tempting urge to break down.

  "Her left ventricle lost its ability to contract properly. The heart cannot pump with enough force to push enough blood into circulation. To put it simpler, she suffered a heart attack." The three women gasped as tears flow down their cheeks. "The doctors are trying to remove some of the clots and allow the blood to flow freely. We will know more soon."

  Victoria shook her head and began to laugh. Not the funny kind of laugh but in a depressed way. "You... You finally got what you wanted." She stated towards Amanda. "You finally succeeded." Victoria gritted her teeth. Melody looked at the woman and the doctor seemed bewildered herself.

  Amanda could not form any words. It was all her fault. she knew it. "Victoria, what does my mother have to do with this? She is in enough pain as it is. Are you trying to make it worse? Have you gone insane!" Melody yelled. Amanda grabbed her daughter's arm as Melody tried to move closer to Victoria to have given her a piece of her mind.

  "You are pregnant." The woman looked up at Melody with red eyes and smeared makeup. "No need to get into a fight."

  "The reason you are stopping her is that you know I am right." Victoria crossed her arms above her head and started to pace in a small circle. "You had to push. You had to come in and ruin what we share. It is your fault and now you will have to live with it."

  Melody slipped from the grasp of her mother's hand and stood tall in front of Victoria. "What are you accusing my mother of? She didn't push anyone. Don't lie you bitch!" Melody spat. All her emotions were spiraling out of control. Her pregnancy hormones didn't help much either.

  Victoria stared at Melody wordlessly verifying what had happened. The tears flowed down her cheeks. She tried to wipe each one away and looked like a mad woman continuously touching her face.

  Melody turned and looked at her mother whose tears fell down her own face. As if words were said, Melody got her answer. She placed her hand over her mouth and broke down into a loud sob. The doctor caught her before she fell and placed her to sit next to her mother.

  All three women ended up seated and crying into their hands. "What have you done!" Melody screamed at her mother. The tears then stopped and the woman bit down on her lip as if she wanted blood to flow. She wanted to feel pain because she deserved it.

  "She pushed Maddy," Victoria whispered answering the question loud enough for even the doctor to have heard. "She walked in on Maddy and me... well, she didn't like what she saw." Victoria's hands still covered her face as tears still flowed in her eyes.

  "It is all my fault," Amanda said as if she were confessing what they already knew. "It is my fault!" She then screamed. They were the only ones in the waiting room. But they still caught the attention of those who passed by. The nurses looked at them in pity, not in an obvious way though.

  "It wasn't your fault." The doctor said. Victoria looked up and finally noticed that the doctor was still there.

  "And what would you know? I was there. I saw what happened. She did this!" Victoria pointed to Amanda. "She caused it all!" She screamed.

  The tears once again flowed down Amanda's cheeks. Her breath was hitched, and she felt like she was having a heart attack of her own.

  But she wasn't. She wished she was. Then, she wouldn't have had to face the reality of it all, where her daughter was in the theatre with the possibility of not making it out alive and it was because she could not stand seeing her with a woman.

  The doctor shook her head. They all wondered what she was still doing there.

  "The patient's condition was not because of whatever fight happened." She looked over at Amanda and shook her head again. "You didn't do this." She paused and looked at the three women. Mostly at Victoria. "The damage is long-term. The accident just triggered it. Actually, if she wasn't pushed she would have soon had a major heart attack. One which would have been much more fatal. Thankfully what happened has happened, so there is a better chance she will survive."

  Amanda felt relief for some reason, but the guilt was still there. They all grew quiet and soon the doctor left and the three didn't say another word. They just waited for an update on Madison's condition. What scared them all was the possibility that she was not going to survive.


  Hours passed since they received any news about Madison. The doors opened, and Doctor Hanes walked through. Victoria stood eager to hear the news on Madison's them.

  "How and her mother followed once they noticed the doctor coming towards them.

  "How is she?" Amanda pushed Victoria out of the way, "Can I see her?"

  "She won't be up for a while, but you can go in, unfortunately, there can only be one visitor at a time." Doctor Hanes explained.

  "I am going in first," Victoria pushed forward in front of Amanda just like the woman had done to her.

  "Victoria," Melody scolded her friend for being rude. "My mother should go first."

  "I am sure you feel that way, but you know full well if I don't go to see her now, I will never get the chance once she's in there." Victoria ignored Amanda's presence and followed Doctor Hanes through the ICU doors.

  "Don't be alarmed when you go in, we have her hooked up to some machines, so we can monitor her while she recovers." The brunette placed her hand on Victoria's arm in comfort. "I can come in with you if you like and answer any questions you may have, seeing you will probably not get any from her mother."

  "I would like that." Victoria gave her a thankful smile. Walking into the room, Victoria gasped at the sight of the woman on the bed before her, a tube in her mouth helping her to breathe and one in her arm to help circulate blood. Victoria closed her eyes as single tear drops fell from both of her green eyes.

  Doctor Hanes saw the woman's reaction and could only think about how to comfort the woman. Victoria walked beside the bed where Madison laid almost lifelessly and sat on the chair which stood there. She grabbed hold of her lover's pale hand and squeezed as if it would have woken her up.

  "Why does life throw us obstacles?" Victoria said softly as she stared at Madison's bandaged head. "Your mother," Victoria broke her gaze from Madison's face and looked at the doctor standing near the door, "has always kept us apart." Her voice broke and the tears ran freely down her already tear stained face. She looked at Madison again, "I love you more than words can describe," she shut her eyes, "but sometimes I wonder if it is all worth it..." She placed her other hand along with the one that was already holding Madison's happy."

  Victoria yo
u allow your mother's disapproval to get in the way of truly being happy."

  Victoria squeezed tighter and allowed her eyes to roam over Madison's body. "Here you are," she sighed, "on this bed as my heart feels as if it is dead." She swallowed. "I have loved you since the first moment I saw you sitting on those swings in the park." She bit her cheek. "Loving you then was wrong, but you grew up so mature." She smiled, "Your lips were the first thing that drew me in, the way you always bit down on your bottom lip and I found it so damn sexy." She closed her eyes again. "You were only thirteen, but as they say, age doesn't matter." She released hold of Madison's hand and placed her hands on her thighs. She forcefully dragged her gaze from the woman on the hospital bed and looked at the doctor intently.

  The doctor seemed to be lost in thought. Her arms were crossed, and she was looking at Victoria like how a predator watched its prey. "Dr. Hanes?" Victoria said more as a question in her teary voice. The doctor snapped out of her trance and closed her eyes as she cleared of her confusing state.


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