Madison Pierce

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Madison Pierce Page 16

by Christina Persaud

"That is not my intention. I will no longer be a burden on your life Madison. You are my daughter and I would never want you apart from our family, but just because I accept you does not mean I accept your lifestyle."

  "How can you accept me without fully accepting who I am?" Madison questioned as Victoria gripped her shoulder.

  "I love you, but I do not want that woman to be a part of anything that involves our family."

  "Well, that is impossible. She is a part of my family whether you like it or not and it seems that only you have a problem with that, which in fact states that you are not a part of our family."

  "Don't you dare talk to me like that," Amanda warned but then cooled her temper knowing that it was no use to allow the argument to escalate out of control. "I cannot accept this part of your life Madison. I wish I could, but I cannot."

  "If you want to accept me you can but you are too caught up with norms of how people should live. Love is love. I can't tell you how much I really don't fucking care if you accept me or not anymore. That burden of my life is far gone, and I am living for my own happiness."

  "I guess I should leave then." Amanda got up. "I just came here to try and apologize but I failed."

  "That was not an apology. That was you just trying to make me feel guilty." Madison sighed. "I am leaving for New York tonight so don't come here again because no one will be here."

  "So, Victoria is going with you?" Amanda questioned looking at her daughter. Victoria had a tight grip on Madison's shoulder. Not in a way to hurt her but to show her protectiveness of her.

  "I am guessing you have a problem with that?" Madison crossed her arms.

  "I didn't say anything. Just be careful. You just got out of the hospital." Amanda said before walking towards the door.

  "Don't worry a bit. I have the greatest support in the world from Victoria." Amanda shook her head fighting back the bitter words that wanted to flow through her lips.

  "Goodbye, Madison." Amanda opened the door and before leaving she whispered, not sure if Madison heard her. "I love you."


  "Are you okay?" Victoria questioned as Madison closed her eyes and threw her head back. Victoria bent down in front of Madison and placed her hands in her’s.

  "You better start packing." Madison opened her eyes and sighed.

  Victoria got up from kneeling and plopped down next to Madison on the couch.

  Madison looked at the beauty. She felt as if she parted from Victoria ever again she surely could not live.

  She knelt down with a little bit of difficulty, making sure to be careful, and cupped Victoria's face to capture her attention.

  She bit her lip really nervous at what she was about to say as she let her hand drop from Victoria's face to instead feel the warmth of her hands once more.

  "Will you marry me?" Victoria's green eyes glimmered as shock digested into her system.

  Victoria's heart was thumping at a rate she could not describe as the words instantly slipped out of her mouth. "Yes."


  ...Three weeks later

  Madison felt the cool air against her face as she turned her face to see Victoria smiling at her as well. They were taking a walk in Central Park but neither woman seemed to pay much attention to the scenery but each other.

  Their fingers were intertwined, and their bodies were touching at the shoulder as they enjoyed their walk.

  They stumbled into a few passers-by mistake, earning themselves a few curse words from the angry people. Promising themselves to look where they were going further on, but they could not help themselves to keep their eyes on each other.

  "If we continue like this, I bet one of these New Yorkers will sue us," Madison said tugging Victoria closer to her, which was quite impossible since they were so close already.

  "Sue us for being in love?" Victoria grinned as Madison kissed her cheek.

  "Well, I wouldn't mind being sued for moments like these every day."

  "Well, be prepared to lose a lot of money." Madison scrunched up her nose and then wrapped her arm around Victoria’s shoulder. "It's so bloody cold. Why did we decide to take a walk again?" Victoria questioned snuggling closer to Madison for warmth as they walked.

  It was a bit chilly, especially since the rain had just fallen.

  "I told you how much I love walking."

  "Yes I know love, but not when it's so fucking cold." Victoria shivered and tightened the scarf around her neck.

  "I love it when you curse."

  "Such a fucking dork." Madison placed a kiss on the only exposed skin of Victoria's neck. "That felt good. Do it again."

  "Not in public. When we get home."

  "Can we go home now?" Victoria pleaded wanting to snuggle up next to Madison under a blanket as they silently watched each other while taking in the warmth of their combined bodies.

  "Babe, I have a book signing remember? That's where we are heading to." Victoria groaned and rolled her eyes remembering what Madison's publisher said about her writing, how her writing was good, but the plot was flat, there were too many characters, but her grammar was flawless unlike Madison's own.

  So, instead, she became Madison's proofreader instead of an author. Madison was not terrible at grammar, but she was not fond of rereading her writing for grammatical mistakes, on the other hand, Victoria loved reading and correcting at the same time, something she was very good at. Plus, she got to spend more time with the love of her life.

  She didn't appreciate how the publisher looked at her fiancée either. The stares that were so obvious and Madison seemed so oblivious that the woman was literally drooling over her right in front of them both.

  "You just want to see your hot publisher," Victoria mumbled.

  "Been there, done that, and over it." Victoria looked up at her, surprise evident on her face. Madison forgot to tell her about that and she was then regretting the words that slipped out of her mouth.

  Victoria released herself from Madison's hold and stood in front of her, crossing her arms over her chest. Madison stopped walking to a halt and sighed knowing she was in for it.

  "When were you going to tell me that you fucked your publisher?" Madison swallowed hoping no one heard what Victoria had said as they walked by.

  "I forgot okay? It is no big deal."

  "No big deal? Who didn't you fuck in New York?" Madison walked up to her and gripped Victoria's arms gently with her hands.

  "Trust me, a lot of people." Madison took a deep breath before speaking. "I ended it. She was upset, but it didn't get in the way of our professional relationship though." Madison wrapped both her arms around Victoria's shoulder and hugged her. "You are my only one, don't be a jealous baby."

  "When did it happen?" Madison sighed and stepped back from the embrace only allowing one of her arms to wrap around Victoria again as they continued walking.

  "A year and a half ago I think." Victoria nodded, her displeasure still evident.

  "How long did it last?"

  "Does it even matter?" Madison looked at her only to see an expressionless face. She guessed that it did matter. "Well, it was basically sex. So, about two months?" She said as a question since she could not remember the details properly.

  "That's a long time for a booty call," Victoria mumbled. Madison could feel that Victoria's body was tense and thought of how she could resolve the situation.

  "She didn't know how to use her fingers." Madison blurted out not sure why she said that. She was trying to demean the relationship her and her publisher shared, but she realized she must have incriminated herself in the process.

  Victoria looked at her bewildered as Madison could not hide the redness forming on her cheeks. "Am I good at it?" Victoria questioned comparing herself, but what she had yet to learn was that she did everything to Madison that no other woman could.

  She made Madison feel safe, loved, cared for and the only thing Victoria wanted to gain from Madison was her unconditional love. Victoria was the onl
y one who loved Madison wholeheartedly, though she may have criticized a few flaws here and there, Victoria still loved every single thing about Madison and Madison knew that for a fact.

  "No one has ever pleased me better than you have. Not only how you touch me, but most importantly how you love me and how you make me feel. Well, I feel a lot when having an orgasm, but you catch my drift, right?" Madison grinned and stopped in her tracks again.

  "You and your dirty little mouth." Victoria smiled as Madison placed her hands in Victoria's looking intently into her eyes.

  "Remember you kiss this dirty mouth every day." Madison grinned. "And everything else." She winked making Victoria smile with a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. "You have gotten very good at it actually."

  "Nice way to ruin a romantic moment."

  "Talking about sex is very romantic. How you use those lips of yours, the flicks of your tongue, those fingers, umm..." Madison blew out a breath. "And how you have gotten kinky with toys..."

  "Please stop. We are in public." Victoria pulled her hand away from Madison's hold and dropped it to her side before she began walking leaving Madison behind.

  "Baby," Madison called over and over to her and Victoria picked up the pace as she heard Madison's calls getting closer to her.

  Madison finally caught up with her. The only reason Victoria slowed down was that she didn't want Madison fatiguing herself too much. She still was healing a bit from the surgery.

  "I am going to have to spank you when we get back to the apartment." Madison panted as she firmly gripped Victoria's hands in case she decided to walk away from her again.

  "Let's just go to your stupid book signing," Victoria mumbled not looking at Madison.

  "Don't be upset love. I don't get upset when you talk dirty to me."

  "I don't do it in public Madison." Madison lowered her head pouting.

  "I am so sorry. I got carried away."

  Victoria cupped her cheeks, instantly forgiving the woman she loved so much.

  "Just know you are getting punished tonight." She whispered seductively as she gripped Madison's hand and they continued to walk towards their destination.

  "Well, you know how much I love punishment." Victoria glared at her and Madison swallowed. "Sorry, got carried away again."

  Victoria shook her head and laughed. "I love you, dork." Madison smiled feeling her heart skip a beat.

  "I love you even more."


  Victoria opened her eyes and stretched her limbs. She turned her face to find an empty space beside her. She had gotten so accustomed to falling asleep and waking up to the same beautiful woman she adored.

  She heard voices coming from somewhere and grew curious. She got up, the sheet falling on the floor exposing her body. Madison taught her that there is no need for clothing, plus it always initiated morning sex.

  She walked out of the room, yawning in the process, and found Madison sitting on the couch, but she was not alone. It was her damn publisher. She could recognize that fake blonde from anywhere. Madison spotted her and smiled noticing she had no clothes on.

  "Babe, I don't think I want Alison gawking at you," Madison said as Alison turned her head only to immediately turn it back. "Oops, I should not have said anything." Victoria rolled her eyes not even caring.

  "Now, you can look at my ass as I walk away," Victoria yelled walking back into the room to get dressed.

  "Oh please, leave the dirty talk for later," Madison said, not screaming but loud enough for Victoria to hear.

  Victoria pulled a tank top and shorts on quickly before walking back out and heading to the kitchen. She ignored the two women's presence knowing that it would have an effect on Madison.

  She poured a cup of coffee but would have preferred tea. She tasted the burning liquid and scrunched up her nose and rested it down. Madison was terrible at making coffee, though the task was so simple to do.

  "I booked our tickets," Madison spoke suspecting Victoria's coldness. She did not answer. But she already knew that it meant they were heading back to London soon. "Are you really going to ignore me?" Madison questioned irritated.

  "Maybe I should leave," Alison said feeling the tension rising in the room.

  "No, stay so we can clear some things up." Alison looked at her confused and then shifted her gaze to Victoria. The glare Victoria was giving her made her realize what the tension was about.

  "So, you told her." She said nonchalantly. Madison nodded and walked over to Victoria who crossed her arms over her chest. "I have a wife and a son. My wife and I separated for a while and that is how Madison and I happened. I don't want Madison. No offense, but you are not my type." She directed her last sentence directly to Madison and smiled.

  "Touché bitch."

  "You do give her those looks." Victoria gestured her index finger in a swirling manner towards Alison and furrowed her eyebrows, confusing even herself as to what she was doing.

  "You don't have to worry, Madison really loves you," Alison said not denying Victoria's acquisitions. "I should get going," Alison added and sighed. She then picked up her purse and headed to the door. "Madison, I will be waiting for those new books in the next few months." She said lastly before leaving.

  Madison caressed Victoria's cheek until the woman gives into her warmth and hugged her. "She is in love with you." She squeezed her body against Madison's, never wanting to let her go. In her own little way, it was trying to keep Madison from straying off with her publisher.

  "And... I could care less."

  "You are mine," Victoria said sternly gripping her arms tighter around Madison.

  "My possessive woman." Madison kissed Victoria's shoulder.

  "Oh really?" Victoria parted from the hug and stepped back towards the kitchen counter.

  "Really." Madison walked closer but was stopped with Victoria's hand pushing her backward.

  "Kneel," Victoria ordered using her hand to push Madison down by the shoulder.

  Madison looked at her quizzically even though she knew what was about to happen.

  Victoria dropped her shorts to the floor and kicked it to the side. Madison trailed her hand up Victoria's leg, but her hand was slapped away.

  Well, she didn't expect that.

  "Did I tell you to touch me?" Madison pouted and placed her hands on the edge of her top and pulled it over her head. The scar healed but was still a bit fresh. Victoria, with time and much difficulty, grew accustomed to it, but it still hurt her to see it.

  "That scar looks sexy on you," Victoria whispered stretching her hand to squeeze Madison's nipple gently.

  She spread her legs wider, her back leaning back on the counter, making her legs part further, to no surprise Madison saw the wetness in between Victoria's legs and licked her lips. "You get wet really fast." Madison grinned edging closer.

  "Stay where you are," Victoria warned and Madison frowned.

  Victoria trailed her fingers down her stomach and along her mound. She used her fingers to stroke her sensitive bundle of nerves as she moaned to each stroke.

  Madison edged closer again, unable to stand the distance between her face and such a sweet place to have it. "I want to eat you." She said huskily.

  "Ugh." Victoria moaned as Madison's lips replaced her fingers. She felt Madison's tongue slowly licking her and groaned. She cupped her breast with one hand and her other hand was tangled in Madison's hair pushing her further towards sweet flesh.


  "So, what were you saying about plane tickets?" Victoria asked in a low breath since she was trying to catch her breath. They were at it for hours. They left the kitchen and went into the bedroom only to taste and nibble each other more. Feeling each other’s bodies with hunger and desire. No piece of flesh was left not licked or bitten.

  Madison took a deep breath before speaking. "I bought tickets for us to fly back to London." She panted resting her hand on her exposed stomach.

  "Why didn't you tell me?' Victor
ia questioned turning her sore body to face Madison. Both of their chests were heaving up and down.

  'You were too busy fucking me with a strap-on to care." Victoria felt her cheeks heat up.

  "Your fault for owning one in the first place," Victoria said placing her body in a seated position with her legs stretched out.

  "Not like you used that one anyways. You made me go toy shopping with you the next day."

  "I never made you do anything." Victoria stretched her arms, feeling the soreness of her muscles. "And don't act like you did not like feeling it inside of you. You are basically straight because of how much you love it."


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