Our Voice Volume 7

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Our Voice Volume 7 Page 7

by Scot McAtee

Jackson 3-Andrews


  Once upon atime there were 3 teenage boys named Jackson, Leo, and carder. They were best friends. Then one day there parents agreed to let them go camping on Holoween night! Then carder said this story about an owl. Is was about somekindof owl curse. And that night when the boys went to bed carder herda voice in the woods. Then carder put his hand on his ear and listend it sounded like an owl l a owl swooped in and ate the boy. Leo and Jackson woke up with a flash. Then leo and Jackson started punching the owl then the owl died the end.

  Mrs. Tolet

  By: Gabrele Noe

  Msr tolet cotnot flush and others could flush and cotcandy made fun of Msr tolet. Then Msr tolet was sad. The Sloshen A Proson came to fix Msr tolet and cotcandy said sorry to msr. Tolet.

  The end

  Where is Penny.

  By: Kortney Kyser

  Krista was in a hurry to get home she was going to Nanas tonight so she had to hurry home. She walked to get a drink and started for the door she bamped her desk and her pencil named Penny went rolling off the desk and all the way under the bookshelf.

  ED came out and started screaming at Phineas. “What’s all the rucus I’m trying to sleep,” “Well Krista just accidentely knocked off Penny,” Phineas said. “Oh no,” said ED. ED and Phineas hopped of the desk and started looking for Penny. “It’s no use we’ve looked everywhere come on we’ll find her in the morning.” Said ED. “Ok” said Phineas.

  All night Phineas and ED were sad because without Penny Ed couldn’t erase anything and without penny no one could write on Phineas. The next morning Krista go their and was looking for penny finnaly she moved the bookshelfs. There was penny just laying there she was so happy because she could write on Phineas and be erased by ED.

  Aryana Neal


  The Sophia starts to change into a half owl and half person. After that Aurora, Peyton, and Molly start to get scared and stay there and don’t leave. After that Sophia starts to turn back to normal in the morning the Molly, Aurora, and Peyton camp with her the rest of the time. At the end Aurora, Peyton, and Molly break the spell by stayin with her the rest of the night like being true friends even though they were scared.

  The don don DON story

  Gabby McAtee


  My friends and I are camping out. Our tents are pitched and the fire is burning. Casie thinks that when you are in the woods and you hear an owl and you turn in to an owl. Later in the night, everyone is tucked in and asleep but I’m asleep and I hear an owl don don DON. Then it stops and I hear a fox don don DON. Then I turn into a owl, don don DON. It is morning and the realize the I’m an owl and Casie was right you would turn into an owl and I turned to human again and then we just go home, but what will happen next don don DON!

  Victoria Mecklenburg

  3- Ward

  One windy night me witch my name is Cindy now where was I oh me and of my 3 friends Mia leah and Stella were camping in the woods right befor sun set. Our tens were pitched and the fire was burning. We all had somors and while we were eating Mia said that wen yau hear a owl in the woods yo become a owl yourself I was so scared that it was like I could her a owl over the wind pushing water in to the trees and bats sqeeking in dark spots. But I made myself not blevie it so I said its not true. Then at midnight everone was alsleep but not me then I heard a sound like a owl then again then I turned to a owl the owl told me that I need stone with a hole in the middle and 2 then I found them the turned me back to a pretty teenage girl. The End.


  by Molly Venters


  Suddenly I, Easa Fisher, turned into an owl. Not just any owl, but a mice and bacon craving owl!

  “Oh! My! Shnitzelbooogers!” I hooed aww “I can’t find any bacon!” I’d already found eighty-five mice.

  Finally down came and I found camp. I flew down and perched on Casie’s face sniffer. He a accidentily inhaled one of my poofy tail feathers.


  Well that woke him up I thought.

  I hooed and hooed until I finally got a reaction. “Oh! My! Shnitzel Booogers!,” he yelled “It’s Easa!,” I wooed more and more. “I got it!,” Casie exclaimed. “You must want bacon,” he said.

  So after 8 hours of being stuck as an owl Casie fially gave me some bacon and just like that POOF!

  I was myself again.


  Scary Night by Riley Miller


  You and your friends are camping out. Your tents are piched and the campfire is burning. Your friend tells you that when you hear an owl in the night you turn into one. When everyone is tucked in and a sleep, you hear an owl. You start growning feathers and you try to call your friends. Your call comes out as a hoooo hooooo! Your friends wake and scream! It becomes day and you turn into a girl.

  Haily Phillips

  2- Alexander

  Wons theer wos 3 frend They terinde into o owl wen the owl, howoted. Then they ternd into a noctowbos. The the terd back into an Huowmends.

  Kevin Hernandez

  Mrs. Harrison

  The friends are camping. The camp fire is burning. The owl is hooting. The owls will come back to the friends. Then the owls will come back at the tent. Then the animals are coming at the tent. The sunck will smell bad. They went to the creak, and jumped in and washed of of smell. It dint work when they went bub said peww. Everything off and and put it by the washer. You boys need to take a bath and use lots of soap.

  Leo Dellinger


  She turn into a owl. She was so skard that she ran into a tree and got knoct out. The next morning her friends woke up and where wundering where she was? They saw a owl and hit the owl with a bat. Then they found out that the owl was franck. She never tuned back into a human. The End and maby to be cotinue.

  Mine Torcher

  By: Zachary Craig


  One day me and my friends were walking through the forest and made a fire to see in the dark “crack” a twig makes in the dark then the sun rises we mined together sunsets “AAAH” Zaptor died. “Was that you Zaptor?” Zaptor didn’t answer Noo Zaptor died.” Rick the owl sleeped then the sun rised Zaptor had a blood trail Leading to an owl. The owl was sleeping “I don’t wanna wake the owl up if we do we’ll probaly die!” Said Zach then they mined untill dark “AWWHH!” Davion you dare? “Im dieing baaag” Davion died. “The owl killed Davion. said Zach The day approaches and Zach Adam still lives. The day turns into night “AHHH.” Adam said” Adam NOOOOOOOOOO.” Said Zach the owl talked “I killed your friends because yo made me mad now time for you!” AWWWW!” Zach said! The owl that killed looked nasty when Adam finished my sentense!

  Suri 1-Custer

  By: Clemons

  Peppl wor camping bay a fiyr win they wor asep she hrd a awol then there was a wich she came aot of the wos she came biy the tet she wint in the tet and scedevre body she put a spel on evrebody nothing cod brec the spel.

  Eric Butt 3-Buschman

  He turned into an alien not an owl. He was slimy had forarms and green skin! And there was a trail of alien blood. There trying to find him but they couldent. Then they find him finnaly one said thats not him said Caisey “no”. Yelled John. They were in the dark cave. How can we find him said Max? I’m your friend said the alien you were wrong Caisey I turned into a alien! There no cure. What! said Max What! said John What! said Caisey. I’m alien forever

  Ryan Russell

  I coalked outside and “poof”! I turned into an owl. Then the owl turned into a scary looking man. Apparnetly I was so loud It woke everyone up. And Addi was laughing so hard, Layni and Addi were laughing too buty not as hard sas adedi was. Then Addi said “oh my gosh did anyone bring a camera Addi joked. Then “poof” then they turned into owls to. “Now who’s laughing” I asked. “Still me because your still an owl” Addi snorted Then the man looked dead eye in layni’s and
said “ Lani Right? long time no see.” Then Ariel and I took a step back as the amn creeped into the wood’s. “Mwwhahahahah”Then 2 arrows mshoot above laynis head . “Ahh” She screamed “how do we change back?” Layni nervously asked “I don’t know” Adduii answered then Arielm popped up and said “But I do!” “Huh?” We all questioned. I read it in this book, all we have to do is find him and say theose words! “You turned yus into an owl we want to got back to normal Shu-zam!” “Ok easy enough! I said “but we have to say it right at twelve and if it’s any after then well be stuck like this forever. They all gasped. It was 11:50. 10 leater they found him and said the magic words “Poof” the man turned back into an owl. Then they finish their camp outr and livedm happily ever after and never went camping again till her sister went “Poof”…..


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