Strongest Passionsl

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Strongest Passionsl Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-380-0

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  The Pack Claims a Mate, 4

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Kitty lay on the bed sleeping while Stuart sat in the corner reading a book. Surprisingly it was a romance book, and he was trying to find the right ways to woo this woman, this goddess who smelled of the pack. Licking his dry lips, he kept glancing up at her. The negligee she’d worn was bunched around her waist, and her hair was still dirty from the ground. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her by taking her for a wash.

  Tom, Roy, and Guy had come and visited her to see if she was fine. Each of the three men had asked if he was going to wake her up. Stuart didn’t want to wake her up in case he startled her.

  Someone knocked at his door, and he knew without a shadow of a doubt it would be Mark and Joey.

  Placing his book on his chair, he made his way toward the door. They both stood together, both appearing identical, but their scents were slightly different so the pack always told them apart.

  “How is she?”

  “She’s still alive and sleeping.”

  Opening the door, he allowed the two men inside. They stopped at the edge of the bed, staring at her.

  “Did you know we’re going to have to share her?” Joey asked.

  “I thought sharing was your thing?”

  “It is, but this is a mating. We’ve got to work hard for her to accept the both of us,” Mark said.

  “Usually we just fuck the woman who falls at our feet, no questions asked.” This came from Joey.

  “Look, we’re all feeling the pressure right now.” Stuart rubbed the back of his head wishing with all of his heart that he could say something that made total sense to everyone. He came up blank. This was what he hated, not knowing what to say to make everyone feel better.

  With all the books he read, he should be able to make everyone feel better, yet it seemed all he did was make everyone feel worse. No one trusted him, Guy being the main brother who believed he was going to fuck this up.

  He didn’t realize he was speaking until Mark and Joey each put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t do it, Stuart. We’re all in this together, and we have every faith in you.”

  “Books are so much easier to handle. They don’t expect anything from me other than to be read.”

  “You know a book doesn’t have a personality, right?” Joey asked.

  “They’ve helped me get through the darkest times of waiting for Tom to make a choice.” He shrugged. “I do what I have to do.”

  They all turned to look at the blonde haired beauty sleeping in his bed.

  “I can’t believe she stood up to Tom, demanding she be here,” Mark said.

  “If anyone is ever going to stand up to him, it’ll be our mate.” Stuart was proud of her for standing up for what she believed in. He didn’t understand why each moon of the claiming she had to be away from the rest of the pack. It made a hell of a lot more sense to him for her to remain with the whole pack, restoring and guaranteeing the bond for life. But what did he know? He was only the fourth brother down the line. He didn’t know anything, not really.

  “She’s so beautiful,” Joey said.

  “She smells amazing.” This was from Mark.

  “You better get going before she wakes up and is scared when she sees three wolves staring at her.”

  “We’re in our human form,” Mark said.

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want her afraid.” Stuart ushered them out, closing the door. When he turned back around, he saw her eyes were open, staring back at him. In a horror movie it would be completely eerie. “You’re awake.”

  “They think I’m beautiful.”

  He moved to sit beside the bed. “You are beautiful, Kitty.”

  She smiled. The moment her eyes fell away from him, something hard and deep hit him in the chest. He didn’t like her looking elsewhere.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked.

  “A little bit.” She looked back up at him, and the beast within him calmed.

  “Okay, I will go and forage in the fridge. Erm, the bathroom is through there if you want to wash or something.”

  “Thank you.”

  She didn’t show any sign of moving.

  “I’ll go and get us some food.” He left his bedroom without a word. Walking toward the kitchen, he saw all of his brothers sitting around, nursing cups of hot chocolate.

  “How is she doing?” Guy asked.

  “She’s hungry, and sad.” He walked toward the fridge.

  “And you left her? Stuart, I swear if you screw this—”

  “I’m not going to screw it up, but yeah, I got the memo. If I do screw it up, you’re going to make me wish I was never fucking born. I get it, and you don’t need to keep yelling at me. I get it.” He yelled the final part so that Guy understood that he comprehended every single word he spoke.

  “You’ve left her alone.”

  Stuart let out a sigh and stared at each of his brothers. He didn’t know how much time had passed as he just stared at them. Guy went to say something else, but Tom stopped him.

  “I left Kitty alone so she could get some time to herself,” said Stuart. “Having six men around all the time is going to be hard for her. She’ll need her own time, and her own space, where she can curse, and argue, and not give a shit that six men are close by. I’m not failing her or the pack, Guy. I’m giving her time.” He grabbed several plates of meat, cheese, and bread. Placing them on the counter, he started to assemble two plates of food. “She’s just spent the past month with you, and two other brothers. She’s hurting, and I get that you’re worried. Why don’t you trust me to do what is right?”

  He glared at Guy, hoping his older brother saw the pain he’d inflicted, even if he hadn’t meant to. Stuart stared at the plates wondering what else he’d need for her to eat. Glancing at the clock he’d noticed twenty minutes had already passed with him arguing with his brother, and arranging food on a plate.

  “You’ve got to learn to trust me,” he said, fed up with the lack of his brother’s trust.

  “I’m sorry. I’m worried about it. I shouldn’t have threatened you.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.” Stuart finished with the food. “Now, I’m going to take this up to Kitty.” He left without saying another word.


  Padding into the bathroom, Kitty winced at her reflection. She looked a mess. Her hair was all over the place, and her body was covered in earth. There was also dirt under her nails where she’d gripped the ground beneath her.

  She’d been awake when Mark and Joey had each tried to console Stuart. Lying on the bed, listening to him talk about his fears, she’d understood it was hard for him, just like it was hard for her.

  Climbing into the shower, she washed away the night’s claiming even while Guy remained in her heart. She’d seen how hard it was for him to walk away.

  Two months to go.

  The first month had already started, and she could hand
le two more months of being with three men. She’d never actually been part of a threesome, but she could do it. For the love of the pack, she’d do it.

  Once she finished in the shower, she wrapped a bath towel around her and went back to the bed. It was filthy, and she got to work, stripping the bed, then placing on new sheets, which she’d found in the bathroom on her hunt for a towel. Sitting on the bed, she stared around the space. It was rather plain with six different ceiling to floor bookcases. She walked over to the shelves and started to look through the books. Not every book she stared at was a fiction book. Tilting her head to the side, she read the titles, seeing several cookery books and multiple books on crafts and buildings.

  He had a variety of interests.

  Grabbing a book on cookies, she moved toward the bed, to open them up. Several pages were dog eared, with a small flap pulled down. She began to open the book to look through the recipes that he’d noted on. Most of them were filled with chocolate and oats.

  The door opened, and she glanced up.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” She held the book up for him to see. “I love cookies.”

  “No, I don’t mind. I’m not going to go mental because you’ve touched a couple of books.”

  “You’re the bookworm.”

  “We all have hobbies that keep us from going crazy.”

  “Are these recipes you like?” she asked.

  “No, they’re recipes I’d love to try. I’m not very good in the kitchen. I burn toast.”

  “The best cooks burn toast.”

  “No, I set fire to my toast, and we had to change the stove because the fire got out of control. Believe me it wasn’t very good. I am, however, allowed to empty the fridge out of fresh produce.” He held a tray that was loaded with two plates.

  Her stomach rumbled for a taste of the food. “It looks delicious.” Closing the book, she reached out for her plate. Stuart placed the tray on the bed, then grabbed a pillow from the corner, and placed it over her lap.

  “The plate is cold.”

  “How is everyone?” she asked, thinking about all five brothers waiting downstairs.

  “They’re nervous that I’m going to find some way to fuck this up.” He smiled, and she found herself smiling back at him.

  “I’m not going to bite.”

  “You love my other three brothers.”

  “I’ve spent time with Tom, Roy, and Guy. Give me time and I’ll come to love you.”

  “Four weeks isn’t really a long time.”

  She saw his doubt. “Do you think it’s hard to love you?”

  “No, I’m a realist, and real life isn’t what it’s like in the books. I don’t expect you to fall in love with me.” He was breaking her heart.

  Picking up a slice of cheese, she kept her gaze on him, wondering what she could say to him to make him see reason.

  “Do you want to learn how to cook?” she asked. For someone who wasn’t allowed to cook, he had a variety of cookbooks on the shelves. Kitty wanted to reach out to him.

  “I’m not allowed in the kitchen. My brothers barred me from going in.”

  “Is that the only thing stopping you?” She took a chunk of chicken and took a bite.

  He shrugged.

  “Stuart, work with me. I know you want this to work as much as I do. Please,” she said, begging him.

  “After each claiming you’ve always been so depressed. I wanted to give you a chance—”

  She pressed her fingers against his lips. “I’m going to stop you there. Yes, I’m upset. I didn’t understand what was going on, but now I do and I’m not going to let anything ruin our time together. Give me a chance to love you.”

  His tongue peeked out, and she gasped as he licked her fingers. “You taste like chicken.”

  Kitty started to laugh seeing a playful side he clearly kept hidden from his family. “Now, do you want to learn how to cook?”

  “I do. You’re going to need to clear it with Tom and the others.”

  “Okay, where do you think I can find them?” she asked, climbing off the bed. She wanted to do this with Stuart.

  “They’re downstairs.”

  “Is that down to your wolf senses?” she asked.

  “A bit. I can sense where they are.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be back, promise.” Glancing down at her body, she shook her head. “Well, I can always use my body to get what I want.”

  Stuart laughed, and she left him while he was still laughing. Kitty loved the sound. Rushing downstairs she found all five brothers in the sitting room watching a horror movie. Rolling her eyes at the big breasted blonde, she cleared her throat. The television was turned off, and they all turned around to look at her.

  “Glad I’ve got your attention. I’ve been talking with Stuart, and I was wondering if you’d lift the ban on the kitchen so we could make something together. Something sweet?” She gave them all her most dazzling smile.

  “Sure,” Roy said.

  “Absolutely.” This from Tom.

  “Can’t wait.” Guy spoke up next.

  Mark and Joey spoke at the same time. “Looking forward to it.”

  Smiling, she rushed into the room, giving them all a hug. There were definitely going to be some perks to having six men who loved her.

  Chapter Two

  The following day Stuart woke to Kitty in his arms. She was still snoring slightly, and he found the sound utterly adorable. Everything about her was adorable. When she’d walked into the bedroom after getting the agreement from his brothers, she’d been so damned happy. He couldn’t bring himself to ever hurt her.

  The last three months had been a nightmare for him. His wolf yearned for the woman who was currently lying in his arms. Stuart had never felt like this for any other woman in his life. He’d been happy to fuck willing women and then leave them.

  Reaching out, he slowly pushed some of her blonde hair out of the way. She really was a beautiful woman. After she’d eaten most of the food he’d brought up for her, she’d brushed her teeth, then settled into one of his shirts before climbing into bed. She’d tapped the bed like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  “Morning,” she said, opening her eyes. She quickly placed her hand over her mouth.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Morning breath. I need to go and brush my teeth.”

  She was gone before he got a chance to stop her. Laughing, he climbed out of the bed, and followed in behind her. She was flushing the toilet then washing her hands. Leaning against the doorframe, he admired her body, and the little glimpse he got of her curves as she moved just from watching her made his dick ache with the need to be inside her.

  He moved in behind her, reaching the top shelf in order to hand her a toothbrush. “There you go.”

  “Why do you put everything on the top shelf?” she asked, muttering.

  “We get the chance to see your ass.” He glided his hands across her cheeks, emphasizing his point. “I’ll put everything you need on the top shelf.”

  She was staring at him in the mirror. Her eyes were wide as she stared at him. The scent of her arousal flooded the bathroom. His wolf perked up taking notice. He released a little growl, and Kitty moaned. Wrapping his hand around her waist, he pulled her against him. The toothbrush was forgotten as he held her close, pressing his dick against her ass.

  Placing her hand over his, he was shocked when she started to push his hand down to land between her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties.

  Cupping her pussy, he slid a finger through her wet slit, finding how aroused she actually was.

  “Fuck, you’re already soaking wet.” Stuart couldn’t believe she was turned on by him. With her already experiencing three of his brothers, he really didn’t think there would ever be one fated female for all of them. Yet Kitty was soaking his fingers.

  “Touch me, Stuart.”

  She reached around, pushing her hands into his pants, and circling his dick. He hissed as s
he moaned. Slowly, he worked his fingers between the sweet flesh of her cunt, loving the smell of her. He couldn’t help it and needed to taste her.

  Lifting his fingers to his lips, he sucked his digits into his mouth, moaning at the taste of her. She was musky and sweet.

  “So good, it feels so good, Stuart.”

  Staring in the mirror, he watched her face as he went back to touching her pussy. Slipping two fingers inside her sweet cunt, he pushed his thumb against her clit, watching her eyes close. Not once did she let up on touching him. Her hand moved up and down his shaft, drawing him close to orgasm with her touch alone.

  “You feel so good, Kitty. I can’t wait to touch you. To get my dick inside yo—” He stopped before he could finish saying exactly what he wanted to say to her.

  “What is it?” she asked, slowing down her hand.


  “Don’t hide from me, Stuart. Be natural with me. Be yourself.” She began to thrust her pussy onto his fingers. “Please, it’ll only work if we’re natural with each other. Please, I want your touch. I love your fingers inside my pussy.”

  He took her at her word, working her pussy. “I want to throw you to the bed, pull you up to your knees, and fuck you so hard you can’t walk straight.”

  She moaned, and her cream soaked his fingers.

  Kitty liked what he was talking about? It was too good to think about.

  “Yes, I want that,” she said. “I’m so close.”

  Stuart was going to blow at any moment. Kitty was driving him crazy. Her fist squeezed him tightly. He imagined this was how tight her pretty pussy was going to be.

  “Come for me, baby. Come over my fingers so I can lick them clean.”

  He pinched her clit, soothing out the slight pain by stroking over her nub.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, screaming each word out. When she found the peak of her orgasm, he slammed his fingers into her cunt while also teasing her clit.


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