Strongest Passionsl

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Strongest Passionsl Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  He turned his cell phone on to find multiple missed calls and several texts. Glancing through them, Stuart chuckled as Tom began to call him.

  Answering the call, he raised a brow at Kitty before talking.

  “Why the fuck haven’t you answered any of my calls? Do you know how worried I was?” Tom was yelling, and Stuart had no choice but to hold the receiver away from his ear and the shouting.

  Kitty took the cell phone from him. “Hey, Tom, how are you doing?” Before Tom could even start talking, she continued to finish what she was saying. “I loved today. We saw three movies, and even though I really didn’t want to watch any of them, I loved them. You should have been here. I told Stuart to turn off his cell phone because it kept ringing. Was it you?” There was silence for a few seconds while Tom talked. “Well, I’m sorry we made you wait. The movie was so good. You should have seen it.”

  On and on it went.

  “We’re on our way home now. Have you eaten? No, okay, we’ll sort that out. Bye.” She closed his cell phone, handing it over to him once she climbed into the car.

  “Is he going to kill me when I get home?”

  “I don’t think he’s going to kill you, but he may be a little pissed off with me.” She shrugged. “I loved today, and I don’t care how worried he was. They could have all driven to town to find us.” She rubbed her hands down her thighs. “Right, we’re getting takeout. What do you think, Chinese, Mexican, or fried chicken?”

  “Chinese,” Stuart said.

  He pulled the truck up to the Chinese restaurant. They walked in together and ordered enough to keep them fed for a couple of days. He was starving, and if Tom had been doing his pacing, it could only mean that he’d be starving.

  Stuart paid for the food while Kitty carried it back to the car. It wasn’t long before they were pulling up outside of the house. Roy was cutting logs. Tom was sitting on the steps, watching them. Mark and Joey were sparring, and from the looks of it, Guy was playing on a video game.

  “Do you think he rounded them up to come and upset us?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. Just be your usual charming self and we’ll get out of this scot free.” He turned the ignition off and climbed out of the truck. Stuart took the food from her so that she could climb down.

  “Hey, guys,” she said, smiling at each of them. “We had the most wonderful time.”

  He followed behind her carrying the box of food while Kitty talked over and over about everything that had happened. He couldn’t help but smile when she did her swooning voice of one of the main men.

  Tom glared at him while the rest of his brothers smiled. Kitty had always been happy. Well, for the most part she’d been happy. But she hadn’t been like this, talkative, and vibrant with life.

  She removed her jacket, grabbing plates. The more she talked, the more the men fell for her. Stuart didn’t doubt he was going to get a warning from Tom. He’d gladly take it for her.

  They sat down around the large table in the kitchen. Kitty opened up boxes and served them all some dinner while leaving the bites in the boxes for them to take. She sat beside him, eating.

  Glancing around the table, he saw how contented everyone was at being near her. This was what she did to them, awakening them all from a sleep none of them knew they were taking.

  After they finished eating, Kitty went to take a shower while he stayed down to do the dishes.

  “You should have called,” Tom said, the moment it was safe for him to argue.

  “I didn’t have time. Kitty took all of my attention. We watched one movie after the other. We ate popcorn, used the toilet, and sat through more movies.”

  “I was worried.”

  “Tom was worried that you wouldn’t bring her back,” Mark said, taking the plate from Stuart.

  “I wouldn’t do that. You’ve got to learn to trust me.”

  “I didn’t think that. Don’t start, Mark.”

  Mark stuck his tongue out. Rolling his eyes, Stuart finished doing the dishes with Tom and Mark, while his other brothers finished putting away the uneaten food.

  “You’ve got one week left until the claiming,” Tom said.

  Stuart let out a breath. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “When you’ve claimed her, Mark and Joey will claim her, and then that will be final. She’ll be our claimed mate completely.”

  “Will you back off and relax when that happens?” Stuart asked.

  “I hope you know we were all worried about you sticking to your role within the pack.”

  “I read, Tom. I’m not stupid. I know I had to mate with Kitty, and I will continue to mate with her. I love her with all my heart. She’s part of the pack, and I’ve already seen what she does for all of us. She unites us, Tom.”

  His brother and alpha smiled at him. “I’m sorry. I guess it’s hard for me to back down at times.”

  “You’ve got to learn to. Otherwise it’s going to cost you. Kitty won’t take any of your shit.”

  With that, Stuart left the kitchen, making his way up to his room.


  “Did they hurt you?” Kitty asked.

  Stuart laughed, closing his door. She was so turned on, and she had hoped he wouldn’t make her wait long for him to arrive. He never did disappoint her. She brushed her hair, trying her hardest to act nonchalant.

  “No, he didn’t hurt me. I may have snapped at him. Tom may be licking his old wounds.”

  “At least we know he can heal.”

  She licked her lips, and gave him her back.

  Be casual, Kitty.

  Turning back to look at him, he was frowning at her.

  Dropping the towel, she stepped toward him. “I need you, Stuart,” she said. “I need you now.” Running her hands up his chest, she circled her arms around his neck, and pulled him in for a kiss. She moaned, licking his lips before sliding her tongue deep into his mouth.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  “Don’t hold back, Stuart. Fuck me hard like you want to.”

  He shoved her to the bed, and she stared at him as he tore his clothes, making quick work of getting naked. She loved the way he looked without any clothes. He was so damn hot.

  When he was naked, he gripped his cock, working his hand up and down the large shaft. The tip glistened with his pre-cum, and she released a moan, wanting to taste him.

  “Suck my cock, baby.”

  Crawling to the edge of the bed, she went to touch him, but he slapped her hand away. “No, I don’t want your hands. I want your lips. Suck me into that pretty mouth. Show me that you want me.”

  Opening her lips, she stared up into his eyes as he slid his cock into her mouth. She moaned, closing her lips around him, and sucking him hard.

  Stuart released a hiss, and she loved the sound. He was trying not to lose control, but with her mouth on him, he was losing the battle.

  “Do you know what you’re doing to me?” he asked.

  She hummed “yes” around his shaft.

  “Fuck, that feels so good. Your mouth is perfect.”

  Kitty bobbed her head onto his shaft taking as much of his cock into her mouth as she could.

  Suddenly, he pushed her off his cock, pressing her back to the bed. Before she could ask why, he was between her thighs, licking and sucking at her clit.

  She cried out, screaming for more as he licked her pussy. The pleasure was out of this world, delightful, scary, and yet one of the best things she’d ever experienced.

  “Yes, please, suck my clit.” She stared down watching him circle her clit then slide down to fuck into her pussy with his tongue. Over and over he did this heightening her arousal.

  She didn’t get a chance to come. Stuart pulled away, moving onto the bed. He landed between her thighs, running the tip of his cock through her slit. Biting her lip, she took several deep breaths then screamed as he slammed to the hilt within her. He was so big and long she was shocked that she was able to take him.

  “That’s it,
baby, take my cock, fucking love me taking you.”

  “Yes, Stuart, I do. I want you to fuck me. To take me.”

  “The claiming is a week away,” he said.

  “I know, and once the whole claiming is finished, we’ll be together, and we won’t be on a deadline.” She couldn’t wait for everything to be natural with the whole of them. Kitty was growing tired of constantly fighting them and the claiming. When it was over, she was going to take her time with each man without the time limit of the full moon.

  “Please, Stuart.”

  He slammed every inch of his cock inside her, and Kitty screamed out her pleasure, loving the feeling of being full of him.

  “Yes, Kitty, such a nice tight pussy.” He pulled out of her only to slam back inside. Stuart did this for several thrusts, taking her harder than ever before.

  Her orgasm started to build, but Stuart didn’t let her reach her peak. He pulled out, flipping her onto her stomach, and tugging her ass up against him. Stuart slid his cock back into her pussy. His fingers delved between her thighs, touching her clit. He got his fingers nice and wet drawing them back.

  She tensed up as his fingers started to tease the puckered skin of her ass.

  “Sh, relax, baby. I’m not going to fuck you here, but I am going to play.”

  Kitty took several deep breaths, closing her eyes as he stroked over her ass lighting another fire within her.

  “Yeah, baby, fuck back onto my cock.”

  She began to thrust back against him, taking more of his cock inside her pussy. At the same time, he pushed the tip of one finger into her ass. The pleasure was out of this world, shocking her to the very core of her being.

  “Mark and Joey are going to fuck you together, lay their claim.”

  Kitty couldn’t wait. She’d be lying if she said she hadn’t thought about it. She thought about everything and the endless possibilities these men inspired within her.

  “Your pussy has gotten all nice and wet for me. You want to be fucked in the ass?”

  “Yes.” She wanted everything that made them happy.

  “Good.” He began slamming inside her pussy leaving his mark exactly like he promised.

  The sound of flesh hitting flesh permeated through the room. She reached between her thighs touching her own clit. Kitty couldn’t hold back another moment. She fell into her orgasm as Stuart grunted out his, filling her pussy with his cum.

  “I love you, Kitty,” he said, kissing her shoulder.

  She believed him. She really did.

  Her only wish now was for the claiming to be over so she wasn’t ordered who to sleep with.

  Chapter Five

  The night of the claiming was once again here, and Stuart walked out of the house and stared up at the full moon. He didn’t want this night to start or to end. Shock filled him as he glanced down to find Kitty already sitting on the ground staring up at the sky. All five of his brothers were gathered around, watching her. Concern shone on all of their faces. They were not used to her being ready before any of them.

  He wondered how long she’d been sitting there while he’d been taking the time to get ready.

  Stepping toward her, he knelt down on the ground. Her knees were up against her chest, and her gaze never once wavered from the sky above them.

  “Baby? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine, Stuart.”

  “You’re here early.”

  “I didn’t want to wait around. I was shocked when I was the only one, but then slowly, you all appeared. You’re the last one.” Finally she turned her head to look toward him. “Do you want to mate with me?”

  The tension in the pack mounted at her question.

  “Of course I want to mate with you. I love you.”

  She smiled up at him. “I love you, too.”

  “What’s going on, Kitty?”

  “I don’t want this month to end. I’ve not wanted any month to end, and I’m scared that once it’s all over everything is going to change.”

  “The only thing that’s going to change is we’re all going to love you at the same time. You’re not going to know a moment’s peace because of us. There’s six of us, and we’re all desperate to make this work with you. We all want to make you happy, adorn you with gifts and love. Maybe one day, have children of our own?”

  “I’d like that. It’s what I want for us. For all of us.”

  He stroked her cheek, pressing his lips against hers. “Never doubt my love. You’ve given me a chance to shine, and for that, nothing is going to take away what we have with each other.” He kissed her lips once again, then again, sliding his tongue inside her mouth as she opened up to him.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to the earth.

  Stuart chuckled, cupping her large breasts in his palm and running his thumbs across each of her distended nipples.

  “I love your hands on me, Stuart. I love everything you do to me, but today, I’ve got to be the one in charge.”

  “Then ride me, baby. Take what you want.”

  Kitty lifted her silk negligee over her head, exposing the beauty of her tits and naked pussy. She worked the sweatpants he’d worn down his body until he lay naked for her to enjoy.

  “This is how I want you,” she said, grabbing his cock. She licked along the side of his dick before pulling him into her mouth.

  He groaned, lying back on the grass and staring up at the sky. The full moon was high in the sky, and he stared at it while Kitty loved his cock. He loved the way she sucked on his dick, taking him to the back of her throat. Sinking his fingers into her hair, he changed from looking at the sky to where Kitty sucked on his cock.

  When he couldn’t stand anymore he tapped on her head, telling her to slow down or to ease up.

  “You’ve got to stop or I’m going to come and spoil the claiming.”

  She crawled up his body, gripping his cock in her fist. “It’s okay, Stuart. I’m more than ready for the claiming.” She sank down onto his cock, groaning out.

  He gripped her hips, thrusting up at the same time, and loving the feel of his pussy clenching him.

  Together they found a slow pace that had him hitting to the hilt within her.

  “Yes, Stuart, fuck me, make love to me. I want this. I want the claiming, and when this is all over, we’ll spend more time.”

  No, he wasn’t going to let her think about the next month. He was going to take her and have her begging.

  Quickly changing their positions, he pulled out of her pussy, pushing her to her knees, and sliding back inside her. He wrapped his fist around her hair, tugging her back. The heat of the pack and the height of the moon were helping the beast within him to take over.

  Slamming into her pussy over and over, he licked over her pulse.

  The balance of power had changed, and he was the one in charge. “That’s right, baby. I’m the one in charge. The moment I get you alone, I’m going to fuck your body raw.”

  She panted and gasped, her pussy clenching around his cock as he fucked her harder than ever before.

  “Touch your pussy. I want you to explode over my dick. Let me hear you, Kitty.”

  Her fingers began playing with her clit, and Stuart groaned as the walls of her pussy seemed to tighten around his cock.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me your cum. I want it over my dick before I blow inside you.” He nibbled on her neck, biting down hard on her ear.

  She gasped, crying out, and her hand worked her pussy a lot harder.

  “I’m coming, Stuart.”

  Pounding into her pussy, Stuart felt his own release mounting. “Kitty Evans, you are mine as I am yours. Nothing will tear us apart. I mate with you. Please accept my life and my protection as yours.”

  He bit down onto her neck right over her pulse and kept slamming inside her.

  “Yes, I accept your claiming and your love.” She panted out the words. They were only loud enough for him to hear. He pulled away, pressing his wrist tha
t he’d just cut, to her lips. She swallowed him down, and he came within the tightness of her pussy.

  His brothers came closer, taking her blood and cementing the bond. With each moon, the connection to Kitty strengthened. He felt her release, her need, her fear, and her love for all of them. This moon had given them all an insight into her feelings.

  It was over too soon. Tom’s voice invaded his mind, and Stuart held onto Kitty not wanting to let her go.

  “Go, Stuart, you’ve got to go.”

  He held her a little tighter, and glanced up as Mark and Joey stepped forward. “Take care of her. Love her.”

  “We will.” Both brothers spoke in unison.

  Nodding his head, Stuart pulled away from her, walking into the forest before changing into his wolf. He left her behind, hating the fact he had to wait another moon before he could truly call her his.


  Kitty finished brushing her hair on the bed. She’d not wanted to pick either Mark or Joey’s bed after they’d carried her inside. This room was her own, and her own clothes were inside the walk-in wardrobe.

  Someone knocked on the door, and she called for them to come in. She was surprised to see Tom enter her room.

  “Do you mind if I come in?”

  “I said you could. This is your house, remember. This is all yours.”

  She put the brush down. The last few months she’d been wearing negligees or one of the men’s shirts. Today she’d settled on a plain pair of pajamas. She felt cold, sad, and lonely.

  “This is your house as well.”

  “I know, but forget it.” She tried her hardest to smile yet struggled. “What can I help you with?”

  “We’re all worried about you,” he said, moving closer to her. He took a seat, and all it would have taken was to reach out and touch him.


  “We can sense your pain, Kitty. None of us want you to be in pain.”

  “I can’t even have any privacy with my pain?” She climbed off the bed, moving toward the window. Staring out at the full moon, she was starting to hate the large ball in the sky.

  “We love and care about you.”

  “It’s hard, Tom. It’s hard moving from one brother to another, and feeling that loss as acutely as the last. It brings it all back. I know you’re all suffering because of this, and I’m not trying to be a bitch. I just need one night, okay. One night where I’m by myself.”


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