Playing Stacy

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Playing Stacy Page 3

by Jenn Hype

  “Well, thanks for putting that towel under my head and sitting the meds out for me, at least.” Joe looked even more confused and I paused, my hand halfway to my mouth with another grape, trying to figure out why he was looking at me like I had three heads. Then I realized Joe wasn’t looking at me, but over my shoulder, so I turned to follow his line of vision.

  “You’re welcome,” Chad said casually as he sauntered into the kitchen with a smug look on his face.

  “For what?” I glared at him as he stood across from me on the other side of the counter, plucking the grape I was holding right out of my fingers and tossing it into his mouth.

  “I always come to Joe’s house Friday mornings for breakfast. He’s usually already cooking by the time I get here, and when he wasn’t I went looking for him. Found you in the bathroom.” Chad walked over to the fridge and pulled out the orange juice, then grabbed two glasses out of the cabinet and started filling them both. When he handed me one of them I realized Joe had left the room and I was alone with Chad.

  “Wait, so you’re saying it was you who put a towel under my head and put the water and aspirin in there?” His cocky grin made me want to sucker punch him, but I was a little too stunned to even move. “I don’t know what surprises me doing something nice for me, or you not taking the opportunity to dump a bucket of ice water or something on my head.”

  Chapter 4


  “I have to admit; I was a little tempted. Believe it or not, though Stacy, I’m not a complete asshole.” I was just teasing, but I could see guilt flash across her face. It made me feel like shit, because truthfully, when it came to her I really did act like a complete asshole. “I guess I just felt sorry for you. You were quite a mess. I couldn’t in good conscience just let you lay there covered in your own vomit.”

  “Hey! I know I probably looked like shit but I was not covered in vomit,” she huffed and crossed her arms. She looked adorable sitting there all defensive and pouty, and I realized I hadn’t stopped smiling since I’d walked into the kitchen. She was sitting there with her mussed up hair and makeup smudges under her eyes, looking entirely too perfect than should be humanly possible after a rough night of drinking.

  “It’s okay Stacy, no need to be embarrassed. I didn’t mind cleaning you up.” I crossed my arms and leaned back against the counter, stifling a laugh as she buried her face in her hands.

  “Oh my God,” Stacy muttered before slamming her head down on the counter.

  “Hey, it wasn’t as bad as it sounds,” I reassured her, walking over to her. I leaned onto my elbows over the counter she had her head on so that I was eye level with her. I tapped her head gently with my index finger and she slowly lifted her head to look me in the eye. “I’ve been an ass, so I kind of owed you.” Stacy averted her eyes, but not quickly enough, and I saw the disappointment flitter across her face.

  I wasn’t entirely sure where the disappointment was coming from, and it surprised me how badly I actually wanted to know. I didn’t deserve to know anything about her, but I wanted to know all the same. I was on the precipice of going against my better judgment to ask her, but suddenly she was moving and I knew the window of opportunity had passed.

  “Well, thanks,” she whispered, sliding off the stool and turning away. I watched as she walked right out of the house, not bothering to look at me again.

  Two weeks had gone by since seeing Stacy at Joe’s that morning. Joe had been unusually tight lipped, so I had no idea how she was or what she was up to. I itched to ask about her, but knew no good would come of it, so I let it go. Not hearing about her or seeing her hadn’t prevented my thoughts from all too often turning to her, though it wasn’t as constant as it had been in the beginning.

  Joe and I had standing plans to meet at Petey’s a couple nights a week, which was a local bar located a couple blocks from the station that all the guys at our precinct frequented. It had become generally populated solely by cops and other law enforcement over the years, so it was a good place to kick back and relax.

  Most of the time when I spent my entire drive to Petey’s filled with dread. Joe was a talker and his constant droning on about things I couldn’t care less about made me want to drown myself in a bucket full of battery acid. This time, however, I was actually looking forward to it. Joe was still his normal self on the job, but conversation lulled a lot more often than usual, and he’d not been frequenting Petey’s as much as normal.

  I sensed that his absence was and lack of constant jibber jabber was all in relation to Stacy. Joe was always very forthcoming, but unless I came out and asked the question, I probably would never know. I didn’t know how to phrase it without making it sound like I was trying to bring her up, so I just kept to myself and I found that for once in my life I was...bored.

  Since Joe hadn’t met up with me the last few times I went to Petey’s I was a little surprised to get his text asking me to meet him there. An hour later I was already perched on a stool, sipping a cold beer when I saw him come strolling in out of the corner of my eye.

  I turned to face him and saw the feisty blonde I’d spent the last two weeks trying not to think about. Stacy hadn’t spotted me yet and I seized the opportunity to thoroughly drink in her presence. The entire room seemed to shift on it’s axis as the entire room became as entranced by her as I was.

  Something about her just commanded attention, and I realized just how much in denial I had been over the last couple weeks. My memories did her little justice. She was wearing tiny little black shorts, a white tank covered by a denim jacket, and tan heels that did dangerous things to her already long legs. I forced myself to turn away before she caught me ogling her, and studied the label on my beer bottle while internally berating my cock (who I had affectionately nicknamed Sarge) for not being able to control himself.

  Joe interrupted my thoughts, taking a seat next to me and slapping me on the back casually. Stacy stood on the other side of him but in the perfect position for me to be able to stare at the outline of her lacy bra that showed through her tight fitted tank top.

  Joe motioned for the bartender, getting himself and Stacy a drink. Joe was strictly a beer kind of guy, and I assumed he Stacy probably drank some kind of girly frou frou crap, though I didn’t know for sure because I was too busy trying not to stare at her chest to hear what he ordered.

  It surprised me when the bartender handed her a beer as well. I would have easily pegged her as the type of girl who always drank some kind of fruity crap. My assumption most likely stemmed from the way she was dressed. She leaned back with her elbows against the bar, pressing the bottle to her lips, and everything about her came across as casual. She was the exact picture of femininity, all soft curves with legs for days. Yet something about her seemed so relaxed, making it obvious how comfortable she was in her own skin.

  If she had any makeup on, it was very little. At first glance there was nothing extravagant about her, though it was obvious her beauty came easily. It was easy to picture her looking just as stunning first thing in the morning as she was standing there in a little dive bar, managing to both perfectly fit in and completely stand out at the same time.

  I shook myself out of my trance just in time to see she’d caught me staring.

  Fuck, my head was all kinds of screwed up when she was around.

  It was like she did some kind of telepathic witchcraft voodoo shit on me or something. I never lost this much control, no matter how attracted I was to someone sexually. I’d never had trouble controlling myself in or out of the bedroom.

  Maybe I was just drunk already?

  No, that didn’t make sense. I was only about halfway through my second beer. It would take at least a few more to get me even a little tipsy, and even drunk I’d always been able to keep myself in check.

  I could feel Stacy’s eyes on me, and fighting the urge to look over at her again was damn near impossible. I finally lost the battle and risked a glance, immediately regretting it. A
nother officer from our precinct had made his way over to Stacy and was chatting her up. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but he must have been laying it on thick because Stacy laughed and put her hand on his arm. A powerful surge of jealousy and possessiveness surged through me before I could think better of it.

  Out of nowhere I felt the urge to jump up and yank him away from her, but before I had the chance Joe was waving him off. Joe leaned down and asked if I wanted to join them at a table, but I waved him off, thankful for a little space between me and the vixen that was quickly brainwashing me.

  I watched as she walked over to a table with Joe. He pulled a chair out for her and she smiled up at him, but when she looked up and her eyes locked with mine, her smile fell. Without warning her eyes went dark and her expression turned serious. All of my senses kicked into overdrive, and suddenly everything happening around me was in both fast forward and slow motion at the same time. The room fell silent, but simultaneously grew so loud I thought my ears would bleed. My heart started to race while, though it felt like it had stilled entirely. Everything became a contradiction and I couldn’t make sense of anything.

  I needed some air. I needed to just clear my head for a minute. Stacy and Joe were obviously dating or fucking or…something. Hell, I didn’t know, but they’d been spending a lot of time together recently, and he hadn’t even mentioned that he was bringing her to Petey’s, like it was just a given that wherever Joe went, Stacy went. I’d never seen Joe spend so much time with one person, and most certainly had never seen him bring a girl to Petey’s, which told me she was a serious part of his life in some form or another.

  I tossed back the last of my drink and snuck out the back door that opened to a small alley right behind the old building. The sun had just gone down and there was only a small street light at the opposite end of the building that illuminated the back of the bar. I’d have to talk to Pete about that, this wasn’t very safe for his staff.

  As I took in the alley, taking advantage of the distraction by mentally taking notes as to how Pete could improve his security back here, I heard the back door open. I assumed it was Pete or one of his staff just bringing out the trash or something, but when I turned around I came face to face with Stacy.

  I’d come out here to get away from her. I didn’t want her to follow me out here. Why was she out here? She should be back in there with Joe.

  “I wanted to see you,” she whispered, her voice low and shaky. Even with the uncertainty I could hear in her words, her voice was like silk. Seductive and enticing. “I was caught off guard that morning at Joe’s and didn’t really thank you for taking care of me the way I should have. I was waiting until the next time I saw you again, but you ran off tonight before I had a chance.”

  “It’s not necessary, Stacy. You didn’t have to follow me out here; it was no big deal. I owed you anyway.” Stacy shrugged and took another step towards me.

  “It’s probably better this way, being able to talk to you in private. I never know how you’re going to react when I’m around you. But now I get the feeling you’re avoiding me, Chad. Why is that?”

  She took another step and was suddenly standing entirely too close. My dick was yelling me to push her against the wall and kiss her, while my mind was warning me to get the hell out of there. I didn’t have much of a chance to decide which direction to go before Stacy had completely closed the distance between us, standing only inches from me. So close I could feel her warm breath against my face.

  “You need to go back inside,” I growled in warning. Was I warning her or me? I wasn’t really sure, but one of us needed to go back inside. Whatever was happening or was about to happen just couldn’t happen. No happening right now. The opposite of happening needed to happen.

  Stacy raised her hand tentatively to my face, hesitating right before touching me. Her eyes were asking permission, but she didn’t wait to see if I would give it to her. She trailed a finger down the side of my cheek and along my jaw. I caught her wrist with my hand and gripped it tightly, holding her arm away from me. Her eyes widened in surprise, but only for a split second. Her blue eyes turned to black as they glazed over, and all the reasons why I was trying to avoid her dissipated, only to be replaced by an insatiable hunger.

  I yanked on her wrist, spinning her around and pinning her back against the brick wall of the building. I pressed my body up against hers, letting her feel my arousal hard on her thigh. It was almost pitch black where we stood against the wall, but even in the shadows she was stunningly beautiful. Any remnants of self control I was struggling to hold onto vanished when she licked her lips and let out a moan as I pushed myself into her harder.

  I grabbed her other wrist and held both her arms pinned above her head before forcefully pressed her lips to mine. It was bordering on painful, how violently I kissed her, and I started to pull back until I heard her whimper in pleasure. I began to grind myself between her legs, eliciting a very loud moan that gave me the opportunity to slide my tongue between her lips.

  We continued warring with our mouths and bodies, each of us battling for control, eager to unleash our pent up lust for each other. Stacy half heartedly struggled to pull her arms away, but I kept them firmly held in place.

  I ripped my mouth from hers and aggressively kissed down her jaw and to her neck, sucking and biting as I went. It occurred to me that I was being rough enough that I would most likely leave a mark, and the thought only made me more desperate to taste her.

  And fuck, she tasted amazing. I wanted to memorize every inch of her with my tongue, and there was a good chance that I would end up doing just that right out there in the middle of the alley.

  I let go of her wrists and she thrust her hands around my neck, pulling my mouth back to hers roughly. I ran my hands around her waist and cupped her ass tightly. Understanding my intent, Stacy quickly wrapped both legs around my waist as I braced us against the wall with one hand, sliding the other up the back of her shirt, moaning at the feel of her soft, warm skin.

  Her hands moved from my neck to the zipper on my jeans. I pulled back just enough to give her access, and began biting and sucking on her ear as she fumbled with the button to my pants. After a few seconds I grunted in frustration and pulled my hand her from shirt and yanked my pants open in one swift, violent move.

  Just as Stacy moved to thrust her hand into my briefs, the back door opened and one of the bartenders walked out, snapping me back to reality with a vengeance. Stacy and I jumped apart quickly, as if an electric current had just jolted us away from each other. We were mostly blocked by some stacked crates, and with how dark it was; the bartender didn’t even notice us.

  The moment was over, though, and like a fickle bitch, sanity used the interruption as an opportunity to backhand my libido. It took all of two seconds to build back the walls that crumbled beneath Stacy’s touch, giving self preservation a short enough window of time to commandeer all other thoughts. Logic and reason erased the feel of Stacy’s body against mine long enough for me to start damage control.

  Stacy started to smooth her clothes as I zipped my pants back up. After the bartender went back inside, I grabbed Stacy’s hand and led her back over to the door we’d exited out of, opening it and shoving her inside before closing the door and leaving.

  I’d let my guard down and made the mistake of kissing her, and although I was going home with the worst case of blue balls, I was still thankful we had been interrupted before it went any further. Later I would take the time to kick my own ass for losing it back there, but right then the only thing I could think about was going home and taking a very, very cold shower.

  Chapter 5


  What. The. Fuck. No, no it wasn’t possible. There was no way in hell that I’d just had the most passionate, earth shattering, panty incinerating kiss with Chad. I must have dreamed it, because it makes zero-fucking sense that he would shove me back inside the building and slam a door in my face after a kiss like that.
  I had to have stood staring at that door for a solid ten minutes, going over the last five minutes again and again in my head, trying to figure out at what point my sanity checked out and let my vagina start calling all the shots.

  Because my vagina, she didn’t think things through. I thought for damn sure I’d taught her to behave herself, but she really pulled out all the stops tonight. It was like she’d been lying in wait, prepared to pounce as soon as she was close enough to Chad. And pounce she had. And now? Now she was throwing a temper tantrum, and I didn’t know who was angrier - my vagina or my ego.

  He always looked devastatingly sexy in his uniform, but damn. Chad in a tight black t-shirt and jeans was just enough to start a riot in my pants. It took everything in me not to tear off my clothes and jump on his lap right when Joe and I walked in the door. So you can see how easy it was to become entranced by his tight ass as he’d walked away. Yep, just one glance at his retreating form was enough to hypnotize me.

  Enter vagina - and suddenly she was barking orders at the rest of my body, preparing for a hostile takeover. Then before I knew what was happening, the rest of my traitorous body joined forces with my vagina and marched my ass right out that door, leading me to what could only be described as the massacring of my self esteem.

  When I saw him standing in the middle of the dark alley, looking ominous and just a tad dangerous, my vagina started gloating about how awesome she was to make me follow him. I noticed a tattoo peeking out from the sleeve of his t-shirt, and the shadows on his face made him the poster boy for all things bad…or naughty...or both. Knowing he was a cop just made the entire scene before me even more delicious. He was the best of both worlds, and I felt my mouth start to water, just thinking about how amazing it would be to run my tongue up the contours of his chiseled arms.


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