Playing Stacy

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Playing Stacy Page 13

by Jenn Hype

  I heard Chad sigh. “What do you need, Stacy? I won’t break or bend the laws. If Maggie wants to press charges I can’t stop her. I want to help, I really do, but I don’t know what I can do for you.”

  “All I need you to do is make sure you guys are the ones who talk to her when she decides to file a report. I just need five minutes alone with her before you actually write it up, that’s it. If she still wants to press charges after talking to me, then fine, I’ll let it go. I drove by Maggie’s place and she isn’t home, and based on what Adalyn told me, she most likely went to the hospital. I doubt she’s all that injured, but she’ll want a medical claim on file if she goes after Adalyn. She’ll be blowing things out of proportion and milking the situation. All I need is five minutes. Can you do that for me Chad?”

  The silence between us was killing me. I glanced at my phone to make sure I hadn’t lost him, but it was still connected. I was trying not to freak out and say something like ‘I don’t have all fucking day,’ because I needed him on my side. Pissing him off probably wasn’t a good way to get him to help.

  So I waited for several minutes, which felt more like hours, then let out the biggest sigh of relief when Chad finally agreed. It wasn’t even five minutes after we hung up when the text came in, saying they’d gotten the call and were going to the hospital to take Maggie’s report.

  The hell they were. Not if I had anything to do with it.

  Chapter 18


  I shouldn’t have agreed to go along with Stacy’s request, but hearing her voice fucked with my head. I hadn’t seen her or talked to her since the night I brought Adalyn to the hospital, and knowing I would see her again any minute made me nervous as shit.

  Joe and I stood outside Maggie’s door waiting for Stacy. When she finally stepped out of the elevators that were a few feet away from us, all of the air was sucked out of my lungs. She was more stunning than I remembered, and the determination on her face made my cock hard. It used to drive me up the wall how brazen and stubborn Stacy was, but knowing she was there to help her friend reminded me of how much I enjoyed sparring with her, even when I wasn’t admitting it to myself.

  I held my hand out in front of her as she tried to enter Maggie’s room. “Five minutes, that’s it. Whether you’re done or not, we’re coming in.” She gave me a quick nod and walked past.

  I should have walked away. I knew whatever was going to happen in that room was something I shouldn’t be witness to, unless I wanted to end up arresting Stacy again. The girl had no shame and no fear. It was both endearing and fucking annoying. But I couldn’t bring myself to walk away. Joe was distracting the nurses so they wouldn’t go in and I had to make sure no one else would try to enter either. So I stayed glued to my spot, hoping to hell that Stacy would keep her voice down so I didn’t actually hear anything.

  I should have known better than to wish for Stacy to be quiet. She only had one level when she was angry, and it was somewhere between shouting and screeching.

  “Listen, you stupid fucking whore, I’m only going to say this once, so you better shut your cum stained mouth and listen up. I’m not going to tell you not to press charges against Adalyn, that’s your decision, but I should at least warn you. If you do that, then the beating you took from Adalyn will feel more akin to being licked by kittens by the time I’m done with you. I should have beat your nasty ass when you screwed over Ian, but I didn’t per his request. I left you alone, and believe me when I say that it won’t happen again. And if you for one second think that I won’t actually track you down and make you fucking pay for hurting my friends, then you are in for a bitch of an awakening. Because I won’t just kick your ass, I will torture you slowly and I will get sick pleasure out of it. And no amount of plastic surgery will be able to undo the damage that I do to your already ugly as fuck face. But I won’t stop there. Oh no, I won’t stop until I’ve made your reputation just as ugly to match. You will be a laughing stock and no one, not even the most desperate of people, will want to be near you. You will be all alone, like I know you’ve always feared. The facade you’ve worked so hard for, pretending to be better than you are, will be shattered, and people will see you for the piece of shit you truly are.”

  I slapped myself on the forehead with my hand, cursing at myself for not having walked away when I knew I should, while also fighting the urge to laugh at everything Stacy had just said. She was truly bat shit crazy, and any one who had overheard any of that would admit to you that it was awesome. I didn’t know one other person in the world who would have been able to deliver such a ridiculous threat in such an eloquent way. It came out so naturally that you could tell Stacy was just speaking off the cuff and it wasn’t rehearsed. That crazy shit was just pouring right out of her mouth, like saying those types of things was just a daily occurrence for her.

  There was some mumbling, more words exchanged that I couldn’t make out, and then Stacy emerged. Her chin was high and she was grinning from ear to ear. When we made eye contact her smile faltered a little, but not entirely. I had the sudden urge to fall on my knees, right in the middle of the fucking hospital hallway, in my full uniform, and beg for her forgiveness. But before I could, she muttered a “thanks” and was disappearing back into the elevator.

  Two months. Two whole months after I made what was probably the biggest mistake of my life pushing Stacy away, I was still thinking about her constantly. Seeing her at the hospital, even briefly, was enough to gut me. I didn’t know what the hell I was thinking that night at Joe’s. I’d just been so fucking depressed, and it was screwing with my head. I didn’t get depressed, especially over women. So when Leelah, the little brunette from Joe’s party a while back, came on to me, my dick took over.

  It was a piss poor excuse, but I just wanted relief from the ache in my chest. A brief moment in time to get Stacy out of my head and feel something other than resentment and loathing towards myself. As soon as it was happening, I knew it was a mistake. It didn’t make me feel better, it made me feel like shit. It literally only took Leelah about two minutes to get me off because it had been so long since I’d had any kind of release. And picturing Stacy in my head the whole time made me feel like a dick, especially when she materialized in the room, as if conjured into existence by my pathetic thoughts.

  I was giving Stacy space, and if I was totally honest with myself, I was too ashamed of myself to face her. I tortured myself constantly by wondering if Stacy was dating that guy she’d been with. If he’d had his hands on her and had her body underneath of him. It was bordering on obsession, how much Stacy consumed my thoughts.

  Joe was barely speaking to me. He was cordial and professional, but we hadn’t hung out outside of work since before the night I found Adalyn. I tried several times to get him to talk to me about Stacy, or anything at all, but he quickly changed the subject. I didn’t have to ask; I could tell Stacy had told him what she’d witnessed. Sometimes I wished he would just fucking go off on me and tell me what a piece of shit I was.

  After spending so many evenings alone in my house I was starting to go stir crazy, so I texted Joe asking him to hang out. I needed to figure out if I wanted to try and make things up to Stacy or move on, and I needed someone to talk it through with. Hours ticked by with no response and I started to get antsy, pacing back and forth in my living room.

  I was never an especially cheery guy, even before all the shit that went down with my parents, but I’d never been a full out asshole to someone. I’d been nothing short of lucky when I got partnered up with Joe. For several years I’d had no one in my life. No friends, no family, just work. I’d become completely closed off from the rest of the world, but Joe hadn’t given up. He’d pushed to get through to me no matter how much of a dick I was to him. So if he was upset enough with me to be completely blowing me off, then I had definitely gone too far this time.

  I tried one last time to contact Joe and when he didn’t get back to me, I decided it was time for more extreme m
easures. I would just have to track him down and hash things out. The thought of a heart to heart made me feel like a pussy, but I had to accept that I couldn’t go on with the way things were. It was making my job miserable and as much as I hated to admit it, I missed my friend.

  He wasn’t at the gym or Petey’s, so I drove to his house. He was coming out right as I was approaching, and I slowed almost to a stop when I saw Stacy following him. They were laughing and she looked so carefree and happy I almost turned the car around and left. There was a good chance that my presence in her life would only continue to hurt her, but I had to try. I was a selfish prick and knew Stacy would be better off if I just left her alone, but I couldn’t do it.

  I watched them get into Joe’s pickup and like the stalker I was apparently becoming, I followed them. When they finally pulled up into the parking lot of a new dance club called Grind, the same one I’d initially met Stacy at, I had to seriously consider my options. To say I had no desire to step foot inside that place would be an understatement.

  When Stacy climbed out of Joe’s truck and I finally took a look at her, the decision was made for me. She was wearing a little black dress that was low cut in the front, perfectly showcasing her tits, tight around the waist and flowing at her hips then stopped midway down her thigh. She had on the highest heels I’d ever seen that did amazing things for her toned legs. The images running through my mind would have my mother rolling over in her grave.

  I hung back a few minutes after they entered the club before I approached. The bouncer looked me up and down and it was then that I realized how I must look. I had on worn jeans and a tight black t-shirt and boots. Not that I looked like shit, but I’m sure I didn’t look worthy to be going into some fancy ass dance club. When I realized he wasn’t going to let me by, I flashed my badge. I hated doing that when it wasn’t necessary, abusing my power like that, but it was for a good cause. I had apologies to make.

  When I finally made it inside I immediately started scanning the crowd for Stacy. I couldn’t spot her so I spotted a staircase that led up to a second level that overlooked the entire dance floor and figured I would have a better chance of finding her once I had a better vantage point.

  It only took a few minutes once I was on higher ground to spot her and my heart rate picked up when I saw her dancing and swaying on the dance floor, her eyes closed and arms lifted high above her head. She danced like she was the only one in the club and it was breathtaking. I spotted Joe a few feet away dancing with some brunette little number and when I looked back to Stacy she had been joined by a man. Her back was to his front and she was shimmying down his length, rubbing her ass against his crotch. Then he turned slightly, and I saw that it was the guy from that night at the hospital. Her date.

  By the looks of how close they were, they had to be together. The anger that coursed through my veins was almost paralyzing, and I had to take deep, steady breaths to gain some control over myself. I knew storming down there and starting a fight would only make it worse.

  I saw Stacy lean in and say something in his ear, then she walked off the dance floor towards the bathrooms. There was my chance. Enough observing. Time for action.

  Chapter 19


  I was washing my hands when the door to the bathroom opened, and I could sense without looking that it was Chad. I don’t know how I knew, but I could feel the air start to buzz with the same sparks I always felt when Chad was near.

  I wanted to be angry, to turn around and yell at him and tell him to go fuck himself, but before I could do anything his hands wrapped around my waist. He dug his fingers into my hips and pulled me back so that I was flesh up against him, my ass the perfect level to his crotch because of the height my heels gave me.

  I gave in to the lust that took over me from being held so close to his body and I tilted my neck to the side as I laid it back against his shoulder, inviting his mouth to taste me.

  “Stacy,” he moaned, pressing kisses to my neck. Someone emerged from one of the stalls and my eyes popped open. She gave us a dirty look and stormed out, and luckily the interruption was enough to clear my senses.

  I pulled away and turned to face him, trying to remember why I was angry with him. I purposefully conjured up the image of him with that slut’s mouth on him, but him being so close was making my brain foggy. Despite all the shit he’d put me through, I still had to fight not to reach out to him. My heart wanted to forgive him and feel his arms around me, but my head knew it would be a mistake.

  “Are you with him?” He growled. It took me a second to realize who he was talking about. Part of me wanted to say yes, just to hurt him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to lie or play games anymore. I just wanted to move on.

  “No, he’s just a friend.”

  He nodded but looked skeptical, like he didn’t believe me.

  “I can’t do this,” I said as I pushed past him. He grabbed my arm and tried to stop me, but I yanked out of his grasp and headed back out to the dance floor. Scott was dancing with another girl and I didn’t want to interrupt him, especially if Chad was going to follow me out to the dance floor. So instead I headed towards the bar, torn between hoping Chad would go the fuck away and wanting him to follow me.

  “Stacy,” he said from behind me right as the bartender approached. I turned away from the bartender to look at Chad. I couldn’t do this with him. Not right then, and maybe not ever. But something in me wanted to feel him close to me one last time. So I grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the dance floor. “What are you doing?” He called from behind me.

  “We’re going to dance!” I yelled back over my shoulder as we pushed through the crowds of people, which wasn’t easy because the dance floor was packed. I dragged us to a spot near the corner that was dark. Even though we would be surrounded by people, I wanted to feel like we had a little privacy. If this was the last time I’d be this close to him, I wanted to make the most of it.

  We came to a stop and I turned to face him, throwing an arm over his shoulder and using my other hand to pull one of his arms around my waist, just above my ass. Some sort of tortured expression crossed his face, as if dancing with me were something he really had to think about, so I started to jerk out of his arms. Of course he would fucking reject me again. But I didn’t get anywhere because as soon as I tried to pull away, he pulled me back tighter. His hands slid down from my waist to cup my ass and he growled in my ear.

  “Quit walking away from me, Stacy. I’m not letting you get away this time.”

  I should have kept going, but I was pissed and wanted to hurt him. It was my turn to reject him. So I put my hands on his shoulders and shoved as hard as I could. “Fuck you!” I yelled as I turned to storm off, but he used both arms to grab me around my waist and pulled me back to him so hard it almost knocked the air out of my lungs. Hatred and lust warred with each other inside of me, turning into a storm of sexually fueled anger. I wanted to slap him, but instead I put my hand around his neck and yanked his face down to mine, kissing him as hard as I could. It was bruising and painful, but he kissed me back with as much fever, and soon the kiss turned from anger to hunger.

  All the tension that had been building between us over the last few months was being let out in this one moment. The bodies closed in tighter around us as Chad broke our connection and started biting and sucking down my neck. I glanced around to see if anyone was noticing us groping each other like horny teenagers on the dance floor, but everyone was too busy dancing or too drunk to care.

  Chad reached up and yanked the top of my dress down just enough to expose one breast, then he pulled the nipple into his mouth, sucking and biting on the tip. A moan slipped past my lips, but it was drowned out by the loud music. Chad reached around to grab my ass then using his hands on my hips he swung me around quickly, putting my back to his front. I pushed up against him, grinding my ass into his cock and he slid his hand down to my thigh, caressing his way back up.

  Shivers shook
me all the way from my neck to my core, and my clit started throbbing as he took ahold of my lace panties and yanked them off, throwing them down on the ground. I yelped at the flash of pain from the fabric ripping against my flesh and he bit down on my shoulder. My nipple was still exposed and he was twisting and flicking it between his fingers with one hand while the other made its way to my pussy. He inserted one finger, and I clenched around him while he sucked on my earlobe. I reached a hand between us and started stroking his hard cock over his pants.

  I flicked his pants open with one hand and yanked down his zipper. Before I could reach into his boxers and grab him, he was pushing my hand away and bending me over slightly. Sweat started to drip down my neck and between my breasts, and feeling a crowd of people rubbing up against us as he pushed into me made me even wetter.

  He was huge and he felt amazing. He moved both hands to my hips as he thrust into me in quick, hard pushes over and over again. The guy dancing in front of me felt my hard nipple brush against his arm and he turned around to see my exposed breast and the look of ecstasy on my face. Desire pooled in his eyes, but when he looked over my shoulder and saw Chad, he must have seen something on Chad’s face that made him quickly turn back around.

  Suddenly it felt as if everyone in the crowd was watching us, and dammit if that didn’t make it even hotter. I closed my eyes and pretended everyone in the club knew what we were doing as I felt my orgasm building, clenching tightly around his twitching cock. Right as my orgasm overtook me, two other dancers looked in my direction and watched as I let out a moan that was more like a scream. Chad thrust two more times deep inside me and then I felt him still as he found his own release.

  His cum was running down my leg but I didn’t care. I turned to face him, pulling my dress back up to cover my breast. “Thanks for getting that out of my system. Now go to hell,” I said coldly, pushing past him, through the crowd and found my way back to the bathroom. I knew he wouldn’t follow me, I could feel the distance growing between us as I walked further and further away. I went into an empty stall and collapsed to the floor, my head between my knees, his semen still seeping out of me...and I cried. I don’t know how long I sat there on the bathroom floor crying pathetically, but I didn’t care. I just cried until there were no more tears, until the pain turned into numbness.


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