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My Calendar Men Boxed Set

Page 14

by Rose, Dahlia

  The two men never ceased to make her mouth water in the years they’d come in. Both were tall, even though Sergeant Stone was at least six-one. He had rich, dark hair that just called for fingers to be combed through it while Major Bradley’s was a sandy brown. The both kept the sides low, as per military rules, but Stacey wouldn’t mind running her fingers through the top. Just to feel the texture between her fingers.

  Major Bradley had blue-green eyes that reminded her of the sea. Sergeant Stone’s were gray and strangely sexy. When he looked at her, it felt as if he could see into her soul. The both had rugged faces that would look great with a few days worth of growth, but was just as sexy clean shaven. And kissable mouths, which could probably devastate a woman on every area of the body that was touched. Stacey admitted to herself long ago that, given the chance, she didn’t know who she would pick, and most of her fantasies included them both. They only came into her bar on rush week, but she’d seen them around Fort Gordon and the surrounding area a few times. They could both fill out a pair of jeans really well and she wondered how it would feel to wrap her legs around those thick, muscled hips and ride….

  “Ma’am, we asked for a drink.” Sergeant Stone tapped the bar.

  She was so caught up in her musing that she didn’t notice them walk up and sit on the stools. She felt heat flame her checks, and thank God they couldn’t see what she was thinking. Or could they? Major Bradley looked at her and raised his eyebrow, which made her want to flush all the more. The music system began playing the Jace Everett song, “I Wanna Do Bad things With You.” The pairs of eyes watching her seem to go right along with the song and her sex felt heavy between her legs. Been too long since you got laid, girl, she thought.

  She walked over to them and gave both soldiers a wide smile. “What can I get for you, Major Bradley and Sergeant Stone?”

  “I’ll take you in a heartbeat,” Major Bradley replied. “Wouldn’t you, Gavin?”

  “Without a second thought,” his counterpart replied smoothly. “You know you can use out first names. I’m Gavin, as you heard, and his is James.”

  “Each year you guys come in here and call me ma’am and I called you guys by your ranks” She put her hands on her hips. “What’s going on?”

  “Maybe we think that it’s best we all be on a first name basis,” James replied. He’d taken his beret off and folded it neatly before putting it on the bar. “You never know what the night might bring. So we’ll call you Stacey and you’ll be calling our names very frequently.”

  Stacey felt a slow smile curving her face. “Since I’m not on the menu, why don’t you guys give a drink order a try?”

  “I’ll have a whiskey sour,” Gavin said.

  “Gin and tonic, please.” James added in his order.

  Stacey made both drink easily and put two napkins on the bar before she placed their drinks in front of them.

  “Very appealing shirt,” James commented.

  “Thanks.” She looked down at her tight t-shirt.

  She’d cut the sleeves and neck out and given it a slit by the neck and then one down at the bottom so she could tie it in a knot. Across the hot pink color written in black was the slogan. I like to shuck ‘em and suck ‘em. It was in reference to the oysters that were served raw on the half shells, fried or in stew. But when they looked at her, Stacey doubted they were thinking about the seafood.

  Shouting came from in the far corner of the bar and she saw fists begin to fly. Fight one, she thought. Stacey didn’t have to say a world. Gavin and James stood up and strode briskly into the fight. In seconds, they had the two offenders hooked by their collars and dragged them out the door. She knew the routine. The men called the MPs on duty on base and then they would escort the men back to their barracks to dry out. Gavin and James would do that a few more times before the night was though. It was a certainty in rush week.

  She grinned, noticing how easily she had fallen into calling them by their first names. Everything got busy after that. More soldiers came in as the commanding officers took some out for being disorderly. There were two more days of this until it settled down and got back to a normal routine in the bar. The regulars were prone to stay away for rush week, except for the base kitties who were looking for a hook up with a military man that might lead to something more. Not many of those relationships lasted too long because they weren’t vows of love, but for the benefit card. Insurance, money when your man was deployed, beaucoup bucks for a few kids, and God forbid, the man died overseas, was worth a few I love yous to some women. Those women sickened her because it was just another way to use a guy who was fighting for his country. She could usually pick them out and get them off her property before they could get their claws into some poor guy. But the thing with the base kitties was, they had a lot of tricks.

  She took her mind away from the grim thoughts and pasted a smile on her face. Stacey called out last call for alcohol, which meant one more drink before the two a.m. cut off time. She followed the rules to the letter and at two, she would be shutting down beer taps and capping the vodka. Of course, when that happened, she was relieved to see the men begin to filter out. Her waitresses began to break down the tables and count their tips while she cleaned behind the bar. Gavin and James strode back in and sat down while she was wiping the bar down.

  “Everyone seems to be going,” Gavin commented.

  “That’s because the bar is closed. You can have a coke if you’re thirsty, but nothing else,” Stacey explained.

  James laughed. “We know the rules. We actually have a proposition for you, but we’d like to talk when the staff is gone.”

  “What kind?” she asked.

  “Something that will be pleasurable for all involved,” James replied smoothly. “But tell you what. we’ll make sure these guys all get back on base and don’t end up sleeping in the swamp. Then we’ll come back and we can talk.”

  “Sure, why not?” Stacey shrugged and acted casual, trying to not show the excitement that was making her stomach flutter. “Most people know I live over the bar so knock when you come back and I’ll let you in here.”

  Gavin nodded. “See you in a bit.”

  She watched them escort the last two men out and then went back to work. The waitresses made out like bandits tips wise and went home happy while the kitchen staff was the last to go after putting out the trash. She locked the front door and made sure the back was secure when the last car pulled away. She dimmed half the lights over the tables, left the ones over the bar lit, and sat down for the first time in hours. Stacey grabbed a glass of ice, made herself a long island ice tea, and took a healthy gulp. She never drank while she was working and had one glass of her favorite drink before heading upstairs. Maybe I’ll have two. It had been a long ass day. She put her feet up on a table and sighed, loving the silence of the bar after a good night. She saw the lights of a car pull into the parking lot and knew that Gavin and James were back. Stacey played it cool and sat where she was until she heard the nick on the bar door.

  She left her glass on the table and went closer to the barrier. “Who is it?”


  A simple reply from the voice she recognized as James and she unlocked the door to the handsome soldiers still in uniform.

  “Come on in.” Stacey was still trying to be casual, even though her nerves were jumping. She sat down and picked up her glass, taking a long sip though the straw. “Sit down and tell me about this proposition. You have me intrigued.”

  “I thought drinks were not allowed after two o’ clock last call?” James said.

  “It’s not illegal to serve myself and my bar, my rules,” she replied. “So, on with your proposal.”

  Gavin grinned while they both pulled up a chair. He sat and put his elbows on the table, leaning forward until she was almost drowning in his eyes. “We want you, both of us. Right now, right here, coming hard.”

  Holy…! Stacey choked on her drink and coughed until her eyes watered and James
thumped her on the back.

  “The three of us?” She gasped. “Won’t it cause some kind of friction between you two?”

  “We want to cause another kind of friction. The way we see it, making a choice would cause more hard feelings in a friendship that has lasted the length of our military careers,” James explained. “We both want you and we know you want us. Sharing is caring.”

  Stacey laughed. “Oh my God, you didn’t just say that.”

  “Are we barking up the wrong tree? Don’t you think about our hands on you?” Gavin asked. His voice was like a husky caress.

  “Yes,” she admitted after a small pause. “But hell, not in my wildest fantasies did I ever think…”

  James stood up and moved behind her and slowly began to rub her shoulders. She felt her body being to melt under his touch. “That’s what it is, your wildest fantasy. Ours as well. Trust me, we’ve never done this before until you.”

  “Is this a one night stand thing?” she asked, trying not to purr under his touch. Gavin picked up her foot and slipped off her sandal. When he began to rub her feet, she couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips.

  “Hell no, we want you to date both of us. We live on base. Dinners, dancing, movies, sweetheart, we want to do it all with you,” Gavin replied. “But right now, my cock is so damn hard thinking about being inside you it could burst out of my pants.”

  “What will it be, Stacey?” James bent low and whispered the words next to her ear and made her shiver. “You tell us no, we’ll walk out of here and never speak about it again. But lord, we’re hoping it’s a yes.”

  “Yes.” The word slipped out of her mouth easily.

  She was not going to say no to this. What woman would? With a loud groan, Gavin pulled her to him and kissed her hard. She barely had time to brace her hands on his shoulder before he was standing and pulled her body tight against his. James turned her to him and took his own kiss while Gavin was pressed behind her, and she could feel the hard outline of his cock. Oh my God, yes! she thought before she was lifted off her feet.

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked huskily when James lifted his lips from hers.

  “The one thing we both agreed on from the first time we saw you,” James explained. “We’re going take our fill of you on the bar. Those full lips and your skin, it’s such a beautiful brown it almost looks like you are bronzed. You have driven is crazy for months.”

  They laid her out on the cool wood and began to undress her slowly. James stripped off her shirt and bra before cupping her full chocolate breasts in his hands while Gavin worked on the second sandal, jeans, and panties.

  “Take her hair down,” Gavin told James.

  She felt him take the clip from her hair and her braids fell down her back.

  “You are to fucking gorgeous,” James breathed, and took her lips in a kiss.

  He pressed her back until she could feel the cool wood of the bar against her skin, and Gavin’s hands roamed her torso and ran down her hips.

  “We’re going to make you come, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  She moaned into James’ mouth when she felt Gavin spread her legs and slide his finger along the lips of her pussy. Fuck yes. Stacey felt the craziness of what she was doing overtake her. If she was going to have them both, she would enjoy every minute of it.

  * * * *

  James’ tongue penetrated her mouth and all the while she could feel his big hands at her breasts. Gavin gave a hoarse groan and she could feel his breath so close to her sex that it made her tremble. It was an over all assault on her body and she felt as if she was being consumed by heat. Four hand worshipping her body, two mouths tasting her flesh. It was like a system overload to her heightened senses.

  A slow lick of Gavin’s tongue across her sex made her shudder and moan. Another, and this time, it slipped between the folds of her pussy and grazed her clit. All the while James was doing delicious things to her breasts with his mouth. Gavin lifted her legs until her ankles were flat against the bar. He spread her knees and buried his face between her legs. She could feel the material of his uniform on her belly. She would’ve thought that the bar would have made it difficult for him to taste her like that. But when she felt his tongue penetrate her sex, she cried out and lifted her hips against his mouth. He was having no trouble at all finding the exact spot that would make her come. His tongue rubbed against the swollen flesh of her clit and she felt his hand run down her inner thigh and spread her sex. He slipped his finger inside her and she heard his moan and felt it rumble in his chest.

  He fucked her with his fingers harder as a primal need inside him broke free. She felt the beginning of her orgasm take hold and it wrenched a cry from her lips. James bit at her nipples, a sharp but gentle nip, and it sent Stacey over the edge. Gavin pumped his fingers inside her faster even as her orgasm was rolling over her in waves. She felt her body release its essence in response and Gavin gave a raucous groan of approval.

  “Share the bounty, Gavin,” James said. Stacey could hear desire lacing his voice.

  “Of course, you have to taste her. It’s addictive; I already want more,” Gavin answered.

  Stacey took control for a minute. “I want to taste both of you. Come on, boys. Drop those pants.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” They both chuckled and began to unbuckle their pants.

  Stacey slipped her naked body from the bar and stood, watching them get naked. Lord! She didn’t know that two men could look so fine in and out of uniform. They had those sculpted abs that formed the V of doom. The what the name she gave the muscles right above their cocks and, oh yes, both men were fine specimen in that aspect. When they were both naked, she called them over with a crook of her finger and they moved to stand in front of her. Their cocks were hard and jutted forward, begging and for her lips to be around them.

  Stacey took Gavin’s cock in her hand and he moaned his pleasure. He closed his eyes and his hips flexed as he pushed himself between her grasp. She kissed the tip of James’ cock and tasted the salt of his pre-cum before she engulfed him in her mouth. “Shit.” He whispered the words as she licked the shaft and cupped his balls in her hand. She traded and then took his cock damp from her mouth into her hand and wrapped her lips around Gavin’s rod.

  She loved them both with her mouth, loving their primitive moans as she switched from one to the other. Stacey wanted to experience all they were offering, but she knew how to dish out pleasure herself. Using her lips and tongue, she showed them exactly what they were getting with her. Soon, Gavin pulled her up by the shoulders and kissed her until her head began to swim. He lifted her and put her back on the bar and she felt the material of one of their coats under her bottom.

  “James wanted his turn to taste you, then we’re going to each take a turn fucking you,” he said.

  “I want you on your hands and knees, tummy against your knees, sweetheart.” James gave her a quick kiss. “I’m going to make you scream.”

  She did as he asked; her toes hung off the bar and the folded army coat cushioned her knees from the hard wood. The position he asked of her had her head low and her ass high in the air. She felt his hand slap her ass and it left a sting, making her cry out before his tongue flicked at the lips of her pussy. He entered her with his tongue and tasted her aroused flesh. She felt the sensations assault her and she moaned in ecstasy.

  “God, she does taste amazing,” she heard him say to Gavin.

  “Make her come.” Gavin’s voice was thick and when she glanced at him, he was sitting on the bar stool watching James pleasure her while his hand stroked his cock.

  He was standing beside her now and his hand caressed her back. Stacey felt James run his fingers down her ass and across her slit before sinking two fingers in her snatch. It was a slow build up, but yet the devastating pleasure of being taken to dizzying heights all at once. He took her hard with his fingers until she could feel her juice run down her legs.

  “Oh God, yes, more!” She cried o
ut. Hs hand on her back prevented her from moving and she was under his control.

  “Come for me, sweet, Stacey,” he whispered close to her ear.

  His fingers pistoned in and out of her faster and she felt a wave wash over her until her nipples tightened and, like he said, she screamed when she came.

  “Damn, she’s wet,” James said, and she was barely listening as her body shook from the intensity of her release.

  She was lifted in someone’s arms. She didn’t know who until she was laid on a second coat on one of the tables and her legs put over his shoulders. It was Gavin and his eyes were intense as he pressed his cock inside her. “Gavin.” She whispered his name while he slid each inch into her with deliberate slowlness until he was buried to the hilt. He drew away and thrust into her again. His hands were at her hips while he pulled her against him hard.

  “James, touch me, play with my breasts,” Stacy begged.

  The other sexy soldier in the threesome took both of them in his hand and licked and sucked her nipples with hungry lust. That combined with the steady, deep thrusts of Gavin sent her spiraling to new heights of gratification. He began to pump into her faster, and soon his groans of enjoyment could be heard. He took her legs off his shoulders and bent her knees close to her chest. James held her anchored because if he didn’t, she was sure they would have tipped the table already.

  “Oh yes, yes, yes, I’m going to come!” Stacey cried out and closed her eyes.

  The words were barely out of her mouth before the sensations flooded across her body and left her gasping and clutching at his powerful arms. She heard his low cry and he pulled from her body. He leaned over her, trapped his cock between their bodies, and as he kissed her, she felt his seed spill against the flat expanse of her stomach. They stayed like that for a few minutes until Gavin moved.

  “Bar towels in the cabinet next to the sink.” Her voice held contentment.

  She heard the sink and then Gavin came back and wiped her tummy. James held out his hands to her and when she took them, he pulled her against his hard body. He kissed her long, slow and deep, and the fire she thought had been doused with contentment burst to life again.


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