by Colee Firman
I slammed it into the sink and leaned down with my hands on the counter. When she drove away and left me standing alone in the parking lot, I didn’t think I could get anymore destroyed on the inside. Apparently I was wrong.
For five months she’d had someone else—right after I left she’d replaced me like I didn’t mean shit to her. It was my own fucking fault—I’d walked away without a word like she was nothing to me. I deserved to lose her to someone else, but fuck—it hurt so goddamn bad.
“We’re having a few people over tomorrow night,” he said, getting out of the recliner. “You should stop by.”
I looked back at him, shaking my head. “What?” He had to be screwing around. “I kicked the shit out of Tucker last night—I’m sure your cousins can’t wait to take another shot at beating my ass.”
“Hell, the guys don’t care. Tuck’s a little too cocky—he needed that.” He walked into the kitchen as he finished off his beer. “No one’s gonna hassle you about seeing Brantley again.”
I crossed my arms and turned to him. “Let’s just cut the shit—why are you here?”
“Tomorrow night is Christmas Eve.” Tom placed his empty beer can on the counter and pulled the fridge open. “Brant will be home. You can talk to her.”
“I tried,” I said, holding my arm out for another beer. “She didn’t hear a word I said…”
He handed me a can and then grabbed one for himself. “At the house around all of us she’ll be different.”
I opened my beer and glanced over at Tom. “So why do you care if Brant and I are together?”
“Livvy does. She asked—well, ordered me to make you fix shit. She wants her best friend back,” he said, “and I can’t handle being dragged out on any more double dates with Brant and that asshat she’s seeing.”
“And I’m better?” I let out a dry laugh. “Livvy fucking hates me.”
“You’re the evil we know,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Livvy’s actually a big fan of yours after what you did last night.”
“At least someone was paying attention. The girl it was intended for tuned the whole thing out.”
“You got to Brantley.” Tom sighed and leaned back against the counter. “She was in her room crying most of the night. Livvy and Wyatt both tried to talk to her but she wouldn’t let them in.”
Pain settled in my chest. She was already upset about her dad, my selfish ass just made it worse. “That’s why I need to stay away from her…” No matter what I did, she always ended up hurt.
“No, that’s why you need to come by. Remind her why she wanted to be with you in the first place.”
I shook my head. He didn’t get it. That’s what I’d tried to do at breakfast. It just drove her further away. “What about the boyfriend?” I practically choked on the words—that should’ve been me. “I doubt he’ll be cool with me strolling in.”
“It’ll just be the eight of us and a few friends—probably whatever girls my cousins are screwing these days,” he said. “Jonah doesn’t come to the house.”
“Jonah?” I recognized that name. I thought for a minute before it came back to me. “Is he from Masonville?”
“Yeah,” he said, raising his brow. “Know him?”
“I’ve seen him. He came by here the day after the storm. He wanted to take Brant to someone’s house in Masonville.”
Brantley dating that guy didn’t make any god damn sense. When she accused me of eavesdropping the day he was on the porch, she wasn’t far off. I saw her recoil when he hugged her. She couldn’t get away from him fast enough. There was even a harsh bite to her voice when she spoke like she didn’t want anything to do with him.
The entire thing had me completely baffled. “How the hell did she end up with him?”
“Jonah is her aunt’s cousin by marriage,” Tom said. “Brant was still a wreck over you at the wedding—she was vulnerable and he latched onto her. The prick hasn’t let go since.”
“The wedding I was supposed to go to with her…” Perfect, I’d basically handed her to him.
“Yeah.” Tom cocked his head. “So, you coming by or what?”
I had to be fucking crazy for even considering trying to get through to Brantley again. It could turn ugly really quick. Still, right before she left the diner I could tell she was wavering. If she hadn’t stunned me with the boyfriend bullshit I know I could’ve gotten through to her.
Now that I knew what—or who, I was up against, maybe I still could. There was absolutely no fucking way she was in love with that guy. Crazy or not, I had to take one last shot at getting my girl back. “I have plans tomorrow night with my family and Pete, but I’ll be over afterwards.”
Christmas Eve. While most people were spending time with their families, I was in the middle of one of the Dempsey boy’s legendary parties. It was definitely living up to its reputation. The snow on the ground was the only evidence that it was the end of December. The guys had the biggest bonfire I’d ever seen in the backyard and heaters cranking in the pole barn where all the booze and kegs of beer were set up.
As the college-age crowd of Baylor Grove finished with their family commitments, they all seemed to be flocking to our house. The street, driveway, and front yard were packed with cars. It was the kind of thing I’d only seen in movies.
Too bad I wasn’t enjoying a second of it. All the holiday spirit had been sucked out of me. I was completely frustrated and pissed off. It was all Myles Franco’s fault.
Life has a twisted way of nudging you back into place when you get too far out of line. After just one hour with Myles I couldn’t seem to settle into my comfortable complacency like before. I’d been fooling myself—I knew that now.
I cut through the crowd toward the fire where Livvy was in a lawn chair waiting for me. I handed her one of the steaming cups I was carrying filled the top with hot chocolate—well, hot chocolate mixed with tequila and peppermint schnapps.
“Thanks,” she said, watching me intently as I dropped into the chair beside her.
I looked over and held my hand up. “What?”
“Exactly.” She sipped her drink and studied me. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” I said, tilting my head to the side. “I expected to walk into a shit storm for bailing on our plans yesterday. Why aren’t you mad at me?”
After ditching Livvy with nothing but a text message the day before, I thought she’d be pissed off. Instead she hugged me when I walked in the door and pulled me right into getting ready for the party. On top of that, she didn’t ask one single question about how my breakfast with Myles went. Something definitely wasn’t right.
“It’s Christmas, Brant.” She poked her finger into her cup, tapping on the marshmallows. “It’s all about giving and forgiving…”
“Yeah, whatever. I guess I’m just not the—dammit…” My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I already knew who it was before I pulled it out. Jonah was calling for the fifteenth time since I left his house. I sent it to voicemail and slipped my phone back into my pocket. I wasn’t dealing with him.
Liv watched me with curiosity. “Trouble in Loveland?”
“No.” Yes, but I wasn’t in the mood to have my face rubbed in it. She’d have plenty of chances to do it the next day when I spent Christmas at home.
There was no way in hell I was breathing a word about Jonah to Livvy yet. I was already pissed off enough—she’d just add fuel to the fire if I started telling her what an asshole he’d been earlier. Besides that, I wasn’t ready to give her the satisfaction of being right.
Earlier Jonah started another argument with me about spending Christmas Eve with my friends in Baylor Grove. Then he went into the same old rant about not taking our relationship seriously. Something snapped at that point—literally. I actually felt it break inside me. Everything Livvy had been trying to tell me was wrong with my relationship with Jonah finally
sank in.
I interrupted his tirade and informed him he was the one taking our relationship too seriously. He was hurt and pissed off. For some reason I just couldn’t care. I told him I needed a break from him and his bullshit.
He immediately went into damage control—apologizing and saying he loved me. That confirmed all his threats about ending things between us for the last few months were empty. He’d used my insecurities to keep me in line. Bastard.
It was all Myles’ fault—I seriously wanted to punch his lights out for strolling back into my life and bursting my proverbial bubble. Seeing him again forced me to realize what I had with Jonah wasn’t real. It never would be.
Discovering Myles didn’t leave without telling me because of my past made me feel like there was still hope. Maybe someday I’d find a guy I could love to share my life with. I didn’t have to settle for Jonah’s controlling bullshit just to save myself from being alone.
Even though I told Jonah I just needed a break—time to think, it was over. I couldn’t keep pretending I’d fall I love with him someday. Living alone was better than spending every day waiting to start living.
The sad truth was that my relationship with Jonah was just a shield from the devastation Myles left when he walked away. As much as I hated to admit it, it was time to stop hiding and deal with the mess.
“Hey, Liv…” Tom walked up and slipped his arms around her shoulders, whispering in her ear. She grabbed his arm and looked at his watch before whispering something back. He placed a soft kiss on her lips before walking off toward the house.
I turned my gaze to a group of guys in the far end of the yard playing some drunken variation of football in the snow. I felt like shit for being jealous of Livvy’s relationship with Tom. She had no idea how lucky she was. I wasn’t sure of I’d ever have anything like that. Perhaps that was simply life’s plan for me.
I reached over and poked Livvy’s arm. “I’m gonna go take a shower and get to bed. I’m just not in the mood for this shit tonight.”
“No way,” she said, grabbing my wrist as I stated to get up.
I sighed and leaned back in my chair. “Livvy, I just—”
“Brantley, please.” She tipped her head back and smiled over at me. “I promise the night is gonna get significantly better very soon.”
As soon as I got off the phone with Tom Dempsey, I headed back into the living room of Pete’s parent’s house and started saying goodnight to everyone. It was already after eleven and I’d been trying to get out of there for over an hour.
Pete had asked Ashlee to marry him with all of us watching. There was nothing romantic or intimate about it. Of course she said yes. Hell, even if she didn’t want to, how could she have said no with twenty pairs of eyes on her?
“You’re taking off already?” Pete smacked me on the back as I turned from hugging his mother. “It’s early. My dad just opened a bottle of Crown.”
“I’m not up for drinking tonight.” I started toward the door, motioning for him to follow me. “I’ve got somewhere to be.”
“Myles…” Pete shook his head as he trailed behind me. “What are you doing, man?”
“I’m going to see Brantley.”
“I figured that much,” he said, lowering his voice as his nephews ran passed us, “but what are you doing?”
“Fixing my fuck up,” I whispered, reaching for the door knob.
Pete pressed his hand to the door before I could open it. “She already told you it’s over—she has a boyfriend.”
“Brant’s not done with me—I know she’s not. She’s just too fucking stubborn or scared—probably both, to admit it.”
Pete sighed. “This is a terrible idea…” he said, looking at the bruise on my face. “Does she at least know you’re coming this time?”
Before he could say anything to make me rethink my plans, I pulled on the door hard, forcing him to move his hand. “I’ll see you at my parent’s house tomorrow.”
Tom mentioned the party had gotten a little bigger than they’d expected, but hell, there were so many cars I had to park two blocks away. As I walked down the dark sidewalk, getting closer to the booming sounds of music and laughing, I realized there was a real possibility Brantley could flip out.
Tom swore he’d take the heat if she went apeshit, but I had nothing to lose anymore anyway. At least if shit went completely south I was leaving on Tuesday. I wouldn’t be around town to make her life miserable.
I turned up the driveway and caught sight of all the action. Just like when we were teenagers, they had a huge fire going in the backyard with blaring music. It looked like nothing had changed.
Once I got into the crowd, I started seeing faces I recognized all over the place. A couple of people tried to stop me to chat but I blew them off. My reason for being there was Brantley, not bullshitting about high school.
After a couple minutes of searching, I heard my name being called from somewhere to my left. It was a female. I couldn’t tell who it was, but it definitely wasn’t the female I was looking for.
“Myles Franco, is that you?”
When I spotted the five inch heels and barely there skirt, I knew exactly who she was. Misty Butler—my fucking prom date. I’d only asked her to go because I knew I’d get laid. She didn’t disappoint.
“Oh my god, it is you! You look delicious…” As soon as I was in range she threw herself at me, planting a wet, sloppy kiss on my lips. She’d never been shy with me or any other guys. “I heard you were back.”
“Yeah…” I pushed her off and wiped the back of my hand across my mouth. “I’m just home for Christmas.”
“Lucky I ran into you then,” she said, taking her time as she looked me up and down.
It was sexy when Brantley sized me up—she was subtle and shy, like she was afraid I’d catch her looking. Misty was blatantly obvious—it came off slutty and desperate.
“So…” She smiled and slipped her fingers through mine. “Let’s go grab a drink and find somewhere warm to catch up.”
“No.” That wasn’t happening. I brushed her off and continued glancing around. Livvy was by the fire, but Brant was nowhere in sight. I tried catching her eye, but she was too busy running her mouth to notice me.
“How’s Pete?” Misty looped her arm through mine and leaned in close. The chick was like a damn leach. “I’ve seen him around town with some cute little blond.”
“That’s Ashlee—they’re engaged.” I tried to pull away but she just tightened her grip and moved closer. “There’s a girl who lives here—her names Brantley. Have you seen her?”
“Brantley?” Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head. “That’s who you’re looking for?”
I nodded. “Know where I can find her?”
Misty shook her head and went straight into babbling about something I didn’t give a shit about. Of all the people to run into, it figured it had to be her. I shouldn’t have been surprised—she grew up across the street from the Dempsey house.
In school she always bounced between Carter, Tucker, and anyone else she could get her legs around. Just going by the way she was dressed and how she mauled me on sight—that hadn’t changed.
“I’m not even slightly interested in whatever angle you’re working here.” I glanced at Misty briefly before looking around at the crowd again. “Go find someone else to…”
My words died in my throat. I spotted Brantley standing by the corner of the garage. She was wearing a black and red knit hat pulled down to her eyebrows. Her usually wavy brown hair was bone straight and cascading down her back. She already knew I was there. I could tell by the lack of surprise on her face when I caught her eye she’d been watching.
Suddenly as if a switch flipped, she started toward me. She cleared the distance like a track star—I didn’t even have time to figure out what to say before she came to a halt in front of me. “What are you doing here?”
; “Tom mentioned you’d be home tonight.” I held out a thin rectangular box wrapped in shiny silver paper to her. “I got something for you.”
Brantley looked at the box but made no motion to take it. “You bought me a Christmas gift?” Her eyes darted from the silver package to my left side. “How does your girlfriend there feel about that?”
“Dammit—” I realized I’d been standing there like a moron with Misty still plastered against my side. I jerked my arm free and took a step away. “Hell no, we’re not—”
“I don’t mind,” Misty said, smirking at Brantley as she drifted closer to me. “We’re used to sharing our men, right?”
I opened my mouth to say something but Brantley held her hand up to me. “Still pissed I didn’t have to screw every guy here to make them my friends, huh?”
Misty laughed but I could sense the underlying tension. “I’ve been friends with all of them for years.” She looked over at me and dragged her tongue across her bottom lip. “Including Myles.”
Brantley shot me a disgusted look and then shifted her focus back to Misty. “Friend?” The left corner of her mouth curved up slightly. “I was thinking more like buddy…”
“Buddy?” Misty stood up straight. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Buddy, as in fuck.” Brantley paused, watching her. When Misty didn’t seem to get it she rolled her eyes. “It means you’re not popular—your vagina is.”
Pure shock that evolved quickly into anger flashed across Misty’s face. She didn’t say anything—I don’t think she knew what to say. Even I was fucking speechless. The girls stood glaring at each other, claws out, each waiting for the other to pounce.
A wicked smirk spread across Brantley’s face—she looked vicious and sexy as hell. “Go get me a drink, Myles.”
Hell. No. I wasn’t leaving them alone together. “Brant, come with—”
“Now,” she said, keeping her eyes on Misty. “Go get me a drink or go the fuck home—your choice.”
I swore under my breath, she wasn’t bluffing. Drink or home? I was getting the girl a drink. “I’ll be right back.”