Interstellar War (The Pike Chronicles Book 5)

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Interstellar War (The Pike Chronicles Book 5) Page 3

by G. P. Hudson

  “I see. And how far away from Sol is this Kemmar Empire?”

  “Based on our calculations, they are roughly eleven-hundred-and-fifty light years away from Sol.”

  The Admiral nodded. “What happened next?”

  “A Kemmar battleship crossed through the jump gate looking for the human colony.”

  “That isn’t surprising, is it?” said Lewis. “These people admitted to raiding Kemmar space. What did they think would happen?”

  “The Reivers had lived this way for centuries. They didn’t know any different. The Kemmar had no knowledge of the jump gate up until that moment.”

  “Did you make first contact with these Kemmar?” said Admiral Krasnik.

  “Yes. They told us they were annexing the system, and that they would fire on us if we didn’t leave. So we left.”

  “You left?”

  “Yes, in order to take them by surprise. We then jumped back into the system and attacked the battleship.”

  “Are you saying you initiated an unprovoked attack on an alien race? In a first contact situation?”

  “Yes, Sir. But it wasn’t unprovoked. The Kemmar are slavers. They were going to enslave the human colony. I couldn’t allow that.”

  “But they’re criminals,” said Lewis.

  “They’re human,” said Jon. “I didn’t join Space Force to stand by and watch aliens enslave humans.”

  “You’re out of control, Pike,” said Lewis.

  “What happened after you fired on the Kemmar,” said Krasnik, ignoring Lewis’s remark.

  “The Kemmar battleship dwarfed the Hermes, and we lost the engagement. After taking heavy damage we were forced to retreat. We jumped away and conducted emergency repairs. When we returned to the system, the Kemmar and the humans were gone. After some investigation, we confirmed that the Kemmar had taken the humans prisoner and had crossed through the gate back into Kemmar space. So we went after them.”

  “You crossed into Kemmar space?”

  “Yes, Sir. During the battle we gained access to a Kemmar database, leading us to believe that the humans were being taken to a prison planet, where they would be turned into slaves, and later sold on the Kemmar slave market.”

  “Let me get this straight. After losing to the Kemmar battleship, you decided to engage it a second time?”

  “No, Sir. We felt that attempting to rescue the humans from the battleship would be too risky.”

  Admiral Krasnik looked relieved to hear Jon’s answer.

  “Instead we chose to attack the prison planet.”

  “You did what?!”

  “We waited for the battleship to deliver the humans to the planet and leave. Then we launched a planetary assault to rescue the humans.”

  Admiral Krasnik shook his head. “You attacked an alien planet?”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Jon, remembering the failed operation. “I did.”

  “Did you at least succeed in rescuing the humans?”

  “No, Sir. Unfortunately, we encountered heavier resistance than originally anticipated. The Hermes sustained heavy damage after entering the planet’s atmosphere.”

  “Why didn’t you just stay in orbit?”

  “There was interference that disrupted our communications, and targeting systems. Entering the atmosphere was the only way to provide support for our Marines on the ground. Once in the atmosphere we were attacked by planetary aircraft. After sustaining heavy damage, we crash landed on the surface. Kemmar soldiers charged the Hermes, threatening to capture it, which I couldn’t allow. So I performed an emergency blind jump. That landed us in the middle of a populated Kemmar system. Several Kemmar warships moved to intercept. The Hermes was in no condition to fight, so I ordered the crew to abandon ship, and initiated the self destruct sequence.”

  “Captain, I don’t know whether you should be on trial for treason, or incompetence. What happened to your crew?”

  “Security Chief St. Clair and his Marines were captured by the Kemmar on the prison planet. The rest of the crew abandoned the Hermes. Their life boats scattered to avoid capture.”

  “Is this the same St. Clair that we have in custody?”

  “That’s right. He escaped from the prison planet with his Marines, which is where the real story begins.”

  “The real story?”

  “Yes. The one that ends with me sitting here answering your questions.”

  “We’re all ears, Captain.”

  Jon nodded. “Chief St. Clair and his Marines managed to escape from their cells, but couldn’t get off the planet, until the Chaanisar helped them.”

  “What Chaanisar?”

  “The one you just arrested. Colonel Bast. He commanded the Juttari heavy cruiser that attacked the Hermes after its first jump.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Captain?” said Krasnik, visibly frustrated.

  “As we all know, the Juttari control the Chaanisar through their brain chips. Well, something happened on that cruiser that disrupted the Juttari’s mind control of the Chaanisar. When Colonel Bast and his men realized they were free of Juttari control, they slaughtered their Juttari masters. That heavy cruiser had been monitoring the Hermes, and witnessed everything from the engagement with the battleship, to the failed attack on the prison planet. After the Chaanisar slew the Juttari on board, they launched their own rescue mission, and attacked the prison planet. The Hermes had failed in its attack, but it had softened the planet’s defenses enough for the Chaanisar to succeed. So Colonel Bast, the man you now hold prisoner, rescued my Marines, and the Reivers held captive on that planet.”

  “You don’t think we’re going to fall for that story, do you, Captain?” said President Lewis.

  “I don’t care what you do, Lewis. Soon, no one else will either.”

  Admiral Krasnik held his hands up indicating he wanted Jon and Lewis to stop. “But you were on a life boat, were you not?”

  “Yes, Sir. I was picked up by a colonial freighter. As I said, I found the lost colonies. It was entirely by chance, but I did find them. The freighter took us to a human space station.”

  “Who is us?”

  “I had a Reiver woman and her child with me.”

  “I see,” said Krasnik frowning. “And did this woman have a part to play in your decision to try to rescue the human colony?”

  “No, Sir. In fact, she tried to persuade me to do otherwise.”

  Krasnik nodded. “Smart woman. So you ended up on a human station in the lost colonies. I assume the Chaanisar ship found you somehow?”

  “Yes, Sir. After they rescued the Marines, they conducted search and rescue operations to find my crew before the Kemmar did.”

  “Why? Why would they do any of this? Why would the Chaanisar care what happened to your crew?”

  “They wanted to find Dr. Ellerbeck. They feared the Juttari would one day reassert control over them, and hoped that Dr. Ellerbeck could remove their brain chips.”

  “Okay, I suppose that’s believable.”

  “Yes, but it doesn’t explain how these Chaanisar risked their lives to rescue my crew, not just on the planet, but also while searching for the life boats. They fought the Kemmar multiple times in order to rescue our people.”

  “I’ll take that under advisement. What happened after they found you on the station?”

  “I joined my people on board the Juttari cruiser. Naturally, I was very suspicious of the Chaanisar, but they had earned Chief St. Clair’s trust, so I gave them a chance. We then continued searching for the Hermes crew. Eventually we found most of them.”

  “Including Dr. Ellerbeck?”

  “Yes, Sir. We found the Doctor on a colonial planet named New Byzantium. Unfortunately, a military faction had taken power and imprisoned the Prime Minister, and Dr. Ellerbeck. Upon determining their whereabouts, we rescued both Dr. Ellerbeck and the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister then persuaded us to help him defeat the junta.”

  “You took sides in their civil war?”
r />   “Yes, Sir. The colonial planets are run by corporations. New Byzantium is the only democracy. The military takeover was backed by the corporations in an attempt to rid themselves of the democracy movement. Beyond that, the Chaanisar wanted the Doctor’s help, and she supported the Prime Minister, so they agreed to help. It was their ship, after all.”

  “But you and your crew did join the fight?”

  “Yes, Sir. We all fought together. Including the Reivers.”

  “What was the end result?”

  “Victory. We defeated the dictatorship, and restored Prime Minister Sallas to power. The Prime Minister then asked us to stay and help defend New Byzantium. He provided us with two ships, a carrier and a destroyer, which we outfitted with jump systems.”

  “You gave them the jump system technology?”

  “No. They asked for it but I refused. The carrier and destroyer were given to us, so we installed the jump system for our own use.”

  “I see. What about the Chaanisar? Did Dr. Ellerbeck remove the brain chips?”

  “She tried, but the operation was unsuccessful.”

  “So the Chaanisar are still vulnerable to the Juttari?”

  “No, Sir. When I abandoned the Hermes, I took the Hermes AI with me. We found a way to protect the Chaanisar by letting the AI infiltrate their brain chips. Once given access, it then rewrote the security parameters, ensuring the Juttari could not take control. In the process, we discovered that the AI could infiltrate an enemy Chaanisar brain chip, and disrupt the Juttari control mechanism.”

  “I must say, Captain, in all my years, I’ve never heard anything like this. I have a problem, though. You had more than one Juttari ship with you when you showed up. In fact, the other Juttari warships escorting you were involved in the Juttari invasion. How do you explain that?”

  “Those ships found New Byzantium. The AI infiltrated their brain chips and freed the Chaanisar from Juttari control. As before, the Chaanisar killed the Juttari masters on board their ships, and joined our fleet. Those Chaanisar told us about the Juttari invasion, and we decided to return to Sol. When we arrived, the AI infiltrated the brain chips of the Chaanisar occupying the Sol System, freeing them as well. Since then, we’ve used this tactic in all systems the Juttari have invaded. In doing so we’ve reversed all Juttari gains, and have grown our fleet to over a thousand ships.”

  The men stared back at Jon in silence. He could tell from their expressions that they were trying to wrap their heads around everything they’d heard. He wondered if they would believe him in the end. Would they get past their egos, and see the truth in his words? Would they grasp the immensity of what was taking place?

  “Fairy tales,” said President Lewis. “How long did it take you to think up that story?”

  Jon sighed, but said nothing. He was done explaining himself.

  “Are you still loyal to Space Force, Captain?” said Admiral Krasnik.

  “Space Force? I don’t see that there is much of Space Force left,” said Jon.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “What difference does it make?”

  “It makes much difference. If you are still loyal, then you would agree that those Chaanisar ships now belong to Space Force.”

  “What? How did you come to that conclusion?” said Jon in surprise.

  “Quite simply, Captain. You were on a Space Force mission. Therefore, everything you’ve done while away, you’ve done as a Space Force Captain. If those ships joined you, then they in effect have joined Space Force. So, I ask you again, are you still loyal to Space Force?”

  And there it was. The Admiral had finally shown his cards. This whole charade was nothing more than a power play. These men weren’t interested in justice. Just power. “I’ll need to think about this, Sir.”

  “That’s understandable, Captain. Just don’t take too long. The penalty for treason is death. And under these conditions, with a hostile fleet occupying the Sol System, we would have no choice but to swiftly carry out the executions.”

  The display flickered off, and Jon was left staring at the metal wall again in stunned silence.

  They are no longer your kind, said the symbiont.

  No, Jon replied. I don’t suppose they are.

  Chapter 7

  Colonel Bast sat quietly in his jail cell, thinking about everything that had happened. He had always assumed he wouldn’t be welcomed on Earth, and now he had been proved right. Earth had suffered greatly at the hands of the Juttari. In addition to being occupied for five hundred years, they’d now suffered a nuclear holocaust. How could they recover from something like this?

  It was no secret that the Chaanisar were forced to do the Juttari’s bidding, and he wasn’t surprised that he had been charged with war crimes. He was a war criminal. He had committed atrocities. All Chaanisar had. If not on Earth, then elsewhere. He doubted anyone cared that they were controlled by the Juttari when it happened. Especially now. The nuclear bombardment of Earth killed billions of people. It was logical for the survivors to want revenge.

  The charges against you are unjust, said the AI through Bast’s brain chip. As are the charges against Admiral Pike.

  Are they? Bast replied. My hands are bloody. I am no innocent.

  You were coerced, said AI. You cannot be held accountable for actions you had no control over.

  I was always aware of everything I had done. I remember it all, said Bast.

  Would you have committed those crimes if it weren’t for the Juttari control?


  Then you are wrongfully accused.

  You see everything as black and white, said Bast. But things are not so simple. These people want justice. No, they need justice. And truthfully, I can’t blame them.

  I believe you are experiencing a form of survivor’s guilt, Colonel, said AI. However, I do not believe it is warranted in your case. Thankfully, my black and white thinking, as you call it, allows me to come to simple conclusions, and to act on those conclusions.

  Act in what way? said Bast.

  As a Space Force electronic warfare AI, I possess an in depth understanding of Space Force security systems, and security clearance.

  You are attempting to hack the Space Force network?

  No, Colonel. I have already gained access to the Space Force network. I have successfully contacted the fleet, and have apprised them of your current situation.

  When did you access the network? Said Bast.

  When we first arrived, Colonel. Once we entered the mountain complex I accessed the Space Force network to gain updates on the situation on Earth. As I said, I am a Space Force AI, and my security clearance was still valid. This allowed me to notify the fleet when it became clear that you were under arrest. There was no need to hack the network.

  Impressive, said Bast. Do you think the fleet can help?

  I do not know, Colonel.

  Chapter 8

  Several hours had passed since Jon’s arrest. He wondered how much time President Lewis and Admiral Krasnik would give him. It didn’t matter, though. He had no intention of turning over control of the fleet to them. He had always disliked Earth’s leaders, but had done his duty because he wanted revenge against the Juttari. Now, he felt vindicated in this mistrust.

  Earth’s leaders were corrupt. Plain and simple. They didn’t care about the people, or their plight. They cared only about themselves. But they had miscalculated with Jon. He did not fear death. If they wanted to execute him, so be it. He would accept his fate. In fact, if they knew what was good for them, they would go ahead and kill Jon as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would make sure they were held accountable for their actions here today.

  In a way he felt thankful for their corruption. Up until now, he had only thought of revenge. He considered his fleet to be separate from Earth, and the colonies. Of course they swore to defend New Byzantium, just as he swore to defend Earth. But, the fleet was independent. He could suddenly see that he and his fleet were pa
rt of something greater than the fleet alone.

  The time had come for a new chapter in Earth’s history. Everything had changed for humanity when the Juttari had first shown up over five hundred years ago. Everything changed again when the Juttari returned and scorched the Earth. Things would be different this time, however. Humanity would rise from these ashes. Bolder and stronger than ever in their history. Humans would never be victims again. Juttari. Kemmar. Diakans. It didn’t matter. All would fear their wrath.

  Humanity needed to be united again. He knew that now. Humans everywhere, in all corners of the galaxy, must be one. The colonies and the Sol System had to join together. There could be no more fighting between humans. No more petty tyrants murdering their own kind to enrich themselves. The universe was a very dangerous place, and if humanity stood any chance at all, they had to stand together. He would make it happen. That he swore to himself. At that moment he knew he would not die in this place. Men like Lewis and Krasnik could not stop what was coming. No one could.

  As if on cue, his door slid open. Jon looked up, surprised to see none other than Major Ilthos, the Diakan from the Vanguard. Ilthos was armed, and wore a combat suit with the helmet retracted. With him were several other armed Diakans.

  “Remove those restraints,” Ilthos ordered, and a Marine entered Jon’s cell, pointed a device at him, and the energy restraints released his arms.

  “I’m happy to see you, Major,” said Jon, stretching his arms out and rolling his shoulders. “But how did you get here?”

  “Your AI had contacted us, and told us you were taken prisoner. General Dathos immediately contacted President Lewis and demanded your release. He sent my team here to ensure the President’s compliance.”

  “Lewis still cowers before the Diakans,” said Jon, laughing. “What about Colonel Bast, and Commander St. Clair?”

  “My men are seeing to their release as we speak.”

  “Good. Do you have enough men to secure this complex?”

  “No, not on hand.”

  “Get them. I want this place secured, and I want President Lewis and Admiral Krasnik placed under arrest. If anyone resists, arrest them too. Lewis and Krasnik do not govern here anymore.”


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